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The other side of India

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you can call this "long-term" only if there was actually something being done about it.

India's long-term plan is to keep building its economy and hope that these poverty stricken people somehow move their ***** and somehow catch up with the rest of the India..

Yes, that's the only way. There is no other way than to attract investment and bring money into the country.

If the money gets too concentrated in a few hands, elections will take care of that.

Along with that - focus on improving life in rural India, so that we don't have these mass-migrations into the few cities.

Dalits are only there to clean the streets and toilets of elite Brahmin Indians.

For God's sake, they are uniformed Corporation workers... Is it written on their faces that they are lower caste people?

Please stay true to your claims of being just. And Asim your commitment to
No we have no such policy in place neither we'd support any such thing. Everyone is an equal member of this forum regardless of their nationality and religion...
is at question here. He has posted a hundred pictures with inflammatory remarks(elsewhere it would be spamming). And look at the comments, many of them are not even true. Example above...

However, some of our members may be tired of Bharatias lording it over us, by claims of 'Shining India'.

'India Shining' was a political slogan forwarded by the BJP. And they lost the subsequent elections. You pick up a slogan meant for consumption of local audience from Indian newspapers and ridicule Indian? Notwithstanding the fact that the audience did not buy it.
And if you are criticizing the "Incredible India" campaign and all that - it is to bring tourists to India who spend money and help build our economy, not some propaganda tool to fool people.
And if you are criticizing the "Incredible India" campaign and all that - it is to bring tourists to India who spend money and help build our economy, not some propaganda tool to fool people.
May be you are right about their intentions.
But one of the reasons for their loss is definitely this campaign.

Add: That was a mistake. I was talking about 'India Shining' from the beginning.
Look at what I quoted.
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'India Shining' was a political slogan forwarded by the BJP. And they lost the subsequent elections. You pick up a slogan meant for consumption of local audience from Indian newspapers and ridicule Indian? Notwithstanding the fact that the audience did not buy it.

you don't have to justify how India percieves itself. India is shining - the only thing being that the intensitiy of India's shine by 2025 will be far brighter than the intensity with which it is shining today

By apologising for the statement, you are severely undermining the hard work, dedication, perseverence and dilligence of crores of Indians who strive to make possible the creation of a situation in India where it is the other countries/institutes who extrapolate India's current progress [url=""http://ideas.repec.org/a/fip/fedfel/y2008iaugnv.3no.8.html]and predict far greater glory for India[/url]
I guess you are right about their intentions.
But one of the reasons for their loss is definitely this campaign.

I think your confusing "India Shining" (BJP Campaign) with "Incredible India" (Tourism Campaign)

Two completely different things, with different aims.
For God's sake, they are uniformed Corporation workers... Is it written on their faces that they are lower caste people?

Not just this, many of the captions were blatant lies. a woman prostrating in front of buddhist monks was 'dalit woman mistreated by hindu brahmins, a tribal girl with a small child was 'child marriage', a stunned woman badly injured in a bomb blast was 'dalit woman beaten up by hindus' etc etc. it was so blatant that i refrained from responding.

however what was worrying was the sheer hatred and miinformation fed to young kids, even young kids living in one of the most liberal societies. i would like to know the source of this hatred and misinformation - the evil hindooo and his evil deeds... shameful.
I think your confusing "India Shining" (BJP Campaign) with "Incredible India" (Tourism Campaign)

Two completely different things, with different aims.

I was talking about 'India shining' not 'Incredible India'. Apparently 'India shining' is what pissed off some people here.
you don't have to justify how India percieves itself. India is shining - the only thing being that the intensitiy of India's shine by 2025 will be far brighter than the intensity with which it is shining today

By apologising for the statement, you are severely undermining the hard work, dedication, perseverence and dilligence of crores of Indians who strive to make possible the creation of a situation in India where it is the other countries/institutes who extrapolate India's current progress [url=""http://ideas.repec.org/a/fip/fedfel/y2008iaugnv.3no.8.html]and predict far greater glory for India[/url]

I am not undermining anyone. I did not apologise to anyone.
India Shining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am not undermining anyone. I did not apologise to anyone.
India Shining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
though i missed voting age by a few months that time i was aware of the background of the statement

though it was the NDA govt which used it as a means to win election, it IMO was a reflection of realities [even after taking in to account the prevailing challenges that India faced] and is relevant and important even when considered without its usage during elections.

If we don't feel proud about our country and its achievements, who else will.

India Shining is a statement that reflects our pride and can and should be used irrespective of its original usage

Bangladesh takes pride in calling itself Shonar Bangla. It is a right and previlage they have earned because of all that it has achieved and succeeded in overcoming even though challenges still remains to be overcomed.

India Shining is just an expresion of the pride we have for our country - nothing more nothing less

Regards :)
Then fix orphanages too.

At least it will buy you sometime. There will be some gap before 3-4 yr old crippled kids become criminals. There should be some sort of rehabilitation program. Look quite frankly India's quest for superpowership cannot be taken seriously till it doesn't do these difficult things.

It is easier said than done. But the difficult things need to be done too and not just brushed under the rug. These are the future of your nation and you can't just let your future be crippled.

What makes you think Indian Government is not doing enough for getting rid of poverty? Take a look:

A study by the McKinsey Global Institute found that in 1985, 93% of the Indian population lived on a household income of less than 90,000 rupees a year, or about a dollar per person per day; by 2005 that proportion had been cut nearly in half, to 54%. More than 103 million people have moved out of desperate poverty in the course of one generation in urban and rural areas as well. They project that if India can achieve 7.3% annual growth over the next 20 years, 465 million more people will be spared a life of extreme deprivation. Contrary to popular perceptions, rural India has benefited from this growth: extreme rural poverty has declined from 94% in 1985 to 61% in 2005, and they project that it will drop to 26% by 2025..

Report concludes that India's economic reforms and the increased growth that has resulted have been the most successful anti-poverty programmes in the country

Compare this to what country 1/4 the size of India, Pakistan could accomplish to date.

As of 2006, Pakistan's Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.539, higher than that of nearby Bangladesh's 0.530, which was formerly a part of the country itself. Pakistan's HDI still stands lower than that of neighbouring India's at 0.611.

According to estimates by international NGO's, 74% of Pakistan's population, or 122 million people, live under $2 a day, compared to 72.2% for Sub-Saharan Africa.[5], and some 15%, or 30 million people live under $1 a day.[6]Wealth Distribution in Pakistan is highly uneven, with 10% of the population earning 27.6% of income[7]According to the United Nations Human Development Report, Pakistan's human development indicators, especially those for women, fall significantly below those of countries with comparable levels of per-capita income.40% of the population has no access to safe drinking water, and 50% has no access to sanitation. Pakistan also has a higher infant mortality rate (88 per 1000) than the South Asian average (83 per 1000).[8]
Seriously, let this thread be a reminder for certain Indians who feel that they are untouchable and have this superiority complex over Pakistan.
Facts are facts, no matter how harsh they are, and if both countries would stop fightning and b!tching over eachother, we could dramatically improve our economies had we not pumped so much money into our militaries.
A study by the McKinsey Global Institute found that in 1985, 93% of the Indian population lived on a household income of less than 90,000 rupees a year, or about a dollar per person per day; by 2005 that proportion had been cut nearly in half, to 54%

Compare this to what country 1/4 the size of India, Pakistan could accomplish to date
According to estimates by international NGO's, 74% of Pakistan's population, or 122 million people, live under $2 a day and some 15%, or 30 million people live under $1 a day.

You didn't compare like with like, and thought no one would notice? You think we are just a bunch of fools sitting on keyboards here?

In Bharat 54 percent live under a dollar a day, in Pakistan 15 percent. These are your figures, not mine.

You tried to pull a Chanakya over us, by comparing two dollar a day figures with one dollar a day. Despicable, but not surprising.
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Wealth Distribution in Pakistan is highly uneven, with 10% of the population earning 27.6% of income.

Thats not bad at all, considering that the top 36 richest people in Bharat own 25 percent of the country's wealth.

In the USA, the top one percent of families owns 38 percent of all wealth, while the top ten percent own more than 80 percent.

Pakistan is doing pretty well on that score.

Pakistan also has a higher infant mortality rate (88 per 1000) than the South Asian average (83 per 1000

Wrong again, these statistics are disputed. Unicef puts teh figure at 78, while other research gives figures of around 66-68 deaths per 1000, which is still far too many deaths.

In the 90's this figure was more than 100 deaths per 1000 births, so it is an astonishing improvement by Pakistan, and at this rate projected fall in infant mortality rates will bring Pakistan in line within the top tier of countries. InshAllah.

I am not saying it is all rosy in Pakistan, but I will not tolerate someone besmirching it either.
I'm truely shocked and disgusted by the level of discussion this thread has plunged into and ashamed to our non SA audience. :tsk:

Maximus has been banned for three months for posting rants, abusive and recist remarks. Two other members have been given infractions.

I'd like to issue an official notification and warning that such threads will not be tollerated in future.

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