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The other side of India

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i see no other way of making you see the stupidity and futility of this thread.

And you've done nothing sofar to contribute to an intellectual debate or to combat misperception or prejudice sofar either.
Easy to blame everyone else ey? :disagree:
Like as if you haven't spared any moment in maligning Islam. Anyhow, there are no bad practices in Islam. Islam teaches equality and doesn't discriminate based on race and caste. Of course, there are backward practices within Islamic societies, but they aren't in any way related to Islam, but rather culture.

Why can you comprehend the fact that the same is the case with Hinduism? For example consider the caste system did not start off as 'caste=>job'. Your job determined your caste and lifestyle. Then added the tribes.
Islam does not teach inequality? Then how did the purdah system came in?
You might want to say it came in somewhere in between.

There are no bad practices in Islam?
So you are basically disowning whatever bad you find in your religion. Wake up!!

Btw, India also has Islam, bhai!! So they can constitute the other side too...
I would not advocate any religious ***.

While I dont have any problems with blind faiths being vehemently opposed, you should understand that religion by itself is a blind faith. So my way of distinguishing good from bad is seeing whether people get hurt by that practice or not.

I mean you picked up the wrong pics.
has poverty vanished from pakistan?
you still live in the sub-continent....pakistan's per-capita income is lesser than india's...read what the united nation's human resource development report says about pakistan..compare it with india's...now you'd not want to look at hard facts now would you?
the whole sub-continent suffers from poverty...why just talk about india?

Give me a break. India is one of the poorest countries on the planet if we take the population into account. Despite so-called prosperity, India has light years of catching up to to do even to be able to feed it's millions of poor. Pakistan is way better off due to it's size and population level. In fact, Pakistan will always have a head start as compared to India. That's the bitter reality. However, Hinduism stimulates the divide between castes which Islam quite clearly doesn't. That's what we're discussing here...
From an artistic point of view, Kamasutra is interesting. Perhaps more of those pics and less woman breastfeeding monkey ? :sick: :argh:

In either case, the ground reality of India via Hinduism should not be hidden on a public forum. I applaud Maximus for his forthright and neutral approach.
Look at the Indians ganging up LOLZ Wow, we have quite a lot of them on PDF. Goes to show how lenient this forum is towards the Indians.
You just want to fool the people by hiding the inequality in India and only exposing the prosperity that only a handful of mostly elite Indians have benefited from. Are you an elite Indian if I may ask?

dude jsut tell me...what is the biggest source of your information on india's 'ills'..and 'evils'?
think about it...it's the indian media...that shows that we ARE bringing these issues of inequality in limelight...now you cant be that stupid to believe that pakistan jas meta-morphed suddenly andeverybody's happy now.Lal masjid...swat...shia sunni clashes...bad economy...us bombardment...

no i am not an elite...i am a middle class indian who has his own share of middle-class problems...but i can say onthing wothout the blibk of an eye...that i am a patriotic indian.
are you a tolerant pakistani?
would you scowl at the prospect of praising my religion just as i can yours?
^^ You still haven't answered my question. Are you an elite Indian? Your hostile and counter-productive reactions seem to suggest so. I can understand that you feel uneasy when I try to take the side of the poor in India or anywhere else for that matter.
Are you trying to threaten? If you feel like posting something, post it, but don't try to intimidate by threatening to post.

If you think the caste system is outdated and misinterpreted, this is an ideal oppurtunity for you to make your views known, and you have an audience that will read your arguments.

No body abusing any religion will be tolerated, but asking probing questions about religion is part and parcel of normal social discourse.

Since, we are partly talking about the Caste system I will defend it:

I turly believe the Caste system in past India was a necessary evil or good decision. First of all the caste put people in there perspective places and the work that was required upon them. It is based on Hinduism belief of what you sow is so shall you reap. This belief is based on reincurnation, if you where good in your past life, this life you will rise a step above. There is a saying in Hinduism that you have to live 1000 good life to reach to heaven. Now putting this in perspective, let me explain caste in modern times.

In the cities a person of any caste is given freedom to accoplish to his means, and there are quite few examples of this. But in the rural area this caste system is still imbeded heavily and only solution is education, which the goverment of India is spending lots of money towards it.

Overall, The caste system being good or bad is part of the culture that has made India and Indians. You can critizes it or accept it, but partly of this system has made India what is today.
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Give me a break. India is one of the poorest countries on the planet if we take the population into account. Despite so-called prosperity, India has light years of catching up to to do even to be able to feed it's millions of poor. Pakistan is way better off due to it's size and population level. In fact, Pakistan will always have a head start as compared to India. That's the bitter reality. However, Hinduism stimulates the divide between castes which Islam quite clearly doesn't. That's what we're discussing here...

you missed the FACTS again maxi...!
exactly....INSPITE of the population leverage(only from the stress on economy POV)...we are doing better-off!
we have a better economic growth rate...a GDP that is light years ahead of pakistan and a higher per-capita income.you want me to post links?
^^ You still haven't answered my question. Are you an elite Indian? Your hostile and counter-productive reactions seem to suggest so. I can understand that you feel uneasy when I try to take the side of the poor in India or anywhere else for that matter.

you did not read my answer go through my post again...i did answer your question.
You just want to fool the people by hiding the inequality in India and only exposing the prosperity that only a handful of mostly elite Indians have benefited from. Are you an elite Indian if I may ask?

Do the sadhus have to do anything about inequality then?
The woman breast feeding a monkey, is that a practice? or atleast a belief? May be your mind is too focussed on the existence of a monkey god. I assure you this pic has nothing to do with that.

Once again my point is only that more people like you who do not know about hinduism will look at those pics, form impressions and undermine hinduism.
Why dont you reply to any of my posts?
You like only challenging ones?

Search for 'Khajuraho' for the temples. :)
Good I've initiated a discussion and am glad that it has gone well so far. Let's keep it up and discussion will go on tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.
what delhi is this you are talking about?

The present population of Delhi is about 13.9 million*. Of this nearly 45% population lives in unauthorised colonies, rural villages and slums and JJ clusters. The current number of slum dwelling units is estimated at about 0.6 million and the population living in slums and Yamuna clusters is projected at about 3 million.

Just because you do not choose to see them doesnt mean they don't exist.

The Delhi which I have lived my whole life.

The present population of Delhi including migrant workers is at least 20million+ and if you include NCR it will swell to 35million+.

Sainik Farms, perhaps the poshest address in Delhi is an unauthorised colony.

Gadaipur Village, is home to the most expensive farmhouses in India.

Mehrauli Village is known for its Malls, posh restaurants and of course the Qutub Minar

Bilaspur village is home to a dozen SEZ's.

Masoodpur Village is home to 3 5star hotels and the ultra luxurios Emporio Mall.

Slums / JJ jhuggi jhopdi clusters in Delhi largely along Yamuna or those areas under litigation. They should have been removed as per yamuna action plan but Congress will wait till elections scheduled in march/may 2009.

Do you have google earth ? I can point you to the rural villages and unauthorised colonies with swimming pools. :cheers:
The Delhi which I have lived my whole life.

The present population of Delhi including migrant workers is at least 20million+ and if you include NCR it will swell to 35million+.

Sainik Farms, perhaps the poshest address in Delhi is an unauthorised colony.

Gadaipur Village, is home to the most expensive farmhouses in India.

Mehrauli Village is known for its Malls, posh restaurants and of course the Qutub Minar

Bilaspur village is home to a dozen SEZ's.

Masoodpur Village is home to 3 5star hotels and the ultra luxurios Emporio Mall.

Slums / JJ jhuggi jhopdi clusters in Delhi largely along Yamuna or those areas under litigation. They should have been removed as per yamuna action plan but Congress will wait till elections scheduled in march/may 2009.

Do you have google earth ? I can point you to the rural villages and unauthorised colonies with swimming pools. :cheers:

its obvious im not talking about these fancy villages, but those that are akin to slums.

The figures i have quoted were not off the top of my own head, but from an official indian govt. website.

Slums in Delhi

As for the jhuggis and jhopdis, only ten percent are localed along the yamuna bed, while another half a million are spread throughout delhi.

Open your middle class eyes, and you will see them, in the mornings, squatting on the roadsides along the paths to temples and mosques, in order that some godly person hands them a rupee or a morself of food.
its obvious im not talking about these fancy villages, but those that are akin to slums.

Can I have some names ??
I can pretty much assure you those villages looking like slums are non-existent

The figures i have quoted were not off the top of my own head, but from an official indian govt. website.
Slums in Delhi

YAP site has not been updated since 2001.
YAP-in delhi

As for the jhuggis and jhopdis, only ten percent are localed along the yamuna bed, while another half a million are spread throughout delhi.


Open your middle class eyes, and you will see them, in the mornings, squatting on the roadsides along the paths to temples and mosques, in order that some godly person hands them a rupee or a morself of food.

Which road would this be ? I need to see this sight... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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