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The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

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Anyone with half of brain should know what is Judea. And its simply matter of fact: thats how Romans called it during the Jesus time.

Judea was its ancient name before the romans existed , but romans changed the name after jesus to Syria-Palestine , which of course says a lot about jesus
I hate having a discussion with chutias so yeah you are right muslim burn christ images and that documentory about russia Today was 100% accurate, and yes you are right we in Pakistan destroy churches and vandalize christ statute before dinner every night.
(oh by the way stupid!, muslim will destroy Mohammad's statue also, will burn/destroy Muhammad's image, or maybe you came in peace from another planet)

just one question: is rape part of hindu religion? Is raping allowed in Indian constitution?
Its is so common in India I would think it is part of your constitution

ur answer to me is more like a chutiya ,anyway i know ur getting tensed cool down and think about what i said
Your fellow Muslim failed to understand so I will try it on you.

The problem here is that anything can be interpreted to be an insult. With religious beliefs, it is not as easily discerned as an 'F U'. Get it? Reza Aslan claimed that as a scholar, he has an obligation to question Jesus' virgin birth, of which it is a vital part of Christian theology. If we are as intolerant as the Muslims are, we would have beheaded him before he even have a chance to publish his blasphemy. Instead, we welcome Muslims' and atheists' scholarly or not so scholarly expositions on Jesus and we tolerate Serrano's crass insults.

Before I even begin to answer your question, can we establish our beliefs that the holy books are the word of God, the only God, and hence are beyond contestation or question?

Once we have established the above fact, it is a fact for us Muslims as we consider Quran to be the final word of God for mankind through his last holy prophet (Hazrat Muhammad PBUH), we can safely state as a fact that since the birth of Christ (Hazrat Essa A.S.) is defined as a miracle being born to a virgin mother, it is indeed so. Anybody who does question it still is a heretic and a trouble maker.

Furthermore, let me please again emphasize my earlier point, Muslims do not have to follow the morals that are set by the west. You are comfortable with your set of morals and we are comfortable with ours. We may both question the others way of life, we may both disagree with the other side but at the end of the day we have to respect each other.

Problem with western liberals is that they believe they are sole saviors of humanity in modern days. Pushing theories at masses by hook or crook and refuting any parallel realities that exist as conspiracies.

For the sake of argument we should also include Muslims for having a tunnel vision when it comes their religion. But if we are implying such theories as legit, should liberals be also counting skeletons in their own closets? No?

If one is killing for the name of religion, other is killing cause they believe religions are evil. Go figure

Precisely :)
Tell that to Theo Van Gogh.

How is one supposed to tell anything to an ***hole? People like him should be prosecute by their respective countries for hurting the sentiments of Billion+ Muslim population of the world. Anybody is welcome to question, abuse or even ridicule the acts of a human being (including a Muslim) but promotion of propaganda (based on lies, deceit and without any understanding of Islam) against Islam is intolerable and punishable by death.
can we establish our beliefs that the holy books are the word of God, the only God, and hence are beyond contestation or question?

Usually problem is on this step itself.
Tell that to the Christians and Jews living in Muslim countries who are persecuted just for being Christians or Jews. And please do not tell me such persecutions do not exists.

When something like that happens (by either side be it Muslims, Christians or Hindus etc.) it is mostly politically driven. Blaming religion is being as naive as the person who blows himself up thinking he is doing the right thing and going to heaven.

Usually problem is on this step itself.

That, again, is a pov. Mine is quite different to yours and perhaps we must all just leave it at that and respect the others pov.
so are u saying countries like saudiarabia,are less racist if they are not then why dont they support multiculturism in their own nation including in ur own where christian and other hindu minorities are treated like second class citizens

You are such an ignorant person, who most likely has never set foot outside his city!

Saudi Arabia treats people based on their passports and their Nationalities, not on their religion (except an entry permit to Makkah & Madina where only Muslims are allowed)! And this treatment has nothing to do with Islam.

one question if u really supported people who doubt islam they why wer u all trying to kill salman rushide for writing abook in which he say prophet mohammed was inspired by evil...

Perhaps you need to read that post again, and try to understand what it means. If it still confuses you, I will try and make it even simpler.
really go see egypt my dear friend where bible is burnt by imams christ image vandalised etc and etc...their is a documentary by russia today about how christian are killed in egypt go see that...

few days ago a chruch destroyed and christ statute vandalised in pakistan do u know that...

First let me tell you a fact, the Bible you see everywhere is usually an interpretation of the actual holy book by people based on their own understanding and interpretation of the holy book. So it is not actually Bible.

Next, I have a very simple question, have you ever witnessed an incident where a Muslim foul mouthed the holy prophet Issa (Jesus) PBUH ??
This guy handled the interview nicely. I appreciate him for that. @gambit Christians are by far the most matured and tolerant when it comes to religion. (Excluding from South East Asia). On the other hand Muslims are most un tolerant. This is because people here in South East Asia rarely take the Argument on merit of facts, they by nature believe in supernatural powers. Thats why I excluded South East Asian Christians too. In my opinion region matters a lot, Indian Christians are very much like rest. They think alike. Religion is only one factor.

Thinking of Hinduism and speaking of Islam......dude that is the height of stupidity, is it not?

And I have concluded the above based on the fact that there is no 'supernatural' involved in Islam, unlike Hinduism.
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First let me tell you a fact, the Bible you see everywhere is usually an interpretation of the actual holy book by people based on their own understanding and interpretation of the holy book. So it is not actually Bible.

Next, I have a very simple question, have you ever witnessed an incident where a Muslim foul mouthed the holy prophet Issa (Jesus) PBUH ??

whatever dude if one has to belive holybible is wrong then so be it iam not going to believe whatever writen in quran is perfect either as i have read,since u said jesus christ in not god but prophet i dont find any ideal human being qualities in prophet mohammed that sets him apart from christ ,if christ is not god he is the last prophet ,so ur deceiving tactic wont work on me
It does not matter. Keyword search for you: '**** christ'.

If we can tolerate that garbage, we can tolerate anything. Whereas the Muslims cannot tolerate even scholarly and objective mild criticisms of Islam and Muhammad.

you know there was some rednecks like who were going to protest at our mosque on 6/19 after friday prayers, they never showed up lol, we were waiting for them.
First let me tell you a fact, the Bible you see everywhere is usually an interpretation of the actual holy book by people based on their own understanding and interpretation of the holy book. So it is not actually Bible.

Next, I have a very simple question, have you ever witnessed an incident where a Muslim foul mouthed the holy prophet Issa (Jesus) PBUH ??

maverick did u read the book zealot by reza aslan in it he say jesus is not a prophet sent by a god but a human being which means he is proving even islam wrong ,so since u said jesus is prophet do u have any historical evidence in bible saying jesus is not son of god but a human being, iam damn sure u wont find one ,muslim only argument when ever we say that in bible jesus is said to be god u peeople only response will be bible is change as according to history so lets assume bible is change is they any evidence suggesting they have made changes
His next book should be on his scholarly research on the prophet of Islam. Let's see how well received it will be. I see a trap to do just that.

i got a feeling you dont like our prophet?
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