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Can Muslims take criticism of the Prophet?

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you can criticize the prophet all you want but if you insult him just for the sake of insulting then you will have have to deal with the consequences of your actions.

After innocence of muslims controversy what consequences of actions happen except death of US ambassador. Musliims kills themselves & destroy their own property.
So, if you criticise my religion I am gonna suicide.

I think Islam is in transition period like Christinian, Hindu religion face early & its depend on their followers to update it according to current world order & fall behind in race of development.
The real question is not 'Can Muslims tolerate criticisms of Islam and Muhammad?' Rather, the real question is: 'WILL Muslims tolerate...?'

Quite often in life, a person can be so stubborn about a particular thing that it is perceived that the person CANNOT do that thing. The word 'cannot' implies inability. Some animals do not have opposable thumbs, so they CANNOT grasp objects the way primates can. The word 'cannot' clearly implies the lack of willful intent.

This is obviously not applicable to Muslims. They are human beings. Some of them converted to Islam, clearly willful intent to change a set of core principles. So it is not true that Muslims cannot tolerate criticisms to Islam and Muhammad. It is they WILL NOT. They have every right to that willful intent.

So the inevitable question is: Should the Muslims tolerate criticisms to Islam and Muhammad? And please spare us the stale line about the difference between 'legitimate' criticism and insult. Like it or not, an insult is a criticism. The worst kind, yes. The most immature kind, yes. The most intellectually shallow kind, yes. But that is precisely the point: The Muslims SHOULD be able to tolerate even the most crass and intellectually shallow of criticisms, aka insults, the same as how the Christians are able to do. It is not a sign of weakness but of intellectual and moral might.

I don't think the question is still framed correctly even if you replace the word can with the word will. The question should be; Can Muslims react in a lawful and courteous manner in the aftermath of any critique towards their religion or their prophet?

Nobody is suggesting that Muslims should grin and applaud every accusation leveled at them or the faith of Islam. They should feel free to issue rebuttals, clarifications, organize debates, make videos and spread their point of view across to the other side.

The problem arises when you murder and call for the murder of such dissidents, firebomb buildings, stir up trouble in non-Muslim majority countries that have nothing to do with the affair(India is a prime example) and revel in blackmailing critics into submission and silence.

Any idiot can make a video claiming that your prophet and your religion is inherently violent. You don't necessarily have to prove the idiot right.
Sorry, but Jesus is the Son of God, and as part of the Trinity, Jesus is also God. Any diminishing of His stature is an insult. Off with your head. :lol:

If you creat a robot would it be equal to you???? If you and your invention like robot can't be equal, how on earth you can claim that Jesus is GOD???
This is stupid. Jesus is also a prophet of Islam. Reza is not speaking on Jesus as a muslim, but as a religious scholar who got degrees right here from USA.

But would most Muslims tolerate his scholarly criticism if he switch out the name "Jesus" with "Mohammad"?
There is a difference between criticism and insult. For example criticism could be that why did the Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) fought wars? Muslims answer they were to defend themselves. But drawing insulting cartoons which show the Prophet as a terrorist means you are brainwashing your own western audience by showing the Prophet and his followers. Its no rocket science that some people in the west are jealous of Islam. Some fear it because of violent clerics who incite masses to do inhumane crimes.
Criticizing a religions rules etc are fine. One can debate regarding the issue of women in Islam, Non-Muslims, Shariah Law. But insulting religious founders whether its Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) or any other founder of religion is outright rude and disrespectful.
And I had answered we WILL AND CAN if it is CRITICISM not bashing under the hood of criticism..

you can criticize the prophet all you want but if you insult him just for the sake of insulting then you will have have to deal with the consequences of your actions.

His premise is that even though it is intellectually vacuous, insult is a criticism (Which is true).
we don't accept any thing bad or insulting towered our prophet because he is our model peacemaker we follow his path
this is just complete non-sense, we as muslims know that everybody who is a non-muslims doesn't believe in our prophet, so just by you saying he isn't a prophet isn't going to activate something in our bodies to attack you lol. i means its sad to see the protests getting violent but it has nothing to do with the religion but lack of knowledge, we know that becuase muslims who are educated dont protest violently just like educated christians vs non educated christians in africa or india.
Yah...That is a good laugh. Am glad you 'lol-ed' that out for us.

In the US, I would be perfectly safe in denying the prophet status of Muhammad, but if I am in Pakistan, dare I say in the village square and say so and still be safe? Not likely.
I am against religious threads. Simply because most of people here are not educated enough in religion to answer your questions or even get involved in discussions. We are not here for this.
Nothing to do with Islam...How many Muslims died during crusaders? How many killed in Bosnia? How about those prosecuted in India? Oh lets overlook them, right?
We are not living in the times of the Crusades, and the US and allies pretty much came to the defense of the Muslims in Yugoslavia. As far as Muslims defending their rights to practice their religion in India or in the US or anywhere else, if Muslims demand to be left alone to practice their religion in India, they should have the same demand for Jews and Christians to be left alone in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or just about anywhere in the ME where there are minority religions of any stripe, not just of Islam, Judaism, or Christianity. Do we see that equity? No.

After two Genocides in last 40 years, Nuking a a country, killing two million innocent vietnamese, invading Iraq twice killing half a million Muslims, and Afghanistan twice killing over a million Muslims there [Russians are Christians too] you think that 'you have moved on' ??

Thats one hell of a statement to make...oh by the way....when were a 80 or so innocents shot dead by a Christian religious nutjob in Norway again?

1.Breivik is a racist,not a religious fundamentalist.
2.Nuking of Japan was an war act,it was either that or countless american lives lost fighting in the japanese islands.They chose not to.
3.Vietnam,Afganistan were fought for communis,WOT.
4.First Irak war was UN backed,second....i agree,totally uncalled for.

My point,you can't relate these wars to religion,but I ask you again :how would the world look if christian states had the religious feelings that the muslim world? Can you even imagine the horror?
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We are not living in the times of the Crusades, and the US and allies pretty much came to the defense of the Muslims in Yugoslavia. As far as Muslims defending their rights to practice their religion in India or in the US or anywhere else, if Muslims demand to be left alone to practice their religion in India, they should have the same demand for Jews and Christians to be left alone in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or just about anywhere in the ME where there are minority religions of any stripe, not just of Islam, Judaism, or Christianity. Do we see that equity? No.

Mind you they ARE and HAVE been left alone thats how you only know about them TODAY! otherwise they would have well not existed!

There was no civil war in America?
You Veits didn't have a civil war ?
French didn't have a civil war?
Chinese didn't have civil wars?
Russians didn't have a civil war?
British didn't have a civil war?

If a few Muslim nations are at a civil war right now why is thar ironic given the political history of the mankind?
Just because there were religious persecutions under the cover of civil wars in the past and elsewhere, that does not make right a repeat of today and in Syria or Egypt.

The problem is that, in your perspective above wars, are American,French,Viet,Chinese civil wars not 'Christian,Buddhist' civil wars and so on, but the civil war in Syria 'is a Muslim civil war'.
However the conflicts were/are labeled is irrelevant. I have seen CNN called it 'Syrian civil war' more than the religious label.

I understand that minorities are targeted in the Middle east,Pakistan,Indonesia. What about minorities being discriminated against in Europe,the ban on the Mosques,Veils,Minarates is 'not' 'targeting minorities'?

The attacks on the Mosques in the EU and America is 'not' an attack on minorities? - Targeted searches on the American air ports is 'not' discrimination, American wars in Muslim countries 'is not targeting' other people's way of life?
How many Muslim MINORITIES died over how long?

Muslims do take criticism of their faith, as a matter of fact 'criticism is institutionslized' in Islam. They have 'mujadid's' [Reinventors] who are extremely qualified scholars, who question the beliefs and give judgements on them through debates with other scholars called 'Manazirah'. This is a civilized form of self criticism which no other Religion has. There lies a fine line between acceptable constructive criticism and vile abuse generated out of bigotry.

All of the above is irrelevent for those who do justice to their own intelligence, God refused to cure insanity though.

When Andres Serrano immersed a crucifix in what he claimed to be his urine and called it 'art', no riots came in the US, France, Britain, Spain, Vatican City, or anywhere in South America where Catholicism is dominant. And yet when there was an allegation that the Quran was desecrated in the US, Afghans rioted and 17 locals died. Any kind of such allegations in the West pretty much involved high level government interventions and pleadings with the people not to do it so as not to offend the Muslims.

But put aside crass insults for now. If I am a minority Christians living in a Muslim dominated country, say Pakistan, and I challenge the Muslims in the public square that Muhammad is not and never was any prophet of any god, how safe would I be? Most likely I would be crucified upside down and while I was suffering, Muslims would stone me to death. Then once I am dead, my body would be drawn and quartered. All the while the Muslims cheering 'Allah Akbar'.

Continue to lay aside crass insults for now. Why must I be a 'respected' scholar in order to criticize Islam, even to its foundation? I know of a Christian woman who complained to Human Resources of a friend who had a racy 'pin-up' style background image of his wife on his personal laptop that was also authorized for on-site company use. The wallpaper was not pornographic in the current understanding of pornography. It did not came from any well known "Men's Interests" magazines. It was of his wife and she was a beautiful woman. The complaint was not directed at his superior for possible inappropriate use of equipment. It was straight to HR for a moral offense.

The point here is that a religious person -- Christian -- took great offense at a passive and non-directive disagreement with her religious beliefs. We see similar things where Muslim taxi drivers refused service to farepayers who carried alcohol or a blind person who needed his guide dog. None of these people are respected scholars. They did not actively challenged the religious beliefs of the person next to them. But the religious people, the Christian woman and the Muslim taxi drivers, saw some things that they did not like in the personal lives of others and made bones about those things.

Respected scholars debating in a reasonably genial but really quite controlled academic environment is not a valid test to gauge the overall tolerance of the believers. Notice I said 'believers' and not 'religion'. But if once we had medieval Christianity persecuted scholars and scientists who dared questioned the shape of the Earth, what is to prevent medieval mentality of modern Muslim religious leaders who issued fatwas on just about anything and everything they do not like? Nothing to prevent them at all and we see plenty of them, right? Osama bin Laden issued a fatwa to kill any American and he said it is a religious duty for every Muslim. Who was the imam in Iran who fatwa-ed that a nuclear weapon is a religious duty?


Are these Muslims respected scholars?

Looky here...The real test and gauge is when ordinary believers of ALL religions are able to challenge each other IN SPITE OF EACH PERSON'S INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WITHOUT ANYONE RESORTING TO VIOLENCE OR EVEN TAKING EMOTIONAL OFFENSE.

That, my friend, is where the Christians succeeded and the Muslims failed. I grew up with a Korean-American friend who now lives in Japan as English instructor and consults as corporate language advisor in Japan and Korea. The Koreans and the Japanese do not have positive opinions of the Muslims over religious tolerance. The image of an intolerant and violent Muslim is worldwide.
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@gambit Conveniently ignored posts 38 and 39 to prove your point?
We all know there are parts of USA where Christians are not that tolerant.
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