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Can Muslims take criticism of the Prophet?

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You seems to misunderstood what I said. When a person convert from one religion to another, HE CHANGED HIS CORE PRINCIPLES, NOT THAT HE CHANGED THE RELIGION'S CORE PRINCIPLES. Get it?
Then that is their choice!

It may be an exaggeration, but usually such has basis in truth. May be my mother is obese. But that is my point, an insult is the most intellectual shallow and most emotionally base of criticisms.
How was what I posted INTELLECTUAL? I could have said, your mom is overweight and it is dangerous...

An insult deserves no response. What if I say to you: Muhammad is no prophet of God? How can I be assured that YOU will not take that as an insult to Muhammad? Did I say anything about Muhammad's appearance? His body odor? His teeth? His beard, if he had any? No. I questioned his claim to a relationship with a god.
Well that is YOUR OPINION and you have the right to say THAT! Jews and Christians say it day and night...How is that an insult? I think you are unsure where the line between insult and criticism is!

So what if the Quran has been unchanged? How do you know it has remained unchanged? Any outside verification?
There is HISTORICAL evidence about how the Quran was preserved....PLUS till date NO ONE has been able to say anything from the Quran is faulty...

If I point to a rock and call it God, I can say that since the rock has remained unchanged
since the dinos walked the Earth, will you accept my claim that the rock is a god?
We do not call the Quran GOD...man make sense will ya?! Nope, because GOD is nothing that we have seen...

Why do you see everything in "Black & white", you keep using the line "Muslims do this,Muslims do that,Will Muslims do that, How did Muslims Do that". There are 1.6 Billion of them, 1 out 4 Humans on earth WITHOUT a central authority. Do you think that all of them behave in the same way, all of them have been "programed" to think the same way, when they have more than 48 countries, hundreds of languages and social/sub social structures. Why do you keep painting Muslims as one group of people when that not only defies logic, but also is plain stupid!
Look at how Jews and Christians in the ME are persecuted. In the civil wars in a couple of Muslim dominated countries there, how many Christians died because they were targeted for being Christians? How many incidences of Muslims going after Christians in Indonesia? In these Muslim dominated countries, Jews and Christians are minorities and therefore too numerically and politically weak to impose any morals or cast insults at any Muslim. They are persecuted for the ultimate insult of all: That they are not Muslims. Or rather, that they REFUSED to be Muslims.
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Sorry, but Jesus is the Son of God, and as part of the Trinity, Jesus is also God. Any diminishing of His stature is an insult. Off with your head. :lol:

this is just complete non-sense, we as muslims know that everybody who is a non-muslims doesn't believe in our prophet, so just by you saying he isn't a prophet isn't going to activate something in our bodies to attack you lol. i means its sad to see the protests getting violent but it has nothing to do with the religion but lack of knowledge, we know that becuase muslims who are educated dont protest violently just like educated christians vs non educated christians in africa or india.
Look at how Jews and Christians in the ME are persecuted. In the civil wars in a couple of Muslim dominated countries there, how many Christians died because they were targeted for being Christians? How many incidences of Muslims going after Christians in Indonesia? In these Muslim dominated countries, Jews and Christians are minorities and therefore too numerically and politically weak to impose any morals or cast insults at any Muslim. They are persecuted for the ultimate insult of all: That they are not Muslims. Or rather, that they REFUSED to be Muslims.
Nothing to do with Islam...How many Muslims died during crusaders? How many killed in Bosnia? How about those prosecuted in India? Oh lets overlook them, right?
The real question is not 'Can Muslims tolerate criticisms of Islam and Muhammad?' Rather, the real question is: 'WILL Muslims tolerate...?'

Quite often in life, a person can be so stubborn about a particular thing that it is perceived that the person CANNOT do that thing. The word 'cannot' implies inability. Some animals do not have opposable thumbs, so they CANNOT grasp objects the way primates can. The word 'cannot' clearly implies the lack of willful intent.

This is obviously not applicable to Muslims. They are human beings. Some of them converted to Islam, clearly willful intent to change a set of core principles. So it is not true that Muslims cannot tolerate criticisms to Islam and Muhammad. It is they WILL NOT. They have every right to that willful intent.

So the inevitable question is: Should the Muslims tolerate criticisms to Islam and Muhammad? And please spare us the stale line about the difference between 'legitimate' criticism and insult. Like it or not, an insult is a criticism. The worst kind, yes. The most immature kind, yes. The most intellectually shallow kind, yes. But that is precisely the point: The Muslims SHOULD be able to tolerate even the most crass and intellectually shallow of criticisms, aka insults, the same as how the Christians are able to do. It is not a sign of weakness but of intellectual and moral might.

Every school of religious thought or docrine has to go through some evolutionary process. Part of that process is reformation or renaissance. Which leads to clarification even cleansing of the doctrines. Since many of the doctrinal thinking is in fact man-made while the origins ay or may not be.

Christianity underwent a Renaissance/Reformation years ago. And came out the better for it. Otherwise remember the age of the Inquisitions where Heresy or Blasphemy could be plastered onto any body. And anybody could be done to death for that. Older religious doctrines in the East have passed through that process even earlier. The newer ones will also have to undergo that process. Nobody can be immune to that.
Not even Islam. So it will happen . In time.
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Then I propose that Christiandom should behave as the Muslims does. I propose the Christians broadened the scope of what is an 'insult'. If anyone question the Virgin Birth, then off with his/her head. If anyone question the divinity of Christ, then off with his/her head. Deal with the consequences.

Imagine if todays USA and Europe would be stuck in this mentality,what would the world look right now ? I don't imagine there would be to much muslims for starters ....Lucky for them and especially lucky for us we moved on on this kind of thinking.
Sorry, but Jesus is the Son of God, and as part of the Trinity, Jesus is also God. Any diminishing of His stature is an insult. Off with your head. :lol:

Actually he is only a prophet, not the son of god. This blasphemy. Off with your head.
Just a cartoon on Mohammed and Muslims went on rampage, just like they are mad.

extreme voilence was uncalled for aand i agree with you on that, but taking a strong and aggressive position was and is right because those cartoons were actually more than cartoon. It was more like disgust and insult. jsut google them for yourself and i leave it upto you to decide whether the reaction was justified or not, was it just a cartoon or more than that. I was a member on another forum that day and i have seen those sketches.

there is a very thin line when it comes to criticism and insult on religion

@nuclearpak @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz
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Look at how Jews and Christians in the ME are persecuted. In the civil wars in a couple of Muslim dominated countries there, how many Christians died because they were targeted for being Christians? How many incidences of Muslims going after Christians in Indonesia? In these Muslim dominated countries, Jews and Christians are minorities and therefore too numerically and politically weak to impose any morals or cast insults at any Muslim. They are persecuted for the ultimate insult of all: That they are not Muslims. Or rather, that they REFUSED to be Muslims.

And what about Mr.Bush who used the term 'crusade' against Iraq? @Aeronaut @WebMaster
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Criticism and abuse are two different things. Muslims can take criticism, and they do because they even like to do their duty to refute or correct misconceptions. However abuse is not tolerable. Its an issue of love, when you love someone so much, you don't think rationally rather emotionally.
Muslims have a long way to go in accepting criticism.. They become easily agitated even by a false news about Holy Quran or a prophet being insulted.. This makes them very vulnerable and easy to be used as a weapon.. They are becoming easy to be manipulated when it comes to religion..
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There was no civil war in America?
You Veits didn't have a civil war ?
French didn't have a civil war?
Chinese didn't have civil wars?
Russians didn't have a civil war?
British didn't have a civil war?

If a few Muslim nations are at a civil war right now why is thar ironic given the political history of the mankind?

The problem is that, in your perspective above wars, are American,French,Viet,Chinese civil wars not 'Christian,Buddhist' civil wars and so on, but the civil war in Syria 'is a Muslim civil war'.

I understand that minorities are targeted in the Middle east,Pakistan,Indonesia. What about minorities being discriminated against in Europe,the ban on the Mosques,Veils,Minarates is 'not' 'targeting minorities'?

The attacks on the Mosques in the EU and America is 'not' an attack on minorities? - Targeted searches on the American air ports is 'not' discrimination, American wars in Muslim countries 'is not targeting' other people's way of life?

Yes if Muslims have Al Qaida, Lords's Resistence Army is Christian and so are other Terror outfits throughout Afriqa. If Muslims had Bin Laden, Christians had Adolf Hitler and Harry Truman.

Yes, holocaust didn't take place in Pakistan, nor were the jews killed by Muslims, they were killed by 'christians'.

Muslims do take criticism of their faith, as a matter of fact 'criticism is institutionslized' in Islam. They have 'mujadid's' [Reinventors] who are extremely qualified scholars, who question the beliefs and give judgements on them through debates with other scholars called 'Manazirah'. This is a civilized form of self criticism which no other Religion has. There lies a fine line between acceptable constructive criticism and vile abuse generated out of bigotry.

All of the above is irrelevent for those who do justice to their own intelligence, God refused to cure insanity though.
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After two Genocides in last 40 years, Nuking a a country, killing two million innocent vietnamese, invading Iraq twice killing half a million Muslims, and Afghanistan twice killing over a million Muslims there [Russians are Christians too] you think that 'you have moved on' ??

Thats one hell of a statement to make...oh by the way....when were a 80 or so innocents shot dead by a Christian religious nutjob in Norway again?
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@Internet Hindus

Before you claim high ground on 'taking criticism' over others, i would like to remind you, MF-Hussain who was forced into exile to Qatar and died there for drawing naked artwork of Mythological Hindu goddess. So much for 'free expression' no?

Before you claim high ground on 'free speech' i'd like to remind you of Aseem Trivedi the cartoonist who was jailed for drawing cartoons,deemed 'offensive'. Not to forget that internet/SMS is frequently banned in Indian held Kashmir, international journalists are allowed only with escorts and are spied on. Freedom movement leader are not given air time, nor visas to have their say on the global scale.

Before you claim, moral high ground on 'minority rights', i would like to remind you of the Sikh genocide carried out in their 'holiest temple', for demanding God given right to self determination.

I would like to remind you of, Muslim massacre of Gujrat and the crimes commited against Christians in Gujrat who's CM a guy who should be a Terrorist by all means has become a hero and may become PM, demolition of the Babri Mosque, and the 'Shuddhi movement', of 'purifying' non hindus of 'malicha beliefs'.

278 mass graves in Kashmir are also to be reminded, so are 14% Muslims having 3% seats in the parliament, and 0.2% Muslim participation in the 'secular and democratic' armed forces of 'world's largest democracy'.

"Ayeena unko dikhaya to bura maan gay" :rolleyes:
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