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The message from Pak military top brass to PDM straight up

Pressure being applied by the Army top brass on retired servicemen and women?

Someone needs to reign in Bajwa and company - they’re just moving from one PR disaster to the next.

At this point, the only thing COAS Bajwa’s ‘public relations campaign’ has done is completely demolish the facade of the senior Army leadership being ‘apolitical’.

Pressure being applied by the Army top brass on retired servicemen and women?

Someone needs to reign in Bajwa and company - they’re just moving from one PR disaster to the next.

At this point, the only thing COAS Bajwa’s ‘public relations campaign’ has done is completely demolish the facade of the senior Army leadership being ‘apolitical’.
hahahhaha you think they care?
hahahhaha you think they care?
This is why I disagree with the decision to not openly attack the senior Army leadership. Only when they feel the pain of public support (for the institution they love) crashing to new lows will they start to ‘care’.

The blood & sacrifice of countless soldiers, martyred and wounded, cannot and should not be used as a shield to prevent accountability of the senior Army leadership (especially COAS Bajwa) - that same Army leadership has betrayed and spit on the sacrifices and loss suffered by our brave soldiers and their families by conspiring to overthrow an elected PTI government.

IK has to take the gloves off eventually. Time to name and shame. This soft peddling to try to get through to the good conscious of these people will not work.

You can't be a sheep when you are dealing with a pack of wolves.
At this rate Imran Khan has to do very little - Gen. Bajwa in his incompetence has exposed himself all on his own - IK just has to fill in a few gaps.
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