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The little difference that I made today


Jul 21, 2009
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We are here for the satisfaction of our interest in the National Security and Defense matters. Some of us are old, others are young, few are living a retired life but the spirit and love for our country is young in all of us. The same love that we show for our country here in the forum asks us to do something in real life as well. Something that might be of a little or no apparent significance, but that would make this homeland a better place than yesterday.

Ever thought why "Whatever" thread is so popular in PDF? Its because you are free to say anything in there even if its random or of little significance. Why shouldn't we have a thread were we list the little things that we do for our country and inspire others to do the same? We love this country more than our lives and when needed, we can sacrifice just anything, even our lives for it. But lets make the same country bit better by using the same life while we are alive.

This little change could be very small one, even putting a piece of cigarette found on the road into a nearby dustbin or putting a bowl of cement on the broken road and repairing it. Lead by being an example and inspire the rest! Lets bring one random or little change to it every day and mention here.. This is our country and if we wouldn't make it better, no American, British or Indian would. Let’s do it my friends, let’s make this country a country we always wanted it to be. Let’s bring one little change every day, even if it’s only very little…

And my “little difference” for today is that I am initiating this thread. It might seem very little but this is it.

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An exellent thought, i have always liked the quote.

"If you havent done some thing today to make the world a little better why are you taking up space and oxygen"

Perhaps it should not just be limited to Pakistan, after all no matter where we live we should each do our best to leave the world each night a little better than it was when we woke.

Mine saved two legs lost one and spent time in prayer and rememberance for 12 new stars.
A little difference that I am trying to make...

My country produces a lot of engineers, but the industry feels that not all are employable... so my goal is to make as many people as employable as possible...

People in good collages and universities will be better exposed and better taught or they will be proactive. But I suppose not many people are better exposed or better taught in not so good collages. Because of this when they passout not many people clear interviews, and it takes long time for them to prepare and move to very small companies and learn there and then move to big companies. I want to break this, I want to make as many people employable in better companies as possible.

So I am preparing myself so that I could take some weekend courses (offcourse free of cost), devising syllabus of what is important to become employable, what is important to be highly competative, and preparing the same. Once I return to India, I am planning to approach some collage for permission to teach on weekends to Final year / Pre-Final year students.

Hope this will be useful for them.
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An excellent thread Graphician. Thanks for posting it.

Well, I have been doing this for several years now, and it benefits not just my country but any place i go. I never litter. I always put it in bins. And if i cant find a bin i put it in a plastic bag and carry it in my backpack/pocket (happens very seldom). A small act, but i feel it makes a difference. Now my sister also does the same. even my parents are doing it now.

As for my country, what i did was to convince my father to sponsor an orphaned child in india. and now that i am an earning member i plan to sponsor one myself.
A little difference that I am trying to make...
Hope this will be useful for them.


We all have plans and ideas that do not materialize for one reason or the other. This thread should focus on the achievements that have been made. I believe a small change that you have brought to your country is after all a change. So don't list plans rather mention which part of your plan is completed today. It doesn't need to be big, even little change would mean that you are stepping ahead. So list what you have achieved and not what you hope you should achieve.
I am doing my bit by teaching a poor milkman's child free ... my focus is on teaching him science , maths and english (though I do feel 'english' at his level and background has become alot difficult ) .
I have lived abroad for years and it pains me soo much when I see people throwing garbage on the road ... as a nation we lack basic common sense. .. its so painful to be reminded of it again and again.
I am doing my bit by teaching a poor milkman's child free ... my focus is on teaching him science , maths and english (though I do feel 'english' at his level and background has become alot difficult ) .
I have lived abroad for years and it pains me soo much when I see people throwing garbage on the road ... as a nation we lack basic common sense. .. its so painful to be reminded of it again and again.

Tayyab1796 a good contribution for sure.

But I always have felt that things like throwing garbage on the road is not the people's fault, rather it is the government's fault that they could not provide adequate infrastructure like garbage collection etc, so people got used to throwing garbage anywhere they think they can dump it.

I have been doing it for years now---over 20 years---at times it gets extremely discouraging---at times there is a lots of humiliation---but then there are times of understandings that brings in a lots of satisfaction---.

So, what do I do? I write and try to tell you to try to look at the world through a different prism---the one we have been using is no good---It is delusional---it is deceptive---and it has lost its projection of telling the truth and the ability to steer us in the right direction.

I try to tell you to learn to reason without prejudice and without anger---I try to tell you to understand and learn about the adversary as the adversary thinks about himself---and not the way we think about him.
The little thing i did today:

I saw 120 patients, free of cost and provided free medicines to them as well.

My family and i are providing for 5 poor families in our village.

And inshallah, we are planning to send 3 old people for hajj as they cannot afford it themselves.

May Allah give us the strength to carry out plans.

I try my best to save money & buy food for the children i see on roads & most of all here in Islamabad there are some disable people who despite of their disability sell newspapers etc on Traffic Signals & Markets they never BEG & those are the people whom i give money because they simply deserve it more than the pathetic professioanl beggars with sound mind & body
My little for today, bringing up a new idea, for my country men and PDF colleagues, which i do believe will go useless and might be considered as joke, but still here it is..

Many of us here are from Pakistan, and almost everyone here is as loyal to Pakistan as Muhammad Ali Jinnah was.. We all have same spirit and love for our mother land which one day Muhammad Ali Jinnah had in his heart when he was leading the nation in struggle for Pakistan.

The most needed thing right now for Pakistan is a Change, a change that will bring hope to the common people of this dying country. We all here at PDF are very well matured, educated and mentally developed guyz, so why not get together and make a new platform, and start a new movement for the country, a political one.. Today this country needs help from ppl like Black Blood, Imran Khan, Mastan Khan, Taimi Khan, Jana and lots of other sincere Pakistani's.. Time to come out of our cells and do something real for this country..

Nothing in this world is impossible, we have what no other political party don't yet have in Pakistan, the power of internet. If some of us, who can afford, start a political party and start campaign over internet, then within few years, we'll find most of educated youth standing behind us shoulders by shoulders, ready to work for the country.. And we can easily manage to do this all virtually while staying invisible from most of other existing political parties..

All we need is a new Political Party which will consist of common Pakistani's and a party made for Pakistan and People of Pakistan. A party without any Feudal etc.. I know i am going very big mouth right now, and some people are thinking while reading my post that all this hell lots of things aren't possible to manage and what can i do alone about it.. But imagine if few 100's of us will rise and work together over it, though it will take time but it won't go vain..

Time to clean this country from Corrupt Politicians and Feulads who are ruling this country for more than 60 years and yet gave it nothing, instead tore it apart in 2 pieces..

Time to rescue our Motherland which've brought us to the level where we are standing today.
I try my best to save money & buy food for the children i see on roads & most of all here in Islamabad there are some disable people who despite of their disability sell newspapers etc on Traffic Signals & Markets they never BEG & those are the people whom i give money because they simply deserve it more than the pathetic professioanl beggars with sound mind & body

I promise to do the same...I will spare a few rupees daily to give to those who r deserving DISABLED but still determined to work.
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