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The little difference that I made today

Well i have been working on this project since my A Level days, me along with my fellow former school mates who come from privileged families are opening up schools in Small Towns and Villages that are in close proximity to Lahore. Although initially we started out with generous donations from our parents, but with God's grace we have 248 donors now.

We scan areas that are most underprivileged where there is no education infrastructure, and over there we open up schools. We usually rent out small houses that are cheap and than repair them from scratch. After that we purchase furniture, books, uniforms and the necessary equipment required to operate a school. When we opened our first school in Manga Mandi, we were puzzled because the attendence was quite low although everything was free. We quickly realized that education was not encouraged by parents in villages, instead they wanted kids to work with them in the fields or at home. What we did was that we implemented a policy where we would feed the kids breakfast and lunch, in just a week the attendance jumped almost 50%. Now with God's Grace, we have 5 fully operational schools.

I must say, even though this job brings me a lot of satisfaction it can also be extremely frustrating. We all know how things work in Pakistan, a month ago just to get a transformer installed i had to pay a bribe of 30 000 rs out of my own pocket. But that frustration went away once the fan started spinning, i wish i had a camera to capture the expressions of those innocent little kids whom were burning in 50 degrees. Dealing with the local police, government officials and especially the elders who think whom know it all can be soo frustrating. Holding a small conversation with them can be soo frustrating, i feel like banging my head on the wall sometimes. My biggest regret is that i cannot give enough time to this project cause i am pursuing my education abroad. But surely, by 2011 i will return back to Pakistan with my degree and give my undue attention to this project. I want to open up schools all over Pakistan funded by Private Donations, cause after all its our country and we have to do something about it.

I believe to make a better Pakistan; we need to promote EDUCATION from the core of the society, nobody is going to clean up our mess.
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