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"The Hindu God of Fire" - Fox news reports on Agni-V

Care to explain or provide a source?

About killing its own citizens, I don't think China is a country that needs to give us lessons, especially after Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. I can name many other examples. Can you?

tell me about your massacres. dont pretend to be innocent.

what the vid implies in the world's geopolitics, day one is your friend day 2 your enemy. the development of apu's guns can hit europe and of course iran included!
Agni is another word to say the goddess of fire.. accept it or not India, you named your missile after Hinduism.

Though we don't have to be ashamed if we ever did name a missile as Shiva, Vishnu or Brahma (after the real Trioka of Gods of Hindu mythology) ... But, In Hindu civilization, you will rarely find these names being used for things associated with Destruction anymore...

However, you are incorrect in your assessment of Indian Missile program being named after Hindu gods... Indian missile program, started by APJ Kalam (A proud Indian, a devout muslim and one of our jewel), was initially started with 3 elements out of 5 basic elements (Panch Mahabhuta) that constitute our body and soul... Four material elements - fire (Agni), earth (Prithvi), Air (Aakash), water (Sagarika) and fifth spriritual element - Ether (Which, because it is Hindu in nature, was never used)... Under India's Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (which was started and operated by APJ Kalam), the first five developments included only 3 basic elements (as water was not the initial part of the project and Sagarika joined later, as per public knowledge) and 2 additional elements, signifying destruction.. Agni, Prithvi, Aaakash, Nag (the serpent that surprises and bites to kill) and Trishul (the trident of poseidon or the main weapon on Shiva, which again become religion neutral because it signifies the force and destruction and not the Hindu religion). Yes, these are Hindi words and Hindi is our national language and therefore, people who don't even speak the language or are not Hindu, still ensure the naming as per prevalent practice to use Hindi words...

And for a non-Indian, you'd be surprised that the man behind India's missile development program was a muslim and the lady behind Agni IV development and Agni V mission control is a Christian... That, my friend, is the true character and diversity of this great nation....

And, we have a history that is deep enough that we will not have to use the name of invaders and barbarous killers for our defence tools... And, irrespective of your hatred, every Indian, irrespective of his religion, region or sex; feels very comfortable when Agni improves is lethality and that satisfying feeling will never change...
tell me about your massacres. dont pretend to be innocent.

what the vid implies in the world's geopolitics, day one is your friend day 2 your enemy. the development of apu's guns can hit europe and of course iran included!

I am not pretending to be innocent. I would love to hear what massacres occurred in India that were carried out by our establishment.
^^^^ there is a saying that whose own house is built of glass they shouldnt throw stones at other's house .I hope u understand what i mean:D
1, China's ICBMs are purely defensive and not aimed at any particular country, while India has explicitly made its intentions clear by calling this weapon a "China killer".

-- Defensive indeed. DF-21 "The Aircraft-Killer" missile is purely for defensive needs !!

2.) China's military budget is fully disclosed.

--No , its not ... linked to point number 4

3.) It is China that is being harassed.

--Playing victim won't garner you any sympathy

4.) What does media have to do with anything?

-- It has got to do everything : reliability , authenticity , transparency

5.) ASAT is a useful civilian technology for reducing the danger from unstable satellites.

-- Useful civilian technology , really !!! You yourself even believe that, do you ?
ok. Operation Blue Star.

At times, I am flabbergasted at the understanding of definitions that are taught to you folks... If Operation Blue Star was a Genocide (though the riots based on religious tones, that followed it were extremely damaging and unfortunate, the operation as such was an anti terrorist activity), then the whole fight against global terrorism is just Genocide as well... Try n live true to your handle name for once... damn preposterous example!
What are american comments on this tech leaking to Iran via Indo-Iran partnership??
if you care to listen to what they talk about at the end..."US expect India to be friend with ability to hit Iran..."...so I just want to hear what they gonna say...LMAO...

India is Uncle SAM's yes man or how else do you think India got the Agni 5 working so quickly....transfer missile technology to India via export (Dual Use Technology).
India is Uncle SAM's yes man or how else do you think India got the Agni 5 working so quickly....transfer missile technology to India via export (Dual Use Technology).

Well we have "them evil joos" with us. How else do you think we'd make missiles... especially when we have a space program more than 3 decades old. :rolleyes:.

But yeah, we don't get free aid equipment like you do. How much did you take this year BTW?:P
What are american comments on this tech leaking to Iran via Indo-Iran partnership??

Ha ha ha... Super LOL at your hyper fertile imaginations... You were smiling as you were writing this... right... lol

India is Uncle SAM's yes man or how else do you think India got the Agni 5 working so quickly....transfer missile technology to India via export (Dual Use Technology).

Blaming us for your follies, are we?

Why can't u accept that not all ally/friendly relationships in the world are about one party being completely subservient to the other (though this was your case)... but, if this gives you solace and sleep at night, suit yourself...
India is Uncle SAM's yes man or how else do you think India got the Agni 5 working so quickly....transfer missile technology to India via export (Dual Use Technology).

I think Pakistan has been USA's biggest yes man for years what did you get ?? it seem you must start providing more bases to US forces in Pakistan and sacrifice more soldiers to please the Americans..who knows you might get all that you think India gets due to US's friendship. :devil:
http://massacres in china wikipedia
ok. Operation Blue Star.
operation blue star was against armed millitants...unlike yours

India is Uncle SAM's yes man or how else do you think India got the Agni 5 working so quickly....transfer missile technology to India via export (Dual Use Technology).
as our scientists are better and more talented than yours...we can develop our own missiles unlike yours who have to depend on china for nuclear bomb and north korea for missiles :P
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