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The Health and Fitness Thread

Massive salute to this guy.

Compare pics at 0:45 and 4:52. Job well done

Nice, and the fact that he achieved all this in a home gym. This video is another proof that weight lifting not only helps you with muscle strength but body weight management as well. I have this reverse issue as soon as I take an extended rest (like say Ramazan I loose weight), but a month of training and I start gaining weight again.

The person in this video may be having thyroid issue, the non functioning or malfunctioning of that gland does result in weight gain actually, such a person needs to continue with his / her exercise regime to maintain the benefits.
A few other things:

1. No punching on skull or back of head, that can cause death. Same for neck. If back side of head is to be hit, use lower side of palm.
2. Don't hit in a manner so the person lands his head on concrete. The punch doesn't cause death, the fall on head does.
3. Hit on vulnerable parts (eyes/groin) so the person falls on his knees.
4. Hit to kill only, if the intent of person is to kill you (carrying knife/weapon or a death threat or already killed someone)
Pretty soon you are going to be the Jason Bourne of PDF if you are not already their ....BTW focus more on the boxing, learn how to throw short compact punches and imagine you punching through the target not at the target.Kudos bro
Pretty soon you are going to be the Jason Bourne of PDF if you are not already their ....BTW focus more on the boxing, learn how to throw short compact punches and imagine you punching through the target not at the target.Kudos bro

At 39 can I start boxing training / learning ? Any good coach / club in Islamabad?
Pretty soon you are going to be the Jason Bourne of PDF if you are not already their ....BTW focus more on the boxing, learn how to throw short compact punches and imagine you punching through the target not at the target.Kudos bro

Hehehe...Me coming close to jason Bourne is far away :-)

I have some interesting stories to share though, and a few "tharki" ones for which i will first get permission from @The Eagle first, regarding the content and ofcourse will post in your "Brigade HQ" Thread in appropriate section then :-) I do train with lots of females especially when we need to switch partners. I however prefer male partners bulkier than me in size so i can carry on with an intense mind to train.

So...coming back to my experience of Krav Maga...

In the "defence against firearms" class, wE had to deal with pistols, revolvers, SMG's, shot Gun and Assault Guns. During the information session, each firearm and its functionality was explained to us, and then taken out in the open and cover techniques (behind car, tree, pillar, crouching against wall etc) were explained. Then the crawling and crouching drill, so we represent a smaller RCS (lol target) for the shooter. And ofcourse where to run, how to run, when to run, when to scream, who to call etc etc.

Now I am not the kind of guy who likes to jump in with information when the instructor is giving presentation even when im brimming with knowledge about guns and training techniques such as in this class, i tend to lay low, blend in, trying my best to stay that "new-comer" who is just here to learn. I could have obviously started giving my own lecture on M-4 and AK-47 which were present there as dummy weapons, but nah, i kept quiet and nodded my head with a smile like an obedient student along with fellow trainees. Same with crawling in make-shift obstacle course and crouching behind cover.

There is a lot of role-playing in this training to mimic real life scenarios. Aur aapkay bhai ko negative role lenay ka bahut shok hay haha. I like being the bad guy, i sometimes get real bruises and scratches too but thats part of training so i dont mind. As a good guy i get very intense especially during 3rd-party protection.

The 1 on 1 session with partners started and first training was against pistols and revolvers,snatching and taking control while beating the aggressor, in the end running away with weapon or discarding it, never pointing the weapon towards aggressor at any instance after taking control and snatching it away. The tricky part was not grabbing the hot muzzle of the gun and the spark from cylinder the revolver if it mis-fires. For a small revolvy, it was ok, but for a big revolvy spark could burn fingers. We were told that IDF tested it by putting chicken wings on side of cylinder to analyze the amount of burn the skin can get.

Anyways, now the instructors brings us to scenario training and that we need someone to play the role of "bad guy with a gun" and rest will hide or will defend and attack the bad guy, so i need a volunteer, who wants to go first ?

Aur aapkay bhai ka haath sab se pehle oper gaya to be the bad guy :-) Now this volunteering thing was inculcated in me through Pakistan Military institution from where i graduated. Ofcourse i never told Krav Maga people about my past. Like i said, i was there to learn and i try to lay low and pick up things, instead of blabbering and boasting. Like few guys boasted they fired M-4 or pistol, i kept quiet and smiled. Didnt want to tell them the inventory i went through lol, just an average guy, standing there to learn KM.

Sorry, i drift away sometimes from the training incident i m trying to narrate :-) As soon as i raised my hand, a chinese girl also raised her hand. Instructors day was made...he had two volunteers all of a sudden. Rest of the group were told to hide or defend by barricading doors and rooms. Now we have that CQB set up with open roofs where instructors can walk on roof rails and watch in every room whats happening below. So the rest of the gang went to hide. I asked the Chinese girl (i will call her chinky, not being racist but ease of typing), why do u want to be the bad guy? she smiled and said in that chinese accent, " Cuz its fun" ...Now im glad she didnt ask me why i wanted to be the bad guy lol...i could have given her many creepy replies haha and then would have enjoyed the look on her face...lol :-)

We were asked to choose our weapons...and we picked the weapons according to our size...she picked a small revolver and i picked the AK-47 and we moved in.

Ab aapka bhai full military training mode mein tha :-)

Chinky started running ahead, i grabbed her shoulder and told her to wait. I explained to her that we need to coordinate if we want to be successful so she checks front and left flanks, while i stay on her back and little towards right and i cover her right flank and rear.so we started moving, i told her to coruch a bit and my left arm almost touched right side of her back.

Instructors eyes went wide...like what the hell is this going on...hahahah...but it was my moment of action and i wasnt letting it slip just like that..,,our 360 degrees were covered ....i was going in intense and making chinky work with me !!!

One of the instructors was to follow us and stay with us and the other had to stand on those roof rails and monitor from top what happens inside the rooms. So as we moved ahead, one of the defenders attacked chinky from behind a table, i atonce pointed gun towards him before he could tackle chinky. we got him and he was out of the scene now.

We now moved in towards the rooms. every room had two doors. I knew both rooms would be barricaded. Chinky was ahead of me, as we got infront of first door of first room, i told Chinky to wait. I told her to wait for my 3-2-1 and the barge in the room while i stood infront of the other door.

The instructor folliwng us had his eyes now bulging out like what the hell was i doing. He wasnt expecting all this and now the instructor standing on top started laughing. I shouted 3-2-1, and kicked the door down, chinky barged in also at the same time.No one was expecting this, we had caught them surprised and took all down. They were all standing behind one door and other was barricaded.They attacked chinky and i took them all down from other door.

Now we moved into the next room and did same drill, but this time as soon as i entered i saw they had divided into two groups, covering each door. I atonce retreated from my door and went in hall and entered through the door from which Chinky had infiltrated, they had taken her down, i took out everyone and the "bad guys" won this one .....hahahahaha :-) I sucked in all other classes but here was my strong point and i turned the tables.

In the next scene,i was the defender along with other trainees. As soon as we went in, i grabbed a french Girl, my buddy-training partner (an Aussie guy) and an Asian Chick, and told them we had better chances of taking the bad guys if we stick together.

Now military teaches you leadership skills, i was bringing those skills to life. I am an ordinary guy but in training and sports i give my 110% whether in gym or Krav Maga etc. If leadership was required, i will take the lead and so i did. We took the smallest room, barricaded both doors, i assigned who will attack the weapon and who will hit the attacker. We were ready !

The bad guys sweeped through all other room and got the defenders, ours was the last I kept intel on movement through a small hole in the corner of the wall, i picked them up coming and i signaled my team. We became alert. The bad guys barged in from different doors, just like i had done, but as soon as they entered, two of us jumped on the guns and other two hit the attackers, we got them swiftly !!! Hahahahaha....winning was fun :-) Instead of crouching under tables, and behind chairs and in cupboards., we defended ourselves and got the attackers :-)

When all the drill ended, i remembered that "Gladiator" movie in which Russel Crowe said to his team, if anyone had been in military service and if we all stick together, we had better chances of survival...lol...i had done the same by instinct of military routine, and the scene came afterwards in my mind as i cherished the moment after class :-)

So this was just another day at my KM class. However, it wasnt new to me unlike other defenses i had learnt. KM is a horizontal planned class, meaning you can join at any class of starting level. Don't need to start from a specific class, just join as the classes are progressing and every class will teach you a different technique.

I have many weak points; kicking is one, tackling on ground, concussion training etc.

In concussion training, i was asked to look up and point at the roof and start spinning fast in same position, till i hear the shout of the attacker, attacking me with stick and then i stop and defend. and guess what happened?
I stopped and couldnt stand still due to spinning , i saw the attacker coming towards me and after a few wobbly steps, i fell on one right side on the matted floor. He attacked me on my leg ( i was wearing shin guard apart from groin and teeth guard), for some reason, maybe Adrenalin, i got hold of stickfrom him as i laid on ground and snatched it and hit him back on his leg. My instructor praised me that i didnt give in or vomit or froze or panicked, but i was embarrassed like hell falling like a drunkard on ground after spinning for 30-40 seconds.

i do feel lucky however, that i trained with best militaries of the world, first with Pak Army and now with IDF. Though i do consider IAF (Israeli AF) more professional than Israeli Ground forces but Sayeret is another thing. I also have an ex-SAS instructor in combat drill.

@Mentee @Tps43 @RescueRanger @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer
@Dawood Ibrahim @Tipu7 @Xlvee01
@Indus Pakistan
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Hehehe...Me coming close to jason Bourne is far away :-)

I have some interesting stories to share though, and a few "tharki" ones for which i will first get permission from @The Eagle first, regarding the content and ofcourse will post in your "Brigade HQ" Thread in appropriate section then :-) I do train with lots of females especially when we need to switch partners. I however prefer male partners bulkier than me in size so i can carry on with an intense mind to train.

So...coming back to my experience of Krav Maga...

In the "defence against firearms" class, wE had to deal with pistols, revolvers, SMG's, shot Gun and Assault Guns. During the information session, each firearm and its functionality was explained to us, and then taken out in the open and cover techniques (behind car, tree, pillar, crouching against wall etc) were explained. Then the crawling and crouching drill, so we represent a smaller RCS (lol target) for the shooter. And ofcourse where to run, how to run, when to run, when to scream, who to call etc etc.

Now I am not the kind of guy who likes to jump in with information when the instructor is giving presentation even when im brimming with knowledge about guns and training techniques such as in this class, i tend to lay low, blend in, trying my best to stay that "new-comer" who is just here to learn. I could have obviously started giving my own lecture on M-4 and AK-47 which were present there as dummy weapons, but nah, i kept quiet and nodded my head with a smile like an obedient student along with fellow trainees. Same with crawling in make-shift obstacle course and crouching behind cover.

There is a lot of role-playing in this training to mimic real life scenarios. Aur aapkay bhai ko negative role lenay ka bahut shok hay haha. I like being the bad guy, i sometimes get real bruises and scratches too but thats part of training so i dont mind. As a good guy i get very intense especially during 3rd-party protection.

The 1 on 1 session with partners started and first training was against pistols and revolvers,snatching and taking control while beating the aggressor, in the end running away with weapon or discarding it, never pointing the weapon towards aggressor at any instance after taking control and snatching it away. The tricky part was not grabbing the hot muzzle of the gun and the spark from cylinder the revolver if it mis-fires. For a small revolvy, it was ok, but for a big revolvy spark could burn fingers. We were told that IDF tested it by putting chicken wings on side of cylinder to analyze the amount of burn the skin can get.

Anyways, now the instructors brings us to scenario training and that we need someone to play the role of "bad guy with a gun" and rest will hide or will defend and attack the bad guy, so i need a volunteer, who wants to go first ?

Aur aapkay bhai ka haath sab se pehle oper gaya to be the bad guy :-) Now this volunteering thing was inculcated in me through Pakistan Military institution from where i graduated. Ofcourse i never told Krav Maga people about my past. Like i said, i was there to learn and i try to lay low and pick up things, instead of blabbering and boasting. Like few guys boasted they fired M-4 or pistol, i kept quiet and smiled. Didnt want to tell them the inventory i went through lol, just an average guy, standing there to learn KM.

Sorry, i drift away sometimes from the training incident i m trying to narrate :-) As soon as i raised my hand, a chinese girl also raised her hand. Instructors day was made...he had two volunteers all of a sudden. Rest of the group were told to hide or defend by barricading doors and rooms. Now we have that CQB set up with open roofs where instructors can walk on roof rails and watch in every room whats happening below. So the rest of the gang went to hide. I asked the Chinese girl (i will call her chinky, not being racist but ease of typing), why do u want to be the bad guy? she smiled and said in that chinese accent, " Cuz its fun" ...Now im glad she didnt ask me why i wanted to be the bad guy lol...i could have given her many creepy replies haha and then would have enjoyed the look on her face...lol :-)

We were asked to choose our weapons...and we picked the weapons according to our size...she picked a small revolver and i picked the AK-47 and we moved in.

Ab aapka bhai full military training mode mein tha :-)

Chinky started running ahead, i grabbed her shoulder and told her to wait. I explained to her that we need to coordinate if we want to be successful so she checks front and left flanks, while i stay on her back and little towards right and i cover her right flank and rear.so we started moving, i told her to coruch a bit and my left arm almost touched right side of her back.

Instructors eyes went wide...like what the hell is this going on...hahahah...but it was my moment of action and i wasnt letting it slip just like that..,,our 360 degrees were covered ....i was going in intense and making chinky work with me !!!

One of the instructors was to follow us and stay with us and the other had to stand on those roof rails and monitor from top what happens inside the rooms. So as we moved ahead, one of the defenders attacked chinky from behind a table, i atonce pointed gun towards him before he could tackle chinky. we got him and he was out of the scene now.

We now moved in towards the rooms. every room had two doors. I knew both rooms would be barricaded. Chinky was ahead of me, as we got infront of first door of first room, i told Chinky to wait. I told her to wait for my 3-2-1 and the barge in the room while i stood infront of the other door.

The instructor folliwng us had his eyes now bulging out like what the hell was i doing. He wasnt expecting all this and now the instructor standing on top started laughing. I shouted 3-2-1, and kicked the door down, chinky barged in also at the same time.No one was expecting this, we had caught them surprised and took all down. They were all standing behind one door and other was barricaded.They attacked chinky and i took them all down from other door.

Now we moved into the next room and did same drill, but this time as soon as i entered i saw they had divided into two groups, covering each door. I atonce retreated from my door and went in hall and entered through the door from which Chinky had infiltrated, they had taken her down, i took out everyone and the "bad guys" won this one .....hahahahaha :-) I sucked in all other classes but here was my strong point and i turned the tables.

In the next scene,i was the defender along with other trainees. As soon as we went in, i grabbed a french Girl, my buddy-training partner (an Aussie guy) and an Asian Chick, and told them we had better chances of taking the bad guys if we stick together.

Now military teaches you leadership skills, i was bringing those skills to life. I am an ordinary guy but in training and sports i give my 110% whether in gym or Krav Maga etc. If leadership was required, i will take the lead and so i did. We took the smallest room, barricaded both doors, i assigned who will attack the weapon and who will hit the attacker. We were ready !

The bad guys sweeped through all other room and got the defenders, ours was the last I kept intel on movement through a small hole in the corner of the wall, i picked them up coming and i signaled my team. We became alert. The bad guys barged in from different doors, just like i had done, but as soon as they entered, two of us jumped on the guns and other two hit the attackers, we got them swiftly !!! Hahahahaha....winning was fun :-) Instead of crouching under tables, and behind chairs and in cupboards., we defended ourselves and got the attackers :-)

When all the drill ended, i remembered that "Gladiator" movie in which Russel Crowe said to his team, if anyone had been in military service and if we all stick together, we had better chances of survival...lol...i had done the same by instinct of military routine, and the scene came afterwards in my mind as i cherished the moment after class :-)

So this was just another day at my KM class. However, it wasnt new to me unlike other defenses i had learnt. KM is a horizontal planned class, meaning you can join at any class of starting level. Don't need to start from a specific class, just join as the classes are progressing and every class will teach you a different technique.

I have many weak points; kicking is one, tackling on ground, concussion training etc.

In concussion training, i was asked to look up and point at the roof and start spinning fast in same position, till i hear the shout of the attacker, attacking me with stick and then i stop and defend. and guess what happened?
I stopped and couldnt stand still due to spinning , i saw the attacker coming towards me and after a few wobbly steps, i fell on one right side on the matted floor. He attacked me on my leg ( i was wearing shin guard apart from groin and teeth guard), for some reason, maybe Adrenalin, i got hold of stickfrom him as i laid on ground and snatched it and hit him back on his leg. My instructor praised me that i didnt give in or vomit or froze or panicked, but i was embarrassed like hell falling like a drunkard on ground after spinning for 30-40 seconds.

i do feel lucky however, that i trained with best militaries of the world, first with Pak Army and now with IDF. Though i do consider IAF (Israeli AF) more professional than Israeli Ground forces but Sayeret is another thing. I also have an ex-SAS instructor in combat drill.

@Mentee @Tps43 @RescueRanger @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer
@Dawood Ibrahim @Tipu7 @Xlvee01
@Indus Pakistan

Thats too funny mate! You all should wear a gro-pro next time haha.
Hehehe...Me coming close to jason Bourne is far away :-)

I have some interesting stories to share though, and a few "tharki" ones for which i will first get permission from @The Eagle first, regarding the content and ofcourse will post in your "Brigade HQ" Thread in appropriate section then :-) I do train with lots of females especially when we need to switch partners. I however prefer male partners bulkier than me in size so i can carry on with an intense mind to train.

So...coming back to my experience of Krav Maga...

In the "defence against firearms" class, wE had to deal with pistols, revolvers, SMG's, shot Gun and Assault Guns. During the information session, each firearm and its functionality was explained to us, and then taken out in the open and cover techniques (behind car, tree, pillar, crouching against wall etc) were explained. Then the crawling and crouching drill, so we represent a smaller RCS (lol target) for the shooter. And ofcourse where to run, how to run, when to run, when to scream, who to call etc etc.

Now I am not the kind of guy who likes to jump in with information when the instructor is giving presentation even when im brimming with knowledge about guns and training techniques such as in this class, i tend to lay low, blend in, trying my best to stay that "new-comer" who is just here to learn. I could have obviously started giving my own lecture on M-4 and AK-47 which were present there as dummy weapons, but nah, i kept quiet and nodded my head with a smile like an obedient student along with fellow trainees. Same with crawling in make-shift obstacle course and crouching behind cover.

There is a lot of role-playing in this training to mimic real life scenarios. Aur aapkay bhai ko negative role lenay ka bahut shok hay haha. I like being the bad guy, i sometimes get real bruises and scratches too but thats part of training so i dont mind. As a good guy i get very intense especially during 3rd-party protection.

The 1 on 1 session with partners started and first training was against pistols and revolvers,snatching and taking control while beating the aggressor, in the end running away with weapon or discarding it, never pointing the weapon towards aggressor at any instance after taking control and snatching it away. The tricky part was not grabbing the hot muzzle of the gun and the spark from cylinder the revolver if it mis-fires. For a small revolvy, it was ok, but for a big revolvy spark could burn fingers. We were told that IDF tested it by putting chicken wings on side of cylinder to analyze the amount of burn the skin can get.

Anyways, now the instructors brings us to scenario training and that we need someone to play the role of "bad guy with a gun" and rest will hide or will defend and attack the bad guy, so i need a volunteer, who wants to go first ?

Aur aapkay bhai ka haath sab se pehle oper gaya to be the bad guy :-) Now this volunteering thing was inculcated in me through Pakistan Military institution from where i graduated. Ofcourse i never told Krav Maga people about my past. Like i said, i was there to learn and i try to lay low and pick up things, instead of blabbering and boasting. Like few guys boasted they fired M-4 or pistol, i kept quiet and smiled. Didnt want to tell them the inventory i went through lol, just an average guy, standing there to learn KM.

Sorry, i drift away sometimes from the training incident i m trying to narrate :-) As soon as i raised my hand, a chinese girl also raised her hand. Instructors day was made...he had two volunteers all of a sudden. Rest of the group were told to hide or defend by barricading doors and rooms. Now we have that CQB set up with open roofs where instructors can walk on roof rails and watch in every room whats happening below. So the rest of the gang went to hide. I asked the Chinese girl (i will call her chinky, not being racist but ease of typing), why do u want to be the bad guy? she smiled and said in that chinese accent, " Cuz its fun" ...Now im glad she didnt ask me why i wanted to be the bad guy lol...i could have given her many creepy replies haha and then would have enjoyed the look on her face...lol :-)

We were asked to choose our weapons...and we picked the weapons according to our size...she picked a small revolver and i picked the AK-47 and we moved in.

Ab aapka bhai full military training mode mein tha :-)

Chinky started running ahead, i grabbed her shoulder and told her to wait. I explained to her that we need to coordinate if we want to be successful so she checks front and left flanks, while i stay on her back and little towards right and i cover her right flank and rear.so we started moving, i told her to coruch a bit and my left arm almost touched right side of her back.

Instructors eyes went wide...like what the hell is this going on...hahahah...but it was my moment of action and i wasnt letting it slip just like that..,,our 360 degrees were covered ....i was going in intense and making chinky work with me !!!

One of the instructors was to follow us and stay with us and the other had to stand on those roof rails and monitor from top what happens inside the rooms. So as we moved ahead, one of the defenders attacked chinky from behind a table, i atonce pointed gun towards him before he could tackle chinky. we got him and he was out of the scene now.

We now moved in towards the rooms. every room had two doors. I knew both rooms would be barricaded. Chinky was ahead of me, as we got infront of first door of first room, i told Chinky to wait. I told her to wait for my 3-2-1 and the barge in the room while i stood infront of the other door.

The instructor folliwng us had his eyes now bulging out like what the hell was i doing. He wasnt expecting all this and now the instructor standing on top started laughing. I shouted 3-2-1, and kicked the door down, chinky barged in also at the same time.No one was expecting this, we had caught them surprised and took all down. They were all standing behind one door and other was barricaded.They attacked chinky and i took them all down from other door.

Now we moved into the next room and did same drill, but this time as soon as i entered i saw they had divided into two groups, covering each door. I atonce retreated from my door and went in hall and entered through the door from which Chinky had infiltrated, they had taken her down, i took out everyone and the "bad guys" won this one .....hahahahaha :-) I sucked in all other classes but here was my strong point and i turned the tables.

In the next scene,i was the defender along with other trainees. As soon as we went in, i grabbed a french Girl, my buddy-training partner (an Aussie guy) and an Asian Chick, and told them we had better chances of taking the bad guys if we stick together.

Now military teaches you leadership skills, i was bringing those skills to life. I am an ordinary guy but in training and sports i give my 110% whether in gym or Krav Maga etc. If leadership was required, i will take the lead and so i did. We took the smallest room, barricaded both doors, i assigned who will attack the weapon and who will hit the attacker. We were ready !

The bad guys sweeped through all other room and got the defenders, ours was the last I kept intel on movement through a small hole in the corner of the wall, i picked them up coming and i signaled my team. We became alert. The bad guys barged in from different doors, just like i had done, but as soon as they entered, two of us jumped on the guns and other two hit the attackers, we got them swiftly !!! Hahahahaha....winning was fun :-) Instead of crouching under tables, and behind chairs and in cupboards., we defended ourselves and got the attackers :-)

When all the drill ended, i remembered that "Gladiator" movie in which Russel Crowe said to his team, if anyone had been in military service and if we all stick together, we had better chances of survival...lol...i had done the same by instinct of military routine, and the scene came afterwards in my mind as i cherished the moment after class :-)

So this was just another day at my KM class. However, it wasnt new to me unlike other defenses i had learnt. KM is a horizontal planned class, meaning you can join at any class of starting level. Don't need to start from a specific class, just join as the classes are progressing and every class will teach you a different technique.

I have many weak points; kicking is one, tackling on ground, concussion training etc.

In concussion training, i was asked to look up and point at the roof and start spinning fast in same position, till i hear the shout of the attacker, attacking me with stick and then i stop and defend. and guess what happened?
I stopped and couldnt stand still due to spinning , i saw the attacker coming towards me and after a few wobbly steps, i fell on one right side on the matted floor. He attacked me on my leg ( i was wearing shin guard apart from groin and teeth guard), for some reason, maybe Adrenalin, i got hold of stickfrom him as i laid on ground and snatched it and hit him back on his leg. My instructor praised me that i didnt give in or vomit or froze or panicked, but i was embarrassed like hell falling like a drunkard on ground after spinning for 30-40 seconds.

i do feel lucky however, that i trained with best militaries of the world, first with Pak Army and now with IDF. Though i do consider IAF (Israeli AF) more professional than Israeli Ground forces but Sayeret is another thing. I also have an ex-SAS instructor in combat drill.

@Mentee @Tps43 @RescueRanger @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer
@Dawood Ibrahim @Tipu7 @Xlvee01
@Indus Pakistan
Well Signalian bhai you come off as the guy that "guys want to be like and girls wish to be with". Kudos to you bro and much success in Krav Maga....
I am an ordinary guy but in training and sports i give my 110% whether in gym or Krav Maga etc.
Great too see someone push themselves to their limits, so much can be achieved even by folks with very average ability, not that I believe you are a man of average innate ability, I think you are a talented and bright fellow, no question about it.Kudos Signalian bhai
@Hell hound
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A blissful read!

Didn't the instructors take you aside and shine bright lights in your eyes, asking where you'd trained before?

Hehehe...Me coming close to jason Bourne is far away :-)

I have some interesting stories to share though, and a few "tharki" ones for which i will first get permission from @The Eagle first, regarding the content and ofcourse will post in your "Brigade HQ" Thread in appropriate section then :-) I do train with lots of females especially when we need to switch partners. I however prefer male partners bulkier than me in size so i can carry on with an intense mind to train.

So...coming back to my experience of Krav Maga...

In the "defence against firearms" class, wE had to deal with pistols, revolvers, SMG's, shot Gun and Assault Guns. During the information session, each firearm and its functionality was explained to us, and then taken out in the open and cover techniques (behind car, tree, pillar, crouching against wall etc) were explained. Then the crawling and crouching drill, so we represent a smaller RCS (lol target) for the shooter. And ofcourse where to run, how to run, when to run, when to scream, who to call etc etc.

Now I am not the kind of guy who likes to jump in with information when the instructor is giving presentation even when im brimming with knowledge about guns and training techniques such as in this class, i tend to lay low, blend in, trying my best to stay that "new-comer" who is just here to learn. I could have obviously started giving my own lecture on M-4 and AK-47 which were present there as dummy weapons, but nah, i kept quiet and nodded my head with a smile like an obedient student along with fellow trainees. Same with crawling in make-shift obstacle course and crouching behind cover.

There is a lot of role-playing in this training to mimic real life scenarios. Aur aapkay bhai ko negative role lenay ka bahut shok hay haha. I like being the bad guy, i sometimes get real bruises and scratches too but thats part of training so i dont mind. As a good guy i get very intense especially during 3rd-party protection.

The 1 on 1 session with partners started and first training was against pistols and revolvers,snatching and taking control while beating the aggressor, in the end running away with weapon or discarding it, never pointing the weapon towards aggressor at any instance after taking control and snatching it away. The tricky part was not grabbing the hot muzzle of the gun and the spark from cylinder the revolver if it mis-fires. For a small revolvy, it was ok, but for a big revolvy spark could burn fingers. We were told that IDF tested it by putting chicken wings on side of cylinder to analyze the amount of burn the skin can get.

Anyways, now the instructors brings us to scenario training and that we need someone to play the role of "bad guy with a gun" and rest will hide or will defend and attack the bad guy, so i need a volunteer, who wants to go first ?

Aur aapkay bhai ka haath sab se pehle oper gaya to be the bad guy :-) Now this volunteering thing was inculcated in me through Pakistan Military institution from where i graduated. Ofcourse i never told Krav Maga people about my past. Like i said, i was there to learn and i try to lay low and pick up things, instead of blabbering and boasting. Like few guys boasted they fired M-4 or pistol, i kept quiet and smiled. Didnt want to tell them the inventory i went through lol, just an average guy, standing there to learn KM.

Sorry, i drift away sometimes from the training incident i m trying to narrate :-) As soon as i raised my hand, a chinese girl also raised her hand. Instructors day was made...he had two volunteers all of a sudden. Rest of the group were told to hide or defend by barricading doors and rooms. Now we have that CQB set up with open roofs where instructors can walk on roof rails and watch in every room whats happening below. So the rest of the gang went to hide. I asked the Chinese girl (i will call her chinky, not being racist but ease of typing), why do u want to be the bad guy? she smiled and said in that chinese accent, " Cuz its fun" ...Now im glad she didnt ask me why i wanted to be the bad guy lol...i could have given her many creepy replies haha and then would have enjoyed the look on her face...lol :-)

We were asked to choose our weapons...and we picked the weapons according to our size...she picked a small revolver and i picked the AK-47 and we moved in.

Ab aapka bhai full military training mode mein tha :-)

Chinky started running ahead, i grabbed her shoulder and told her to wait. I explained to her that we need to coordinate if we want to be successful so she checks front and left flanks, while i stay on her back and little towards right and i cover her right flank and rear.so we started moving, i told her to coruch a bit and my left arm almost touched right side of her back.

Instructors eyes went wide...like what the hell is this going on...hahahah...but it was my moment of action and i wasnt letting it slip just like that..,,our 360 degrees were covered ....i was going in intense and making chinky work with me !!!

One of the instructors was to follow us and stay with us and the other had to stand on those roof rails and monitor from top what happens inside the rooms. So as we moved ahead, one of the defenders attacked chinky from behind a table, i atonce pointed gun towards him before he could tackle chinky. we got him and he was out of the scene now.

We now moved in towards the rooms. every room had two doors. I knew both rooms would be barricaded. Chinky was ahead of me, as we got infront of first door of first room, i told Chinky to wait. I told her to wait for my 3-2-1 and the barge in the room while i stood infront of the other door.

The instructor folliwng us had his eyes now bulging out like what the hell was i doing. He wasnt expecting all this and now the instructor standing on top started laughing. I shouted 3-2-1, and kicked the door down, chinky barged in also at the same time.No one was expecting this, we had caught them surprised and took all down. They were all standing behind one door and other was barricaded.They attacked chinky and i took them all down from other door.

Now we moved into the next room and did same drill, but this time as soon as i entered i saw they had divided into two groups, covering each door. I atonce retreated from my door and went in hall and entered through the door from which Chinky had infiltrated, they had taken her down, i took out everyone and the "bad guys" won this one .....hahahahaha :-) I sucked in all other classes but here was my strong point and i turned the tables.

In the next scene,i was the defender along with other trainees. As soon as we went in, i grabbed a french Girl, my buddy-training partner (an Aussie guy) and an Asian Chick, and told them we had better chances of taking the bad guys if we stick together.

Now military teaches you leadership skills, i was bringing those skills to life. I am an ordinary guy but in training and sports i give my 110% whether in gym or Krav Maga etc. If leadership was required, i will take the lead and so i did. We took the smallest room, barricaded both doors, i assigned who will attack the weapon and who will hit the attacker. We were ready !

The bad guys sweeped through all other room and got the defenders, ours was the last I kept intel on movement through a small hole in the corner of the wall, i picked them up coming and i signaled my team. We became alert. The bad guys barged in from different doors, just like i had done, but as soon as they entered, two of us jumped on the guns and other two hit the attackers, we got them swiftly !!! Hahahahaha....winning was fun :-) Instead of crouching under tables, and behind chairs and in cupboards., we defended ourselves and got the attackers :-)

When all the drill ended, i remembered that "Gladiator" movie in which Russel Crowe said to his team, if anyone had been in military service and if we all stick together, we had better chances of survival...lol...i had done the same by instinct of military routine, and the scene came afterwards in my mind as i cherished the moment after class :-)

So this was just another day at my KM class. However, it wasnt new to me unlike other defenses i had learnt. KM is a horizontal planned class, meaning you can join at any class of starting level. Don't need to start from a specific class, just join as the classes are progressing and every class will teach you a different technique.

I have many weak points; kicking is one, tackling on ground, concussion training etc.

In concussion training, i was asked to look up and point at the roof and start spinning fast in same position, till i hear the shout of the attacker, attacking me with stick and then i stop and defend. and guess what happened?
I stopped and couldnt stand still due to spinning , i saw the attacker coming towards me and after a few wobbly steps, i fell on one right side on the matted floor. He attacked me on my leg ( i was wearing shin guard apart from groin and teeth guard), for some reason, maybe Adrenalin, i got hold of stickfrom him as i laid on ground and snatched it and hit him back on his leg. My instructor praised me that i didnt give in or vomit or froze or panicked, but i was embarrassed like hell falling like a drunkard on ground after spinning for 30-40 seconds.

i do feel lucky however, that i trained with best militaries of the world, first with Pak Army and now with IDF. Though i do consider IAF (Israeli AF) more professional than Israeli Ground forces but Sayeret is another thing. I also have an ex-SAS instructor in combat drill.

@Mentee @Tps43 @RescueRanger @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer
@Dawood Ibrahim @Tipu7 @Xlvee01
@Indus Pakistan
A blissful read!

Didn't the instructors take you aside and shine bright lights in your eyes, asking where you'd trained before?
i say goodbyes and run out as soon as the class ends.. for my next task :-)

Well Signalian bhai you come off as the guy that "guys want to be like and girls wish to be with". Kudos to you bro and much success in Krav Maga....
Great too see someone push themselves to their limits, so much can be achieved even by folks with very average ability, not that I believe you are a man of average innate ability, I think you are a talented and bright fellow, no question about it.Kudos Signalian bhai
@Hell hound

You have to put that "girl factor"into every post hehe. Thanks for the wishes.

You praise me too much at times but i know my worth lol, yeah i am very motivated to achieve my goals and i learnt that persistence is the key. Same for gym, Cant get a bicep in a week, however keep exercising and results will show.

Thats too funny mate! You all should wear a gro-pro next time haha.
During sparring and grading, the gear is full on. Otherwise just safety precautions coz safety first.
Cant get a bicep in a week, however keep exercising and results will show.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in day out.:agree:

You have to put that "girl factor"into every post hehe. Thanks for the wishes.
Well that is the nature of the "tharki"

You praise me too much at times but i know my worth lol, yeah i am very motivated to achieve my goals and i learnt that persistence is the key
Wish many precious folk would emulate your mindset, mindset of a winner.Kudos Signalian bhai
You have to put that "girl factor"into every post hehe. Thanks for the wishes.
Yeah your write up must give juliet vibes to be read from a-z, Other wise folks just hit the thanks and go about their business.

i am very motivated to achieve my goals and i learnt that persistence is the key.
Iam also very much persistent and focused on eating without complaining
Now I think to prepare JYM at home until I am in Pakistan, because due to studies I have left my practice & now I need to reschedule it. [emoji848]

When I was in JYM, with single body I opt heavy prectice without medicine.
Iam also very much persistent and focused on eating without complaining

Come here some time, I will feed you very well....Canadians in winter eat very heartily! We appreciate those that can just get on with it without being picky and having long list of minor issues and chit chat lol! (Eating is serious business!)
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