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The Health and Fitness Thread

triclosan in toothpaste :sick:
ethylene oxide in deos :confused:
lead in lipstick :eek:
(i use only gloss..wondering if gloss also has lead??)
i use lip balm just so my lips wont dry up lolzzz
Pasta becomes lower in carbs and higher in fibre just from reheating

scientists from BBC program Trust Me, I’m a Doctor have discovered that cooking pasta and then cooling it turns it into “resistant starch”, which acts like fibre.

Your body will experience a smaller glucose peak and — crucially — you will absorb fewer calories.

The starch becomes resistant to the normal enzymes in our gut that break carbohydrates down and release glucose that cause a blood sugar surge.
But reheated, it produced an even more dramatic effect, reducing the rise in blood glucose by a massive 50 per cent.
5 surprising teeth-destroyers

A new German study suggests that long cardio workouts may take a toll on your teeth. Exercise reduces saliva, which is filled with minerals that nurture your teeth and neutralises acids that cause rotting. Consumption of acidic sports drinks during training can also exacerbate tooth decay. The fix: Chewing sugar-free gum during your work-out will boost your saliva production, says the study author Cornelia Frese, a senior dentist at University Hospital Heidelberg in Germany. Make sure you brush your teeth before you exercise and rinse your mouth with water after consuming anything sweet or acidic.

Jaw-clenching is a common reaction to lifting weights, but such pressure can harm your teeth, even cause them to crack. The practice could also lead to jaw pain.
The fix: Consider wearing a mouth-guard, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or sports store. You could even have your dentist make a custom gear for you.

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Medicines for allergies, depression, cardio diseases and blood pressure cause mouth dryness, which can destruct your teeth. “When you don’t have an adequate saliva supply, your teeth can undergo catastrophic damage in a matter of months,” says Edmond Hewlett, an American Dental Association advisor.
The fix: Chewing on sugar-free gum throughout the day will help stimulate saliva production.

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Acid reflux can cause permanent damage to your teeth. The acid from your digestive system can wind up in your mouth, dissolving your enamel just like the acid from soda or sports drinks, argues Hewlett.
The fix: If the molars at the back of your mouth are damaged, acid reflux is most likely the culprit. Ask your physician how to tackle with heartburn. Add husk powder to your diet, which reduces acid in the system, prompting healthy digestion.

Brushing after eating acidic items, such juice, fruit, sports drinks and soda can weaken the enamel and may lead to its yellowing with greater odds of cracks and chips.
The fix: Gargle with water to rinse away the acid and wait 40 minutes for the calcium in your saliva to re-mineralise in the weakened areas. Then brush.
The Top Fat-Burning Foods

Certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so you literally burn calories as you chew.


Boost your metabolism

It’s true: Certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so you literally scorch calories as you chew. Other eats contain nutrients and compounds that stoke your metabolic fire. Feed your metabolism with these.

Whole grains

Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods (especially those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice) than processed foods.
Lean meats


Protein has a high thermogenic effect: You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion (so a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down).
Low-fat dairy products

Rich in calcium and vitamin D, these help preserve and build muscle mass—essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

Green tea

Drinking four cups of green tea a day helped people shed more than six pounds in eight weeks, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports. Credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it. To up your intake, keep a jug of iced tea in the fridge.

One cup packs 35% of your daily iron needs—good news, since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metab slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently, says Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, co-author of The Secret to Skinny.

Hot peppers


Capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their kick, heats up your body, which makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers, says Lakatos Shames. “Add as much cayenne or hot sauce as possible to soups, eggs, and meats.”

[URL='http://tribune.com.pk/story/789772/how-to-age-gracefully-with-the-help-of-diet/']How to age gracefully with the help of diet


Your diet doesn't only make you healthy and fit but also helps in playing a big part in your ageing process. STOCK IMAGE

LONDON: Your diet doesn’t only make you healthy and fit but also helps in playing a big part in your ageing process. From increasing your antioxidants to eating more fruits, one can keep a count of a few diet tips to stay younger always.

Erin McCann, nutritional consultant, shares some advice on getting the right nutrients from your diet to help you age gracefully and naturally too, reports femalefirst.co.uk.

• Increase your antioxidants: Antioxidants play an important role in reducing inflammation, repairing damaged cells and restoring balance throughout the body. These actions aid in prevention of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. They also aid in reducing the signs of ageing by repairing damage to the skin from sun and pollutants and improving skin elasticity. Increase antioxidants by:

• Eating more fruits, like berries and citrus fruits and vegetables like leafy greens and squashes.

• Take a quality, natural supplement containing antioxidant rich plant extracts.

• Maintain a balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids: The balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids is important for reducing inflammation in the body, supporting cognitive function and for maintaining cellular. This balance can be maintained by:

- Reducing processed, refined foods and takeaways in your diet.

- Eating fresh oily fish like wild salmon, mackerel, haddock and sardines 3 or more times a week.

- Cooking with coconut oil as an alternative to butter, margarine and other oils.

• Eat balanced meals and snacks regularly: Research has found that excess insulin can speed the ageing process and create inflammation in your body. You can balance insulin and blood sugar levels by:

- Eating meals with a combination of complex carbohydrates, quality vegetarian or lean animal proteins, and antioxidant rich vegetables.

- Having quality snacks between meals, such as hummus with vegetables or oatcakes, to maintain energy and balance insulin levels.

- Reduce stimulants like coffee which can increase insulin production.

• Exercise regularly: Exercise not only aids in weight management but it supports your body with improving energy production, immune function and bone density. Increase your exercise throughout the day by:

- Taking a brisk 20 minute walk each day.

- Opt to use the stairs or walking to destinations when you can.

- Incorporate resistance training into your regime such as yoga, pilates or weights

• Support immune function: As you age, your immune system may not work as efficiently. A well-functioning immune system will aid your body’s natural defences against infection and chronic illness. The best ways to support immunity are:

• Get adequate sleep and rest.
This is for strong and healthy lifestyle . I like to know about your experience and tips . So we can have healthy discussion on supplements and their effectiveness .
Please feel free to express your views an dc opinion.

Start with your Age - Weight - Country - Your body conditions (Thin , Medium , Fit , Hunk , lil fleshy , fat ) - Height

So experienced body builders can give you advice and tips.

Let me start with me
Age : 33
Weight : 82
Body type : Medium
height : 5.8 ft

I am going to gym after a long time . So looking forward to get fit . First day was cool and painful. Never Say never .
Age: 35
Weight: 65 kg
body type: Athletic, with sharp defined muscles.
Height: 5.8 ft

I was into this body building stuff full time, ahh it was my passion and sometimes spent 3-4 hours in a go in gym and did win a title at gym level, but now am left with building only, body disappeared :D :D. Its been ages I saw an interior of gym again. :cray:
This is for strong and healthy lifestyle . I like to know about your experience and tips . So we can have healthy discussion on supplements and their effectiveness .
Please feel free to express your views an dc opinion.

Start with your Age - Weight - Country - Your body conditions (Thin , Medium , Fit , Hunk , lil fleshy , fat ) - Height

So experienced body builders can give you advice and tips.

Let me start with me
Age : 33
Weight : 82
Body type : Medium
height : 5.8 ft

I am going to gym after a long time . So looking forward to get fit . First day was cool and painful. Never Say never .

If i have to put my 35 years of experience in staying and looking fit (I hate the word body building), eat natural protins and carbs (meat, poultry, and beans). Exercise with lighter weights with maximum repetitions that will build stamina and lean muscles. dont workout more than 30 minutes and four days a week because you muscles need rest to grow. move from one exercise to next quickly dont give too much break to your muscles

Age: 35
Weight: 65 kg
body type: Athletic, with sharp defined muscles.
Height: 5.8 ft

I was into this body building stuff full time, ahh it was my passion and sometimes spent 3-4 hours in a go in gym and did win a title at gym level, but now am left with building only, body disappeared :D :D. Its been ages I saw an interior of gym again. :cray:

thats was more of a hang out place than building anything, been there done that what a waste of time that was.
thats was more of a hang out place than building anything, been there done that what a waste of time that was.

:o: you broke my heart. Well it depends on the individual himself you know, one of my friends started the regime to stay fit but later on he developed craze for being muscular. He would say the same thing it's a waste of time, I remember how I persuaded him to just visit gym regularly for a month with me. It all started with just to shed fats from his growing tummy and ended with him being passionate body building fan :D

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