This struggle is in the very early stages, but look already what has happened - the opposers positions have been taking a beating - these positions were exposed as motivated primary by bigotry - that the equation of Islam with terrorism and Muslims with terrorists, while it has emotional appeal, is neither reasonable nor moral - the opposers first brought out the big guns (emotions), "sacred ground", sure but not for US Muslims, and that exposed them to the public - the US public is as emotional as any other, but not to the point of irrational and the US public is aware of the struggle for equality for the law.
The Opposers then tried to deflect from this loss to their credibility by bringing larger national political personalities and politics (read that Muslim in disguise, Obama) - Obama withdrew quickly, depriving the opposers of ammunition.
The opposers then offered threats of what might happen to US muslims if the project goes through -- If you build, then you will be considered terrorists, a sort of "parole", don't build and you won't be terrorists.
As we suggested, the more the opposition increases it's efforts, the better, because it exposes what they are really about - and it's good, because a lot of people were caught up in the emotion of it all and have not had a chance to THINK, to reflect, is the US a society where emotional appeals trump law and morality? The answer, I suggest, will be a overwhelming. No!, it is not. Bad news for opposers.
And soon there will be more and more such challeneges, US muslims and all elements of US society that seek a more open and more inclusive society should welcome more challeneges, because regardless of success in these challeneges, with each struggle the opposers are more and more exposed, to the point that they not only become irrelevant but more importantly, the policy objectives they support are exposed as reckless, unconsidered, dangerous.