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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

Care full man to talk about Azad Kashmir not developing and facing many problems is a crime ,but to do India bashing on the situation of people on Indian side of the border is a well appreciated thing . what Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!

I am just trying to understand. Is it better or just ok there? If a kashmiri from that side can answer the better. Do u get special privileges? If so what?
You cannot go to the world with emotional rants. Simply put, only rational reasoning can be rationally debated with. Emotional opinions are rather like beliefs - no point debating those. I am of the firm opinion that the Kashmir district can be made mostly independent within the Indian federation and that is enough for everyone. India has the resources and the leadership to bring prosperity to Kashmir district and that's all that matters. Everything else is just noise, which the world does not want.

Like i said reasoning should be inclusive of logic, reality and humanity. You cannot over rule one of these and call the remainder legitimate reasoning. You are more biased towards the materialistic side we, on the hand do like to give some credit to humanity, life and most importantly the "will of people". If that wouldnt be the case, the likes of John Stossel shouldnt be that popular in your country. May be this can ring some bell:

And on the contrary, if you wish for Kashmiris to stay in the unholy clutches of the indians, then you see, we are here you are also here and we'll see when would that actually happen. Decisions which are against the peoples' wishes and demand are bound to fail. The history is witness to this and you know it. Or else this entire would have been one country.
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India cant keep on sending hundreds of thousands of its troop to Kashmir, how long will India keep on doing this?

The world is realizing now what is going on in Kashmir. I'm glad Obama is talking about it, the 61 year old dispute must come to an end for both India and Pakistan to move on.

If there was no Kashmir problem, there would not be any India-Pakistan tensions rising. The center of India-Pakistan problem is Kashmir.

I would agree if Indians viewed Kashmir as a foreign country. Thing is no Indian thinks of Kashmir as out of India - so India is not "sending" troops - it is merely stationing troops. Obama has shut up a long time back - and he is free to talk about it.
The question Pakistan must ask is: How many countries have they been able to convince that India is an occupying force in so-called "Indian Occupied Kashmir"? Even all the Muslim countries don't support this allegation nor have I seen support among general world population which is aware of the situation. Has India denied any rights to Kashmiris? No. Compare this to Pakistan's all-weather friend China - globally, people support the Tibet movement and the Dalai Lama is invited all over the world to give speeches despite China's wrath. Does the world roll out the red carpet for Hafiz Saeed? Till Pakistan is able to convince most of the world that India is somehow proactively oppressive and not using force reactively - no one is going to support Pakistan's claim.
Though your rant doesnt merit a reply, but in order to sooth your intellect, i must say that the fact that the entire world (including the UN) still consider Kashmir as a Disputed territory and not india's atoot anng is enough an evidence that they are quite convinced. And why they dont speak it out, is another facet of the story.
Though your rant doesnt merit a reply, but in order to sooth your intellect, i must say that the fact that the entire world (including the UN) still consider Kashmir as a Disputed territory and not india's atoot anng is enough an evidence that they are quite convinced. And why they dont speak it out, is another facet of the story.

When was it last that the UNSC made a reference to Kashmir in any of its resolutions or asked India to fulfill the non binding resolution of 1948?
When was it last that the UNSC made a reference to Kashmir in any of its resolutions or asked India to fulfill the non binding resolution of 1948?

When was the last time it did not? :rolleyes:
And by doing so Kashmir became your atoot anng, or did it? :undecided:

You want to live in a fool's paradise, be my guest.

If you say so, where as I was simply responding to your post below where you mentioned on how the ENTIRE world is so much against INdia's stand on Kashmir.

And fool's paradise co exists with the fool. The jury however is still out on who turns out to be the fool on the Kashmir issue. I would though like to believe its going to be Pakistan.

Though your rant doesnt merit a reply, but in order to sooth your intellect, i must say that the fact that the entire world (including the UN) still consider Kashmir as a Disputed territory and not india's atoot anng is enough an evidence that they are quite convinced. And why they dont speak it out, is another facet of the story.
If you say so, where as I was simply responding to your post below where you mentioned on how the ENTIRE world is so much against INdia's stand on Kashmir.

Oh did i..??

Care to quote an instance?

No, may be you are actually a fool and not someone merely residing inside their paradise that you dared to misquote me by trying to equate "i must say that the fact that the entire world (including the UN) still consider Kashmir as a Disputed territory" with "ENTIRE world is so much against INdia's stand on Kashmir."

My concern still stands, can you please enlighten us by putting forth a few names that consider Kashmir is india's atoot anng? Or even if consider it to be part of indian territory? Seriously, which part of indian-held-Kashmir and indian-occupied-Kashmir you DID NOT understand?

Or may be you like to run in circles and want us to start debating maps and long lats and we did a few pages back on this thread?

And fool's paradise co exists with the fool. The jury however is still out on who turns out to be the fool on the Kashmir issue.
Oh did i..??

Care to quote an instance?

No, may be you are actually a fool and not someone merely residing inside their paradise that you dared to misquote me by trying to equate "i must say that the fact that the entire world (including the UN) still consider Kashmir as a Disputed territory" with "ENTIRE world is so much against INdia's stand on Kashmir."

And may be you are the real fool who can not understand that with India's stand of Kashmir being an integral part (atoot ang) of India, Entire world considering Kashmir to be disputed( as you said) , is actually going against India's stand on Kashmir (as I said).

But.. whatever...
And may be you are the real fool who can not understand that with India's stand of Kashmir being an integral part (atoot ang) of India, Entire world considering Kashmir to be disputed( as you said) , is actually going against India's stand on Kashmir (as I said).

But.. whatever...

Jija jee's Taoji's Didi's Taiji's Son, something like that, right?
Though your rant doesnt merit a reply, but in order to sooth your intellect, i must say that the fact that the entire world (including the UN) still consider Kashmir as a Disputed territory and not india's atoot anng is enough an evidence that they are quite convinced. And why they dont speak it out, is another facet of the story.

Of course the world knows there is a dispute and of course the world is not keen to change the status quo. From the exalted Operation Gibraltar and Grand Slam in 1965 to Nawaz Sharif being forced to eat humble pie by Clinton at Blair House in July 99 during Kargil - the world - including Pakistan's buddy China has shown interest in maintaining the status quo. Pakistan repeats this atoot ang thingy more than India does btw.
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