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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

I think the military operations have been extremely successful, the security forces are not taking as many casualties as they were when the peace process "broke down". AFAIK PKK isn't even that active in the mountains anymore, I think they all got terminated. Now they rely on teenagers with not enough homework to act as canon fodder.

A ton of footage:

I think the military operations have been extremely successful, the security forces are not taking as many casualties as they were when the peace process "broke down". AFAIK PKK isn't even that active in the mountains anymore, I think they all got terminated. Now they rely on teenagers with not enough homework to act as canon fodder.

That's because parts of them moved to Syria or deeper in to Iraq where they're trying to lay the foundation for the next 100 years. There are still ''mountain elements'' active inside Turkey but for the coming period they'll focus on the semi-urban warfare in the neighborhoods that often have had massive migration from the villages and still hold high % of ''poor'' and where people still feel ''foreign'' to city/urban live.

The old days of month long general cross-border ops are long gone, it's all about calculated, somewhat limited ops with career personnel based on intel now; like the operation after the Daglica attack.
The operations were effective within Türkiye and Kandil region. But almost 3000-4000 moved to Iraq and Syria to fight together with Yezides and Syrian PYD against DAES. They gathered much experience with modern western weapons e.g. Milan and others. If they will consolidate in Syria and Iraq, they will come back all together also with Iran's arm of PKK. In cities they have recruited many young unexperienced people. The danger is still present. Meanwhile Türkiye has to sweep all terror elements within in Türkiye and be prepared for new infiltrations from Iraq, Iran and Syria.
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The old days of month long general cross-border ops are long gone, it's all about calculated, somewhat limited ops with career personnel based on intel now; like the operation after the Daglica attack.
What i heard is, cross-border operations will start in the winter.
We should capture as much as possible teenager's and let the parents pay the security costs.. After that those teens need to be put on special school camps where they learn that what they did is not right

Or if the parents don't feel responsible the parents have to pay half of the costs and their child will pay the rest if he is 18..

Children wich are captured twice there should be deep antipkkrisation this means take the child away to another parents and bring them to special school..
Good idea. But not practicable in Turkey. I know what you mean. So called comparable "boot camps". Solution is education, work and preventing " brain wash" by terrorist organizations of all colour.
What i heard is, cross-border operations will start in the winter.

I was also sure about that. In Syria and Iraq. But Russians spoiled many plans. We should show them now all and without hesitating face, as little Georgia did. Otherwise PKK bandits will feel as "herores". ( Simaracaklar ). Western propaganda is behind them.
I was also sure about that. In Syria and Iraq. But Russians spoiled many plans. We should show them now all and without hesitating face, as little Georgia did. Otherwise PKK bandits will feel as "herores". ( Simaracaklar ). Western propaganda is behind them.
I was talking about Northern Iraq...

IMO, Operation in Syria is very unlikely...

You know Army cleared out "İkiyaka" region. Now, they should expand their operation. Metina, Zap, Avaşin and later on Hakurk should be targeted. Another expect of the operation is; It should be run and retreat. We should stay there at least 3 months. Maybe even more in Hakurk.
What i heard is, cross-border operations will start in the winter.

Which area's will we target if we go cross-border? Will we do the conventional targets or will we go all-in? Because the PKK is operating alongside PUK, KDP as well as Western special forces with the Iraqi army/militia's providing help by aerial support (med-evacs) and running ''security'' on the side in places like Sinjar.

We can bomb them without going in, can't we? But we won't cause the political situation on the ground is different and we will need to adapt to that. But still, the question lingers, what are we going to attack? The old days with mass operations are gone bro, they won't be stupid to try and resist, they'll split in smaller groups, try and hide in ''civilian'' area's to try and get more Western media attention.

We go cross border in the winter when they're trying to serhildan it up in our neighborhoods.

The operations were effective within Türkiye and Kandil region. But almost 3000-4000 moved to Iraq and Syria to fight together with Yezides and Syrian PYD against DAES. They gathered much experience with modern western weapons e.g. Milan and others. If they will consolidate in Syria and Iraq, they will come back all together also with Iran's arm of PKK. In cities they have recruited many young unexperienced people. The danger is still present. Meanwhile Türkiye has to sweep all terror elements within in Türkiye and be prepared for new infiltrations from Iraq, Iran and Syria.

True, we can't move against Syria nor Iraq at this moment, we can't move anywhere where the fight against ISIS is held in more regard by our allies as they will definitely run a PR campaign like they did many times already :-))). I don't blame them cause of the obvious threat but I can't ignore the love-triangle going on with the PKK right now.

Clear out as much as we can in the country and keep hitting them across the border to prevent them from coming in.
They only managed to do one attack by using bad weather in general M-E, rest was all done by internal factions.
. .
I have some ideas and visions. Later;)

BTW I miss my friend and allied @Bismarck

Don't get me wrong, I'm still in favor of hitting them non-stop. But steps must be taken carefully, we have entered a new era and I don't think you can compare the terror of the 90's vs 00's, vs now. So we have to think outside of the box.
Which area's will we target if we go cross-border?
Zap, Avaşin, Basyan, Metina and Hakurk are the most important camps. We should target those.

Will we do the conventional targets or will we go all-in?
Commandos, Maroon Beretts, with artillery and aerial support is enough.

Because the PKK is operating alongside PUK, KDP as well as Western special forces with the Iraqi army/militia's providing help by aerial support (med-evacs) and running ''security'' on the side in places like Sinjar.

Sinjar is essentially out of PKK's territory. Some PKK elements come to Sİnjar during ISIS's assault. We will not go as south as Sinjar no need. Main elements are in Northern Iraq.
@Sinan @Yenikuyu

Friends. I understand well what you mean. The term "sandbox" was very suited, operating in a " sandbox ";
that's a term from 21. centuries digital sciences and that's true (operating system isolated from outside as much as possible but nevertheless connected with it ).
We must go with boots on the ground. We have the power and we will have losses;
but if not, we will suffer much more in future.
PKK is now very very strong in Sincar and Turkish Syrian boarder, also in Hatay area. THEY ARE there and will be in future much more powerful, if ISIL is eliminated.
It is a big fault to trust that they will cannibalize themselves !

They took new area and we have to attack it. Attack is the best defence. That's what PKK doing. They occupy our "Hintergarten"! ( evimizin bahcesini ).
USA and Germans said "Our Defence Begins in Hindukush"!
We have to occupy at least 100 km from Syrian and Iraqi boarder for Minimum 40 years, as we did in Cyprus!
If you want to Change CHESS game , you have to be present in mind and be solid there.
You know all, we wrote here about MATSON ( the US guy- Facebook warrior).
He "freed" the area with 11 foreign guys , him and a Mossad warrior woman.
It is much propganda about them available and even Western Politicians are impressed and are full supporting them .
In the eyes of Yezides and their PKK allies, they are "Mesih" for them.
We must do the same, OCCUPY the area show strength but also be present simultaneoulsy with HUMANITY of TÜRKIYE,
all we can give Medicine, Food, Education and more.
@Hurshid Celebi
Bu ne bitmez acayip bir orgutmus.. Teroristi PYDsi, Pkksi bir olmus, Rusya-Iran hem havadan hem karadan, ABD bir taraftan, hala bitmiyor.
4000-5000 PKK'li teroristin sinir icinde ve otesinde, iki cephede mobilize olabilmeleride ayri rezillik.
Teror amacina ulasiyor, videolari seyrederken vay be diyoruz.

Bak kardesim. Sen o bölgeyi biliyormusun ? Provokasyonlari ve manipülasyonlari biliyormusun ?

Bati tarafindan kahramanlastirilan "TAS - MAGRA DEVRI kisileri " hic gördün ve konustun mu ?

Normalizasyon olsa bile bu hayvanlar ilerde hepsi yeralti DÜNYASI ve gayrimesru is lideri olacak,
senin basina da Moskova da bela olacak.

PUTIN tüm sempatisini yitirdi. Kocaman Ukrayna DONBASI ve Türk Kirimi yuttu. SUSTUK

Ama simdi bicak kemige dayandi.

Whats that for a scandal ?

Up to yesterday , Turkey was accused to make Policy of open boarders and to cooperate with ISIL.

Now they closed and they are accused again, cause Human Rights Violations AQ people !!

Menschenrechtler schlagen Alarm
Türkei schickt Flüchtlinge zurück nach Syrien
23.11.2015, 15:59 Uhr | dpa
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