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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

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If there is German Producing Stamp strongly HK417. I cant see.
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Stock look like a HK. This is not MPT 76 stock.

Mehmetcik 1 diye takdim ettikleri bir tufek vardi.
HK417yi alip ustune Mehmetcik1 yazmislardi. Ancak ustundeki Alman uretim damgalarini silmeyi unutmuslardi.
Hatta Cumhurbaskani bile pozvermisti.
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Here is the one speech of Cemil Bayik latest interview to FR and DE TVs.(Die Welt , FR24)

"We don't want to fight anymore. We want political solutions. For that we need a peace broker, a third party," he said.

Heheee ....Cowards die many times before their deaths.:p:

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