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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

It seems to be. Even serious channel like ARD and ZDF are involved. I am not afraid of IS or other terror org. I am afraid of millions Turks who can turn 'wrong path'.

Btw, main target on Olympia issue is not that Alptekin (nothing heard about her in German media), it Russia.
if turks turn then it is yor own fault..

you have huge pressure on turks in germany for nothing but yor own grudge...

but in reality there is no threat from turks but you should be more concerned about the fast growing kurds and arabs in yor country.. hey but you guys count them as turks dont you?
hope i will see the day when kurds will turn against you
. .
Brookings Institute has been funded by Rockefeller Foundation for decades now, so I wouldn't trust their so called independent researches.
You're right... but it makes sense to me I've seen some Turkish pro-isis comments in facebook

we've got all kinds of retards
It seems to be. Even serious channel like ARD and ZDF are involved. I am not afraid of IS or other terror org. I am afraid of millions Turks who can turn 'wrong path'.

Btw, main target on Olympia issue is not that Alptekin (nothing heard about her in German media), it Russia.

I don't think you have to worry about Turks.
Last years, I see a researches (which I cannot find it now), show 1200 french citizen has go to Isis (majority of Arab origine but some convert too), while in Turkey "only" 600 Turks has gone.

And franlky I think at least half of them are Kurds, after all the bombing in Ankara and Suruc was made by Kurdish Isis member. And you don't have to woory about Kurds in Germany too, because they have more chance to support the PKK than Isis.

This researches also show France (1200) come first, next UK (500) then Germany (400) are the bigger country origine of Isis in Europe.
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Can you explain a bit more, brother ?

You can divide the the pressures in some categories
So you got the black sheep label lesser chances
Even lesser than maroc Arabs, teachers will say for what do you Turk need education..

You have to argue your identity your religion and that Turkey is not what they think a camel country..
The intensity of this is important it could be almost daily
They attack tea houses, homes and even our mosques and imams, they throw stones, molotov cocktails, and attack personal
They see you as a gypsy a dumb uneducated person who married his wife by paying some camels
The amazing thing is their stupidity and ignorance of facts even if you tell them something they only hear what they want..
The attacks I mentioned earlier and maybe you remember the foolish German guy in turkey who banged a little English girl and went to arrest.. Belive some germans stopped me at street and started to 'ask' stupid things like how this can be.. Yeah they won't let one of them rott in Turkish hands..

And you will hear from your mom and dad that they were stopped by a car and beeing hard questioned about their identity and religion..
Always the pressures in media.. They keep presenting you and your country as islamist or dangerous
Your little nephew will tell you really elder ppl spitted on him because he is a stinky Turk..

Really there much more things but you have huge pressure on your identity and religion

So don't mind if I consider some turks as traitors
found this infographic somewhere...

What means ISIS supporter exactly? Support by what?
. . . . .
@Sinan @Bismarck @-DENO- @Serpentine

Please write what you actually think and don't show FEAR.

In GLOBAL MEDIA , there never was SOLIDARITY with TÜRKIYE after attack in Ankara.
Turkish Fan's reaction is a protest against that double tongue policy! It maybe legitimate.
Türkiye suffered from terror, but that TERROR was never effective, objective and minimum published in Global Media !

Turkish Agencies informed just on time agencies , about people who were arrested in Türkiye. But our allies IGNORED that ! POLITICIANS rule with poor competency and are manipulated !

Now they are in panic. They are leaded from amateurs in Police an Security Forces.
Germany arrested yesterday seven innocent people on Aachen and today the authorities apologized to all of them;the cancelling of the match GER-NL was a worse and incredible signal.

The terrorists won, or may be it was a DARK AIM from others! Maybe TO present Muslims and Turks as TARGET !

There is no Islamic TERROR- Islam is peace, there is simply a new kind of TERROR, after filter methods from even so called dictatorial states e.g- Libya are gone !

USA is the only power and in the USA it is not OBAMA who decides ,
Turkey is even not worth to discuss, Germany respected and French is nothing.

UK is silent and effective.


Hallo Bismarck. Du als BND Mitarbeiter und ich als SPY können uns ja ganz einfach hier im Teegarten austauschen.
Ich hatte Dir bereits geschrieben, dass wir uns zwar nicht einen Schlafraum teilen aber nichts destotrotz Freunde in der virtuellen Welt sind. Trotz aller VPNs etc. sind wir transparent und haben nichts zu verbergen.
Die Fakten werden bald in den Medien publiziert.
In Deutschland läuft vieles aus dem Ruder. Panik und Inkompetenz.
Reaktionen auf dumme Tittbretfahrer werden dazu führen, dass in Zukunft die Sensibilität nachlässt und dann die satanistischen Terroristen in Ruhe zuschlagen können.
Mach bitte , Deine Gesellschaft darauf aufmerksam nicht "Benzin auf das Feuer der Pegida und AFD zu giessen"!
Es gibt internationalen TERROR und keinen ISLAM TERROR.
War Brejvik nicht KREUZRITTER aus dem Orden der sogenannten Illuminati ?
Sollen wir deshalb von christlichem TERROR reden ?
Meine Gespräche mit Sicherheitsexperten in Europa haben dies heute nochmals bestätigt !
Ich bin sicher, dass wir zusammen im Echelon erfasst sind und uns auch kennen dürften.
Mein Fahrer ist zwar kein Afrikaner und ich bin nicht Raymond Redington;
aber trotz allem muss man auf die Pannen hinweisen.
Deutsche Sicherheitsnehörden reagieren NACHWEISLICH fast nur auf Informationen, die nicht aus der Türkei stammen.
Massive SEK Aufmärsche sind eine falsche Taktik.
Deutsche Sicherheitsbehörden ziehen es lieber vor auf Gerüchte aus dem inkompetenten BELGIEN oder Frankreich zu achten Panik und Volksverunsicherung zu verursachen.
Diese unbarmherzige Ignoranz gegen die Türkei ist unakzeptabel.
Wir habe vor 4 Wochen über 100 Opfer durch TERROR in Ankara erlitten.
Wo war die Solidarität ? I ch hoffe nicht , dass euer "freundliches Gesicht von Deutschland" bald in eine grausame Kampfpropganda ausartet.
SCHLÜSSEL ist zum Erfolg ist die TÜRKEI - ein Entgegenkommen. Visafreiheit und Gleichbeachtung von Türken und der Türkei.
Es reicht nicht , wenn TSIPRAS ( er war heute in Ankara) Deutsche Forderungen offensiv gegen die Türkei diktiert ! Das wird 100 % in die HOSE gehen.
Türken liefern keine Waffen an die DEAS aber an die syrische Opposition besonders die Turkmenische Minderheit, haben aber trotzdem 2500 Peschmergas ausgebildet und an der Befreiung "Schengals" logitisch und taktisch mitgearbeitet. Kobane am Leben gehalten !
Wir haben 30.000 Yeziden in der Türkei. Es gab seit 1000 Jahren jezidische Glaubenseinrichtigungen im Nahen Osten unde der Türkei.
Der DEAS ( wer ist DEAS ?) hat sie jetzt zerstört !!
Wer Waffen an die PKK und PYD liefert ist ein FEIND der TÜRKEI!
Die Türkei kämpft seit 1984 gegen Terror, das Volk leidet aufgrund der enormen Ausgaben (300 Milliarden USD seit 1984) ; es kommen noch 2.5 Millionen Flüchtlinge dazu, die einen Volkswirtschaftlichen Schaden von 3 Milliarden USD jährlich verursachen.
Deshalb wäre es anmassend zu verurteilen, wenn türkische Fans gegen die "Marseillese" pfeiffen.
Frankreich hat den ASALA Terror und die PKK ständig unterstützt. Hollande hat vor 2 Monaten mit PKK Terroristen in Kampfuniformen im Elysee Palast diniert

Vor einer Stunde sprach "Klugscheisser" Dr. Rauball, den ich für sein Mandat für GALA sehr schätzte und nannte unseren Innenminister LOTHAR de Maiziere ( den gab's auch mal); unser IM ist ja wohl Thomas dem Maiziere. Das zur Kompetenz von Politikern und Funktionären !

Lass sie ihrenblöden Unsinn reden. Leiden tut nur unsere Seele.
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I will try to answer later and in English, so that other members has opportunity to follow our discussion.

One thing I should make it clear. I am not a BND member. Even if I am, I think it doesn't matter.

It is the list of countries where from supporters went to participate in active battles.

We know many figters participate from Germany, but we are not listed.

Dear friend. It was a joke, that's what some offending people think about you and me. This was written often here.
They wrote Bismarck is a BND member and Hurshid a German Spy.
Let's accept it as compliment.

And now for you some additional you could add to your translation if you are so polite.

Yesterday Germany lost many things. Prestige, self confidence and people feeling safe before Christmas.

It was a typical Psychological Operation. A so called "allied service" warned Germany and followed a tricky plan;
to convince German Government and German People, that they are in Danger and have to be in unlimited solidarity with a victim state.They claimed there were solid evidence for attacks. No evidence was presented and will not be presented, cause there was nothing then rumor.
They had to do that cause they felt left alone in the last 24 hours, after winds changed and German and International intellectual asked in critical and uncensored media, what is going on in the source of Democracy ? Human rights cancelled for three months, fighting a war in Africa and now want to start the same in Near East, demanding help for war from EU and even Russia. All Muslim were targeted as terrorists and many insults were published, Turkish Government was accused openly to slaughter Kurds and suspected to have made the bomb attack in Ankara ; but God thanks many international and German intellectuals countered that those arguments and General accusation of a Religion and a Nation could cause irreparable social and political results not alone in Central Europe but around the GLOBE ! .

I was rumored that a "Iraqi" so called sleeper from Hannover should head of the plan, do you know how many dangerous sleepers in Germany live ? Official 450 but in real numbers estimated 2000 and 20000 followers.

Cause the German security services were not 100% convinced, there was dummy bomb placed in an ICE in Hannover as last effort.
There is no description or photo of the GUY, from the camera monitored ICE-train and camera monitored Hannover Railway Station. Do you think that a serious hardliner terrorist would place a DUMMY ?
Obviously placed short before beginning of the Game and under the eyes of many passengers, poor minded Politicians had no other choice as to cancel the Soccer- Game after that poor evidence.
The cancelled Game had a symbolic character for stability and peace in Germany, the whole Government wanted to watch the Game in the Stadium.

BUT the concert in TUI Arena , a much more soft TARGET of SÖHNE MANNHEIM's ,
2 km from the Stadium away, was surprisingly not cancelled.

Contacts in GB and Turkey told me that they had also professional sounding warnings by phone and on the web,
before England and France and same time Turkey - Greece played.
In London Royal Family was present and in Istanbul Turkish and Greek MP in the stadium.

That what happened was a poor scenario.

I want to say finally that Terror is terror, it doesn't matter the ethnicity , religion and country of the victims.
Terror must be defeated with international solidarity.
It was a catastrophe,massacre and a crime against humanity what happened in Paris, same as in Beirut and same like in Ankara.

But it is a shame that it is used for manipulation and General Accusation of a World Religion;
and last not least as attack against an allied Government.

Critical voices from the in official newspaper of the BfV (IM) :

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. Die Absage des Länderspiels verdeutliche, "wie weit wir mit Parolen, Lippenbekenntnissen und dem massiven Aufgebot vermeintlicher Stärke kommen (…). Die Partie Deutschland-Niederlande, als Zeichen des Freiheitswillens und der entschlossenen Gegenwehr gedacht, ist durch die Absage zum Ausdruck von Naivität geworden. Man fühlt sich an Merkels 'Wir schaffen das' erinnert, das zur hohlen Phrase verkommen wäre, wären nicht ungezählte Helfer den eigenen mitmenschlichen Impulsen gefolgt. Sollte die Sicherheit nicht nur eines Länderspiels, sondern unserer Gesellschaft nach den gleichen Ritualen gewährleistet werden, sind wir schlecht gerüstet. Der Wunsch jedenfalls, ein Zeichen zu setzen, ist in Hannover an der Wirklichkeit gescheitert."


Dear friend. It was a joke, that's what some offending people think about you and me. This was written often here.
They wrote Bismarck is a BND member and Hurshid a German Spy.
Let's accept it as compliment.

And now for you some additional you could add to your translation if you are so polite.

Yesterday Germany lost many things. Prestige, self confidence and people feeling safe before Christmas.

It was a typical Psychological Operation. A so called "allied service" warned Germany and followed a tricky plan;
to convince German Government and German People, that they are in Danger and have to be in unlimited solidarity with a victim state.They claimed there were solid evidence for attacks. No evidence was presented and will not be presented, cause there was nothing then rumor.
They had to do that cause they felt left alone in the last 24 hours, after winds changed and German and International intellectual asked in critical and uncensored media, what is going on in the source of Democracy ? Human rights cancelled for three months, fighting a war in Africa and now want to start the same in Near East, demanding help for war from EU and even Russia. All Muslim were targeted as terrorists and many insults were published, Turkish Government was accused openly to slaughter Kurds and suspected to have made the bomb attack in Ankara ; but God thanks many international and German intellectuals countered that those arguments and General accusation of a Religion and a Nation could cause irreparable social and political results not alone in Central Europe but around the GLOBE ! .

I was rumored that a "Iraqi" so called sleeper from Hannover should head of the plan, do you know how many dangerous sleepers in Germany live ? Official 450 but in real numbers estimated 2000 and 20000 followers.

Cause the German security services were not 100% convinced, there was dummy bomb placed in an ICE in Hannover as last effort.
There is no description or photo of the GUY, from the camera monitored ICE-train and camera monitored Hannover Railway Station. Do you think that a serious hardliner terrorist would place a DUMMY ?
Obviously placed short before beginning of the Game and under the eyes of many passengers, poor minded Politicians had no other choice as to cancel the Soccer- Game after that poor evidence.
The cancelled Game had a symbolic character for stability and peace in Germany, the whole Government wanted to watch the Game in the Stadium.

BUT the concert in TUI Arena , a much more soft TARGET of SÖHNE MANNHEIM's ,
2 km from the Stadium away, was surprisingly not cancelled.

Contacts in GB and Turkey told me that they had also professional sounding warnings by phone and on the web,
before England and France and same time Turkey - Greece played.
In London Royal Family was present and in Istanbul Turkish and Greek MP in the stadium.

That what happened was a poor scenario.

I want to say finally that Terror is terror, it doesn't matter the ethnicity , religion and country of the victims.
Terror must be defeated with international solidarity.
It was a catastrophe,massacre and a crime against humanity what happened in Paris, same as in Beirut and same like in Ankara.

But it is a shame that it is used for manipulation and General Accusation of a World Religion;
and last not least as attack against an allied Government.

Critical voices from the in official newspaper of the BfV (IM) :

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. Die Absage des Länderspiels verdeutliche, "wie weit wir mit Parolen, Lippenbekenntnissen und dem massiven Aufgebot vermeintlicher Stärke kommen (…). Die Partie Deutschland-Niederlande, als Zeichen des Freiheitswillens und der entschlossenen Gegenwehr gedacht, ist durch die Absage zum Ausdruck von Naivität geworden. Man fühlt sich an Merkels 'Wir schaffen das' erinnert, das zur hohlen Phrase verkommen wäre, wären nicht ungezählte Helfer den eigenen mitmenschlichen Impulsen gefolgt. Sollte die Sicherheit nicht nur eines Länderspiels, sondern unserer Gesellschaft nach den gleichen Ritualen gewährleistet werden, sind wir schlecht gerüstet. Der Wunsch jedenfalls, ein Zeichen zu setzen, ist in Hannover an der Wirklichkeit gescheitert."

thats just psychological warfare always the same: bring up false flag operations and do false media to bring your folk the way you want.. its all calculated.. there is no freedom no free media pls turn to pls lets not spamm the pkk operations area with german politics.. its what it is it is a war against islam and resources as it was always..
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