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The failed-state conundrum: Fareed Zakaria

Okay!! so what i read in that article was pretty much all true?? So whats the point of bashing Fareed Zakaria here? Can't swallow the reality on these boards or what? Not ONE of you has ever even read Fareed Zakaria's book let alone are in a position to discredit his work.... That entire article is spot on.. either live with the truth or stop hating people for writing about the realities on the ground

Not one of you is able to discredit what he says in the article but we get 2 pages of Fareed Zakaria bashing... lol. unbelievable

Oh and please don't bring Zaid Hamid into this thread. Fareed Zakaria is an excellent journalist and has brilliant knowledge about world history as well as international relations. Just go read the post American World before you all start jumping the hate bandwagon.. its no different than MMA coming out burning tires because facebook was banned...
Okay!! so what i read in that article was pretty much all true?? So whats the point of bashing Fareed Zakaria here? Can't swallow the reality on these boards or what? Not ONE of you has ever even read Fareed Zakaria's book let alone are in a position to discredit his work.... That entire article is spot on.. either live with the truth or stop hating people for writing about the realities on the ground

Not one of you is able to discredit what he says in the article but we get 2 pages of Fareed Zakaria bashing... lol. unbelievable

Oh and please don't bring Zaid Hamid into this thread. Fareed Zakaria is an excellent journalist and has brilliant knowledge about world history as well as international relations. Just go read the post American World before you all start jumping the hate bandwagon.. its no different than MMA coming out burning tires because facebook was banned...

this post of yours made me read the article.
That entire article is spot on.. either live with the truth or stop hating people for writing about the realities on the ground

Since you mentioned it, let me highlight one part for the Pakistani members.

As scholar Ken Menkhaus has pointed out, global terrorism seems to profit less from failed states and more from weak ones, such as Pakistan, where some element of the regime is assisting the terrorists.

This is simply for the purpose of some introspection. No need for anyone to flame.
Zakaria's analysis is fundamentally flawed on the assumption that intervention in weak or poor states is going to work. Unless the intervening state is willing to use massive force and engage in brutal tactics its unlikely to affect any permanent change. This used to happen 500 years back, not anymore as overwhelming force is no longer acceptable in the international community. The other option is to stick the boots on the ground for 50 years and painstakingly undertake reforms. Unless the Americans are willing to take such drastic measures, they should stay out of other people's business and stop worsening the situation as any intervention is likely to evoke a strong reaction.
what a surprise Fareed Zakaria :P


has he got nothing better to do than talk about Pakistan ?
Fareed Zakaria's father Rafiq was against Jinnah, read all the BS he wrote against him. Fareed's hate for Pakistan has been passed on from his father. Its a family thing for this loon.

I also like how he never mentiones the support given to these elements by CIA. This guy has an agenda and he won't quit.


Oh God its Fareed Zakaria, does he do anything else besides spewing hatred towards Pakistan? I cant stand him

Every article , news and video with Fareed Zikriya looses its credibility straight away - this person comes from Anti Pakistan background and wont shut up.

Well in general he's known as being anti-Pakistan and being ignorant on Pakistan.

I think Fareed Zakaria is too biased against Pakistan

Two words for Fareeed

lol what?

Yes... first fact i syou picked him for spreading anti Pakistan propaganda.

secondly, he work for CNN and writing for washington post!!!! this is incorrect enough.

He's a 'Tool'!!!!

Yeah Fareed Zakaria :rofl:

what a surprise Fareed Zakaria

So i ask the question in a rational way? How do you discredit what he said rather than personally insulting him. I'd like to have a proper discussion regarding the topic at hand. Sands of Time is the only one who is arguing rationally rather than trying troll like everyone else here is.... how many of you managed to pass high school is what i am thinking about.
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His best work by far was the editorial he wrote two weeks after 9/11. People should read all his works before commenting on him. Like his book on the Post-American world and the rise of the rest.

The Politics Of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us? - Newsweek

Thanks for linking the above. I never actually read it before but did so now. My dad was (still is?) a fan of him and was recommending one of his books to people ...

However, enough about the messenger. As someone said, what about the message?

The message is one tangential endorsement of a purely machiavellian appraisal through selective quotes. No more, no less. It represented a convergence of the "worst" of both Buchanonite "paleo-conservative" and the "neo-cons" stock thinkings.

Paleo-cons: they are not fit for "our democracy", and leave them be. If they rise as a bloc and challenge us, we will fight them "fair and square", as the "West" always has.[/I]

Neo-cons: let's vanquish "evil" with the Sword of Democracy, for certain things are universal ... ultimately, this makes "us" safe.

Today: neo-cons turn to the paleo-cons: you guys were right, they "don't deserve it" ... but at least we pounded them hard and smashed them to pieces so there won't be a "fair and square" ... ever!

BTW, we knew you were right all along ... it's called "Plan B". ;)

Unfriendly "weak states" have to be constantly cajoled and bought and appeased. But the failed ones will just be managed - cheaply we may add. So please fail. And "we" shall assist if necessary ...

Who needs Wilsonian platitudes, when you got successes like Iraq?

Somalia doesn't need to "succeed". It just needs to be like Haiti, where "we" are free to go in every 10 years or so to "teach them how to elect good men" ...

Do they? You ask ...

Well does it matter?

Now onto the messenger himself. I am inclined to give him the benefit of doubt. It's not clear if he is truly endorsing this "we prefer failed states over weak ones, and therefore let's make the weak ones fail" line of thinking ...

But at the minimum he is dispensing a warning on behalf of ???? to those who "haven't seen the light" ...

Or he is advocating the sacrificing of the tail for the body, or at least his version of it for the part of the world stretching from Morocco to Borneo, from Dagestan to Dar es salaam ...
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Fared zakaria is a smart and educated guy. that's why he is being bashed up on this forum. No wonder. :lol:

Matter of perspective dude, matter of perspective. If there was some anti-Indian writer, indians would be calling him the same thing. Mind you, you need to look at his comments about PA anti-terrorists ops to see his level of 'smartness'.
I like Fareed Zakaria :smitten:,not for the fact that he is against Pak,but for the fact that he has a great sense of talking and a brilliant personality.
Not so sure about that.

On the contrary, I think its you who fails to see the reality of the situation. The Taliban will never fight you head on. To me it simply seems like the PA chases them out of one region only to find that they've made they're escape to another. There was a suicide attack in SWAT just last week (I think), which is why I think Pakistan needs to commit more troops to the region.

What army might that be? because if I'm to believe a lot of what I've been reading these days it would seem the PA would be the prime example of such an army.

Pakistan does have a long fight ahead, that isn't trolling its a fact. I might not sugar coat my posts and I might not be right all the time, but I really don't see what part of my post you construe as 'trolling'.

He said that the Swat operation would fail. The objective of Swat operation was to flush the TTP out of the region - i.e. stop swat being used as their base and to give the Pakistani state the control over Swat. Suicide attacks are another thing - it stands as a fact that Swat is no longer their base and the Pakistani state has control there. The operation was a very big success.

The guy is utterly biased to begin with to be even taken seriously. There was a thread a while ago on him in which I took him apart and there was no Indian for his defence there.

Now you say that PA attacks TTP in one place and they go to another. You actually seem to have no idea of what's going on in FATA regarding PA ops. I can't blame you as you probably would not be interested in hearing the news of what's going on there. TTP has been utterly massacred and only have a few safe havens remaining which will be destroyed soon. SW gone, Swat gone, Bajaur gone, getting butchered in Orakzai and Kurram, with only NW remaining.
Here's the video, or shall I say a dose of comedy. Man someone really needs to show him this video to remind him of his smartness, or the lack of.

Pakistani military is going to have to learn how to do counter insurgency - (0:47 in the video) Fareed Zakaria on BBC at the start of operation Rah-e-rast. :rofl::rofl:

In hindsight, he should be telling that to NATO.

Btw, besides this, the incorrect ground realities and propaganda being spouted here is too much to even begin with.
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BTW, your logic of Fareed Zakaria being completely influenced by his father would only serve to open Jinnah's family to the same scrutiny, Jinnah's family members made their own choices which does not reflect on Jinnah & Fareed Zakaria is most capable of making his own choices whether they happen to be similar or dissimilar to his fathers choices.

Firstly this hero of yours would only be known to a very small amount of your populace, his penchant for writing accounts that do not match up to the reality in the mentioned book are very similar to what his son does. He seemed like one another from the long line who were completely overshadowed by Jinnah making them envious of his stature and success.

He might be a hero to you but to me and my countrymen he does not comes across well. I mentioned this because he has a similar agenda, one that his son follows. So it is my right to mention that. As for Jinnahs family, his sister was with him but his daughter parted ways because he did not approve of her choice for marriage. There is not comparison here.

---------- Post added at 07:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:24 AM ----------

Fared zakaria is a smart and educated guy. that's why he is being bashed up on this forum. No wonder. :lol:

Much like Arundhati Roy in India.
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