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The enemy and Pakistan Army

Yes there are those Pakistanis who have their linkages with Arabs, Central Asians, Turks etc etc. But large majority of Pakistanis are the sons of the soil and who are decedents of those who lived here since thousands and thousands of years ago. And are the true decedents of IVC people.

So have the Indians who have been here since long, but can not claim the legacy of IVC as their own.

If you call us as Malechhas then most of you probably are Malechhas as well because the Aryans also came from those lands and were foreign origin people - either through Aryan invasion or through Aryan migration or whatever.

Therefore, you Indians have to identify your own identity and you should stop claiming the IVC as only your legacy.

IVC will always be Indian. Let your Pakistani a** burn more though, its fun to watch :P We don't have to claim the Indus, the whole world recognizes it as Indian, including Pakistanis Though your identity crisis is quite fun to read, and is one of my best sources of entertainment along with my lovely Zaid Hamid :lol:
Yes India supported the Mukthi Bahini. And the fact that 10 million people left Bangladesh in a space of 6 months and ran to India as refugees is probably never talked about in Pakistan. The fact that Operation Searchlight killed hundreds of thousands of Bengalis is again India's fault, obviously not the fault of the Pakistani Army that perpetrated it. If India did anything by supporting the Mukthi Bahini, then it was for a noble cause. For people's freedom. Of course we had a strategic benefit from it. But no we are not angels. We only do what is good for us and there is nothing wrong about that. And also no, the fact that Pakistan launched the first airstrikes on India back in 1971 is also not instigating war in the Pakistani mindset. Nice try.

As for the plebiscite, we can have it as soon as you demilitarize Azad Kashmir as per the provisions of the UN resolution 47. That YOUR country agreed to. The only reason they dont wanna do that, is because the majority in Jammu and Kashmir will actually vote to go with India. Pakistan has known this from day one. So they have ignored the resolution. Hypocrisy at its best.

And 1984, Siachen Glacier was disputed. It was disputed land that India occupied. So no that was not aggression towards Pakistan. It was a strategic move and like I said, we will only do what is good for us strategically. And even if you consider this aggression then so be it. Indian aggression that resulted in not a single shot being fired vs Pakistani aggression that resulted in thousands of deaths. Ill take Indian aggression over Pakistani aggression any day!

And and lastly, we never say "our country can do no wrong". We only say, "our country did not do anything wrong". Atleast when it comes to Pakistan which is what is in discussion here.

Indians have themselves written books as to how this was instigated and encouraged. There was a plan behind it all. You were successful in implementing all that. But please don't spin it and state that because of your own instigated plans you attacked East Pakistan. This is a frivolous notion.

And this was practiced yet again by encouraging the Hindu Pandits to leave Indian Occupied Kashmir and then converting it as a logical response to committing enhanced atrocities on Kashmiri Muslims pronouncing them as terrorists.

And then you state rather blatantly that "our country did not do anything wrong" atleast when it comes to Pakistan.

What a remarkable sense of innocence.
Indians have themselves written books as to how this was instigated and encouraged. There was a plan behind it all. You were successful in implementing all that. But please don't spin it and state that because of your own instigated plans you attacked East Pakistan. This is a frivolous notion.

And this was practiced yet again by encouraging the Hindu Pandits to leave Indian Occupied Kashmir and then converting it as a logical response to committing enhanced atrocities on Kashmiri Muslims pronouncing them as terrorists.

And then you state rather blatantly that "our country did not do anything wrong" atleast when it comes to Pakistan.

What a remarkable sense of innocence.

You Pakistanis are on some next level drugs with these conspiracy theories. Either way, Kashmir is never happening for you guys, just like IVC :P
IVC will always be Indian. Let your Pakistani a** burn more though, its fun to watch :P We don't have to claim the Indus, the whole world recognizes it as Indian, including Pakistanis Though your identity crisis is quite fun to read, and is one of my best sources of entertainment along with my lovely Zaid Hamid :lol:

That's the one biggest entertainment doing the rounds in PDF - don't spoil it for us, this will generate a lot of laughs and entertainment when we Indian PDFian's meet up in person. :lol:
There are alternative interpretations of everything. The Indian "unity in diversity" has been maintained by the spectre of a Pakistani bogeyman. Of course Indians will deny it, but the Indian media has been obsessed by Pakistan phobia, which has now been spiced up with the flavor of the decade, viz. terrorism.

India is replete with ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural fault lines, any and all of which can be exploited. Just because Pakistan has failed to do so does not mean it cannot be done. Any group of people can be conditioned into a conflict-oriented mindset, be it ethnic, religious or cultural. Any group.


One line reply for your 'no logic' comment. We are not ruled by army nor our foreign policy was finalized by armed forces.. Period.
There are alternative interpretations of everything. The Indian "unity in diversity" has been maintained by the spectre of a Pakistani bogeyman. Of course Indians will deny it, but the Indian media has been obsessed by Pakistan phobia, which has now been spiced up with the flavor of the decade, viz. terrorism.

Actually no. Pakistan, believe me, doesnt even appear in the media that much. If you dont believe me, just check out some online media, like Timesnow or CNN IBN etc., The only time we talk about Pakistan is when we discuss terrorism and when we discuss the peace process. Nothing more than that. And India certainly is not united by Pakistan phobia, cuz if you go to some remote village, and ask them about the Kashmir issue, they wont even know what you are talkin about. For that matter they wont even know about terrorism etc that much, except for knowing that there are terrorists. India is strangely united more by its differences than by its fears. And that is India's strength.

What matters is that we know what we are dealing with. Convincing anyone else is futile, given the West's current love affair with India.

Exactly what I am saying. You guys believe in stuff that have absolutely no concrete evidence. That is one of the major weaknesses of Pakistan.

Indians have themselves written books as to how this was instigated and encouraged. There was a plan behind it all. You were successful in implementing all that. But please don't spin it and state that because of your own instigated plans you attacked East Pakistan. This is a frivolous notion.

And this was practiced yet again by encouraging the Hindu Pandits to leave Indian Occupied Kashmir and then converting it as a logical response to committing enhanced atrocities on Kashmiri Muslims pronouncing them as terrorists.

And then you state rather blatantly that "our country did not do anything wrong" atleast when it comes to Pakistan.

What a remarkable sense of innocence.

I dont know about those books. Please present evidence.

And if they were encouraged in lieu of President Yahya (am I right?) saying: "Kill 3 million of them and they will eat out of our hands" , then I would say that was the right thing to do. It was the humane thing to do. If you are gonna kill them, why not let them leave? Its the same thing. Atleast you had comparatively less blood on your hands.

And btw, its not a remarkable sense of innocence. Its a remarkable sense of confidence. Because we know what we say is based on facts, not fiction. Unlike yours.
IVC will always be Indian. Let your Pakistani a** burn more though, its fun to watch :P We don't have to claim the Indus, the whole world recognizes it as Indian, including Pakistanis Though your identity crisis is quite fun to read, and is one of my best sources of entertainment along with my lovely Zaid Hamid :lol:

How will IVC be always Indian - Yeah sure because you say so - Duh ..........

And which is this world that believes it to be ..... like the American cliche of the civilized world, as if everybody else is uncivilized.

aur pata nahin ye zaid hamid kon hai hai ..... he really bugs the Indians. ha ha ha
I don't blame these posters. Its just disinformation spread by likes of Zaid Hamid and Water Car engineer coming on national TV and repeating conspiracy theories and baseless claims. The day these lunatics will be sent to mental institution than on a media channel, many sane people will gain more voice and will definitely help in building Pakistan's image.

The enemy is this media which cash in on ignorance and propaganda stuff present among the people.
That's the one biggest entertainment doing the rounds in PDF - don't spoil it for us, this will generate a lot of laughs and entertainment when we Indian PDFian's meet up in person. :lol:

The truth hurts - doesn't it, particularly when you do not have an answer and just your belief to support you.

What can you do - but laugh a bit.
I don't blame these posters. Its just disinformation spread by likes of Zaid Hamid and Water Car engineer coming on national TV and repeating conspiracy theories and baseless claims. The day these lunatics will be sent to mental institution than on a media channel, many sane people will gain more voice and will definitely help in building Pakistan's image.

The enemy is this media which cash in on ignorance and propaganda stuff present among the people.

Talk with historical facts and not through a dismissive jerk that you are.
Ticker don't get ticked.

OT: Please come populate Islamophobe thread in Member's section.
Talk with historical facts and not through a dismissive jerk that you are.
Talk depends on audience and I know what I am targeting and who is getting rattled. :lol:

Carry on Kiddo.
He is Laal topiwala. The guy that says "We will conquer New Delhi!!". And when asked "How?!", he says: "I dont know, Allah will help us :drag: "


ha ha ha ....... what can I say ....... I don't know him but if he says that, I wish him all the success. :)

Talk depends on audience and I know what I am targeting and who is getting rattled. :lol:

Carry on Kiddo.

Hey tin horn ..... like I said, respond with facts or become a passenger in the train that you are.
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