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The endless ideological wars against China

TThe modern generation of the CCP, from Deng Xiaoping onwards (NOT including Mao), have lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese people out of poverty. Who else has done so much for the Chinese people?

See, that's where you have it all wrong. Den Xiaoping only deserves credit for letting the Chinese people out of their tiny prison cells and into the prison yard. Any success that China a has had is because of the intelligence and incredible endurance of the Chinese average man. The CCP deserves ZERO credit for anything but getting a little bit out of the way. IF the CCP would get totally out of the way, then the Chinese people, and the world, would be an order of magnitude better off. You see, the CCP is a parasite, feeding off its own people. Nothing is more morally corrupt than the CCP. Even the debauched Americans are not .....(Well, maybe the Russians ...)
See, that's where you have it all wrong. Den Xiaoping only deserves credit for letting the Chinese people out of their tiny prison cells and into the prison yard. Any success that China a has had is because of the intelligence and incredible endurance of the Chinese average man. The CCP deserves ZERO credit for anything but getting a little bit out of the way. IF the CCP would get totally out of the way, then the Chinese people, and the world, would be an order of magnitude better off. You see, the CCP is a parasite, feeding off its own people. Nothing is more morally corrupt than the CCP. Even the debauched Americans are not .....(Well, maybe the Russians ...)

Look at my posts, I'm hardly the type of person who will claim that the CCP are saints. That said, supporting the "modern" leadership of the CCP is (in my opinion) the best way forward in terms of stability and economic growth.

If you disagree, then tell me, what is the practical alternative?

1) Overthrow the CCP and cause China to fall into a massive civil war, in which hundreds of millions of Chinese people will die. Remember that the CCP and the PLA are the ones with the nukes.

2) Let China develop economically under authoritarianism, and then after the development is complete, go for political liberalisation. Just like South Korea and Taiwan did, i.e. the "East Asian" model.

Obviously the second option will look better for most Chinese people, who are traditionally/historically accustomed to waiting a long time for things.

Unless of course... you have a PRACTICAL alternative... that gives us stability, continued economic growth, AND political liberalisation, all without mass bloodshed?
See, that's where you have it all wrong. Den Xiaoping only deserves credit for letting the Chinese people out of their tiny prison cells and into the prison yard. Any success that China a has had is because of the intelligence and incredible endurance of the Chinese average man. The CCP deserves ZERO credit for anything but getting a little bit out of the way. IF the CCP would get totally out of the way, then the Chinese people, and the world, would be an order of magnitude better off. You see, the CCP is a parasite, feeding off its own people. Nothing is more morally corrupt than the CCP. Even the debauched Americans are not .....(Well, maybe the Russians ...)

So how did the previous leadership do? What about the leadership before that?

Look, I know you're not too big on facts, so let's try some simple logic, to keep it easy enough for your brain to understand.

1.) Before the communist party came to power, China was humiliated for 100 years. Even before Communism was a concept, China had been humiliated for decades.

2.) After the communist party came to power, and no sooner, China was no longer being humiliated. Instead we fought back and won every time.

3.) This indicates some sort of correlation. In fact, this is quite a strong correlation. We might even say there is a causation.

---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------

Look at my posts, I'm hardly the type of person who will claim that the CCP are saints. That said, supporting the "modern" leadership of the CCP is (in my opinion) the best way forward in terms of stability and economic growth.

If you disagree, then tell me, what is the practical alternative?

1) Overthrow the CCP and cause China to fall into a massive civil war, in which hundreds of millions of Chinese people will die. Remember that the CCP and the PLA are the ones with the nukes.

2) Let China develop economically under authoritarianism, and then after the development is complete, go for political liberalisation. Just like South Korea and Taiwan did, i.e. the "East Asian" model.

Obviously the second option will look better for most Chinese people, who are traditionally/historically accustomed to waiting a long time for things.

Unless of course... you have a PRACTICAL alternative... that gives us stability, continued economic growth, AND political liberalisation, all without mass bloodshed?

Do you honestly think that 1.) the PLA will nuke our own citizens and 2.) that people will rise up against the government just because americans told them to do so?
I misunderstood. So sick of americans. They have this ridiculous logic that I still don't understand but it somehow leads to this conclusion:

Chinese people don't actually want to be a strong country, just the commies. Instead, Chinese people love to be weak, and would happily welcome the US in assisting this, if only they would first overthrow the commies.
Chinese people love losing land and money (Tibet, Xinjiang), it's the commies that prevent them from doing so.
Chinese people are naturally inferior and need our leadership and guidance, but their success is because the Communist party just got out of their way, and they're smart.

What the hell, I cannot see how any rational person can come to these conclusions. The only way is, they have a rabid hatred of China and Chinese, and would like to see our collapse and extinction as a race as fast as possible.
What the hell, I cannot see how any rational person can come to these conclusions. The only way is, they have a rabid hatred of China and Chinese, and would like to see our collapse and extinction as a race as fast as possible.

More like a hatred for any one who is potentially strong.
What the hell, I cannot see how any rational person can come to these conclusions. The only way is, they have a rabid hatred of China and Chinese, and would like to see our collapse and extinction as a race as fast as possible.

The reason they hate China, is because they fear China.

Just listen to some Republican news commentators in America, and see how afraid they are of a rising China.

They literally turn into 疯子 when they talk about us. Although some like Glenn Beck, were already a bit mad to begin with.
I misunderstood. So sick of americans. They have this ridiculous logic that I still don't understand but it somehow leads to this conclusion:

Chinese people don't actually want to be a strong country, just the commies. Instead, Chinese people love to be weak, and would happily welcome the US in assisting this, if only they would first overthrow the commies.
Chinese people love losing land and money (Tibet, Xinjiang), it's the commies that prevent them from doing so.
Chinese people are naturally inferior and need our leadership and guidance, but their success is because the Communist party just got out of their way, and they're smart.

What the hell, I cannot see how any rational person can come to these conclusions. The only way is, they have a rabid hatred of China and Chinese, and would like to see our collapse and extinction as a race as fast as possible.

Guys, as long as we are satisfy with our government who care whats those haters say, especially that so-called old j..., he is a well known China hater on PDF, his cold war era mind set=everything Americans way is good, everything CPC is bad, probably still recieving food stamps just to survive if not being homeless.:china:
China has stopped spreading Communist ideologies to her neighbors. I think this is proof that the current leadership understands that the Cold War is over. It is impossible to find articles calling for the "liberation" of blah blah in Chinese newspapers today. Compare that with western news papers blaring "authoritarianism" and "governmental mouth piece" day and night. I wonder who is the true propagandist here.
americans logic is if you don't accept what they said then you got brainwashed.
the saddest thing is most of chinese people sometime do concern about what media said. but americans believe everything from cnn
we are facing the same things that japan was in the 19th century, except we're even more of a threat to the white/jewish global order than japan was, since japan even in the 19th century adopted so many western cultural aspects.

it's like how russia was the outcast of europe for not being as "white" as the rest, how it was isolated even 1 year after the formation of the USSR.

we should start our own prize. make it something like the Eurasian Peace Price and give it to people like the Hawaii Independence Movement or Alaska Independence Movement.

first of all we have to understand that U.S-China enmity is not like that of U.S-Soviet,its not about race,its not about ideology,its all about business

After the end of 2nd world war U.S and Soviet were two equal powers,and was in a race for world domination and what helped both of them for their hatred against each other was their ideology

After Soviet fell American problems should have ended,but actually that not happened ,they start to feel a void,they always wanted someone in to lead their opposite faction

This can b said may b protect their military and aerospace industries that generate huge business and large scale employment,After the Soviet fall their was apprehension's that the business will fell down and actually happened to an extent

The American's required an imaginary enemy and that they found in China,add a new player and a whole new countries get involved in the game and generate business from all of them and U.S once again fairly succeeded in it

China also perfectly fill in the space since it was a fastly growing economy and more importantly they also have the same ideology of soviet(atleast on paper),this is the same reason that even after U.S cooperates with china in business issues it still want to have china as an adversary,because it helps both way,i mean business,the recent Chinese assertiveness also helped their matter.

Japan was possibly only nation which checkmated it during world war,as a result pearl harbour happened,Japan dig it's own grave,U.S was ready for a friendly relation with Japan,then rising power,so here also i dont think that was about race

Its not that U.S will not love to see China fall,they will again celebrate like they did it when soviet fell,but then again they will feel the void,and bring a new player to again satisfy the equation,or if China still hang on,U.S will continue to reep the benefits.
first of all we have to understand that U.S-China enmity is not like that of U.S-Soviet,its not about race,its not about ideology,its all about business

After the end of 2nd world war U.S and Soviet were two equal powers,and was in a race for world domination and what helped both of them for their hatred against each other was their ideology

After Soviet fell American problems should have ended,but actually that not happened ,they start to feel a void,they always wanted someone in to lead their opposite faction

This can b said may b protect their military and aerospace industries that generate huge business and large scale employment,After the Soviet fall their was apprehension's that the business will fell down and actually happened to an extent

The American's required an imaginary enemy and that they found in China,add a new player and a whole new countries get involved in the game and generate business from all of them and U.S once again fairly succeeded in it

China also perfectly fill in the space since it was a fastly growing economy and more importantly they also have the same ideology of soviet(atleast on paper),this is the same reason that even after U.S cooperates with china in business issues it still want to have china as an adversary,because it helps both way,i mean business,the recent Chinese assertiveness also helped their matter.

Japan was possibly only nation which checkmated it during world war,as a result pearl harbour happened,Japan dig it's own grave,U.S was ready for a friendly relation with Japan,then rising power,so here also i dont think that was about race

Its not that U.S will not love to see China fall,they will again celebrate like they did it when soviet fell,but then again they will feel the void,and bring a new player to again satisfy the equation,or if China still hang on,U.S will continue to reep the benefits.

that's right; if we fall, you're next.
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