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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

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Whether it's Trump or a Democrat doesn't matter, Americans are all the same sh!t.
Here is the words from Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden:
“If Tehran returns to compliance with the deal, I would rejoin the agreement, and work with our allies to strengthen and extend it, while more effectively pushing back against Iran’s destabilizing activities – which under the agreement we were allowed to do, we had partners to do with us.”
Biden Concedes Iran Nuclear Deal Could be Stronger - CNS News

So while U.S has left the deal first (also never complied with it either), he puts preconditions for Iran to comply first! and then explains his next step, following Trump's maximum pressure policy to extend the JCPOA, for example to extend the period of Iran's limitations.

And here is what John Kerry advised Trump to follow:
I think President Trump would have been much better advised to have kept the JCPOA, which would have kept China, Russia, France, Germany and Britain together with you, united. So you keep it in place, and you say to the Iranians hey, guys, we’ve told you you’ve got to stop these other things. I’m going to give you two years or a year or whatever. We’re willing to negotiate on these other things. But if you don’t, if you haven’t done it by then, I’m out of this agreement. And that way, you have China, Russia, these other countries with you in the effort to leverage this different behavior from Iran rather than unilaterally pulling out and isolating yourself and making it much more difficult to sit down with any Iranian.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry On His New Memoir "Every Day Is Extra" « The Hugh Hewitt Show

quick history Chinese backstabbing and violations contract in nuclear field from 1990s
old video from 2015
So two years is needed to rebuild the reactor core which traitors destroyed with concrete, and in the end, Salehi is nothing but a mother-born liar.
IAEA chief Yukiya Amano dies

as should be expected the next IAEA board of gavovers and report most likely would be referred to UNSC
. . . .
CFR invited the Democratic candidates to articulate their positions on twelve critical foreign policy issues before the second set of presidential debates:
The Democratic Candidates on the Iran Nuclear Deal | Council on Foreign Relations

Different tactics, but all the same agenda, almost all of them have preconditions which are not different from trump, Even sanders wants to strengthen the deal with "additional measures to further block any path to a nuclear weapon"; as if you are reading the Trump's opinion!

Not a single hope for pro-west people.
CFR invited the Democratic candidates to articulate their positions on twelve critical foreign policy issues before the second set of presidential debates:
The Democratic Candidates on the Iran Nuclear Deal | Council on Foreign Relations

Different tactics, but all the same agenda, almost all of them have preconditions which are not different from trump, Even sanders wants to strengthen the deal with "additional measures to further block any path to a nuclear weapon"; as if you are reading the Trump's opinion!

Not a single hope for pro-west people.
Says you...the most paranoid man in Iran. There are plenty of people in the U.S. who want to normalize relations. Just a few weeks ago Sen. Rand Paul had a meeting with Zarif, he asked if he could meet Trump in the Oval Office, but it didn't happen because he was afraid of what your camp might say about it back in Iran. This entire 40 years of "we're going to take our ball and go home" mentality has cost our country a king's treasure. History has proven over and over that military interventions, isolationism and all the other shortsighted tactics will never solve the bigger problems....they only way for Iran to flourish is to get the USA off of our back. Your hardliners and even the moderates are not the people who can bring prosperity and growth to our people. We need a fresh set of politicians and leaders, young, smart, forward thinking people....we've let those guys drive the bus for 40 years and we have nothing to show for it, only empty resistance and slogans. We need to make peace with the USA (no, I don't trust them, and I don't like their policies) but we need them off our back in order to be able to be in a position to slam our regional enemies who have been plotting against us for decades.

Says you...the most paranoid man in Iran. There are plenty of people in the U.S. who want to normalize relations. Just a few weeks ago Sen. Rand Paul had a meeting with Zarif, he asked if he could meet Trump in the Oval Office, but it didn't happen because he was afraid of what your camp might say about it back in Iran. This entire 40 years of "we're going to take our ball and go home" mentality has cost our country a king's treasure. History has proven over and over that military interventions, isolationism and all the other shortsighted tactics will never solve the bigger problems....they only way for Iran to flourish is to get the USA off of our back. Your hardliners and even the moderates are not the people who can bring prosperity and growth to our people. We need a fresh set of politicians and leaders, young, smart, forward thinking people....we've let those guys drive the bus for 40 years and we have nothing to show for it, only empty resistance and slogans. We need to make peace with the USA (no, I don't trust them, and I don't like their policies) but we need them off our back in order to be able to be in a position to slam our regional enemies who have been plotting against us for decades.
No, says all U.S candidates.

Young, smart, forward thinking people learn from the past, history of arrogance powers, history of west's hypocrisy, history of people like Mosaddeq, Gorbachev , Qaddafi and Rouhani who trusted the west.

Rand Paul is acting on behalf of Trump, he already admitted that Trump has approved his mission (otherwise he would face jail even for contacting Zarif).

My memory isn't that short to forget that everyone in U.S Parliament voted to renewal of U.S sanctions against Iran, all the f@ckers altogether. so forgive me if my memory isn't like a sparrow.

If Rand Paul was such a nice guy, he had to negotiate with his countrymen, the ones who have violated Iran's rights, what's the point of negotiating with Iran, except that he wants to achieve what U.S couldn't achieve through it's military or sanctions. f@ckers like Rand Paul get a role in U.S as part of old carrot & stick policy, cause U.S war machine has already failed.

Our bus just started.
Iran Owns the Persian Gulf Now – Foreign Policy

P.S This traitor Zarif with the excuse of participating in (unimportant) U.N meetings traveled to NewYork and in there against direct orders of supreme leader negotiated with Trump's representative and even accepted extra concessions beside our commitments in JCPOA, yet still he couldn't satisfy his master Trump, whose agenda isn't less than destroying Iran's source of powers.
P.S This traitor Zarif with the excuse of participating in (unimportant) U.N meetings traveled to NewYork and in there against direct orders of supreme leader negotiated with Trump's representative and even accepted extra concessions beside our commitments in JCPOA, yet still he couldn't satisfy his master Trump, whose agenda isn't less than destroying Iran's source of powers.

Stop smoking so much weed. First off, Rand Paul went to Trump asking for permission to mediate...not the other way around. Second. the things you're calling extra concessions were already agreed to in JCPOA, so only the timeline was changed. Third, What source of power is being destroyed? Our ability to sell oil? It's done dude, oil sales have plummeted....how are we going to pay our bills? With you guys chanting "Death to America" while sitting on rugs on Fridays? How are we going to catch up to UAE, Qatar and Turkey's standard of living? You got a plan? Do your bosses have a plan? Nooooooo they don't. You guys are all talk and propaganda. Just marches, parades and fists to the sky....you are muscle in our society, not the brains......the sooner the people realize this, the better
Both Democrats and Republicans are branches of 1 party: Deep State.

CFR invited the Democratic candidates to articulate their positions on twelve critical foreign policy issues before the second set of presidential debates:
The Democratic Candidates on the Iran Nuclear Deal | Council on Foreign Relations

Different tactics, but all the same agenda, almost all of them have preconditions which are not different from trump, Even sanders wants to strengthen the deal with "additional measures to further block any path to a nuclear weapon"; as if you are reading the Trump's opinion!

Not a single hope for pro-west people.
Stop smoking so much weed. First off, Rand Paul went to Trump asking for permission to mediate...not the other way around. Second. the things you're calling extra concessions were already agreed to in JCPOA, so only the timeline was changed. Third, What source of power is being destroyed? Our ability to sell oil? It's done dude, oil sales have plummeted....how are we going to pay our bills? With you guys chanting "Death to America" while sitting on rugs on Fridays? How are we going to catch up to UAE, Qatar and Turkey's standard of living? You got a plan? Do your bosses have a plan? Nooooooo they don't. You guys are all talk and propaganda. Just marches, parades and fists to the sky....you are muscle in our society, not the brains......the sooner the people realize this, the better
May I ask what is your plan dear Kastor, on this issue?
I have not seen any sign of willingness in current american administration towards negotiation whatsoever beside different voices which contradict one another coming out of them on the daily bases.
To have a deal or agreement with someone either you tie it to the law or trust ..
On trust, if you look at the JCPoA and both countries officials and heads of delegation teams' wordings during the negotiations that resulted in the ND you'll see both sides made it clear that the deal wasn't reached base upon trust but it was built base on Int. law, the UNSCR and IAEA inspections and so on in one word "obligations" .. the point is the deal wasn't reached base on trust but implementation of it by all sides in good faith was supposed to create an positive atmosphere to pave path to a situation which could have enabled both nations to stand on their feet and look beyond the wall of mistrust that has been built for the past 7 decades a wall that has been getting thicker and taller every day. The IAEA as sole Int body recognized by the UNSCR 2231to verify implementation of the deal ,which was issued by americans to endorse the JCPoA in 2015, has certified Iran fully compliance to the deal for 15 times ... contrary to Iran's compliance american government from the first day even under Obama administration violated terms of the deal be it ISA law or travel ban to sanctioning individuals:
JCPOA violations.jpg
Trump withdrew from it ,Giuliani (POTUS's attorney) spitted on it and since then there wasn't a day that they didn't try to destroy it..

So there was no trust in the first place & the only thing that could be seen as a beacon of hope to thaw the ice between two countries has been torn apart by american under pretext of a better deal.

The second factor that you could tie your deal to it is international law and mutual agreement ... as I said the JCPoA was endorsed by the UNSCR 2231 which automatically turned it from a multilateral agreement between Iran and 5+1 to an international agreement & as far as all the UNSCRs base on article 25 of chapter V of charter of the UNs turn to international law:

“The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.”
All countries have to implement it as it is now an international law.
The americans as a permanent member of the UNSC with veto right and as the one that issued the resolution 2231 is number one violator of it ...
The american withdrawal from the JCPoA and not implement it is a clear violation, the reimposing sanctions that were supposed to be lifted is the second violation of JCPOA and resolution .. but american didn't stop there and started to force other countries to violate international law .. Once upon time american forced all countries to join the JCPoA and now is forcing everyone to violate it ... funny part is base on John Kerry interview 1929 resolution says Iran's sanctions must be removed once Iran comes to negotiation table even if agrees on nothing ...

"....The United Nations Resolution 1929, which is the resolution that basically brings us here and set in motion the sanctions, says specifically that if Iran comes to negotiate – not even get a deal, but comes to negotiate – sanctions would be lifted...."
So they are violating 1929 too ....

So there was no trust and it got worsen due to american policy ... they have no respect for anything be it international law or the resolution issued by themselves or agreements they signed...

My Q is how on earth you wanna guarantee your so-called peace with the USA??esp in a world that you can not trust and law is useless ... are you able to tell me that if we engage in new round of negotiations the result would remain for more than 5 minutes?a week? a month? or a year? and american wouldn't hit under table under pretext of a better deal??
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