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The Egyptian army is moving suddenly and simultaneously with Turkish military exercises near the Egy

You cannot call it invasion for 3 reasons:
1- the only elected authority in Libya ( the Parliament) asked for the Egyptian intervention to defend Libya against Syrian mercenaries and GNA militia supported by Turkey.

2- LNA + Tribes fighters will be in the front lines ... and the Egyptian Army will be on their back ... just in case of penetration of their lines or the Turkish direct involvement in the battle.

3- You cannot ignore social and Historical relationships between western Egypt and Eastern Libya ... knowing that ... the resistance against the Italian invasion was mainly getting it’s logistical support from Egypt .... and it will happen again who ever the name invading Libya .
Bro, by the international laws it would be a invasion, regardless of any reasoning.
Bro, by the international laws it would be a invasion, regardless of any reasoning.

Yes, you are right .... but International laws are not applied in many cases ... like northern Syria and northern Iraq .... if you have the super powers permission.
I think Pakistan should have a look on the inside and correct the mistake that the Sharia law has done to her masses..Religion enslaved people, has never freed them...
Same goes for Hindu India. These Hindu extremist like Modi in India are doing the same. I think MODI is turning India into Hindu Sharia country.
Sisi want its end to be quickly done i suggest turks bring S 400 to libya and take these egyotian clowns out of skies
Yes, you are right .... but International laws are not applied in many cases ... like northern Syria and northern Iraq .... if you have the super powers permission.
Wel, i don't know other's but Turkey doesn't ask "permission" from anyone.

Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

https://www.un.org/en/sections/un-c... 51,maintain international peace and security.

Annex: 4
The Syrian side understands that its failure to take the necessary measures and security duties, stated in this agreement, gives Turkey the right to take all necessary security measures within 5 km deep into Syrian territory

Our actions have strong foundations and we are doing nothing against International Laws.
Yes, you are right .... but International laws are not applied in many cases ... like northern Syria and northern Iraq .... if you have the super powers permission.

Believe it or not there are actual legal grounds for Turkish intervention in both of those countries. You have none in Libya. Bro your justifications of intervening is based on the request of an unrecognized politcal entity, who didnt even do so democratically and a bunch of tribal chiefs.
Wel, i don't know other's but Turkey doesn't ask "permission" from anyone.

Article 51
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security.

https://www.un.org/en/sections/un-charter/un-charter-full-text/#:~:text=Article 51,maintain international peace and security.

Annex: 4
The Syrian side understands that its failure to take the necessary measures and security duties, stated in this agreement, gives Turkey the right to take all necessary security measures within 5 km deep into Syrian territory

Our actions have strong foundations and we are doing nothing against International Laws.

Believe it or not there are actual legal grounds for Turkish intervention in both of those countries. You have none in Libya. Bro your justifications of intervening is based on the request of an unrecognized politcal entity, who didnt even do so democratically and a bunch of tribal chiefs.

Brothers , it seems you are missing a lot of info regarding the Libyan case ...

the Parliament is the only elected authority in Libya .... While GNA Came to power as a reflection of international balance not by the Libyans themselves and it is expired from 2017 ....!!

those Libyan tribes who are you insulting .... those are the real heroes who with the help of Egyptians bravely resisted the Italian occupation which Occupied Libya by an agreement with the Turks after WWI ... and they didn’t forgot that ...!

Noting that the Italian occupation was monitoring the Egyptian- Libyan boarders and applying barbed wire and mines to prevent the support from Egypt to the Libyan tribes from their cousins ( the Egyptians) across the boarders ... and they didn’t do the same to Algerian or Tunisian boarders ...!

So , tbh with you , the Egyptians will not let Libya fall into occupation Specially Cyrenaica ... be it The Turks, Italians , Russians ...etc ..... even if this stand leaded to Regional or World war.
Yes, you are right .... but International laws are not applied in many cases ... like northern Syria and northern Iraq .... if you have the super powers permission.
Does Egypt has the super powers permission ? Or just a country with a big army for hire...?
Did the 60's and the 70's didn't teach Egypt a lesson?
Turkey seems ready for war, will Egypt go to war for a dictator? I know the arabs believe they have advantage but i think its going to be really difficult for Egypt. Their moving forces in deserted areas would be easy targets for the more advanced Turkish airforce, navy and drones. If Egypt goes to war and loose, it will be the end of sisi and there might be another tahrir square.

meting logic, isn’t erdo a dictator?

plus what this got to with military performance? Nazi germany should lose to democratic France?
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