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The country with Muslims but no mosque

No surprise that the Indo-Aryans are genetically related to Celts and Slavs, who also hate anyone different than them.

Islam has tempered this in Pakistan, so Pakistianis are not generally like the Northern Indians in being all about hatred of everyone else. The Indians kept their evil religion, so are remain as such. The Pakistanis follow Islam, so are not like the racist Northern Indians.
Its a good thing we broke away from those racist f**ckers.
You want me to start posting videos and articles from US official themselves who blew the cover? Just because you are acting as ignorant.

I am sure You are going to start posting pictures of US support for Mujahedins, dated from before the emergence of the Taliban. Then claim that this is proof that the US created the Taliban.
That is what stupid people generally do here on PDF.
We change politics. In Italy we now have a facist government. We want back to the roots and get rid of liberalism.

Thats democracy amigo. You have to accept it. For example our new law demands a cross at each public building.

In an ideal world here in Europe we will treat Muslims like Pakistan treats Christians. We are still not there though but soon.

Also as this topic is about Slovakia, show where Slovakia ever claimed to be a secular nation.

In Italy Islam is not recognized as religion, which allows us to not allow new mosque build, close down most mosque ect. The people demanded that.
In that i agree with you. In Italy we act openly and not behind closed doors like Germany does nowadays which blocks mosque with constructing laws ect.

Slovakia never said to be secular though. Its their right to keep things out they dont like.

Then why sell Ferraris, Masaratis etc.. to Muslims countries if you don't want them in your countries then don't sell or buy from from don't visit their countries?
Truth is simple

We conqueredand raped your women and forced them to adoptour Aryan language, culture and religion.

Some like us kashmiri pandits survived

Rest with filthy Dravidian blood like rest of Aryan language speakers went onfor C9w worship like your hindu ancestors.

Than Muslims from Middle east came and again raped your mothers and forced their religion and culture over your Dravidiankind.

Thuh we have Darkies/Sand niggers from your country who speak our Aryan language, claim bastard ancestry from Arabs and Persian and speak bastard language like urdu withhalf Aryan and half Arab input.

No worries for us tho,

My family have killed so many of your kind during Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan that we don't even remember the count ! :lol:

@hussain0216 here is my Uncle in Afghanistan :lol:

You're a strange fellow, if taken out of context most of these posts of yours merit a ban, but I'll leave that aside. It's been quite funny seeing you inadvertently displaying a lot of racial/ethnic/ancestral insecurity.

Tell you what, why don't you post a picture of your thoroughbred self and face, and I promise you if I we all laugh as hard as I think we might, I'll delete it soon afterwards. :D

Whatever you claim about your ancestors, I suspect our women are very safe, one look at this picture and I might guess even your women are guarded from you. :enjoy:
The mujahideen were eventually able to neutralize Soviet air power through the use of shoulder-fired antiaircraft missiles supplied by the Soviet Union’s Cold War adversary, the United States.

The mujahideen were fragmented politically into a handful of independent groups, and their military efforts remained uncoordinated throughout the war. The quality of their arms and combat organization gradually improved, however, owing to experience and to the large quantity of arms and other war matériel shipped to the rebels, via Pakistan, by the United States

I am sure You are going to start posting pictures of US support for Mujahedins, dated from before the emergence of the Taliban. Then claim that this is proof that the US created the Taliban.
That is what stupid people generally do here on PDF.


To that end, the Reagan administration focused much of its energy on supporting proxy armies to curtail Soviet influence. Among the more prominent examples of the Reagan Doctrine’s application, in Nicaragua, the United States sponsored the contra movement in an effort to force the leftist Sandinista government from power. And in Afghanistan, the United States provided material support to Afghan rebels—known as the mujahadeen—helping them end Soviet occupation of their country.


Senator John McCain said on Sunday the US was now engaged in a proxy war with Russia in Syria, as a result of “an abdication of American leadership” on the part of the Obama White House.


As I predicted You would post Bullshit information about how the US supported the Mujahedin,
as proof of support for the Taliban which only emerged years after the US left.
You ignore the fact that Pakistan leadership has admitted that they trained, armed and funded the Taliban. Try to understand the concept of time...

Then you post articles where Obamas uninterest in supporting rebel groups in Syria is taken as proof of creating ISIS. It is well known that the US engaged in very limited arms shipments to the Free Syria Army. A drop in the ocean compared to the massive support to Al Nusra provided by KSA and the Gulf state. The CIA training program resulted in less than two dozens soldiers, which had no capability to do anything, and quickly defected. A total fiasco.
Only now, when allyig with the Kurds, there is an effective US supported force which together with the Iraqi Army have brought ISIS to their knees. Certainly no proof of support for ISIS.

As I predicted You would post Bullshit information about how the US supported the Mujahedin,
as proof of support for the Taliban which only emerged years after the US left.
You ignore the fact that Pakistan leadership has admitted that they trained, armed and funded the Taliban. Try to understand the concept of time...

Then you post articles where Obamas uninterest in supporting rebel groups in Syria is taken as proof of creating ISIS. It is well known that the US engaged in very limited arms shipments to the Free Syria Army. A drop in the ocean compared to the massive support to Al Nusra provided by KSA and the Gulf state. The CIA training program resulted in less than two dozens soldiers, which had no capability to do anything, and quickly defected. A total fiasco.
Only now, when allyig with the Kurds, there is an effective US supported force which together with the Iraqi Army have brought ISIS to their knees. Certainly no proof of support for ISIS.


Everything is bullshit only you are the beacon of truth and honesty. I posted all western sources cuz you would've cried foul if I posted eastern ones. I can post videos too where the officials claim about this too.

You see you yourself accepted that west is still supporting lawless terrorists in form of Kurds.

And don't turn yourself into laughing stock for forum surfers, even though I was trying to educate you but I will say in response of your last 2 lines that people know very well who is losing grip who is not.
Truth is simple

We conqueredand raped your women and forced them to adoptour Aryan language, culture and religion.

Some like us kashmiri pandits survived

Rest with filthy Dravidian blood like rest of Aryan language speakers went onfor C9w worship like your hindu ancestors.

Than Muslims from Middle east came and again raped your mothers and forced their religion and culture over your Dravidiankind.

Thuh we have Darkies/Sand niggers from your country who speak our Aryan language, claim bastard ancestry from Arabs and Persian and speak bastard language like urdu withhalf Aryan and half Arab input.

No worries for us tho,

My family have killed so many of your kind during Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan that we don't even remember the count ! :lol:

@hussain0216 here is my Uncle in Afghanistan :lol:

@Indus Pakistan @DESERT FIGHTER @Sher Shah Awan @war&peace @Spring Onion
Good heavens he is back, this time as a 19 year old who has served in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mods
@Slav Defence @WebMaster @Horus Vishvamitra is back, spewing his vile insulting verbal diarrhea against Pakistani ethnicities,
Good heavens he is back, this time as a 19 year old who has served in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mods
A 19 years old who has served in two countries...as what...a shemale waitress
:lol::lol: or masseur for the ISIS terrorists and a love interests for Afghans as a reserve.
He is funny but get caught every time because he is not creative enough.
A 19 years old who has served in two countries...as what...a shemale waitress
:lol::lol: or masseur for the ISIS terrorists and a love interests for Afghans as a reserve.
He is funny but get caught every time because he is not creative enough.
LOL...A while back he was a retired 92 year old Brahmin in Arizona,,,,in reality a dumb kid with a very over active imagination coupled with a deeply insecure personalty hence very low esteem hence looking upto his superiors "Men form the Indus".Kudos bhai
Everything is bullshit only you are the beacon of truth and honesty. I posted all western sources cuz you would've cried foul if I posted eastern ones. I can post videos too where the officials claim about this too.

You see you yourself accepted that west is still supporting lawless terrorists in form of Kurds.

And don't turn yourself into laughing stock for forum surfers, even though I was trying to educate you but I will say in response of your last 2 lines that people know very well who is losing grip who is not.

Yes, but the sources does not prove any of your claims.
The United States supported the Mujahedin movement.
That well known, and that is what is shown in your Reagan pictures.
The support ended when the Soviets left.

To prove your claim you need to prove that the US provided support to the Talibans in the months preceding the takeover. That you have not done, for the reason that they did not do it.
The Talibans were created by Pakistan, in order to turn Afghanistan into Pakistani puppet.
This has been confirmed by Pakistani leadership.

Providing a link to an article where John McCain complains that Obama does not support Syrian Rebels is not proof that the US created ISIS. The article stated what I stated all the time. The US supported the Free Syrian Army, which is not ISIS, and the end result was embarrassing.
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