When Bangla Deshis and Chinese runs out of argument, they start to claim their opponents are Indian. All Bangla Deshis have Indian ancestry but pretend they have not.
As far as I know, my ancestors looked like this
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around year 1700. Before that, I have no clue. Never been that that interested, but
someone traced the family back about 300 years and made a family tree.
The family tree was like soldier-farmer-soldier-farmer.
My mother grandmother married a German, that is the foreign influence I am aware of.
Some people actually notice what happens.
ISIS was created from the group headed by al Zawahiri in Iraq after his demise.
It got recruits initially from the Iraqi Sunni population after the Shia started repressing Sunnis in Iraq.
A lot of the Baath party leaders and commanders from Saddams Iraqi Army joined
and organized it, and then Muslim recruits recruited worldwide.
A few years after the Syrian Civil War started, CIA actually started a training program that in the end produced 10-20 fighters, which quickly defected.
The major powers intervening in Syria were Iran supporting Assad, and KSA supporting Al Nusra.
The US only got to train significant numbers when they started fighting ISIS.
The US
and Pakistan trained and equipped the Mujahedin in Afghanistan, which then split in two.
Hekmyatar vs what became known as the ”Northern Alliance” with Hekmyatars forces laying siege to Kabul. By that time, the US had left Afghanistan.
Both were defeated by the Taliban which was trained and equipped by
Pakistan, but the Taliban could not take control over the the Northern Alliance home turf. As I have already mentioned, some Mujahedin joined the Taliban, once the Talibans was controlling most of Afghanistan.
The US had nothing to do with that.