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The Coming American Civil War -- Igor Panarin

hmmm I would say by 2015/16, we would see a type of civil war in US, when people will start looting/ rioting on the streets of US. Majority of US’s population is under high school pass but they are habituated of luxury life, welfare/ free medical etc. and as the US’s debt is already over its 100% of GDP, the time it will not be possible any more to borrow and pay for the expanses, bear luxury life of under high school pass people, and also as we know about the ‘gun culture’ of US where almost half of their population keep guns, so the time they won’t get welfare/ free medical etc, hopefully within 4 to 5 years when US won’t be able to borrow any more for their expanses, it is then very likely that their civilians will start using their arms to rob whoever they will find to bear their daily expanses. :pop:

Also, if we have a look on the number of wars US has organized in world, its obvious that the time they start losing their different wars, then they will be more likely to fight with each other in US itself. Lets see what exactly we will see in our time, as, once the fall of US will star, together with heavily indebted EU economies, where exactly they will stop, no one knows :no:. Even if russia had so much oil/ gas and natural resources, they suffered so big fall in between 1990 to 1999. but what about US and EU, they dont have oil/ gas to sell to support their economy if they face any fall? where will they stop if they will face a real deep recession? :azn:

It looks like Black Militia will soon start taking justice for American blacks by themselves :smokin:

"We’ll Find Him”: Black Militia Vows Vengeance On White Trayvon Martin Shooter

Mar 20, 2012


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Members of a self-described black militia group will attempt a citizen’s arrest on a white neighborhood watch leader who has admitted to fatally shooting an unarmed African-American teen in an Orlando suburb, but has not been charged, a leader of the group said Thursday.

Members of The New Black Liberation Militia (See website here) plan to take 28-year-old George Zimmerman to federal authorities this week since local police haven’t acted, said Najee Muhammad, a leader of the militia group.

“We’ll find him. We’ve got his mug shot and everything,” Muhammad said.

Out of a population of 54,000, about 57 percent of Sanford residents are white and 31 percent are black, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.

“Trayvon was unarmed when he was shot by Zimmerman,” said the online petition, which has been signed by almost 215,000 people. “Please uphold justice.” :agree:

“We’ll Find Him”: Black Militia Vows Vengeance On White Trayvon Martin Shooter « Pat Dollard
Why We'd Fear Black Militias

They’ve found a new double standard

Imagine that the inauguration of President George W. Bush had sparked an explosive rise in African American militia groups. Suppose thousands of heavily armed black men began gathering at training camps in wooded areas throughout the country, devising military tactics for "taking back their country" after what they believed was an electoral coup.

Do you think Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney would have reacted to a black militaristic buildup as coolly as President Obama has to the phenomenal growth of white militias?

Since Obama took office last year, the number of white militias has shot up from about 170 to more than 500, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors extremist groups in the United States. Armed with enough firepower to take on a police department, some of these groups are honing their sniper skills using photographs of Obama for target practice.

They cling to the delusion that the nation's first black president is somehow a subversive working for Muslim extremists, and they aim to bring him down.

"If the people we saw running around armed to the teeth were black, I think their organizations would be destroyed in a matter of hours," Mark Potok, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, told me. "If people saw on their TV screens photos of black militia members shooting at images of a white president, I don't think they would last."

First of all there are black armed organizations called street gangs and they’re killing more people this hour than any white organization will in the next ten years. We don’t see them training in the woods because that requires too much planning and coordination.

But the point may be that street gangs aren’t generally political and as far as that goes there is a double standard on the militia issue. There are a few legitimate reasons for this. The first is that whites have a history of responsible firearms use. There are rural parts of America where young children are given guns to take care of. If they tried that in the inner cities they’d need dump trucks to clear the bodies each weekend. We have a prudent fear of black men with guns that no amount of political correctness will ever beat out of us.

The second thing we have to consider is what kind of ideology a black militia would have. Presumably it would be socialist and for forced integration. In contrast to whites with their guns who want to be left alone, looting and aggression would be the raison d'être of any black armed force which thought the Republicans were white supremacists holding them down. We’d fear them more than any group with a libertarian ideology and rightfully so.

Why We'd Fear Black Militias
The biggest possibility is that California will split first, since it is the richest state.
This is not my opinion, the State of California stated long time ago that if it splits from the US it will be much better off.
As long as people will have work to do, and money to spend,

they will not fight !
day before the firing in film premiere adds weight to prediction.
In the next 100 years??? You have been long dead by then. So your remarks are simply empty and represent nothing.

Rofl.. What a moron

The "possesions" and spheres of influence are more than ludicrous... :rofl:

In the next 100 years not even one state will split off. I would bet all my money on it.

I think he had a bottle or two too much vodka.
All these talk about America splitting up is all crap. The only country that I see splitting up is India because its a religious entity make up of different nations in history and put together by the British.

We were supposed to break/collapse up back in Jun-July of 2010. According to Eye-gor here.
Wishful thinking, only Russians can come up with this kind of nonsense.
I do not think it is nonsense at all.

Historically, there has never been one empire that has not broken down later. There will be no exception this time either.

After broken down, the issue is that whether it has the ability to regroup back into its original shape.

Wishful thinking, only Russians can come up with this kind of nonsense.
Hate groups, citizen militias surge in U.S. as race and economy fuel tensions
Reuters Mar 9, 2012

WINSTON-SALEM, North Carolina — The number of hate and anti-government groups in the United States continued to rise last year, fueled by racial tensions, conspiracy theories and anger over economic inequality, according to a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The most explosive growth came from the so-called Patriot movement, whose adherents view the federal government as their enemy.

The Patriot movement reached a peak in 1996, a year after right-wing extremist Timothy McVeigh set off a truck bomb outside the Oklahoma City federal building, killing 168 people. McVeigh and a co-conspirator were convicted, and McVeigh was executed.

The number of Patriot groups, a largely rural phenomenon sometimes referred to as the militia movement, increased to 1,274 groups in 2011 from 824 in 2010, the report released on Thursday said.

The number of those organizations has swelled in recent years since the economy slumped into recession and Democratic President Barack Obama, the country’s first black president, was elected in 2008, said the law center, which has tracked extremist groups for three decades.

A backlash against federal bail outs of the bank and auto industries, and discredited allegations that Obama was not born in the United States and therefore disqualified to be president, provided believers with the rationale to join such groups, according to the report.

Heated political rhetoric from this year’s presidential campaign could attract more adherents, said Mark Potok, senior fellow at the center and editor of the report.

“The campaign season has simply added fuel to the fire,” Potok said. These groups vehemently oppose Obama and abhor the possibility that he could be re-elected to a second term in November. “To them, that’s a horror show,” Potok said. The center counted 1,018 hate groups in the United States last year, up from 1,002 in 2010. The number of groups have been increasing since 2000, when the center counted 602.

Potok said it was hard to gauge how many Americans are members of hate groups, but estimated the number was between 200,000 and 300,000 people.

The U.S. election campaign season has simply added fuel to the fire

The center also estimated that some 300,000 Americans were part of the so-called “sovereign citizens” movement who flout most laws, do not pay federal taxes and even refuse to obtain driver’s licenses.

The report’s findings echoed comments last month in Washington by the FBI about a growing threat of violence by members of these “sovereign citizen” groups.

Stuart McArthur, deputy assistant director in the FBI’s counterterrorism division, told a news conference that routine encounters with police can turn violent “at the drop of a hat.” He cited shootings of police officers after routine traffic stops in Arkansas and Texas the past two years.

Convictions of such extremists, mostly for white-collar crimes such as fraud, increased to 18 each in 2010 and 2011 from 10 in 2009, the FBI said.

Most members of hate groups and anti-government organizations have not committed crimes, Potok said. But the center’s report highlighted recent examples where authorities accused militia members of plotting violence.

In one case, authorities accused four Georgia members of a militia group of plotting to obtain explosives and produce the deadly toxin ricin, with which they intended to attack government officials.

In Michigan, seven members of a Midwestern militia group called the Hutaree are standing trial on charges that they plotted to kill police to spark a wider insurrection.

The law center also found the number of groups specifically targeting gays and lesbians rose to 27 in 2011 from 17 in 2010, and the number of anti-Muslim groups jumped to 30 from 10.

But the number of so-called “nativist extremist” groups who harass people they suspect of being illegal immigrants appeared to be in decline. The number of those groups dropped to 184 in 2011 from 319 the year before.

The center attributed the decline in part to the push in some states for laws aimed at cracking down on illegal immigrants, the report said. “Nativist groups have lost the wind in their sails as their issue has been co-opted by politicians,” Potok said.

The Southern Poverty Law Center was formed in the early 1970s to defend the legal rights of African Americans following the civil rights reforms of the 1960s. It was instrumental in some convictions of members of white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan for civil rights abuses against blacks. It has broadened to other issues in recent years.

Hate groups, citizen militias surge in U.S. as race and economy fuel tensions | News | National Post
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