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The China Ad played on TV - having a huge impact on AMericans!

I dont like this paranoia towards the chinese and i sure as hell dont like how people like jayatl are fuelling it. I bothered to read a few of his....um...'posts'. All of it are cynical western propaganda bullsh1t. I mean......seriously dude....its not like the chinese have superpowers and eat fake dvd's for breakfast...

Its not surprising though....whever america gets competition, the americans demonize the opponent. Whats really annoying is that they try to convince rest of the world the same as well.

Americans have no right to dictate to a nation its policy. Yet they consider the whole world their backyard......you guys have no moral high ground...no one does. So why not live and let live you jealous pricks?

I agree. But he has admitted himself: He is from Atlanta (the ghetto), not from India. So we can assume he represents the poor, no education, low IQ portion of US society.
If they don't want China to be a friend or even a mutual partner, no matter how hard China tries, then I don't see why China is compromising its own interests just to bond with the US.

Then, in that case, the US has no reason to complain how China seems to be a competitor and challenger.

If you don't want the easy way, then don't cry about the hard way.
I agree. But he has admitted himself: He is from Atlanta (the ghetto), not from India. So we can assume he represents the poor, no education, low IQ portion of US society.

ROFL... you poor poor boy , what do you make 10 large Grand/ year in daddy's crystal meth invested neighborhood :) - still living with daddy and mommy or have you moved up to your own shanty by the sewage creek . people who come and clean my house make more than your families annual earnings, let alone yours..

Now I know why you call it the ghetto , it's because you think it has too many blacks don't ya! :) I knew it would not take too long till you started on your racists innuendos
Racism Against Black People in China

Racism against black people may be the strongest form of racism in China.

Many families in China would be horrified if their son or daughter married a black person. Some would even disown them outright.

It can be difficult getting a job teaching English in China if you are black. This is because of the perception of many people in China that only white people are ‘true Americans’ or ‘true English’ people.

Sadly, it’s often easier to get a job teaching English in China as a white person from a country where English is not a native language than as a black person from a country where English is the only native language.

Many people in China think most black people play basketball and are violent. If you are black, many people from China will perceive you as African. If you are not, you will have to repeatedly explain that you are from another country.

The most common slur against black people in Chinese seems worse than that used for white people – “black ghost” vs. “old ghost”. Many people in China also assume that if you are black, you have very little money.

Racism against blacks in China is also strongly linked to the class divisions and racism that exists within Chinese society. This is not a justification for racism against blacks in China, but for thousands of years Chinese people of lighter skin looked down upon those of darker skin, who often could not afford to be anything other than a peasant farmer.

seems like chinese love the white master
ROFL... you poor poor boy , what do you make 10 large Grand/ year in daddy's crystal meth invested neighborhood :) - still living with daddy and mommy or have you moved up to your own shanty by the sewage creek

Now I know why you call it the ghetto , it's because you think it has too many blacks don't ya! :) i know I could bring the racists out of you...

Xenophobia exists everywhere around the World. This is hardly the real hardcore racism.

At least China has no any racist organization like KKK or Neo-Nazi, so foreign people don't need to worry for their life of being threatened.
A Roman Holiday for Some Chinese- After the Columbia space shuttle tragedy, people and their leaders in many nations expressed sympathy and condolences, paying their utmost respect for the American scientists dedicated to the human exploration of outer space.

The Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, also sent a telegraph to President Bush to convey his sorrow. However, on some of the major websites of China, web users have made comments expressing their delight in this tragedy. In an article written for the United States web forum ObserveChina.com, the Beijing-based Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo conducted some quantitative analysis on the postings of the major Chinese Internet opinion forums. His study leads him to the conclusion that although the rejoicing rhetoric on these Internet sites are not as prevalent as that in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks on the U.S., aA whopping 50% of the postings that have appeared on China’s two leading Internet services, "sina.com" and "netease.com" are anti-American gloating over the tragedy of the Columbia.

For example, some Chinese Internet users "thanked Allah for protecting Iraq"; some believed the Columbia tragedy was "a punishment from Heaven upon the U.S. for its desire to control the world"; some predicted that "with this disaster the U.S. would finally decline and China would rise up eventually defeating the United States; some even regarded the explosion of the Columbia as the "the most beautiful fireworks for Chinese New Year’s Day!!!" Some held the sentiment that "today we are really happy...Thanks to the U.S.A. for giving us such pleasure." And there was also this: "No fireworks for the Chinese New Year? Now the U.S. has given us the biggest fireworks to say bye-bye to the past and to welcome the New Year."

One person's case out of 1.3 billion says of nothing but your naive way of analyzing things.
LOL - apparently in China - they still have just a couple state run TV channels - so the entire country watches all the commercials. Makes sense - so much easier to brainwash the poor citizens.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, showcases the effects of India's 66% literacy rate.

Logic and knowledge seems to be taboo in their society.
Racism Against Minorities Within China

Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.

Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.

If you ask a person in China whether racism exists, you may well be told that it does not exist, and that they respect people of all countries and colors. But dig a little deeper, ask questions such as ‘what do you think of black people’ or ‘what do you think of Japanese people’, and the answers that come back are often racist.

Racism Against Other Races in ChinaThough racism in China is strongest against black people, there is a general relationship that determines how foreigners are seen by many people in China: The darker your skin, the more racism you will experience.

No matter where you grew up, if you are not white it will be tougher to get a job teaching English in China.
Racism Against Minorities Within China

Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.

Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.

If you ask a person in China whether racism exists, you may well be told that it does not exist, and that they respect people of all countries and colors. But dig a little deeper, ask questions such as ‘what do you think of black people’ or ‘what do you think of Japanese people’, and the answers that come back are often racist.

Racism Against Other Races in ChinaThough racism in China is strongest against black people, there is a general relationship that determines how foreigners are seen by many people in China: The darker your skin, the more racism you will experience.

No matter where you grew up, if you are not white it will be tougher to get a job teaching English in China.

Search "Muslims" and "India" side-by-side on Google first and you'll see something much bigger.

I'm surprised that somebody like you doesn't even know that racism exists in every single country.
Racism Against Minorities Within China

Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.

Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.

If you ask a person in China whether racism exists, you may well be told that it does not exist, and that they respect people of all countries and colors. But dig a little deeper, ask questions such as ‘what do you think of black people’ or ‘what do you think of Japanese people’, and the answers that come back are often racist.

Racism Against Other Races in ChinaThough racism in China is strongest against black people, there is a general relationship that determines how foreigners are seen by many people in China: The darker your skin, the more racism you will experience.

No matter where you grew up, if you are not white it will be tougher to get a job teaching English in China.

Oh, thats bad, how about check out your own back yard first?

Perhaps there is no other nation in the world that is as openly and shamelessly as racial as India.

To be born in an upper caste is a matter of pride whether the family to which a person belongs deserves it or not. A number of Indians who visit foreign countries often complain about being treated differently on account of their skin color or accent.

They overlook the fact that a vast number of people in their country exhibit a far greater obsession with accent, skin color and caste.
Indian film stars put on white makeup, on the screen and off the screen, even if they are black, to look acceptable and desirable.

The country's democracy is not a true democracy, but castocracy, where people vote and leaders are elected on caste lines. the Indian political parties thrive and succeed by appealing to this base emotion of people.

There are countless scholars who justify Hindu caste caste system quoting chater and verse from scriptures, ignoring the fact that they were convenlent interpolations or authored by bigoted scholars in an otherwise sacred lore to justifya cruel and unjust systemusing the very authority of God.

http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/72769-most-openly-racist-country-world.html courtesy of Super Indian.
Classism’ Against Chinese People

You don’t have to be of a different race to be discriminated against in China. People in China often treat those they perceive as belonging to a lower class quite poorly

Classism is like a caste system. Because caste determined social status, in china it is no different

Racism against Japanese People in China

Leading up to, during, and following World War II, Japan committed many atrocious acts in China and much of the Pacific Rim (with Korea also suffering greatly). This is something that should be redressed by Japan, and not ignored.

However, two wrongs do not make a right – and racism against Japanese people in China is wrong.

Some children in China are taught hate songs against Japanese people in elementary school – and history books in China that deal with Japan focus almost exclusively on the terrible things Japan did around World War II, ignoring much of Japan’s recent history.

The fact that Japan is now a mostly pacifist country is not part of the general awareness of a person who grows up in China. Instead, the popular conception of Japan in today’s China casts Japan as a huge and dangerous threat.

There also seems to be more slurs against Japanese people than against any other group of people.

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