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The China Ad played on TV - having a huge impact on AMericans!


Lou Jing sings Shanghai opera ...

Is this your new episode? So wimpy, inane, lame and ignorant! I mean YOU, JayAtl!

I participated in the whole discussion about this blackish girl’s story some years ago in a Chinese internet.

Contrary to your expectation, overwhelming people supported the girl to go on show business, but many were cursing/criticizing her mother. Why? Because the mother conducted adultery with a black man while still in a wedlock. And the mother even did not know the name of the black man. Is that racism? To the mother, it is a reverse-racism!

And the girl was the result of the adultery.

Overwhelming amount of iterate internet Chinese, unlike clownish you, know this girl is innocent and the fact you posted also showed that she was actually in the national top 30, right? If she were in India, she would be in the bottom 30 in your nation.

Here is the proof:

Discrimination in Delhi surpasses the denial of courtesy. I have been denied visas, apartments, entrance to discos, attentiveness, kindness and the benefit of doubt. Further, the lack of neighbourliness exceeds what locals describe as normal for a capital already known for its coldness.

My partner is white and I am black, facts of which the Indian public reminds us daily. Bank associates have denied me chai, while falling over to please my white friend. Mall shop attendants have denied me attentiveness, while mobbing my partner. Who knows what else is more quietly denied?

"An African has come," a guard announced over the intercom :taz: as I showed up. Whites are afforded the luxury of their own names, but this careful attention to my presence was not new. :bounce: ATM guards stand and salute my white friend, while one guard actually asked me why I had come to the bank machine as if I might have said that I was taking over his shift. :lol:

It is shocking that people wear liberalism as a sign of modernity, yet revert to ultraconservatism when actually faced with difference. Cyberbullies have threatened my life on my YouTube videos that capture local gawking and eve-teasing. I was even fired from an international school for talking about homosociality in Africa on YouTube, and addressing a class about homophobia against kids after a student called me a 'fag'.


www.outlookindia.com | 'India Is Racist, And Happy About It'

Waiting for you to jump a few more times, clown, and spread a few more pollutants.

You fool. :tdown:

---edited to add --

"I am Chinese," Lou said. "But when I read the comments, I started to question myself. I never questioned myself before. This time I started to think about how I am different from others."

Must be some JayAtl like Indians disguised as Chinese behind internet to put comments... -- just a doubt.
In Vancouver( just like in the US), the racist tendencies inherent in the Chinese culture is apparent everyday, everywhere. There is an air in the Chinese community that is segregationist.

Chinatown itself it an example of this segregational tendency of the people immigrating from China. A vast number of Chinatown’s residents do not attempt to learn English, further segregating the new Canadian into their own culture. The vast majority of employees in Chinatown was born in China, the majority of businesses are owned by those born in China, speaking Chinese a requirement for employees. All others, either trying to work, live and sometimes even shop in Chinatown, are muscled out or are met with fierce resistance.

And the Chinese-born Canadians have used the race card till it is now in tatters. For example,
in UBC new China-born Canadians have invested in condos and now refuse to let Canadians, in their end days, live out their lives in peaceful surroundings due to discrimination of the Chinese culture. The Chinese condo owners have pulled out their ancient Race Card claiming that to build a hospice across the street from “their” building, is an attack on them, since the Chinese are highly superstitious of ghosts.

I cannot imagine anything more insensitive and ignorant, not to mention racist against the Canadian culture than these superstitious racists. Who do they think allowed them to come to the country anyway? The older Canadians whom they disdain. It makes me think Canada needs to drastically lower its quota of Chinese born immigrants.

To which nationality would we like to introduce our aging parents? Not ones that would push them to their graves without dignity.

Depicted as drug-dealersFrom the early eighties, when African students could still study for free at the Beida University in Beijing, discrimination against Africans in China was reported in the international media. Since then, the story has been regularly repeated.

Just before the Beijing Olympics, racism was front page news again. In the bars of Sanlitun, the downtown area for foreigners, they were systematically denied entrance, just as in the discos of the capital.

In May and October last year, the police held a large-scale raid among Africans in Guangzhou. In the local media they were depicted as drug-dealers and pimps. Also many Chinese youngsters distrust Africans. "You know what they are doing here. They trade in drugs and girls. In their neighbourhood Dengfeng you can't go out in the street at night. Too dangerous", says Mi Mi (24). She is a receptionist in an apartment block that carries the suitable name World Peace Hotel. "Could I marry an African? Have you gone mad? No, interracial marriages between Chinese and Africans happen hardly ever or never. With Europeans, that's a different story." Has she ever been in the African neighbourhood? She shyly shrugs her shoulders
Just curious who pay you to post Anti Chinese stuffs ?

I do. I pay him in gold, which given my Irish heritage, is plentiful under my personal rainbow. XD

Now, can we get back to the real topic of the Chinese devil's nefarious plot to overthrow our freedom with this elite Panda warrior attack force or not?

We all know thier plans; to become doctors in America, so when thier lead paint infects our children, they can 'cure' the little ones by adding more lead into thier systems via shots and pills. This will cause many health problems in our youth, who will grow into sickly avatars of what they would look like normally, if they don't die outright. This, combined with a high sugar/sodium/everything bad for you diet that we enjoy here int he states will create a nation of diatbetics. The west coast, already being radiated from Japan due to thier 'earthquake' (read as self inflicted wound to further harm the white man) will spawn mutant children with three ears and 13 toes.

Then, immigrants will demand a change in the constitution to allow non-natives to become President. This is when the red army will strike; after a Chinese national is voted into office, who will effectively open our borders to these scum! This is what republicans believe.

(Or at least the ones who consider Wal-mart a social gathering)
I do. I pay him in gold, which given my Irish heritage, is plentiful under my personal rainbow. XD

Now, can we get back to the real topic of the Chinese devil's nefarious plot to overthrow our freedom with this elite Panda warrior attack force or not?

We all know thier plans; to become doctors in America, so when thier lead paint infects our children, they can 'cure' the little ones by adding more lead into thier systems via shots and pills. This will cause many health problems in our youth, who will grow into sickly avatars of what they would look like normally, if they don't die outright. This, combined with a high sugar/sodium/everything bad for you diet that we enjoy here int he states will create a nation of diatbetics. The west coast, already being radiated from Japan due to thier 'earthquake' (read as self inflicted wound to further harm the white man) will spawn mutant children with three ears and 13 toes.

Then, immigrants will demand a change in the constitution to allow non-natives to become President. This is when the red army will strike; after a Chinese national is voted into office, who will effectively open our borders to these scum! This is what republicans believe.

(Or at least the ones who consider Wal-mart a social gathering)

Are you joking or being serious? Especially the Japanese radiation in the West Coast part. Since the whole world is worried about the safety of Japan you really should not say so.
it was my bad- first time i saw it was last week- already established that on page one...

but it's sure getting a lot of play now. its all over TV now vs. I guess it was just an obsucure web ad previously?

no it was a pretty well talked about ad in the 2010 campaign cycle made by some conservative group. China serves the role of foreign menace but it is mainly a call to better our selves (according to conservative group's definition), or see ourselves bettered by (insert foreign menace here). Russia or India would do and it wouldn't make a bit of difference in the ad's core message.
Outsourcing responsibility to the government again. Instead of asking the gov. to be fiscally responsible, what about keep American families together, spend less time playing hookies at local clubs & bars, spend more time with kids, provide them a stable environment where they can grow, thus increasing their competitiveness?
no it was a pretty well talked about ad in the 2010 campaign cycle made by some conservative group. China serves the role of foreign menace but it is mainly a call to better our selves (according to conservative group's definition), or see ourselves bettered by (insert foreign menace here). Russia or India would do and it wouldn't make a bit of difference in the ad's core message.

He's also a bigot for asserting that some conservative 501c group speaks for all Americans. Sure, i might agree with message of the ad, but i respect and acknowledge that there are many Americans with different opinions.

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