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oh what smart it is.

Let me remind you guys what is the History:
Algeria had to fight for independance and this is the country they suffered the most.
Not Tunisia .

Tunisian independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and you know how ?
because someone very popular political figure in France was acting that way for independance without blood.
His name is Pierre Mendes France .

I understand with you being lover of GCC you didn't like West , you enjoy Muslim Brotherhood political Islam
I understand you believe political Islam be the future of your country and you don't like laic states
No need to insult anyway

The guy who was doing that on the pic, you know why he did that? i let you explain me what it is about.. let's have fun
me i don't hate west i hate only france and i like a gov like turkey

@Ceylal look how beautiful the pic is its lovely me if i got my hand on that flag i burn it .
Mootaz, a lot of Tunisians died for that flag in WW! and II, you should respect their memories. I know that for lack of ideas and the desire to belong you are degrading yourself by posting pictures like that...
Anyway, I have created this thread to show the other participants in this forum who we are, our cultures , and the make up of our society, and so far from the feed back I got, there is a show of interest. This thread is for you too, you can add things about Tunisia, that we all ignore...Don't **** it up! Next time I won't be nice to you.
what respect the traitors no way i will never respect thous who fight with the occupation
and if you gonna say WW2 Germany invasion to Tunisia why Tunisians fight with french yes they fight but not under that ****** flag and they fight because we don't want a worst army to come in our land a Nazi army
to me the Tunisians who by their will join the french army they may rut in hell
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me i don't hate west i hate only france and i like a gov like turkey
it is because of the support to your ex dictator ? (then i can obviously be your side ;)

about the *** on flag, it was a funny story: it was an artistic exposition: the thema was about the "art having no limit" something like this. it was making a lot of noise but the origin of this pic has nothing to do with hatred towards France but some strange expression of artist for a thema :D
@Ceylal if you don't know in the modern Tunisia ( what i love ) no place for tribes and barbaric community they are place for Nationalism Tunisia Nationalism
to me barber time is over now is Tunisia time Forever united
I am afraid from the return of tribes and that will divide Tunisia
see this page that calls to divide Tunisia by tribal background and that why i hate them
I know Tunisia a lot better than you do, as well as Tunisians and they don't resemble your arse. You must be the bottom rejects of your society...
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1 we are ARABS no one deny that you Arab me Arab
2 France is still the same scam you are from 1 million shahid country you must hate France
3 and we have 6th fleet parked near us in Naples
4 Algeria is the Russian ( the nation of ***** what they know is vodka ) puppet
Russia is giving you all that weapons to control you
we Tunisians no one control us we go only by interests so USA is very important and GCC is important too because they invest in Tunisia and we are Arabs
and no place for savage barbar in the Arab world

Since you see it that way...let me lighten your little brain... Amazing to say that about a country that send its air force and its air defence to protect you from another Israeli air attack! And If it wasn't for us, Algerians , berbers on top of that, Kaddafy would have owned you lock, stock and barrel...and as long as our gas pipeline cross your country, you are our 50th Wilaya. And it looks like , you are going to need us again to get your salafi scrouge out of southern Tunisia. More likely you are a Salafi...Watch out, I won't give two centimes for your Kamis...When the kahina's descendants come after you.
Since you see it that way...let me lighten your little brain... Amazing to say that about a country that send its air force and its air defence to protect you from another Israeli air attack! And If it wasn't for us, Algerians , berbers on top of that, Kaddafy would have owned you lock, stock and barrel...and as long as our gas pipeline cross your country, you are our 50th Wilaya. And it looks like , you are going to need us again to get your salafi scrouge out of southern Tunisia. More likely you are a Salafi...Watch out, I won't give two centimes for your Kamis...When the kahina's descendants come after you.

i'm not Salafi i'm Tunisian i will be a soldier in end of this year

then the berber want to cut Tunisia in 2 nations
before i see this page i was normal to them
and as fare i know all Tunisians speak Arabic as mother language i don't know how speak barbar because in Tunisia the official language is Arabic and barber is not race is a era of Tunisian history
no offence to Algeria we are brothers
and operation wooden leg it was 1 air strike and Italian send us a warning and Algerian air force was late but was thankful and about Kaddafy is not a problem
me i live in sousse this why i don't know barber
and i wish the best for Algeria and Arab world
حضارة البربر في تونس إضمحلت
Berber culture in Tunisia decayed
لذلك أنا لا أعرف حضارتهم
So I do not know their culture
ما أعرف هو أن كلمة بربر تعني همج
What I know is that the Berber word meaning savage
إذا كنت تعرف عنهم أخبرني
If you know them tell me
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حضارة البربر في تونس إضمحلت
Berber culture in Tunisia decayed
لذلك أنا لا أعرف حضارتهم
So I do not know their culture
ما أعرف هو أن كلمة بربر تعني همج
What I know is that the Berber word meaning savage
إذا كنت تعرف عنهم أخبرني
If you know them tell me

yeah they decayed and must stay like that especially there damp language
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yeah they decayed and must stay like that especially there damp language
You are as ignorant as the one thanking your reply.... Instead of following those carpet baggers, you could have googled "Berber" and you would have found the right definition..
noun 1. a member of a group of North African tribes living in Barbary and the Sahara. 2. a subfamily of Afro-Asiatic, consisting of the languages of the Berbers ...
dictionary.reference.com/browse/Berbers -

Your spring Arab upheaval is coming, and the Ennahdha government seems incapable to face the rise of the salafist.. and to save Tunisia, we may end up owning your @ss since we don't work cheap.
Your spring Arab upheaval is coming, and the Ennahdha government seems incapable to face the rise of the salafist.. and to save Tunisia, we may end up owning your @ss since we don't work cheap.
you may hate Arab spring because of what is happening ( Syrian civil war ) and what happened ( Libyan civil war ) but Tunisia is different because we are aware of the situation we have a army like no other
and the salafist are under control or they will be
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Tunisian Marine Corps,
We went thru that in the late 80's and we thought everything was under control as you put it...With Moslem fundamentalists we need to always expect the worse and hope for the best. We walked that painful trail all alone...I am a lttle harsh with your fellow countrymen, but that is not the main idea of this thread. Algerians do not harbor any animosity against Tunisian or to any our immediate neighbors. We will never let Tunisia go thru what we went thru...Your well being is ours too and we will be there in your time of need as we did before.

Beside, Tunisia under Bourguiba has created a Tunisian elite that will weather any attempt to change the societal cohesion of the country.
Tunisian Marine Corps,
We went thru that in the late 80's and we thought everything was under control as you put it...With Moslem fundamentalists we need to always expect the worse and hope for the best. We walked that painful trail all alone...I am a lttle harsh with your fellow countrymen, but that is not the main idea of this thread. Algerians do not harbor any animosity against Tunisian or to any our immediate neighbors. We will never let Tunisia go thru what we went thru...Your well being is ours too and we will be there in your time of need as we did before.

Beside, Tunisia under Bourguiba has created a Tunisian elite that will weather any attempt to change the societal cohesion of the country.
they are not a problem we have
BAT (black tigers )
full topic about Tunisian Elite soldiers
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As if that helps ^^, once infected with these terrorists its hard to get rid of them, the intelligence agency is important.

Black tigers will rarely have the chance to fight the terrorists considering the methods terrorists use.
As if that helps ^^, once infected with these terrorists its hard to get rid of them, the intelligence agency is important.

Black tigers will rarely have the chance to fight the terrorists considering the methods terrorists use.
if the black tigers fail we will use the GIM ( Groupe d'Intervention Militaire = Military intervention group ) and they are the best unit in the army
and Black tigers it is police elite
and the salafist don't have arms they don't upgrade there system to terrorism now they have Non-recognition of the state system
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@Tunisian Marine Corps
What Doritos means i guess, is that any intervention group is not enough. For terrorism you need a very good interior security services. you need people who know well what can be prepared by these groups. If such a group is not well known by services, they can easily make a bomb and kill people/often suicide bomb. like dgse in france.
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