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“ The Bared sword upon the neck of the Blasphemer of Rasool Allah”: Defending Article 295-C

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My dear this is a forum where people discuss different topics, this is not a platform to wage wars. There may be many non muslims interested in knowing about Islam. We have to develop a tolerant approach.

My friend I am sorry to read your words. We as members of forum should not make derogatory remarks on other members. And just for your information I do not belong to Ahmadi community. please refer to my comments above. Regretfully, i have to give you a negative mark for such conversation @Emmie @Horus @Jungibaaz

Notwithstanding punishment prescribed in law of land, simple reading of this verse does not indicate killing the person. It talks about cursing and humiliating punishment in afterlife. Any inference to execute the person will be incorrect. Yes it can be related to an Ijtehad after Holy Prophet (PBUH) where it was decided that blasphemer is to be executed.
When your own Professional gives a positive on a thread which title present Islam a Khuni Mazhab
and forum rules even doesn't allow religious threads you might not be surprised to see such posts you gave nagitavie.
Hope you don't mind my rude reply we need to fix the house as well.
one god or multiple gods does not matter with Indian religions. But it may offend Jews and Christians right ? They have their concepts and views on Jesus and God and prophet Muhammad and vice versa.
So the very concept of Blasphemy law is skewed .
ONE EXAMPLE. As per my understanding : God is same in all three Religion of Book. problem is with Prophets.
1. As per Islam : Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet and Jesus is one of the Prophet. It also believes in all other past Prophets. But does not believe that Jesus is Son of God.
2. As per Christianity : Jesus is Son of God as well as Prophet and also believes in all other past Prophets. But does not recognise Prophet Muhammad as the final prophet.
3. Judaism : Rejects both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad.

Now the very existence and concepts of these three Religions make them mutually Blasphemous to each other.
so should not be go easy on punishment part of Blasphemy?

Religious differences are different from Blasphemy. I can disagree with something without feeling the need to offend. Also there is nothing in Islam that says simply saying there is more than One God is enough to kill a person. There are also enough verses that state that the Prophet (saw) is only a warner and he is not force people to believe what he is saying.

I don't believe people who purposely offend other religions are doing so because they want to present their point of view of their religion. They are mischief makers, it is the same as spreading rumours during a war about food shortage as such, just to cause unrest or enmity between people. That is different and should indeed be kept in checked.
Do you expect that non-Muslims will be able to comment on the applicability of blasphemy law?
If muslims can comment on non muslims religious points how can you stop them. On this very forum I have seen people talking about Hinduism and Christianity. Remember Islam is not a religion which shuns others from comments. Holy Prophet himself faced a lot of derogatory statements from his opponent. Did he ever shun them. Too the extent that non-believers used to have discussions right inside Masjid e Nabavi. Do you think they would be glorifying Islam there. I am sure they must be contesting tenants of islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH) would have been listening patiently and replying them in an amicable fashion. This how Islam spread so fast, Islam is the only religion which does not allow people from other religions to enter its place of worship. Though i have seen many mosques with notice of non-muslims not allowed. But that is not Islam.
My dear this is a forum where people discuss different topics, this is not a platform to wage wars. There may be many non muslims interested in knowing about Islam. We have to develop a tolerant approach.

Sir, this is not an ordinary topic..but love for Prophet (P.B.U.H) is a red line for Muslims.... as you yourself said...tht there may be many non muslims interested in knowing abt islam..so its all the more necessary..tht right message of Islam is spread here, ( so tht ppl interested in knowing abt Islam arent misguided) rather than views/interpretations of Quran by community, which is officially declared non muslims by the constituition of Pak.. no one is blocking non muslims to read such topics, but we are only requesting to close posting of comments, on this thread...so tht this may not misguide others too...
Also, as our "liberals" treat constituition of Pakistan, as a holy /sacred document..so why not we uphold constituition of Pakistan, here too, which says Ahmedis as Non Muslims, and so , their word /views on interpretation of Quran/Hadith shouldn't be propagated...as this can be considered alteration in Quran? obviously they are free and equal Pakistanis, hence have every right to debate on any other topic... am just talking abt their interpretation of Quran, which shouldnt be allowed and propagated
@Panther 57
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When your own Professional gives a positive on a thread which title present Islam a Khuni Mazhab
and forum rules even doesn't allow religious threads you might not be surprised to see such posts you gave nagitavie.
Hope you don't mind my rude reply we need to fix the house as well.
Ratings are individuals own assessments, it cannot be attributed to the forum itself. May it be professional or a staff member. If rules of this forum does not allow religious threads then the matter should be reported to the administrator of the forum. I think this how civilized societies work. You feel someone has violated forum rules please use "Report" option. I am sure people are monitoring.
If muslims can comment on non muslims religious points how can you stop them. On this very forum I have seen people talking about Hinduism and Christianity. Remember Islam is not a religion which shuns others from comments. Holy Prophet himself faced a lot of derogatory statements from his opponent. Did he ever shun them. Too the extent that non-believers used to have discussions right inside Masjid e Nabavi. Do you think they would be glorifying Islam there. I am sure they must be contesting tenants of islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH) would have been listening patiently and replying them in an amicable fashion. This how Islam spread so fast, Islam is the only religion which does not allow people from other religions to enter its place of worship. Though i have seen many mosques with notice of non-muslims not allowed. But that is not Islam.
Sir could you explain article 298-C in simple words?
The state can do what it wishes, we already see the state doing whatever wishes while claiming to act under the teachings of the Holy Qur'an. Deash or so called Islamic State also claim to be working under the teachings of the Holy Qur'an, your logic can also be then applied to them if you say they have simply the right to legislate on a matter which the Prophet (saw) did not.

Your comment is confusing, irrelevant, immature and reflects that how you see that legislation must be only done to appease your side of the story. I dont know why people like you start playing the Daesh card whenever are encountered with logic and arguments. Read the full Islamic history. And as said by Iqbal

Ghareeb-o-Sada-o-Rangeen Hai Dastan-e-Haram

There are a lot of things I can tolerate, but trying to put violent actions by saying they are commanded by the Holy Prophet (saw) is a vile act. His actions and life is proof enough against the so called punishment of Blasphemy law, let alone anything in the Holy Qur'an. Who's teachings are reflected in the life of the Holy Prophet (saw). I will take my cue from there, and not the Ulama who have come afterwards.
Again you did not answer what I said. Why not simply say yes that you would tolerate any kind of offense in your life always.
I can comment on any laws I want, just like you comment on the situation of other countries. Also, Pakistan is m

Why do you see this law as a problem for you? Do you think you will commit blasphemy at any point in your life and want to avoid any punishment?

My suggestion, don't talk bad about last prophet Muhammad (PBUH)..
Religious differences are different from Blasphemy. I can disagree with something without feeling the need to offend. Also there is nothing in Islam that says simply saying there is more than One God is enough to kill a person. There are also enough verses that state that the Prophet (saw) is only a warner and he is not force people to believe what he is saying.

I don't believe people who purposely offend other religions are doing so because they want to present their point of view of their religion. They are mischief makers, it is the same as spreading rumours during a war about food shortage as such, just to cause unrest or enmity between people. That is different and should indeed be kept in checked.
BUT THESE THINGS AND differences which are to a sane person ideological differences can easily be twisted into blasphemy by rabid forces.
If muslims can comment on non muslims religious points how can you stop them.

That's why I believe that we shouldn't disrespect anyone..

The people living in Pakistan whether they are Hindus, Christians, Qadianis etc should be able to enjoy their lives peacefully in Pakistan... Nobody should be allowed to say a single word against anyone's religion..

Similarly, they should not be allowed to utter a single word against our prophet (PBUH)..

Isn't it simple?
If muslims can comment on non muslims religious points how can you stop them. On this very forum I have seen people talking about Hinduism and Christianity. Remember Islam is not a religion which shuns others from comments. Holy Prophet himself faced a lot of derogatory statements from his opponent. Did he ever shun them. Too the extent that non-believers used to have discussions right inside Masjid e Nabavi. Do you think they would be glorifying Islam there. I am sure they must be contesting tenants of islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH) would have been listening patiently and replying them in an amicable fashion. This how Islam spread so fast, Islam is the only religion which does not allow people from other religions to enter its place of worship. Though i have seen many mosques with notice of non-muslims not allowed. But that is not Islam.

Sir, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) himself encouraged and ordered killing of blasphemer Ka'ab bin Ashraf.. you can see Bukhari for reference... there its described in detail..
Please refer to last sentences of the opening post.
well i have read your article and frankly i didn't find any thing directly ordering us to kill any blasphemer in those quranic verses. all of those verses are in different context than you are trying to present here. bro believe what ever you want to but pls don't promote the idea that our merciful prophet ordered killing people just because they were blasphemers who had done no other wrong except blasphemy .there must be some other reasons otherwise rahmat ul do alamien wouldn't just order a hit for his personal feelings.
islam isn't the bloodthirsty religion as some of us make it out to be.
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