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The apostates of Pakistan

Ahmedi's must be given equal rights in Pakistan. We need to help the minorities and make them feel at home.
Ahmedi's must be given equal rights in Pakistan. We need to help the minorities and make them feel at home.

I am all up for that if and when Ahmadis move away from calling themselves Muslim and misguiding others about their claims.

You need to understand, that the first first part of the Constitution is loyalty to the State under the Sovereign. The Sovereign is Allah, the absolute Authority. When the Sovereign and his law is thrown to one side like today, then that distinction needs to be made, IS MY LOYAL TO THE SOVEREIGN OR IS IT TO THE LAND OF PAKISTAN AS DICTATED TO BY THOSE WHO DO NOT ABIDE OR LIVE UNDER HIS COMMANDMENTS?...........

That question, itself is enough to break Pakistan into pieces as Loyalty to the Sovereign is unmatched and most Pakistanis who call themselves Muslims will go with his Command first........ what we are seeing today is just that around Pakistan, those who claim loyalty to the Sovereign are happy for the State to be destroyed if it is not under the commandments of the Almighty, and that is a route Pakistan should not go down, ever.........
Get this straight; there is a reason we don't consider them Muslims, and never will. They're not Muslims, it's amazing how your prepared to argue with 99% Muslims around the world and try to make them accept that these guys are Muslims. Even Shias and Sunnis agree to this.
But yes, they do deserve the same rights as anyone else in Pakistan, and so do all the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan aswell, no doubt

How about Saudis and Iranis practice same and ask their country men to declare minority sect KAFIR and the most ironic thing is even the minority has to sign the same in order to get a passport ... How about if the English companies ask you to declare your religion in application form ... Wouldnt that be called racist .. As per the article point is State should not practice religious biggotry to appease fundos / mullahs .. This should not be the case and such practices should be opposed. Esp by exapt pakistanis who mostly support strict stupidity against minority sects
CaptainJackSh_T, If you look into the history there were the people who were hand in hand with the british colonizers in giving them legitimacy for their occupation. These people sold their religion and people for few pounds. I am disgusted and dissapointed by someone speaking on their behalf when they are clearly the traitors of the nation. This is the reason why their leaders are given open shelter in the west. For Example, Prince Karim Aga Khan has an equal status of a royal in France???? Dig the history of his fore fathers and you will know. These people only served interests of the cross and misled thousands of people with money and vice.

One may wonder how the British convinced them ti invent such rubbish..and here is the answer...

Similar to mainstream Islamic views, the Ahmadiyya Movement consider that Jesus was a mortal man, but unlike majority Islam, believe that Jesus died a natural death in Kashmir - as opposed to having been raised up alive to Heaven. They also believe that the Turin Shroud was of Jesus Christ.[1]

Using the same Jesus tactic which followed much of the European colonization around the world.
CaptainJackSh_T, If you look into the history there were the people who were hand in hand with the british colonizers in giving them legitimacy for their occupation. These people sold their religion and people for few pounds. I am disgusted and dissapointed by someone speaking on their behalf when they are clearly the traitors of the nation. This is the reason why their leaders are given open shelter in the west. For Example, Prince Karim Aga Khan has an equal status of a royal in France???? Dig the history of his fore fathers and you will know. These people only served interests of the cross and misled thousands of people with money and vice.

One may wonder how the British convinced them ti invent such rubbish..and here is the answer...

Using the same Jesus tactic which followed much of the European colonization around the world.

Brother, You don't need to dig far, it is from the writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself who claims as follows:

I am the "Self-implanted/Self-cultivated Seedling " of the British Government. "Government should take great care regarding this SELF-IMPLANTED SEEDLING . . . . .should instruct its officers to treat ME and MY JAMA'AT with special kindness and favours. Our family has never hesitated in shedding their blood in the way of British Rulers and did not stop from laying down their lives neither do they hesitate now." (Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.350)


"for the sake of British Government, I have published & distributed 50,000 leaflets in this country (India) other Islamic countries(against jehad). . . . the result is that hundreds of thousands of people have given up their ****** ideas about Jihad." (Roohani Khazain vol 15 p.114)

From his own writings comes thy judgement for Ahmadis, when they decide to answer the claims made by MGA, then the suspicions can be alleviated.........somewhat
How about Saudis and Iranis practice same and ask their country men to declare minority sect KAFIR and the most ironic thing is even the minority has to sign the same in order to get a passport ... How about if the English companies ask you to declare your religion in application form ... Wouldnt that be called racist .. As per the article point is State should not practice religious biggotry to appease fundos / mullahs .. This should not be the case and such practices should be opposed. Esp by exapt pakistanis who mostly support strict stupidity against minority sects

No body is supporting strict stupidity you fag-head. I said Islamically (not Mullah-ically), Ahmadis are NOT Muslims. But at the same time, that does NOT mean they should be discriminated against at all. Simple.
Not Muslims but not to be discriminated against because of that.
Ahmedis are one of the richest communities in Pakistan, with heavy representation in the bureaucratic, civil services, and armed forces. There is discrimination and we all need to fight it. As to whether they are Muslims - I think not, but who am I to decide that, it's between them and God.
That is not the point.

Point is, who are you to accept or reject somebody's faith?

Who gave you the right?

You can say you are or are not a Muslim.

But how can you pass judgement on whether I'm a Muslim or not?

You live in the West , for God's sake, and even then you're saying such ludicrous things?

If i say to you apples and oranges are the same of course you will say no they are not. All Muslim sects agree that Merzeis are not Muslims because of belief's like the Prophet is not the last messenger. That is a core belief in Islam brushed aside by the Merzeis. Of course they are free to believe whatever they want and as Pakistanis should be given equal rights but just because somebody says they are something does not mean they actually are.
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