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The apostates of Pakistan

Nov 17, 2010
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The apostates of Pakistan
Muslims in both India and Pakistan think Qadianis are apostates, betrayers of Islam, what is called murtadd in Arabic

I wrote this piece for the two Pakistani newspapers where I write columns, but they did not publish it. These papers are quite liberal, and their editors open-minded. This is the first time they’ve done this, and I see their point. The subject is difficult.


Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community praying in Chenab Nagar, Pakistan, in July 2010. Photo: Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images

It is about a sect of Muslims, originally all Punjabi, who are disliked in India and Pakistan. They are called Ahmadis, from the sect’s founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Or they are called Qadianis, from Mirza Ahmad’s hometown of Qadian in Gurdaspur on the Indian side.
Muslims in both India and Pakistan think Qadianis are apostates, betrayers of Islam, what is called murtadd in Arabic. Pakistan’s passport application forms have this declaration that all Muslims must sign: “I consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani to be an imposter nabi and also consider his followers whether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani group, to be non-Muslims.”
Why force Muslims to sign this? Actually, the reason for this cruel wording is to ensure that Ahmadis do not sign it. But why? To deny them access to Mecca, where Saudis permit Muslims alone to enter. Pakistan’s four million Ahmadis are denied their religious obligation of Haj through this device. Pakistan’s electorate is separated into Muslim and non-Muslim categories. This means Ahmadis cannot vote in Pakistan, because the state doesn’t recognize them as Muslim and Ahmadis don’t consider themselves non-Muslim. Indian Ahmadis are more fortunate, but not because Indian Muslims are more open-minded.


Mirza Ghulam Ahmad with his son in a picture before 1900. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
The Indian Express reported on 25 September that an Ahmadi exhibition of the Quran in 53 languages was not allowed to be held in Delhi. Jama Masjid’s Imam Bukhari was arrested with 55 other Muslims who threatened the exhibition. A dozen or so years ago, Darul Uloom Deoband’s and Nadwa’s clerics issued a joint fatwa prohibiting Indian Muslims from social and commercial interaction with Ahmadis. They were warned specifically against offering a thirsting Ahmadi water. I wrote an editorial against this, immediately getting the proprietor of my newspaper (who was Muslim) into trouble with Urdu newspapers. Pakistan’s The Express Tribune reported on 8 October that 10 students, including seven girls, and a female teacher were expelled from two schools near Faisalabad after the village learnt they were Ahmadis.
On 28 May 2010, two Ahmadi mosques were attacked in Lahore and 93 Ahmadis were slaughtered. Reporting the mosque attacks live, Pakistan’s television channels called them “Ahmadi places of worship”. Calling them masjid or mosque means up to three years in jail (section 298b). Three years in jail for the Ahmadi who refers to his prayer call as an azan.
Why such hatred? Let’s try to understand the Ahmadi faith.
At the age of 40, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (died 1908) said he began receiving visions. In one, he saw himself writing some decrees about the future and placing them for God’s approval. God, who “looked like a judge or a ruler”, flicked the pen first to get the ink flowing, and signed. When Mirza Ahmad woke, his shirt was spattered with red ink. This message from God qualified Ahmad as a prophet. This is unacceptable to Muslims because they insist God will communicate with no human of any faith after Muhammad’s death. That line has permanently gone dead.
Despite his visions, Mirza Ahmad personally did not claim prophethood. He denounced Judaism and Christianity as error, and once also claimed he was an avatar of Vishnu. Muslims believe Jesus did not die on the cross, but ascended to heaven when alive. Mirza Ahmad said Jesus died not on the cross, but in India. Judgement Day would bring not Jesus, as Muslims and Christians believed, but him. Other than his claim of receiving visions, this is the second thing that is seen as problematic.
Mirza Ahmad’s followers are split into two groups.
The points of Islam on which all Ahmadis agree with other Muslims are: Shahada (“there’s no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet”), prayer, fasting, giving alms and Haj. All Ahmadis consider themselves Sunni. Ahmadis don’t believe in taweez (amulets), in jinns, in dargahs and in pirs. In these things, therefore, they appear to resemble conservative Muslims rather than heretics.
On the issue of prophethood, Ahmadis are split. The smaller Lahori group accepts the finality of prophet Muhammad and considers Mirza Ahmed only a renewer.
The main Qadiani allows space for Mirza Ahmad’s “minor” prophecies. On 25 March 1938, Maulana Maudoodi accepted the Lahori Ahmadis as Muslim, but not the Qadianis.
Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s foreign minister, and Abdus Salam, Pakistan’s Nobel laureate, were both from the Qadiani group. The May 2010 massacres in Lahore were of the Qadiani group.
Under Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, in 1974, Pakistan’s national assembly unanimously declared both groups non-Muslims. Under General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, in 1984, laws were passed criminalizing the practise of religion by Ahmadis.
On 21 November 1996, Salam died in Oxford. His body was brought to Pakistan for burial in Rabwah, a city on the river Chenab built by Ahmadis. His tombstone referred to him as “the first Muslim Nobel laureate for his work on physics”. A Pakistani judge ordered the word “Muslim” to be defaced. It now reads “first Nobel laureate”. Even in death, Pakistan will deny the Ahmadi his faith.
Two years later, on 17 November 1998, Pakistan’s Punjab assembly under Shahbaz Sharif voted to rename Rabwah because it is a Quranic name. Rabwah became Nawan Qadian (New Qadian) against the will of its residents. Some Muslims were uneasy at having to say the despised word “Qadian”. On 14 February 1999, it was again renamed. Rabwah is now called Chenab Nagar.
Mirza Ahmad liked British rule because they gave full religious freedom and legal protection to their subjects. Though some of his teachings are contradictory, he seemed on the whole to be moderate in his interpretations and in his outlook.
There is another thing that gets Muslims worked up about Ahmadis. This is Mirza Ahmad’s undoing of jihad.
He told Muslims to give up qital (jihad’s violent aspect) entirely. His followers, he said, “would have nothing to do with war and fighting”.
“Armed jihad ends, and only the jihad to purify your souls remains,” he said. Jihad of the pen in place of jihad of the sword. Both Qadiani and Lahori groups hold this to be true. All Ahmadis reject Al Qaeda without qualification. It is difficult not to be attracted to such Gandhian pacifism.
In Lahore 10 years ago to speak at the Kinnaird College for Women, I was rattled by the snarling response from a professor there, a woman who till that moment was quite sophisticated, when someone in our dinner group mentioned Ahmadis. She felt they were rightly being punished for their religion, and this is the view of Pakistanis across class.
I would say some of the responsibility for their persecution lies with Pakistan’s Ahmadi community. They will reject this, and it is a callous thing to say given their state, but it is true. They were enthusiastic supporters of the two-nation theory, and of Pakistan. Sir Zafarullah Khan championed the Islamizing of Pakistan through its infamous Objectives Resolution of 1949. Ahmadis crossed over to do jihad in Kashmir, ignoring Mirza Ahmad’s wisdom. They raised a group of mujahideen there called Furqan Force to cleanse it of Hindu rule.
Such bigotry against other faiths usually invites punishment against your own. For the apostates of Pakistan, it has.
Aakar Patel is a director with Hill Road Media.
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The apostates of Pakistan - Columns - livemint.com
Get this straight; there is a reason we don't consider them Muslims, and never will. They're not Muslims, it's amazing how your prepared to argue with 99% Muslims around the world and try to make them accept that these guys are Muslims. Even Shias and Sunnis agree to this.

But yes, they do deserve the same rights as anyone else in Pakistan, and so do all the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan aswell, no doubt
Get this straight; there is a reason we don't consider them Muslims, and never will. They're not Muslims, it's amazing how your prepared to argue with 99% Muslims around the world and try to make them accept that these guys are Muslims. Even Shias and Sunnis agree to this.

But yes, they do deserve the same rights as anyone else in Pakistan, and so do all the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan aswell, no doubt

That is not the point.

Point is, who are you to accept or reject somebody's faith?

Who gave you the right?

You can say you are or are not a Muslim.

But how can you pass judgement on whether I'm a Muslim or not?

You live in the West , for God's sake, and even then you're saying such ludicrous things?
Get this straight; there is a reason we don't consider them Muslims, and never will. They're not Muslims, it's amazing how your prepared to argue with 99% Muslims around the world and try to make them accept that these guys are Muslims. Even Shias and Sunnis agree to this.

But yes, they do deserve the same rights as anyone else in Pakistan, and so do all the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan aswell, no doubt

Bold line means Pakistan is a secular state.:woot:
Bold line means Pakistan is a secular state.:woot:

Giving rights to minorities is a duty within Islam.

That is not the point.

Point is, who are you to accept or reject somebody's faith?

Who gave you the right?

You can say you are or are not a Muslim.

But how can you pass judgement on whether I'm a Muslim or not?

You live in the West , for God's sake, and even then you're saying such ludicrous things?

The Quran. Simply, the Quran and the Creed. When you don't believe and practice the fundamentals of faith, you can't possibly part of that faith. Call is Neo-Islam if you must, but Ahmadiyya =/= Islam.
And don't lecture me on this, you as a non-Muslim and non-Ahmadiyya really have no right -.-

EDIT: I did clarify in my post before that I stand for minority rights despite religion, in case you didn't read that. Also, just coz I live the "West" doesn't mean I can't tell others what my religion says or doesn't.
I have no right to call Ibadi or Shias non-Muslims, because the Creed and Quran of ours is the same. Our differences start of Hadiths, not Quran
Giving rights to minorities is a duty within Islam.

The Quran. Simply, the Quran and the Creed. When you don't believe and practice the fundamentals of faith, you can't possibly part of that faith. Call is Neo-Islam if you must, but Ahmadiyya =/= Islam.

Who will certify if your interpretation of the Quran is correct or not?

If fact, that is not even the point.

Point is, that Quran is the word of Allah and here we have a bunch of lesser mortals passing judgement on the meaning of Allah's word.

And don't lecture me on this, you as a non-Muslim and non-Ahmadiyya really have no right -.-

I'm an imperfect lesser mortal, my dear. I cannot lecture anybody.

You are free to walk out of the debate any moment you'd like to. :)
Who will certify if your interpretation of the Quran is correct or not?

When the creed and Quran are telling us that there is no Prophet after Muhammad (PBUH), the Ahmadiyya go on and proclaim some random guy from Punjab in India to be the next prophet...well you have to be rather stupid then to even think anyone is gonna consider you Muslim :coffee:
That is not the point.

Point is, who are you to accept or reject somebody's faith?

Who gave you the right?

You can say you are or are not a Muslim.

But how can you pass judgement on whether I'm a Muslim or not?

You live in the West , for God's sake, and even then you're saying such ludicrous things?

listen i dont know where you get your knowledge but here is the thing the five pillars of Islam they r the building blocks of Islamic faith....
1st is and the most important in shahadat which means ALLAh is the one GOD and Muhammad (S.A.A.W) was his last prophet.countless times the prophet said after him no new nabi will ever come after him the ahmedi,s deny this and make him the prophet ... thus if you dont fill this category you dont even begin to call yourself muslim

Point is, that Quran is the word of Allah and here we have a bunch of lesser mortals passing judgement on the meaning of Allah's word.

the prophet him self said after him no new nabi will ever come he is the last brick in the wall of naboowat.
chalo bhai, india obsession against pakistan

first look at yourself, criminal going free(narinder modi) while muslims(minorities) plead

babri mosque demolition case ends in giving 2/3rd land to non muslims:rolleyes:
Giving rights to minorities is a duty within Islam.

You mean equal rights ? as you subsidies travel to Haj , Pakistan is also giving subsidies to visit to Sikh to Golden temple ? No

BTW who you are to 'give' rights ? Please do not bring Religions in Polity and Politics because Politics is a dirty game, it have effects on religion as well.

chalo bhai, india obsession against pakistan

first look at yourself, criminal going free(narinder modi) while muslims(minorities) plead

babri mosque demolition case ends in giving 2/3rd land to non muslims:rolleyes:

It is between India and Pakistan . Who the hell is mexico to comment on us ?
You mean equal rights ?

believe it or not yessss murder of non muslim is only allowed in terms of battle if he is facing you or in self defence they deserve their rights they deserve their worship places now plz lets stay on topic
i dont get it a muslim baba to make his followers more loyal to him says that he has visions ...& some illitrate people beleve him , now the whole hell is let loose ....but why cause they (baba's illitrate followers) call him a prophet of the allah himself ....i dont know how they become non muslims & some people are still prosecuting there generations for it ....then why is so many muslims go to bab's for seeking spritual knolegde are also not considerd non muslims , or those who go an do sajda on mazars i think they are also doing against islam by giving more importance to a particular saint than Muhammad (PBUH) how can you consider a women taking taveezfrom a baba a muslim ...its so confusing
^ Write in clear English please, I don't understand. Who's this Baba your on about?
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