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The Algerian Armed Forces.

I have just answered your question. I just mentioned Pakistan, because the Sauds have always relied on your troops in some capacity. And against the Houthis, Pakistanis, Jordanians and Moroccans were used. It is a common knowledge. As well as the nuclear head you provided them due to their financial contribution to Pakistan nuclear program. That is a fact too.

No Jordanian or Moroccan or Pakistanis took any part of the operations against Houthis. The only Pakistani participation was a medical one because there are some Pakistani doctors working in military hospitals but that's it.

It is not common knowledge it is common propaganda there is a difference.
Same goes with Algeria, they can't fly their planes without Russian supplies, and let's see, did you think Russians are better than American or Europeans ? haha, didn't your lovely Russia refuse to give weapons to iran , and they also refused to sell air defense's to their close ally Syria in the time that Syria needed them the most ! do you think Russia will support Algeria with weapons if they attack Israel ? you must be deluded, Russians did the same with Egypt before and refused to help them in a time of war, and the Russians cheated and fooled Algeria and sold them shtty old Mig-29's in violation to the contract and the deal was halted.

Oh And don't try to compare the combat experienced Arab forces like Syria, Iraq and Egypt, don't try to compare them with the nooby beginner weak Algerian air force that never participated in a war. At least Egypt makes most of it's weapons locally like Abrams tanks, APC's and attack helicopters, and jets ( like K-8E) and various types of unmanned drones etc, they also have their own air defence system that has been tested in war before, it was co-produced with Italy, they have maintenance facilities for their F-16's, they make F-16 and Mirage 2000 spare parts, and Egypt also makes parts of the F-16 engines in their maintenance facilities , so at least Egypt is not totally dependent on a foreign country to supply them with weapons, unlike Algeria that doesn't have the experience to build any weapons locally. So if you want to compare who can be the last man standing in a war, it will be the country that makes most of it's weapons and ammunition and spare parts locally, not the country that is totally dependent on just one foreign ally , like in the case of (Algeria-Russia)

Oh and BTW, at least Pakistan locally makes it's own advanced fighter jet (JF-17) , unlike some other country we are talking about, which doesn't make any locally built weapons


Again, there is NOT one single Russian ally that Algeria has problems with. Your mighty "Arab forces" on the other hand, have problems with Israel. And Israel has problems with them.

As I said, try to challenge Israel, and Israel would mop the floor with all Egyptian, Saudi, Turkish and UAE "air forces" combined.
Israel would mop you up, like a dog. So the only thing these so-called mighty Arab states in GCC + Turkey are good for, is to attack another Arab or Muslim country and kill other muslims. That's the only thing "your air forces" are good for.

To destroy Iraq. To destroy Libya. To wage proxy war against Syria. That's ALL the "mighty" Turkish + GCC are good for.

Try something on Israel and they DIE.

So Algeria does not have any problem what so ever with any Russian ally, thus Russia always delivers. Russia and Algeria have solid relationship, and they've had that since 1950s, when Algeria waged war against French Imperial terror state.

That special relationship has never changed between Russia and Algeria, and Algeria is going to be the only "Muslim" country to receive and operate SAM like S-400, which by the way would eat your Tornados or F-16 for breakfast.

Regarding Syrian and Iranian sales. Iran has never been an ally of Russia. Syria was yes, but after huge pressure from Israel, Russia unfortunately backed down on this issue as Israel threatened to start delivering weapons to Georgia and Azerbaijan in massive amounts as a responce to any Syrian or Iranian sales.

Furthermore, Russia has offered Iran S-300VM, but Iran refused, as Iran wants PMU-version.

Again, Algeria has nothing to do with this, as Algeria does NOT have the "Israel problem", neither does Algerian air space or sea lines "crash" with Israeli interests.

Algeria is preparing to receive S-400 very soon. So there is absolutely no "crash" whatsoever in any way between Algeria and Russia. There is no "Israel problem" to think of, and Algeria is NOT hostile to any other Russian ally in the near area, which is basically NONE, besides Algeria. Algeria is the only Russian ally in the Western Med.

Russia would NEVER stop deliveries if Algeria was in a war with let's say France or Morocco. So Algeria is safe in that area, regarding deliveries.

So it is Egypt and Turkey among others that will soon feel more Israeli "wrath" as Israel starts to expand on sea.

And in the air, you have ZERO chance against Israel.

Don't even let me mention nukes. Israel can wipe you away from the face of the Earth. Only large crater left remaining, if they want too.

A country of 8 million is able to hold off these so-called "mighty" Egypt + Turkey + Jordan and all GCC countries combined.

Country of 8 million, LOL. Ya, keep on talking how "mighty" you are.

Yeah, we have all seen so-called "combat experience" of Syria, Egypt and other states against Israel. So don't make me laugh.

Nope, Egypt doesn't make most of its stuff locally. The reason Sisi turned to Russia and Putin was because the U.S. started to threaten and halted weapons deliveries after the coup last year.

Sisi on the other hand, understands that the moment he gets his hands on Russian jets, are the only jets that Egypt will be able to operate by themselves against any country they wish to.

Iraq recently experienced the same regarding U.S. delivering, where the U.S. is using them to further their own agenda.

And also ask Iran after 1979, and ask Venezuela.

There is a reason people say in all military forums that U.S. weapons deliveries just comes along with "too many strings". That's just a fact.

Having U.S. or other Western weapons, means you are not able to engage in a war of your choosing.

Oh, and finally. Maybe you should ask Pakistan who helped them with the JF-17 fighter. And which country Pakistan wish to buy 6 SSK from. And which country delivered F-22P frigates to Pakistan. Oh, shall I continue ? These are the only weapons Pakistan kan operate freely.

Any so-called "Muslim" country having F-16 or anything similiar such as F-15 or Typhoon, can just forget to use any of those against Israel or the U.S.

In another words, these "shiny" F-16s of Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, and Saudi F-15 are only ment for show, and can never be used against Israel or the U.S.

Again, just ask Iran. The U.S. didn't had anything against Iran using them against Iraq, but the U.S. made sure that logistics and parts of the F-14 was more or less systematically destroyed.

A country that cannot choose freely to which country they can engage with their own weapons, is not free in any way.

So it doesn't matter if Egypt according to you, can produce some F-16 spare parts. When the U.S. or Israel bombs your facilities to ruins, where will you make parts then? LOL.

However if you have Russia making spare parts for you in the case of war, the U.S. or Israel CANNOT bomb Russia or China.

So having supposedly any kind of facility for production of U.S. spare parts, doesn't help much when Tomahawk says hello!
Then the so-called "spare part production" is gonna STOP pretty fast, don't ya think, yaaa ? :)

Yes and I will rate you on 1 only because you have BVR with almost all of your planes but the moment EAF gets Jets like Mig 29 and Mig 35

Yes, exactly. When EAF gets MiG-29 and MiG-35 FROM RUSSIA. That's what I am saying. Sisi knows these are the only fighters EAF can operate freely and choose to use against any country it wishes.

I am happy on Egypt's part for being able to receive these. The only free fighters in the Muslim world being able to operate as they wish are going to be Algerian Flankers, Egyptian MiGs, and Pakistan's JF-17 + Malaysian and Indonesian Flankers. Everything else besides this, such as F-16s are just expencive show offs, and totally USELESS in case of any Israeli or Western aggression.

Look at Pakistan. Nuclear state with upgraded F-16s. And the U.S. keeps hammering Pakistan with drones strikes and killing scores of Pakistani civilians. So counting F-16s is a joke.

Strange hos several of those so-called mighty GCC countries need to have U.S. bases and 250 western aircraft while Algeria with no bases on it's soil and a "small airforce" is able to keep its borders safe withouth any huge problems, despite two wars at it's borders for the past three years.
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Don't talk about something you know nothing about, Egypt makes most of it's weapons locally, jets, APC's, unmanned UAV's, aircraft electronics, they make lots of missile defense systems (one of them was co-produced with Italy :) , they make various types of Artillery Rockets, they build one of the best combat tested tanks, the Abrams 100% locally, they at least depend partially on themselves to produce weapons and ammunition, unlike your country that depends on Russia all the way on everything, even after they fooled you and sold you old Mig-29 lol.

Did you think in Russia is an enemy of Israel ?! haha, they co-operate with them idiot ! the Soviet Union was the first to acknowledge the country of Israel , and now Russia have close ties with Israel, even strong military ties specially in drones field, Russia will kick you anytime your country falls in a crisis, just like what they did to Syria, Iraq, and Egypt before,

And, your current S-300 can't detect our Eurofighter Typhoon except from like 50-60 kilometers away, the typhoon is a half stealth jet, and the typhoon can detect your S-300 from like 200 km away and fire it's missiles on it, the S-300 will be roasted before it even knows what hit it ! not like your S-30 that has an RCS of more than 7 square meters haha ! the F-16 can first detect and fck the Su-30 and take it down before the Su-30 knows the F-16 is there, the F-16 block 50+ has an RCS of 1 square meters.. i doubt you even know the importance of lower RCS, which the Russian jets suck at !

Oh BTW, we have seen how the Iraqi Mig-29's did against the F-14 Tomact, F-15, and F-16, the American jets raped the Mig-29's , Russian technology is lagging far behind the west, so you don't count on your shtty Mig-29 or Su30's because they are no better than the F-16 block 50+, the F-16 can rape the Su-30's anytime , because of the huge RCS of the Mig29 (10-15 square meters) and Su-30 (7 square meters) they will be a training targets for the F-16's and Typhoons backed by AWACS ! which your poor air force doesn't even have one of them.

Come on try to deny the importance of AWACS and show everyone how ignorant, biased idiot you are lol, wake up boy, your military wont last a day in a war against... Sudan lol
oh btw, did you think your country is not an Arab country ? did Algeria become a french state or something ? LOL, so everything you said about "mighty Arab forces" applies to your nooby beginner military that never fought a war, if you ever fought Israel, your whole noob little weak army will be crushed and wiped off the face of earth in less than 20 hours
Same goes with Algeria

There is a thread for Moroccan army, I invite you to discuss the capability of your kingdom there and you can compare them to that of Algeria. There are plenty of participants in this forum from arab countries that can bring lights on the shape of their respective air forces. I do not think that a Moroccan citizen can do it better than they. If you were a real Italian, you will be an idiot to post what you wrote, since Italy is one of the AAF partners, they work with the Algerian armed forces and Algeria's capabilities in the air or at sea are not a secret to them.
There is a thread for Moroccan army, I invite you to discuss the capability of your kingdom there and you can compare them to that of Algeria. There are plenty of participants in this forum from arab countries that can bring lights on the shape of their respective air forces. I do not think that a Moroccan citizen can do it better than they. If you were a real Italian, you will be an idiot to post what you wrote, since Italy is one of the AAF partners, they work with the Algerian armed forces and Algeria's capabilities in the air or at sea are not a secret to them.

What's your thing with the not Italian and Moroccan and Saudi and all this shit with you ? Fck Moroccan army, Fck Egyptian army, Fck Saudi army, and Fck all of the other sand niggers ! Yes we have good ties with Algeria, but name to me that military cooperation you are talking about between Rome and Algiers ?

And don't steal my color again, see, now you forced me to change it ! :big_boss:
uote="Zarvan, post: 6315287, member: 38934"]Yes and I will rate you on 1 only because you have BVR with almost all of your planes but the moment EAF gets Jets like Mig 29 and Mig 35 and Rafale with latest BVR Missiles they will take the lead[/quote]
Until they do and if MIG can really produce the Aircrafts, and Egypt is able to afford the Rafale in enough quantity, then we can review the ranking.. By then, Algeria will have at least 3 Pafka operating squadrons, 48 SU 34, 42 Mi28 N, 3 MRTT, 6 C 17 (or 12 to 24 A400M) and a number of Spartan 27 J gunships. Algeria is a country of Air force and Navy...And in both arms she will be the dominant in Africa and North Africa.

What's your thing with the not Italian and Moroccan and Saudi and all this shit with you ? Fck Moroccan army, Fck Egyptian army, Fck Saudi army, and Fck all of the other sand niggers ! Yes we have good ties with Algeria, but name to me that military cooperation you are talking about between Rome and Algiers ?

And don't steal my color again, see, now you forced me to change it ! :big_boss:
You are a freaking Moroccan..stop the BS and come out of the closet.

It is not common knowledge it is common propaganda there is a difference.
just what I said: In some capacity...
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oh btw, did you think your country is not an Arab country ? did Algeria become a french state or something ? LOL, so everything you said about "mighty Arab forces" applies to your nooby beginner military that never fought a war, if you ever fought Israel, your whole noob little weak army will be crushed and wiped off the face of earth in less than 20 hours
Are you from Moroco ?
uote="Zarvan, post: 6315287, member: 38934"]Yes and I will rate you on 1 only because you have BVR with almost all of your planes but the moment EAF gets Jets like Mig 29 and Mig 35 and Rafale with latest BVR Missiles they will take the lead
Until they do and if MIG can really produce the Aircrafts, and Egypt is able to afford the Rafale in enough quantity, then we can review the ranking.. By then, Algeria will have at least 3 Pafka operating squadrons, 48 SU 34, 42 Mi28 N, 3 MRTT, 6 C 17 (or 12 to 24 A400M) and a number of Spartan 27 J gunships. Algeria is a country of Air force and Navy...And in both arms she will be the dominant in Africa and North Africa.

You are a freaking Moroccan..stop the BS and come out of the closet.

just what I said: In some capacity...[/quote]
You had 4 submarines and you were looking to get two more have you ordered those two ?
Guys this guy du saying their pilots have a photographic memory and other super powers, let's no waste our time.
I was joking with our Moroccan "Italian" amoebae..It passed over your head too...relax friend, stay here with us, the earthlings..!

Are you from Moroco ?
He is , he give himself away above..November 1st commemoration is a week or so away, the UN decolonisation dpt is breathing on their neck, and they are doing everything they can to get attention. M6 even threatened war to Algeria at the UN....So we are going to see a lot of wasteland characters writing in red these next couple days...
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Okay you got my attention, why are you both thinking i am a Moroccan :blink: and what does my country, which is none of what you all sand niggers think, and btw, im half russian half italian, my question is what difference / how does being a Morroccan or not affect our conversation :blink: and why did you say Algeria would fight Morroco ? are morroccans Jews ? :blink: aren't they Arab Muslims like Algerians and your whole Arab Muslim world are combined allies :blink:

You Arab people are now imagining fighting against each others :blink:
so, this guy is trying to compare Algerian air force to Egyptian airforce lol , Algeria Air Force has 250-300 aircraft, ad Egypt has more than 1,100 aircraft, more than 4x more equipment than the whole Algeria air force and this guy is trying to compare ! lol not mention the Egyptian advanced Hawkeyes AWACS / dedicated warfare planes, they also have a C-130 Hercules version dedicated for Electronic warfare and SEAD operations / no one else have it except USA and Egypt... then someone says the country with the 70 fighter jets is stronger than EAF lol
Yep, @Ceylal is one of his kind. :D
Yep, @Ceylal is one of his kind. :D

Did you see his post in the previous page ? he says Algerian Air Force pilots have photographic memory and some other super powers lol, here's his post :

"Our pilots are blessed with a photographic memory. They don't need to train. All they need is to review a video of their foe fighting...Like your "Italian case" the two L59 are largely capable to contain what M6 ,his majesty Italian king, may throw at them..
They watched lately in my presence the take over Peresil isle, at 200 ft from his Italian Altess King M6 shores, and the ferocious paddling he received from the Spanish king"
Don't talk about something you know nothing about, Egypt makes most of it's weapons locally, jets, APC's, unmanned UAV's, aircraft electronics, they make lots of missile defense systems (one of them was co-produced with Italy :) , they make various types of Artillery Rockets, they build one of the best combat tested tanks, the Abrams 100% locally, they at least depend partially on themselves to produce weapons and ammunition, unlike your country that depends on Russia all the way on everything, even after they fooled you and sold you old Mig-29 lol.

Did you think in Russia is an enemy of Israel ?! haha, they co-operate with them idiot ! the Soviet Union was the first to acknowledge the country of Israel , and now Russia have close ties with Israel, even strong military ties specially in drones field, Russia will kick you anytime your country falls in a crisis, just like what they did to Syria, Iraq, and Egypt before,

And, your current S-300 can't detect our Eurofighter Typhoon except from like 50-60 kilometers away, the typhoon is a half stealth jet, and the typhoon can detect your S-300 from like 200 km away and fire it's missiles on it, the S-300 will be roasted before it even knows what hit it ! not like your S-30 that has an RCS of more than 7 square meters haha ! the F-16 can first detect and fck the Su-30 and take it down before the Su-30 knows the F-16 is there, the F-16 block 50+ has an RCS of 1 square meters.. i doubt you even know the importance of lower RCS, which the Russian jets suck at !

Oh BTW, we have seen how the Iraqi Mig-29's did against the F-14 Tomact, F-15, and F-16, the American jets raped the Mig-29's , Russian technology is lagging far behind the west, so you don't count on your shtty Mig-29 or Su30's because they are no better than the F-16 block 50+, the F-16 can rape the Su-30's anytime , because of the huge RCS of the Mig29 (10-15 square meters) and Su-30 (7 square meters) they will be a training targets for the F-16's and Typhoons backed by AWACS ! which your poor air force doesn't even have one of them.

Come on try to deny the importance of AWACS and show everyone how ignorant, biased idiot you are lol, wake up boy, your military wont last a day in a war against... Sudan lol
what I dont understand , why you defende egypte and humilate algeria ?!!!!!!!
and by the way , what egyptre is doing here ; we are speaking about algeria ?!!!!
and for the last time you dont beleive our numbers?!!!!
first you said where are the sources ? I brouth you the sources ; you dont beleive !!!! when I ask you about your sources , you say wikipedia .!!!!!!!
I told you , I swear I am who built the algerian navy site on wikipedia , so you should beleive me if you beleive wikipedia ...

and finaly how many plane we should have to impress you ?????

If we make comparaison .

italia . 80 tornado + 70 typhoon = 150
spain . 80 F18 + 42 typhoon + 30 mirage F1 = 150
netherlands . 60 F16 MLU
belgum . 40 F16 MLU
sweden . 120 Grepen

algeria . 44 Su30+ 40 Mig 29 + 20 Mig25 + 35 Su24 = 130

so why you are very confident with your fleets

and who told you that typhoon is better than Su30 MKA ?!!!! ask indian air forces
by the way , why Typhoon lost the MRCA in india ; and why india stee buys Su30 from russia ?
And finaly , pardon me I think you are stupid ....
Did you see his post in the previous page ? he says Algerian Air Force pilots have photographic memory and some other super powers lol, here's his post :

"Our pilots are blessed with a photographic memory. They don't need to train. All they need is to review a video of their foe fighting...Like your "Italian case" the two L59 are largely capable to contain what M6 ,his majesty Italian king, may throw at them..
They watched lately in my presence the take over Peresil isle, at 200 ft from his Italian Altess King M6 shores, and the ferocious paddling he received from the Spanish king"
Yes, I know. As I told you he's one of his kind. I think he over exaggerates stuff because he's a Berber and yet a minority or 2nd class citizens in other words, so this creates a severe inferiority complex that make them over exaggerate things and make stuff up. :crazy:
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