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The Algerian Armed Forces.

You are all diluted by the strength of the Arab air forces. showing a video of dust ,smoke of burning barrels remotely detonated jet fighter streaking the skies is not a show a force, or an acquired capability. The only thing it shows that you can drive a tank and capable to take off with an airplane, no more no less. It is a movie, destined for internal consumption. How does that force reacts if in front of her was , let say Israel? Hizbollah? Hamas or ISIS? Can she be that effective? can she keep her cohesion? can she mount a counterattack? Iraqi Army has the same pretty ware, humvees,Abrams M1A1, collapsed at the first ISIS shot , armed with AKs and 14 mm guns..
We have seen and read the difficulties of the Saudis armed forces with their F15 and mercenary forces from Morocco, Jordan and Pakistan got their noses bloodied by the Houthis armed with AK 47, an RPG and a 12.7 machine gun.
We saw, that it took Egypt, tanks, mechanized infantry and everything they had to crush a mob of unarmed MB's
And we are witnessing the coalition made up by Arab air forces that is effectual as tits in wild boar.
These are today's facts as reported by numerous world news media, sorry if WIKI is not the source.

We never sent our forces to fight houthis.. At most they are present in KSA for the capacity building of Saudi forces... N I believe Saudis are doing a good job۔
What F-16? what F-5? what F-1 ? we don't have any of these. if you want to compare i'm sure our 96 typhoon can take down the whole Algerian air force in 30 minutes lol, not to mention there's 90 F-35 Lightning II coming soon !
F-35 ? I thought you were after the F-22, just like the Sauds...
Your air force never participated in a real war ! unlike Italian, Pakistani and Egyptian air forces. Pakistani and Egyptian pilots fought against one of the most advanced air forces ever (Israel) , Pakistani and Egyptians pilots reigned supreme with old Migs Against advanced F-4's of Israeli army. And you want to compare Algeria that never fought a real war with combat experienced air forces like American,Italian, Pakistani or Egyptians ? lol
Our pilots are blessed with a photographic memory. They don't to train. All they need is to review a video of their foe fighting...Like your "Italian case" the two L59 are largely capable to contain what M6 ,his majesty Italian king, may throw at them..
They watched lately in my presence the take over Peresil isle, at 200 ft from his Italian Altess King M6 shores, and the ferocious paddling he received from the Spanish king...
We never sent our forces to fight houthis.. At most they are present in KSA for the capacity building of Saudi forces... N I believe Saudis are doing a good job۔
The Sauds have always used, Pakistanis, Jordanians and Moroccans with their troops.

So Algeria's air force/military could stand against NATO, US airpower as used in the 1st Gulf war ?
You bet...They might turn us to dust, but a great cost to them...They will leave limping.
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The Sauds have always used, Pakistanis, Jordanians and Moroccans with their troops.

I'm sorry to inform you that our troops stationed in KSA aren't sent their to fight Saudi Arabias war.. They are there to train the Saudi forces ... They have established military i tightens and facilities for that purpose aswell... And the rumour about Pak sending a brigade to fight for fighting has been busted not jus u the govt of Pak but also DG ISPR (Inter services public relations) .. So please let the fake rumour die a natural death .. And carry on with posting Algerian Mil multimedia.Thank.
You bet...They might turn us to dust, but a great cost to them...They will leave limping.

Considering their superiority urban warfare would be the only thing that would leave some soldiers limping as there are always casualties in close combat despite tech superiority, that goes for every state they'd go to war with. However in conventional warfare which would take place in the deserts, sea and air they will gain total supremacy easily, no limping.

Your country and state got terrorized by Islamists FIS for over a decade and ongoing whilst no foreign superpower bombed your government as in the case of Iraq and partially Syria, so what is all the big talk about, don't you see you lack all the arguments. If the US were to bomb the Algerian gov FIS would erupt and you'd have no chance. Saddam would have cleaned them in a day yet you joke about him not making it to the BBQ.
I'm sorry to inform you that our troops stationed in KSA aren't sent their to fight Saudi Arabias war.. They are there to train the Saudi forces ... They have established military i tightens and facilities for that purpose aswell... And the rumour about Pak sending a brigade to fight for fighting has been busted not jus u the govt of Pak but also DG ISPR (Inter services public relations) .. So please let the fake rumour die a natural death .. And carry on with posting Algerian Mil multimedia.Thank.
I have just answered your question. I just mentioned Pakistan, because the Sauds have always relied on your troops in some capacity. And against the Houthis, Pakistanis, Jordanians and Moroccans were used. It is a common knowledge. As well as the nuclear head you provided them due to their financial contribution to Pakistan nuclear program. That is a fact too.
You are all diluted by the strength of the Arab air forces. showing a video of dust ,smoke of burning barrels remotely detonated jet fighter streaking the skies is not a show a force, or an acquired capability. The only thing it shows that you can drive a tank and capable to take off with an airplane, no more no less. It is a movie, destined for internal consumption. How does that force reacts if in front of her was , let say Israel? Hizbollah? Hamas or ISIS? Can she be that effective? can she keep her cohesion? can she mount a counterattack? Iraqi Army has the same pretty ware, humvees,Abrams M1A1, collapsed at the first ISIS shot , armed with AKs and 14 mm guns..
We have seen and read the difficulties of the Saudis armed forces with their F15 and mercenary forces from Morocco, Jordan and Pakistan got their noses bloodied by the Houthis armed with AK 47, an RPG and a 12.7 machine gun.
We saw, that it took Egypt, tanks, mechanized infantry and everything they had to crush a mob of unarmed MB's
And we are witnessing the coalition made up by Arab air forces that is effectual as tits in wild boar.
These are today's facts as reported by numerous world news media, sorry if WIKI is not the source.

They definitely are deluded regarding strength of Arab forces. He have seen each time what happens with Egyptian air power when they meet Israel. It's going down for EAF, big time. Same with Syria in 1980s. Jordan would be dead in a day if they tried something funny against Israel.

And these so-called GCC Air Forces - they are all dependent on Western supplies, logistics and basically everything else needed to make those shiny, expencive toys to work in a combat.

Again, lets ask Iran what happened when the U.S. cut off it's supplies to Iranian Air Force that was supplied by the U.S.

Iran after 1979 is what GCC can be tomorrow.

These air forces cannot operate at their own will. That's the problem when having western aircraft. If any of those western aircraft were to be used in a fight against a country the U.S. or the West does not approve off, the U.S. would have cut off supplies in the same way as they did with Iran.

Also as the same way the U.S. did with Venezuela and their F-16, so Venezuela chose to buy 24 Su-30MKK from Russia.

Another point which you mentioned that is important is readiness of combat forces, in addition to maintenance, etc.

It doesn't help much having 300 fighters on the paper if only 50 can fly within short notice.

At least Algerie knows that their 44 Su-30MKA are ready, and can fly within short notice. And Russia would never sanction logistics deliveries to Algeria, so Algerian Air Force is in that way totally "free bird", as opposed to other "mighty" air forces in the Middle East that are basically kept in an expencive cage with the U.S. having the key.

Not one single of those aircraft dare to attack Israel, even though Saudi, Turkish, UAE and Egyptian air forces combined are much bigger than Israeli Air Force. Still, they don't even dare to touch Israel. Because Israel would massacre everything these so-called "mighty" Arab or Turkish air force could put in the air, Israel would bring those aircraft DOWN, HARD.

There is just no "free, operational will" at these so-called mighty air forces. They are only allowed to attack where the U.S. says they can attack. If they try something funny against Israel or against any other European allies.

Turkey don't even dare to touch Greece, lol.

Seems like NATO and GCC terrrorists are only good at killing and destroying secular countries such as Iraq, Libya and Syria. That's their measurement of "success".

It's a sad reality when some people on here think they are "mighty", but often forget that they will always come on not second, but at the BUTTOM of the U.S. list, regarding what the U.S. see as their "best allies". Israel will always be first for them, then Western Europe, etc. Arab and Turkish air forces is for the U.S., just proxies that are given the illusion of "mightyness" by giving them chance to kill other Arab countries such as Iraq, Libya and Syria. They feel soooo "mightly" then, you know.

Don't even let me start about important of having own sattellite system for its weapons. All these "mighty Arab air forces" would be using GPS, which the U.S. can jam without no problems.

Algeria on the other hand, has been offered GLONASS access from Russia, which is very important.

And fortunately, Algeria doesn't have Israel close to its borders, so Algeria doesn't need to worry about that. GCC and Egypt on the other hand, even Turkey should worry. (but they don't worry yet as they as busy killing other muslims in Iraq, Libya and Syria by their terrorist-funded proxy groups while Israel is laughing all the way to the bank). Turkey and Egypt are funny if they think Israel will allow Turkey or Egypt to "dominate" Eastern Med in any way by its air force or navy.

I don't even want to start with Pakistan. They are totally irrelevant in this debate, as they should rather worry about what India has, and not what Algeria has.
Considering their superiority urban warfare would be the only thing that would leave some soldiers limping as there are always casualties in close combat despite tech superiority, that goes for every state they'd go to war with. However in conventional warfare which would take place in the deserts, sea and air they will gain total supremacy easily, no limping.
You forgot that we have already defeated a NATO member with NATO backing with practically bare hands. Vietnam did the same too to two of them.

Your country and state got terrorized by Islamists FIS for over a decade and ongoing whilst no foreign superpower bombed your government as in the case of Iraq and partially Syria, so what is all the big talk about, don't you see you lack all the arguments. If the US were to bomb the Algerian gov FIS would erupt and you'd have no chance. Saddam would have cleaned them in a day yet you joke about him not making it to the BBQ.
I don't know where you are getting your sources, but the only example similar to what we went thru, is Syria with one caveat. Syria is lucky to have her Russian friend strong and standing up to NATO and all the Arabs of service. We had all the arabs and Iran openly against us. The GCC financed, Iran, Sudan, Libya and Morocco armed, the US, Europe, put us under embargo and closed their Embassies and Arab states introduced visas for Algerian citizens, Saudi Arabia flooded the market, oil was at $10/bbl, Russa was not only weak, but a troubled dislocated country facing the Chenchen pressure cooker.
Despite that and with few country friends ie South Africa , UAE, and Tunisia, we went trough mayhem, beheading and indiscriminate killing, news reporters, journalists, doctors, writers , musicians, professors were the primary targets. They wanted to empty the country of intellectuals, politicians, scientists....
to face terrorism, Algeria was proactive from creating an elite armed force, extremely mobile to hunt the djihadists in urban area, to a similar police force to secure et eliminate terrorists in towns, arming her citizens to protect their villages, to striking training camps in Sudan as well as in Lybia.
I have just answered your question. I just mentioned Pakistan, because the Sauds have always relied on your troops in some capacity. And against the Houthis, Pakistanis, Jordanians and Moroccans were used. It is a common knowledge. As well as the nuclear head you provided them due to their financial contribution to Pakistan nuclear program. That is a fact too.
Yes Pakistan has good ties with KSA and Pak army has been used in the past to protect the Kingdom .. Mainly during the gulf war.. And might have taken over operations but not against houthis .. There is no proof of it.. Saudis might have asked but it was gently declined ..

Here :

Refuting assertions: No troops being sent to Saudi Arabia, says ISPR – The Express Tribune

And if PAK army had been used you would have something like the black September against the PLO... We would have raped the houthis.. So please amigo.. Don't bring us into your issues.. Thanks .

They definitely are deluded regarding strength of Arab forces. He have seen each time what happens with Egyptian air power when they meet Israel. It's going down for EAF, big time. Same with Syria in 1980s. Jordan would be dead in a day if they tried something funny against Israel.

And these so-called GCC Air Forces - they are all dependent on Western supplies, logistics and basically everything else needed to make those shiny, expencive toys to work in a combat.

Again, lets ask Iran what happened when the U.S. cut off it's supplies to Iranian Air Force that was supplied by the U.S.

Iran after 1979 is what GCC can be tomorrow.

These air forces cannot operate at their own will. That's the problem when having western aircraft. If any of those western aircraft were to be used in a fight against a country the U.S. or the West does not approve off, the U.S. would have cut off supplies in the same way as they did with Iran.

Also as the same way the U.S. did with Venezuela and their F-16, so Venezuela chose to buy 24 Su-30MKK from Russia.

Another point which you mentioned that is important is readiness of combat forces, in addition to maintenance, etc.

It doesn't help much having 300 fighters on the paper if only 50 can fly within short notice.

At least Algerie knows that their 44 Su-30MKA are ready, and can fly within short notice. And Russia would never sanction logistics deliveries to Algeria, so Algerian Air Force is in that way totally "free bird", as opposed to other "mighty" air forces in the Middle East that are basically kept in an expencive cage with the U.S. having the key.

Not one single of those aircraft dare to attack Israel, even though Saudi, Turkish, UAE and Egyptian air forces combined are much bigger than Israeli Air Force. Still, they don't even dare to touch Israel. Because Israel would massacre everything these so-called "mighty" Arab or Turkish air force could put in the air, Israel would bring those aircraft DOWN, HARD.

There is just no "free, operational will" at these so-called mighty air forces. They are only allowed to attack where the U.S. says they can attack. If they try something funny against Israel or against any other European allies.

Turkey don't even dare to touch Greece, lol.

Seems like NATO and GCC terrrorists are only good at killing and destroying secular countries such as Iraq, Libya and Syria. That's their measurement of "success".

It's a sad reality when some people on here think they are "mighty", but often forget that they will always come on not second, but at the BUTTOM of the U.S. list, regarding what the U.S. see as their "best allies". Israel will always be first for them, then Western Europe, etc. Arab and Turkish air forces is for the U.S., just proxies that are given the illusion of "mightyness" by giving them chance to kill other Arab countries such as Iraq, Libya and Syria. They feel soooo "mightly" then, you know.

Don't even let me start about important of having own sattellite system for its weapons. All these "mighty Arab air forces" would be using GPS, which the U.S. can jam without no problems.

Algeria on the other hand, has been offered GLONASS access from Russia, which is very important.

And fortunately, Algeria doesn't have Israel close to its borders, so Algeria doesn't need to worry about that. GCC and Egypt on the other hand, even Turkey should worry. (but they don't worry yet as they as busy killing other muslims in Iraq, Libya and Syria by their terrorist-funded proxy groups while Israel is laughing all the way to the bank). Turkey and Egypt are funny if they think Israel will allow Turkey or Egypt to "dominate" Eastern Med in any way by its air force or navy.

I don't even want to start with Pakistan. They are totally irrelevant in this debate, as they should rather worry about what India has, and not what Algeria has.

Yes thank you .. I dou you would see us worrying about what Algeria has or not ... Although one has a right to express his op ion on the forum ... As far as india is concerned you are welcome to google PAF kills against both india,Israel and even against afghans and soviets... You would get the idea. Thanks... Please continue.
Yes thank you .. I dou you would see us worrying about what Algeria has or not ... Although one has a right to express his op ion on the forum ... As far as india is concerned you are welcome to google PAF kills against both india,Israel and even against afghans and soviets... You would get the idea. Thanks... Please continue.

Oh, I know more than enough about your so-called "mighty" PAF. I wonder which planes would PAF have if it wasn't for the U.S., France and now China ? Ah, yes, lol.

At least you know that when you get a place from China, you can operate it freely. And Algeria knows that when Algeria has Russian planes, it can operate them at free will.

That's not the case with most of these so-called "mighty" Arab air forces in the Gulf, or with the Turkish air force. As I said, try something against Israel, and we'll see how long those mighty air forces would survive. The U.S. would cut off supplies in a heart beat.

Having western fighters in your arsenal, is like having at least one hand chained to a wall. In a "funny" way, Arab forces having western aircraft secures Israeli massive dominance in every possible way.

So don't worry, I am happy on your behalf that PAF is having JF-17, as that would be the only fighter PAF can in reality operate freely against any country it chooses to operate it against.

Just don't count on your F-16s. EAF should not count on them either.

When EAF receives MiG-29SMT and possibly MiG-35, only then, they have truly a fighter they can use against any country they might find neccessary. Everything else, is just a show - and the show stops when the U.S. pulls out a plug, as they did with Iran after 1979, and the same way they've done against Venezuela for the past 15 years regarding their F-16s.
They definitely are deluded regarding strength of Arab forces. He have seen each time what happens with Egyptian air power when they meet Israel. It's going down for EAF, big time. Same with Syria in 1980s. Jordan would be dead in a day if they tried something funny against Israel.

And these so-called GCC Air Forces - they are all dependent on Western supplies, logistics and basically everything else needed to make those shiny, expencive toys to work in a combat.

Same goes with Algeria, they can't fly their planes without Russian supplies, and let's see, did you think Russians are better than American or Europeans ? haha, didn't your lovely Russia refuse to give weapons to iran , and they also refused to sell air defense's to their close ally Syria in the time that Syria needed them the most ! do you think Russia will support Algeria with weapons if they attack Israel ? you must be deluded, Russians did the same with Egypt before and refused to help them in a time of war, and the Russians cheated and fooled Algeria and sold them shtty old Mig-29's in violation to the contract and the deal was halted.

Oh And don't try to compare the combat experienced Arab forces like Syria, Iraq and Egypt, don't try to compare them with the nooby beginner weak Algerian air force that never participated in a war. At least Egypt makes most of it's weapons locally like Abrams tanks, APC's and attack helicopters, and jets ( like K-8E) and various types of unmanned drones etc, they also have their own air defence system that has been tested in war before, it was co-produced with Italy, they have maintenance facilities for their F-16's, they make F-16 and Mirage 2000 spare parts, and Egypt also makes parts of the F-16 engines in their maintenance facilities , so at least Egypt is not totally dependent on a foreign country to supply them with weapons, unlike Algeria that doesn't have the experience to build any weapons locally. So if you want to compare who can be the last man standing in a war, it will be the country that makes most of it's weapons and ammunition and spare parts locally, not the country that is totally dependent on just one foreign ally , like in the case of (Algeria-Russia)

Oh and BTW, at least Pakistan locally makes it's own advanced fighter jet (JF-17) , unlike some other country we are talking about, which doesn't make any locally built weapons
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Oh, I know more than enough about your so-called "mighty" PAF. I wonder which planes would PAF have if it wasn't for the U.S., France and now China ? Ah, yes, lol
Is that really a question ? We used american and chinese and French in all wars... So what?

At least you know that when you get a place from China, you can operate it freely. And Algeria knows that when Algeria has Russian planes, it can operate them at free will.

We can also operate f-16s freely unlike other countries we do have long ranged BVR missiles and dedicated Elint and AWACS to support them aswell!.. The so called restriction are due to american fear that we might transfer the ten to China.. Nothing else..

That's not the case with most of these so-called "mighty" Arab air forces in the Gulf, or with the Turkish air force. As I said, try something against Israel, and we'll see how long those mighty air forces would survive. The U.S. would cut off supplies in a heart beat.

Having western fighters in your arsenal, is like having at least one hand chained to a wall. In a "funny" way, Arab forces having western aircraft secures Israeli massive dominance in every possible way.

So don't worry, I am happy on your behalf that PAF is having JF-17, as that would be the only fighter PAF can in reality operate freely against any country it chooses to operate it against.

Just don't count on your F-16s. EAF should not count on them either.

When EAF receives MiG-29SMT and possibly MiG-35, only then, they have truly a fighter they can use against any country they might find neccessary. Everything else, is just a show - and the show stops when the U.S. pulls out a plug, as they did with Iran after 1979, and the same way they've done against Venezuela for the past 15 years regarding their F-16s.

We are not going to invade Israel either are we? We bougt them to face indians and those to threaten our national security ...And the U.S. didn the plug in the 90s for a decade when we were sanctioned for our nuclear tests....the jetss had paid for were given to us navy no spares etc...yet we kept our jets flying thanks to frnds like Turkiye & the blackmarket..

Same goes with Algeria, they can't fly their planes without Russian supplies, and let's see, didn't you think Russians are better than American or Europeans ? haha, didn't your lovely Russia refuse to give weapons to iran , and they also refused to sell air defense's to their close ally Syria in the time that Syria needed them the most ! do you think Russia will support Algeria with weapons if they attack Israel ? you must be deluded, Russians did the same with Egypt before and refused to help them in a time of war, and the Russians cheated and fooled Algeria and sold them shtty old Mig-29's in violation to the contract and the deal was halted.

Oh And don't try to compare the combat experienced Arab forces like Syria, Iraq and Egypt, don't try to compare them with the nooby beginner weak Algerian air force that never participated in a war. At least Egypt makes most of it's weapons locally like Abrams tanks, APC's and attack helicopters, and jets ( like K-8E) and various types of unmanned drones etc, they also have their own air defence system that has been tested in war before, it was co-produced with Italy, they have maintenance facilities for their F-16's, they make F-16 and Mirage 2000 spare parts, and Egypt also makes parts of the F-16 engines in their maintenance facilities , so at least Egypt is not totally dependent on a foreign country to supply them with weapons, unlike Algeria that doesn't have the experience to build any weapons locally. So if you want to compare who can be the last man standing in a war, it will be the country that makes most of it's weapons and ammunition and spare parts locally, not the country that is totally dependent on just one foreign ally , like in the case of (Algeria-Russia)

Oh and BTW, at least Pakistan locally makes it's own advanced fighter jet (JF-17) , unlike some other country we are talking about, which doesn't make any locally built weapons

Pakistan produces 3 planes .. JF-17,K-8 and Super Mushak.. JF & K-8 are products of joint venture between Pak and China... Apart from that we produce UCAVs,MALE UAVs,IFVs,APCs and MBTs etc etx .. Even our ships and submarines are Pak built apart from indigenous missile boats designed,MLRS,arty units,Cruise missiles (air,sea and land launched),long ranged missiles,FACs,etc etc.. We produce almost every major equipment .. Even the stuff we buy is under TOT...
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I am not saying that the EAF is not a force to be taken lightly or her pilots to be underestimated. At this time, AAF is still reigning the African skies.
Yes and I will rate you on 1 only because you have BVR with almost all of your planes but the moment EAF gets Jets like Mig 29 and Mig 35 and Rafale with latest BVR Missiles they will take the lead
Guys this guy du saying their pilots have a photographic memory and other super powers, let's no waste our time.
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