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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

Milli savaş uçağında yol haritası

TAI tarafından yürütülen Milli Muharip Uçak Projesi'nde bu yıl motor ve kritik sistemlerin geliştirilmesine yönelik sözleşmeler imzalanacak.

anasayfa > bilim teknoloji 07.01.2018 Ankara


ANKARA - Göksel Yıldırım

Ürün ve teknoloji geliştirme ağırlığıyla Türkiye’nin en büyük ve zorlu Ar-Ge projesi olan Milli Muharip Uçak (MMU) Projesi, bu yıl imzalanacak sözleşmeler doğrultusunda yol alacak.

Başta ana yüklenici Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii AŞ (TUSAŞ/TAI) olmak üzere proje kapsamında görev alan tüm paydaşlarla çalışmalar yürütülüyor.

F-16 uçaklarının yerini alabilecek
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere başlatılan projeyle, Türk Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı envanterinde bulunan ve 2030’lu yıllardan itibaren kademeli olarak devreden çıkartılması düşünülen F-16 uçaklarının yerini alabilecek yurt içi imkan ve kabiliyetlerle tasarlanan modern uçakların üretilmesi amaçlanıyor.

Projede yeni nesil bir uçakta olması gereken düşük görünürlük, dahili silah yuvası, yüksek manevra kabiliyeti, artırılmış durumsal farkındalık ve sensör füzyonu ve benzeri teknoloji alanlarındaki çalışmaların sonucunda Türkiye; ABD, Rusya ve Çin’den sonra 5. nesil bir muharip uçağı üretebilecek altyapı ve teknolojiye sahip ülkeler arasında yer alacak.


Motoru için TUSAŞ ve Kale Grubu-Rolls-Royce talip
TAI ile BAE Systems arasında MMU geliştirilmesine yönelik ve ön tasarım aşamasını kapsayan iş birliği anlaşması geçen yıl imzalandı. Bu dönem içinde hava aracının geliştirilmesi, mühendislik, teknoloji, test altyapılarının ve sertifikasyon süreçlerinin geliştirilmesi, muharip uçak tasarımına yönelik kabiliyet kazanılması amaçlanıyor.

Ön tasarım aşaması sonunda projenin takip eden dönem ve aşamaları için kesintisiz bir geçiş öngörülüyor.

MMU Projesi kapsamında bu yıl bir dizi önemli adım atılacak.

Öncelikli olarak yakın zamanda motor seçiminin yapılması bekleniyor. Uçağın motorunun üretimine TUSAŞ Motor Sanayii AŞ (TEI) ile Kale Grubu-Rolls-Royce ortaklığı talip oldu. Seçimin tamamlanmasıyla bu konuda sözleşme imzalanacak. Motor sözleşmesini, proje için ihtiyaç duyulan kritik görev sistemlerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik sözleşmelerin imzalanması izleyecek.


Gençlere MMU için çalışma fırsatı
Bu yıl projeye yönelik çalışmaların bir diğer önemli başlığını ihtiyaç duyulan insan kaynağının artırılması için yürütülecek çalışmalar oluşturacak.

TAI, bu konuda bir ekosistem oluşturabilmek için geçen yıl bir dizi adım attı. Başta ODTÜ, İTÜ, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi olmak üzere çeşitli üniversitelerle projeler başlatan, protokoller imzalayan TAI, üniversitelerin 3 ve 4. sınıfındaki öğrenciler için Stajyer Mühendis Programı'nı hayata geçirdi.

Projelerin arzu edilen nitelik ve zamanda gerçekleştirmesi amacıyla Teknopark İstanbul TAI Ar-Ge Merkezi'ni açan şirket, burada 200 mühendis istihdam etmeyi planlıyor.

s400 is shit! My Lord!
All in context...we are buying an air defense system from the same country who's bomber we blew up 2 years ago. They will sell us a huge pile of useless shit and we will thank them for it..
All things said and done, if we made a 3 or 4th generation all by ourselves. That in itself would be worth being proud of. That means the engine as well.
Turkey, UK officials meet over status of Turkish jet program
By: Burak Ege Bekdil   2 hours ago
plans to design, develop and build the TF-X, the Turkish indigenous fighter jet in the making.

The British delegation, including International Trade Secretary Liam Fox and Rolls-Royce CEO Warren East, met Jan. 13 with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, chief procurement officer Ismail Demir, Turkish Aerospace Industries CEO Temel Kotil and other senior Turkish officials. TAI is the prime local contractor of the TF-X program.

A statement from the Turkish prime minister’s office said that during the meeting, “our content over cooperation and recent advancing of our strategic partnership with the United Kingdom via joint programs was expressed.”

An official in Yildirim’s office said the Turkish and British teams agreed to produce the first prototype of the TF-X in 2023, the centennial of the Turkish republic.

“Additional financing for the planned work in 2018 was also discussed, but this topic requires further negotiations,” the official said.

He said that a research and development road map was also discussed during talks in Ankara.

In January 2017, Britain and Turkey signed a deal worth more than £100 million (U.S. $137 million) to develop the Turkish fighter jet. The deal involves TAI and BAE Systems.

A few months later, in May, Rolls-Royce partnered with Turkish industrial group Kale with the aim of building engines for the TF-X. Rolls-Royce’s Turkish venture came less than a year after the company, in October 2016, offered a joint production partnership to Turkey with a view to powering planned Turkish platforms and potential sales to third parties. The British company’s proposal involved a production unit in Turkey to manufacture engines for the TF-X, as well as for helicopters, tanks and missiles.

In October 2015, a memorandum of understanding had been signed between Turkey and Rolls-Royce for technological know-how and a production unit. Under the plan, Rolls-Royce will launch an advanced manufacturing and technology center in Turkey ― the company’s eighth such unit worldwide.

The Ankara meeting came at a time when Turkish officials are preparing to select an engine for the TF-X. In addition to Rolls-Royce, Tusas Engine Industries, TAI’s sister company and an engine specialist, expressed interest in powering the TF-X.

Turkish officials say they rely on foreign technology in order to build, in the longer term, an indigenous engine that will power the TF-X.

They say the choice of engine was the most critical step at this stage of the TF-X program. “All other design work will depend on the engine to be selected,” one official said. “Once we have decided on the engine, the rest of the program will automatically gain pace.”

The TF-X program is run by the country’s procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. But the decision on the engine will be made by the ultimate panel that oversees top procurement decisions ― the Defence Industry Executive Committee, which is chaired by
Turkey, UK officials meet over status of Turkish jet program
By: Burak Ege Bekdil   2 hours ago
plans to design, develop and build the TF-X, the Turkish indigenous fighter jet in the making.

The British delegation, including International Trade Secretary Liam Fox and Rolls-Royce CEO Warren East, met Jan. 13 with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, chief procurement officer Ismail Demir, Turkish Aerospace Industries CEO Temel Kotil and other senior Turkish officials. TAI is the prime local contractor of the TF-X program.

A statement from the Turkish prime minister’s office said that during the meeting, “our content over cooperation and recent advancing of our strategic partnership with the United Kingdom via joint programs was expressed.”

An official in Yildirim’s office said the Turkish and British teams agreed to produce the first prototype of the TF-X in 2023, the centennial of the Turkish republic.

“Additional financing for the planned work in 2018 was also discussed, but this topic requires further negotiations,” the official said.

He said that a research and development road map was also discussed during talks in Ankara.

In January 2017, Britain and Turkey signed a deal worth more than £100 million (U.S. $137 million) to develop the Turkish fighter jet. The deal involves TAI and BAE Systems.

A few months later, in May, Rolls-Royce partnered with Turkish industrial group Kale with the aim of building engines for the TF-X. Rolls-Royce’s Turkish venture came less than a year after the company, in October 2016, offered a joint production partnership to Turkey with a view to powering planned Turkish platforms and potential sales to third parties. The British company’s proposal involved a production unit in Turkey to manufacture engines for the TF-X, as well as for helicopters, tanks and missiles.

In October 2015, a memorandum of understanding had been signed between Turkey and Rolls-Royce for technological know-how and a production unit. Under the plan, Rolls-Royce will launch an advanced manufacturing and technology center in Turkey ― the company’s eighth such unit worldwide.

The Ankara meeting came at a time when Turkish officials are preparing to select an engine for the TF-X. In addition to Rolls-Royce, Tusas Engine Industries, TAI’s sister company and an engine specialist, expressed interest in powering the TF-X.

Turkish officials say they rely on foreign technology in order to build, in the longer term, an indigenous engine that will power the TF-X.

They say the choice of engine was the most critical step at this stage of the TF-X program. “All other design work will depend on the engine to be selected,” one official said. “Once we have decided on the engine, the rest of the program will automatically gain pace.”

The TF-X program is run by the country’s procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. But the decision on the engine will be made by the ultimate panel that oversees top procurement decisions ― the Defence Industry Executive Committee, which is chaired by

Saglam kaynak. Serious source :tup:
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