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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

Indian mindset or whatever. I only care about my own people and my country. Afghans can go get killed by daisy cutters. I don't give a flying f*ck. And neither any other Pakistan should care about it. Might is right. This is the only rule that works in this world. Human rights, freedom, liberty are all words meant for dictionary and thesaurus. Accept this rule. You have no other choice.
My dear, i understand and respect your sentiments, please understand the dearest to a human must be his own life and when you have to deal with subhuman with value and mentality of a stray dog then sadly you will have to make sacrifices. Our sheer bad luck is that we are neighbours to a hell hole like Afghanistan. The Americans maybe safe back home but in Afganistan, despite all their hi-tech gadgetry and firepower, they were never secure in their bases which often come under attack.
Like APS, this was also a soft target, apparently some sources indicate that there is a weapon depot near the camp and that was their target.
You appear to be divorced of the situation in your neighborhood. We're in a new age of conflict; go ahead and read who're we fighting, what they do, how do they do it.
Suddenly the COAS claims of rooting out terrorists and their network from the the tribal regions and the success of zarb e azb seem quite hollow. This wasnt a poor misguided SOB blowing himself in a crowded market. But a military style assault launched on the military target.
Junior Technician, Tariq Abbas Shaheed.

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May ALLAH elevate the statuses of all Shuhada in Jannah. Ameen. What a handsome guy.!!

These guys are heroes, they kept the terrorists rooted long enough for QRF to limit them to a small area away from family quarters and take them out. What great soldiers, I would give half my life to just kiss their foreheads and tell them what a good job they did.
I think the answer should be quite obvious....You guys already believe that India sponsors TTP. With that belief this question is quite redundant. Dont you think ?

we don't only believe TTP is supported by india, We know it for a fact! the connection between TTP and indian hand needs to be cut. if we only go after TTP its no use some other group might come up. we need to address indian sponsering of.terrorism do they support TTP in retaliation of us supporting Kashmiriz? and by the say its what indians think.
That doesn't explain that military was found napping like always. And that doesn't change the fact that same kind of incidents would happen in future too since military would be found napping then too.

And this also doesn't explain the fact that no action would be taken TTP elements in Afghanistan. Our best response would consist of Gen Raheel traveling to Kabul with or without NS for a new photo shoot in

When a open truck containing 13 fully armed people travelling through the dirt roads of Khyber agency at 3 am. Nobody would pay attention. Because all the people of that village/town/semi urban city would be sleeping.

You remember the incident Afghan taliban breached American Airbase and destroyed 6 fighter jets worth 100 million ?.

This is an active insurgency. This is the nature of war.
Uzbek looking cockroaches, most probably from Northen Alliance. A ready made bent-over shoulder for Indian guns.

Abhe why you blame everything india.Take a look chain of events this mess happened in your country

1. Soviet invade afghanistan
2. US with help of pakistan and taliban try to defeat soviet union
3. Taliban offense on US soil
4. Pakistan make support to US against taliban
5. In revenge taliban attack Pakistan
6. Pakistan lauched Zarb e azb
7. Taliban make counter revenge for zarb e azb

Where is india coming in picture? India is least to blame your country mess.

@Shamain @Areesh @Windjammer @Zarvan @AsianUnion @coffee_cup @Mrc @Imran Khan @Foxtrot-Bravo @Basel @SarthakGanguly @karan.1970 @VelocuR
These guys are heroes, they kept the terrorists rooted long enough for QRF to limit them to a small area away from family quarters and take them out. What great soldiers, I would give half my life to just kiss their foreheads and tell them what a good job they did.

You just snatched the same words out of my mouth. They did a splendid, just of 2 these technicians in the guard room held around 6 terrorists on the main gate and didn't let them pass through. They fought until last bullet, last drop of blood, making it an example.

You really snatched my words, I want to kiss their foreheads, want to tell them they did a glorious job and that the nation is proud of them, really really proud of them. Can't express those feelings in words. :')
You just snatched the same words out of my mouth. They did a splendid, just of 2 these technicians in the guard room held around 6 terrorists on the main gate and didn't let them pass through. They fought until last bullet, last drop of blood, making it an example.

You really snatched my words, I want to kiss their foreheads, want to tell them they did a glorious job and that the nation is proud of them, really really proud of them. Can't express those feelings in words. :')

I feel jealous of them to some degree too, I have spent my life putting myself in all kinds of impossible situations just hoping for a glorious death like this but it has eluded me time after time.
Suddenly the COAS claims of rooting out terrorists and their network from the the tribal regions and the success of zarb e azb seem quite hollow. This wasnt a poor misguided SOB blowing himself in a crowded market. But a military style assault launched on the military target.

Abhey Indian sun

Zarb e azb has reduced terrorist activities in Pakistan by more than 70% in only one year,tell me how can you call it hollow?

we have prevented a greater frequency of such attacks,but we cannot achieve 100% success with a thousand km long porous border,as soon as we find a solution to seal the border,say good bye to terrorism in Pakistan.

It is way easy for indian agencies to penetrate into Pakistan from Afghanistan side
My dear, i understand and respect your sentiments, please understand the dearest to a human must be his own life and when you have to deal with subhuman with value and mentality of a stray dog then sadly you will have to make sacrifices. Our sheer bad luck is that we are neighbours to a hell hole like Afghanistan. The Americans maybe safe back home but in Afganistan, despite all their hi-tech gadgetry and firepower, they were never secure in their bases which often come under attack.
Like APS, this was also a soft target, apparently some sources indicate that there is a weapon depot near the camp and that was their target.

We can't change our neighborhood. We are living with this hellhole called as Afghanistan. So what should we do? Keep getting killed and keep collecting shaheed to make us and whole nation fool. Or do something more practical to solve this. Till now I haven't seen anything till today. If death of 50000 Pakistanis can't force this country to fence and mine Afghan border then only God knows what will!
Lol, I first met an Indian when I was 10 years old and I thought he would kill me because whenever I had heard of Indians, I had heard tales of them butchering people in Kashmir. What can I say? I was born in the PTV generation :p:

Sir you are a veteran expert .You have several times life experience than me :D

On topic.Sir how could they manage to sneak in that PAF base without any problem?They were around 13 terrorists .How could they hide these much of heavy arms from the survelliance of ISI?
And they know that they will slaughtered easily if they solely attack the base .So it seems they attacked those innocent people in mosque to vent out frustration.
I feel jealous of them to some degree too, I have spent my life putting myself in all kinds of impossible situations just hoping for a glorious death like this but it has eluded me time after time.

For sure, they have achieved what every soldier desires. I just wish I go to them as soon as possible, I talk to them, I want to see them in the life hereafter.
indians like the israeliz use the same tacttics may be are taught by them actully, they want afghans and pakistaniz to fight among each other, while pakistaniz know it, we need to talk with afghans like brothers and before taking action in afghanistan must take afghan government in confidence and make them come to terms. afghans need Pakistan and we need them stable.
Abhe why you blame everything india.Take a look chain of events this mess happened in your country

1. Soviet invade afghanistan
2. US with help of pakistan and taliban try to defeat soviet union
3. Taliban offense on US soil
4. Pakistan make support to US against taliban
5. In revenge taliban attack Pakistan
6. Pakistan lauched Zarb e azb
7. Taliban make counter revenge for zarb e azb

Where is india coming in picture? India is least to blame your country mess.

@Shamain @Areesh @Windjammer @Zarvan @AsianUnion @coffee_cup @Mrc @Imran Khan @Foxtrot-Bravo @Basel @SarthakGanguly @karan.1970 @VelocuR

Bro just stop it .There is a lot of sane posters in here .Reply to them .Ignore others.
When a open truck containing 13 fully armed people travelling through the dirt roads of Khyber agency at 3 am. Nobody would pay attention. Because all the people of that village/town/semi urban city would be sleeping.

You remember the incident Afghan taliban breached American Airbase and destroyed 6 fighter jets worth 100 million ?.

This is an active insurgency. This is the nature of war.

So I can also collect a bunch of yahoos and send them at 3 am night to attack Malir cantt here in Karachi? Or lets say on Shahbaz airbase in Jacobabad for that logic. Nice logic sir jee.

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