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Terrorist Attack On PAF camp Badaber : 29 people massacred, 13 terrorists killed.

Why target a specific aircraft you ask? because this aircraft broke a specific kind of stealth that US was experimenting with, and that DRDO bought 10 of these systems for their own AW&C program. For the P3C, there were specific modifications to the aircraft which the US didn't approve. When they were not able to prove post physical inspection, the aircraft got attacked. In the asymmetric warfare, its much easier to degrade enemy's capability through mercenaries than other conventional means.

Okay, i am not sure if i am following you here, as it sounds more like conspiracy theory. What Stealth was US experimenting with the region?
But why target a very specific aircraft? why not Mirage III/V? I mean, who would benefit from this? Not the talibunnies. Same in the case of P3C orion attack.

Those are task specific aircraft.

There were no aircraft in this airbase. That proves Talibans do not work for a foreign military.

Just the kind of simplistic ''analyses'' that gets thrown around here.
Okay, i am not sure if i am following you here, as it sounds more like conspiracy theory. What Stealth was US experimenting with the region?

Your question is such that a response will only seem like conspiracy. What stealth? Abbottabad.

There were no aircraft in this airbase. That proves Talibans do not work for a foreign military.

Just the kind of simplistic ''analyses'' that gets thrown around here.

Your simplistic denial of Taliban not working for or on behalf of a Foreign state is also comical. from where you hail, we don't expect any less.
Your simplistic denial of Taliban not working for or on behalf of a Foreign state is also comical. from where you hail, we don't expect any less.

I only presented a simplistic denial to expose the simplistic accusations and analyses you guys are making. But you are too much into conspiracies to understand that. BTW those conspiracies of yours, also speak volumes of where you hail from too :)
There were no aircraft in this airbase. That proves Talibans do not work for a foreign military.

Just the kind of simplistic ''analyses'' that gets thrown around here.

There was a sort of weapons fascility on air base but attackers failed to breach the outer cordone...
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