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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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They were just helping in carrying and protecting others when someone started firing from inside the mosque and they got injured in the firing.

The terrorists did not even think about children, women and elders, this is just despicable.

The biggest problem is that most people do not know the sacrifices those families have to make who serve in the armed forces and government. They know things through what they read, if they know the handwork that goes into running and securing poor countries, only then they would realise what a difficult life it is.

That is the reason they are called terrorists.
Ahmedi deny that Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) is Last prophet of Allah

Any so called libral muslims, who support them they belong to them.

I am more concerend about my akhira, than appeasing kafir's and there libral supporter's.

Thank you for your wise words.
But for the time being at least, every person here is worried about some human lives!
We can wait for more of your wisdom later.
The threat of an attack was always there, you can try to prevent it.
You cannot say that the Government did nothing to prevent this.

9/11, 7/7, 26/11 the threat was there. The point is you cannot have tight security every where all the time, 24/7.

Pakistan security forces reacted quickly and cleared the worship places within couple of hours. Thats what counts.
Senceless killing serve no purpose, no matter how justified. :disagree:
United Kingdom is a theocratic state - I don't see the Christians killing all those that they call non-believers. Being a theocratic state is not a license to kill you bigot - Pakistan like all states has co-signed the Charter for Human Rights. The likes of you make the job of the likes of Sparkling Way to portray a moderate progressive image of your nation nearly impossible.

Yea, but that is not the job of pakistani gov. it was done by the most criminal people in pakistan who are wanted for murder by the gov.
I like how Shahbaz Sharif was asked about the Taliban and how they allow them sanctuary, the bastard walked off.

First the pre planned attacks on Shia's in Karachi and the burning of warehouses intentionally. Then this occurred, this tells you a lot about the thinking that goes into these attacks.

Where is that hag Clinton, why is she not speaking against this, why did Bush say that 'war boosts our economy'.
Its Pathetic , feeling ashamed and sad for those who died following their religion.

It declares one thing that the targets are Pakistan and its citizens as NO ONE is safe be it Muslims , Christians , Sikhs , Hindus , Ahmadis , they are all Humans and Pakistanis --- Death to TTP.

Attacking people in worship places brings a lot of value addition to those Bast**ds.

1. The people are unarmed and their full attention is toward their worship
2. More people are present in less space resulting in to maximum damage
3. very few exit routes are available to worshipers.
4. Worshipers are caught in complete surprise.
5. Worshipers are from all age groups therefore very young/old are prone to create more confusion among people
6. Killing people in worshiping place makes a big commonality among victims that is their sect or religion.
7. May be killers are easy to be brain washed.
8. Cases maximum impact on general masses who are not affected irrespective of their religion/ sects.
9. Bring government into a very embarrassing position both domestically and internationally.

I think attacking worship places has a whole thought process behind not simply religious/ sectarian intolerance.
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United Kingdom is a theocratic state - I don't see the Christians killing all those that they call non-believers. Being a theocratic state is not a license to kill you bigot - Pakistan like all states has co-signed the Charter for Human Rights. The likes of you make the job of the likes of Sparkling Way to portray a moderate progressive image of your nation nearly impossible.

Like India is a Hindu dominated Secular state where Hindus arrange planned killing of Muslim and Christians. But do you think a common Indian irrespective of his religion support this . Surly not. I request you dont divert discussion on wrong side.:flame:
The people roaming around calling their way of Islam to be implemented means that a lot of your daily activities will cease to exist. It feels good to live in an imaginary world full of your should be implemented laws but you are forgetting something, in the end you will not be dictating what those laws mean, it will be them dictating you what to do and what to wear and what to shave. Okay maybe you will say it is a good change from the same, have you asked your wife how she will feel? how about your daughter? or their kids? Do you think they will be better human beings 20 years from now when they do not know how to turn a light switch. That is a certainty when they will blow up the school your children go to if they dont listen. Lets not get into the acid throwing incidents, I know people are not brain dead here. I am pretty sure lot of our taliban supporters just support them cause they do not like the US. In the end what if your support works? are you ready to live under their islam? Remember your enemy's enemy is your friend. People ask the Pakistan army to chase the Americans out of Afghanistan, but noone has answered how. Drop a nuclear bomb on them?

For me it was a terror act just like all other attacks by terrorists in my country wherein innocent Pakistanis were killed. Whether Muslim or non-Muslim that doesn’t matter what matters is that Pakistanis were killed that too innocent ones.


I just quickly scanned the 36 odd pages on this thread and found some very unfortunate biasness and wrong notion of learned members who are part of mod and TT section of this forum.

1. Terming or considering any member as bigot (because he has tried to clarify and correct the misconception about difference between qadyanis and Muslims), is one-sided rather wrong 200%.

Please do not assume that anyone who is stating the difference between a Muslim and declared qadyanis is justifying this killing. NO one is justifying this killing of qadyanis rather we all condemning it and taking it as another terrorist attack against Pakistanis.

2. Some people here are questioning that why this debate of qadyanis and Muslims is even brought to this thread?

Because this attack has everything to do to understand that why the terrorist have selected this particular community. Its very obviously even by looking at the number of pages here that this word qadyani in itself is a driving force for many to get attention.

Terrorists have been killing same number of Muslim Pakistanis as well rather more than this toll, But that has not cause this much attention of the world. With passage of time TTP and all other terrorist, sectarian terrorist groups have learnt the art of media war thanks to the glorification of acts of violence by media. Now they know how to get world attention otherwise whether Muslim of qadyani, the aim of the terrorists is to cause maximum panic and fear by killing Pakistanis irrespective of their faith.

Look at this following news item and read the names of the countries and officials who have condemned this attack. Now have you ever heard these people condemning killings of other innocent Pakistanis if it was not for their munfiq brains to cash the incident .

World condemns terrorist attacks on Ahmedis

WASHINGTON/NEW DELHI: The international community condemned the terrorist attacks on Ahmedis in Lahore on Friday. A statement issued by the Indian External Affairs Ministry said New Delhi sympathised with the bereaved families. US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said, “We condemn this brutal violence ... and violence against any religious group, in this case the Ahmedi community.” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the UK also condemned the attacks. EU diplomatic chief Catherine Ashton said she was appalled by the attack. iftikhar gilani/agencies.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

The blast in Meena bazaar Peshawar last year had killed more than 100 people mostly women and children all of them Muslims but that thread dint go up to 36 pages neither the world leaders issued any condemnation.

3. Qadyanis are not Muslims by any logic. Anyone who doesn’t not believe in finality of Prophethood of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is not a Muslim. (This is just to clear that who is a Muslim and who is not. It doesn’t justify the killings)

4. The word Mosque/Masjid: Some people here including Agnostic have tried to justify the use of mosque in the title by saying that since the Arabic word Masjid is used for worship place of Muslims hence the word mosque is justified if used for worship place of qadyanis. WRONG, totally wrong whether in Arabic, English, Persian or any other language there is a particular word which is used for Muslim worship places and one of these is mosque.
We use the word “juumaat” for mosque or masjid in Pashto does it mean that it has changed the meaning of a Muslim worship place??????? NO it doesn’t.
Since qadyanis are Not Muslims so you can not call their place of worship as mosque. They used this word because they consider themselves Muslims but they are not.
There are clear orders and wordings in Islam, Quran which clarify the requirements for becoming a Muslim and one of these requirements is to consider Muhammad (PBUH) as the last prophet of Allah and on him the prophethood ends. Simple as that.
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are you alright??, are you even a muslim?????

are you brainwashed by hollywood, abc, CNN, fox news lately??

now change you flag to display your exact location..

are you talking about zerdari btw, with his 71 virgins plus shereen rehman!!

God Bless you for such wise and lofty ideas!

But for the time being, let us at least mourn the innocent deaths.
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