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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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Why do we have to worry if the ahmadis are mulsims or not? what they call their worship place? why that much curosity?

Because they are distorting the basics of Islam. If you are a Muslim then you will understand its implication if Not then i dont mind your ignorance.
We are not worried if they are qadyanis or anything else we are only concerned with their twisting the basics of Islam which are required to become a Muslim. Unless you do not fulfill these basics you are Not a Muslim.

The same thing is going on in India where certain people are advocating that the Hindu-Muslim marriages are allowed which is clear violation of Islamic concept.

We have no problem with their personal choices we are not clarifying the true rules in Islam for becoming a Muslim and other requirements.
This shows the gravity of this sensitive issue and why TTP chose to attack Ahmedyas Sect.

To be clear to all of you agian.. I condemn the attacks on Ahmadi worship place and killings of innocent Pakistanis.

Thats what this thread is about and thats where it should end .. The rest of the things were not needed to begin with. Thank you.
This shows the gravity of this sensitive issue and why TTP chose to attack Ahmedyas Sect.

To be clear to all of you agian.. I condemn the attacks on Ahmadi worship place and killings of innocent Pakistanis.

why should the ahmadis be considered as SENSITIVE? if we dont make it sensitive it doesnt become sensistive. The taliban kill us in Paksitan and Afghanistan too, what is the sensitivity about that then?
I wonder there are same number of Indians died in Maoist attack but some Indians here on this thread are trying to dig up trolling comments by banned members to keep the trolling going on instead of going to the thread and mourn the death of those killed in Maoist attack

we shud be thanking to mods for this, sometimes i feel that this forum is indian defence forum.
This shows the gravity of this sensitive issue and why TTP chose to attack Ahmedyas Sect.

To be clear to all of you agian.. I condemn the attacks on Ahmadi worship place and killings of innocent Pakistanis.

And yes this issue is very very sensitive thats why they select the community for targeting to exploit this senstivity.

TTP is a Terrorist organisation and there is NO reason which should or could justify this act of barbarism.
I wonder there are same number of Indians died in Maoist attack but some Indians here on this thread are trying to dig up trolling comments by banned members to keep the trolling going on instead of going to the thread and mourn the death of those killed in Maoist attack

Indian hypocracy..
I thing that indian guy is digging comments from yesterdays posts.

Somebody tell him he is already banned, he cant reply you.
we shud be thanking to mods for this, sometimes i feel that this forum is indian defence forum.

every one is given freedom to air his of her comments. over all its a balanced palce though sometimes we have to give more room to them but still its a balanced place.

Just air your argument with logics and thats it. Admins/mods/managmengt have the right to delete or leave anything they consider its ok.
Because they are distorting the basics of Islam. If you are a Muslim then you will understand its implication if Not then i dont mind your ignorance.
We are not worried if they are qadyanis or anything else we are only concerned with their twisting the basics of Islam which are required to become a Muslim. Unless you do not fulfill these basics you are Not a Muslim.

I dont have any obligation to tell you about my faith and it is not necessary for you to know who i am. They might be distorting the basics of islam, what is your problem with it? they know and allah knows, it is them who will answer in the day of qayama not you and me. as long as you do what you think is right then you shouldnt be concerned about other people's actions which is entirely upto them. live your life and let the others live their lives.

by the way, i am not ignorant, but i think rationally.
do you people have proof that muslims are responsible, RAW hired agents can be responsible, how can you people reach conclusion so early, i dont understand, is this forum run by jews, that only fingers are pointed at muslims, and any senario od indian/american CIA involvement is automatically rejected.

if this is so, put all the army from eastern side to the western side.

india was enemy for 60 years but policies of musharraf have made pakistanis themselves number one enemy and indians friends..

the clash of normal pakistanis and ahmadis doesnt mean they want to eliminate them off, these are developments of the third side which is all playing the decieving game and succeeding in it..

Its hard to be nineteen and have to wait to grow up. But, hopefully it might even happen.

God Bless you.
It is their mosque .. An Ahmedi Mosque masjid.. There I said it .. And so will every sane person who knows his religion does not matter what other people call theirs. My "Iman" does not suffer with sticks and stones. We are a laughing stock around the world due to discussions like this.. Ban saying this and that .. and nothing changes around us.. people laugh and move on with their lives.. If it is not right for them to call it that, God will judge them .. worry about the other things that need immediate attention. And you are correct the Mods gave their answer on this subject, therefore in my opinion the case was closed 10 pages ago.

Why do we have to worry if the ahmadis are mulsims or not? what they call their worship place? why that much curosity?

as the Qadiyanis and their supporters are again trying to act smart, now i have the right to refresh the memories that according to the Pakistani constitution amendment-1974, the Qadiyani murtads have been declared as "Kaafirs". They are no more Muslims.
& accroding to Pakistan Penal Code section 298-B these murtads can neither preach their faith nor use our Muslim's any title/description like mosque/masjid/namaz etc.,

Try to live by the reality that Qadiyanis are Kaafirs.
every one is given freedom to air his of her comments. over all its a balanced palce though sometimes we have to give more room to them but still its a balanced place.

Just air your argument with logics and thats it. Admins/mods/managmengt have the right to delete or leave anything they consider its ok.

thats what i'm doing , airing my arguments. and Yes they have all the right in the world to deliberately change the title of this thread on the wishes of non-muslims. I can only raise my voice !
There are many injured and quite a few critical, please pray that they get well, 109 are in hospitals from whom around 20 are critical, many have been operated upon. These include people in the mosque and the ones outside who were fired upon.

Our heart-felt prayers for all those affected. May those who are injured, recover quickly and may the families of those departed; find strength in this time of sorrow.
as the Qadiyanis and their supporters are again trying to act smart, now i have the right to refresh the memories that according to the Pakistani constitution amendment-1974, the Qadiyani murtads have been declared as "Kaafirs". They are no more Muslims.
& accroding to Pakistan Penal Code section 298-B these murtads can neither preach their faith nor use our Muslim's any title/description like mosque/masjid/namaz etc.,

Try to live by the reality that Qadiyanis are Kaafirs.

They are muslims or not, i am not disputing that. but what is your problem with it if they are not muslim?
Like any other, all minorities have equal rights to live and thrive in an Islamic Society. Belief is a personal issue and its the likes of swines from TTP Punjab (Ranasanaullah and Nawaz Sharif home turf) to attack and kill children and unarmed men in a place of worship. Time is ripe to castrate this vermin from Punjab before it becomes an incurable cancer!!
Actually I said that one of my parents is Sunni and the other Shia, and I grew up listening to cousins (kids at the time) from the Sunni side of my family spew hatred and lies against Shia, despite knowing that one of my parents was a Shia.

But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you chose to only pick out the Shia part in my posts and label me a 'minority'.

In any case, even if I was from a Shia family and a 'minority', the majority does not have a right to impose discriminatory and bigoted policies on the minority. If that were the case, slavery would be acceptable still. There is simply no justification for practices/policies/laws that openly discriminate and denigrate individuals on the basis of their caste, color, ethnicity or religion, and unfortunately that is exactly what we have in Pakistan today with the black laws that openly discriminate against and denigrate Ahmadis.

This is not a matter of being from a 'minority', it is common sense and basic decency to realize that discriminating against anyone on the basis of their faith is wrong. Apparently many Pakistanis lack even that.

As you are someone who has been championing democracy I find it strange that you go against a majority held view that has been enshrined within Pakistans' constitution. I'm going to ask you a direct question - As a Pakistani do you accept the constitution of Pakistan in its entirety? If the answer is No than how can you as as individual champion democracy so brazenly as you have done throughout this thread when the codified basis - our constitution- which forms the whole framework with regards political principles, structures, procedures, powers and duties in our democracy. If you're not willing to accept the fundamentals, how can you accept the process of democracy in Pakistan?

The Pakistani state, yes our country, and the MAJORITY of Pakistan as well as the majority of the Muslim WORLD has this view that does not make them bigots. Whether its right/wrong is your opinion, but the reality is that even the most moderate of Muslims would not consider them under the umbrella of ahlus-sunnah-wall-jamaat i.e the mianstream. That's where the line has been drawn and you don't need to be an Islamic scholar to understand why such a view is held.

Your emotive plea to stop discriminating against Ahmadi sect is one that will not resonate with the majority of Pakistanis as I see it as a Red Herring. WHY? Because the only discrimination that occurs with regards to Ahmadi's is one of recognition ONLY. They are not in any other way treated as second class citizens, if anything they are probably one of the most widely represented minorities which hold more positions as a proportion of their size in places such as the military, judiciary etc. than other religious groups such as the people from Hunza valley.

Good of you to mention discrimination of race, as that is probably the biggest problem that in pakistan at the moment, especially with regards to the discrimination of Pashtuns. If anyone has a claim to discrimination that should be heard it should be them as no other race in Pakistan has suffered more and been made refugees within their OWN country.

Lastly, I will re-iterate it again, just to make myself crystal clear I didn't say there was anything wrong with being a minority in Pakistan but please accept the constitution - If not you are free to emigrate elsewhere as no one is above the law. Ever heard the idiom "when in Rome do as the Romans do?". I don't know how long you have lived in Pakistan nor do I care, but remember this constitution was not written on some internet forum but has been written with the blood of millions who decided to make the sacrifice of of creating a homeland for Muslims. Pakistan is a conservative country and long may it continue.
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