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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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Firstly, my condolences for those innocents who perished in this cowardly attack. But does this attack actually qualify as the TTP-hued terorrism that is affecting other cities of Pakistan? Why only pick on these two mosques? Isn't this the same old sectarian violence that errupts from time to time in Pakistan, but is in the present day and age conveniently(?) being put at the TTP's doorstep? Did something similar not happen some time back also? When violence that broke out in a shopping district (I forget where) was followed by a lot more violence and killing and looting and arson of the shops of only a certain section of traders and shopkeepers? I realise you guys would know more about the intricate dynamics of your society, but somehow this attack has something really fishy about it. A hindi muhavara 'bahti ganga mein haath dhona' comes to mind for some reason.
Stop fighting, look at this picture. Look at the gravity of the situation. Feel for the dead. Feel for the victims. feel for your state. Stop fighting.

This is the Face of a true Pakistani.. helping another Pakistani, A Human Being regardless of faith.

Long Live Pakistan :pakistan:
Have been following the developments and without adding any fuel to fire, please keep India out of it. If your feel comfort in believing that Indins took longer / and are worse at countering terrorist attacks, I can assure you the relatives of Shaheeds and victims of the mosque attack wont be sharing your feeling and reflects very poorly on you.

Terrorism and such cowardly attacks have ZERO acceptance and your Police / security forces did very well to diffuse the situation in good time. Rest I'll save for some other threads.

skeptic i wasn't replying to you i was replying to chappal chor's remarks which were meant to taunt so i replied in kind.:coffee:
QRF has been raised specifically for CT. Like all other LEAs, they are underfunded and lack the necessary weaponry and body armor. 3 detachments of the ATF are deployed at the 4th Avenue in Isb, b/c the ICT Police cannot find the necessary funds to raise its own CT forces (read all funds are for paving more roads for private transportation elite in a city designed to be anti-poor).

If PP is already undermanned, underfunded and most special forces already forced to do VIP protection and protocol, Isb depriving Punjab of its paid up forces is just an example of federal dictatorship.

plus you will also find a lot of Frontier Corps Soldiers in Islamabad outside the Home of one & only Mr.10% in F-8, UN offices & Embassies.....
almost all of them lack body armour & helmets plus they live in tents on green patches near roads
Just because the previous rulers never did their duty right doesn't mean we abandon FATA. FATA is ours and will always be, these terrorists are going to be beaten back to the gutter they crawled out of.

today's rulers are no different. even today Fata is left open for american terrorists to attack it whenever they like.

Yes the american terrorists are going to be beaten back to the gutter they crawled out of :agree: and i would advice our army not to give their precious lives for these low life gutter terrorists.





you know 80 people wouldn't have died if civilians were not trying to hide behind our armed commadoes! you inter mingle civilians with professional commadoes ofcourse casualties will rise & it will come a shooting duck competition for the bloody terrorists!

but I am PROUD very PROUD of our heroes in uniform!!!
pposing PAs allience with USA?where did this come from???
If these ttp dogs want to do jihad why not go to afghanistan to fight NATO?

Although i agree with what you said but your also being hypocritical with regards to Afghanistan. Why is it ok for Afghans to live under the Taliban as well? If you hate the Taliban why support TTP in fighting NATO forces? NATO and the US are fighting the same enemy that we are fighting. IF you have any idea on how the Afghans had been living in Afghanistan under the Taliban you wouldn't be saying that crap.

Taliban is a sick wahabi ideology that needs to be eliminated and vanquished from the face of the earth. It's a mind set that destroys societies and imprisons women and no matter WHERE they are be it Afghanistan Pakistan or anywhere else has no place in a respectable society.

Just yesterday i was watching a concert on the afghan channel where one of their popular singers was singing a song on the stage and there were lots of women who were listening and enjoying the music and i thought to myself... that would NOT have been possible under those Taliban bastards so good work by NATO and US forces in flushing those ****** bastards out.
Firstly, my condolences for those innocents who perished in this cowardly attack. But does this attack actually qualify as the TTP-hued terorrism that is affecting other cities of Pakistan? Why only pick on these two mosques? Isn't this the same old sectarian violence that errupts from time to time in Pakistan, but is in the present day and age conveniently(?) being put at the TTP's doorstep? Did something similar not happen some time back also? When violence that broke out in a shopping district (I forget where) was followed by a lot more violence and killing and looting and arson of the shops of only a certain section of traders and shopkeepers? I realise you guys would know more about the intricate dynamics of your society, but somehow this attack has something really fishy about it. A hindi muhavara 'bahti ganga mein haath dhona' comes to mind for some reason.

When the culpurit belongs to waziristan its shure that they are talibans, its not sectarian violence.. Its a terrorist attack.

just like 26/11 was a terrorsit attack not a sectarian Violance.
Stop fighting, look at this picture. Look at the gravity of the situation. Feel for the dead. Feel for the victims. feel for your state. Stop fighting.

shahid afridi is NOT our hero!! this man is!!!!! SALUTE TO HIM!!! :yahoo::tup: RESPECT FOR our police no matter how much we diss them or make fun of them when it matters most they stand up and get counted!!!

CAN anyone please find out his name???:pakistan::pakistan:

please check out the link & the picture of our hero running with the poor injured guy!

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today's rulers are no different. even today Fata is left open for american terrorists to attack it whenever they like.

Yes the american terrorists are going to be beaten back to the gutter they crawled out of :agree: and i would advice our army not to give their precious lives for these low life gutter terrorists.
Pakistan army is coordinating all the attacks and sorry to say again you're feigning being naive, they are not attacking FATA they are attacking the scum known as the Taliban.
When the culpurit belongs to waziristan its shure that they are talibans, its not sectarian violence.. Its a terrorist attack.

just like 26/11 was a terrorsit attack not a sectarian Voilance.

Of course its a terrorist attack my friend, by its very nature and definition of the word. But my contention is that their choice of targets causes people like me to believe that its sectarian in nature and motivation, but has been cleverly and conveniently been put at the Taliban doorstep. Cause today in a Pakistan that finds itself in an all out war against this scourge, there is no place and time to even consider that besides the Taliban killing Pakistanis, there could also be the possibility of other Pakistanis killing Pakistanis, as they have in the past, long before the Taliban became public enemy No. 1. Very different to 26/11 when it was Pakistanis killing Indians, all Indians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Parsis, in addition of course to other nationalities like Americans and Israelis as well. Hope you can appreciate the difference between random killing based on the inclusiveness of the geography of enemy state nationality and targetted killing based on the exclusiveness of sectarianly religious targetted sites within one's own country.
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today's rulers are no different. even today Fata is left open for american terrorists to attack it whenever they like.

Yes the american terrorists are going to be beaten back to the gutter they crawled out of :agree: and i would advice our army not to give their precious lives for these low life gutter terrorists.

enough is enough

what do you want?
to give liberty to those who distroy schools?
who beat and ban education for women
who think they have rights to call any one kaffir or mushrik then kill rape and torture at their will
those who have hate and distruction in their minds?
those who disgrace islam while claiming that their acts are govern by Teachings of Islam

come on grow up. IS this teaching of Islam and Prophet what these so Called Mujahideen are doing

its shame that educated people think like that.

Do you remember what Islam is , those who distroy Girls schools forget that Bibi Aysha Razi Allah taala Anha used to lecture Sahaba in Masjid e Nabwi

Today threat to islam and muslims comes from within not from out side. reckon it or not its the fact.

I remember when Hazrat Khalid came from the campaighn of Yamen where he killed those who before dieing said kalima and Hazrat Khalid thought that they said to save their lives.. prophet said " Khalid did you saw their hearts that they were lieing"

now compare the teaching of Prophet with these Takfiri thugs
do you think they have any thing to do with prophet(PBUH)?????????
plus you will also find a lot of Frontier Corps Soldiers in Islamabad outside the Home of one & only Mr.10% in F-8, UN offices & Embassies.....
almost all of them lack body armour & helmets plus they live in tents on green patches near roads

Same case in quetta and lahore.
May the fallen RIP..

May Fking Aholes burn in hell for eternity, they tried to manipulate such attacks to divert the focus and create instability.They tried to exploit the Muslim-Ahmedi differences by carrying out such murderous attack on innocent people.They were good people,who followed the law of Pakistan and above all they were Pakistanis our fellow countrymen. Death to the irhabists..!
May the fallen RIP..

May Fking Aholes burn in hell for eternity, they tried to manipulate such attacks to divert the focus and create instability.They tried to exploit the Muslim-Ahmedi differences by carrying out such murderous attack on innocent people.They were good people,who followed the law of Pakistan and above all they were Pakistanis our fellow countrymen. Death to the irhabists..!

And i guess they are succeeding after looking this thread. People are more concerned for what they call their worshipping place then their dead bodies. The emotions are more like if they were not dead people here would have killed them for calling their worshipping place as mosque.
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