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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

Just look at the barbarity, its just one pic of a few months old baby, God knows how many more of this age & younger or elder aged children would have perished or made orphans.

Whenever i go to market with my wife or family, we pray to Allah that if You have to take us, take us all at once, so that neither my wife or child are left to this miserable & barbaric world to live in. In today's world how will a widow live with no bread earner or how & what will happen to orphaned children, this world is very inhuman & barbaric. :(

http://img233.imageshack.us/i/scenes608.jpg/ http://g.imageshack.us/img233/scenes608.jpg/1/

May Allah have mercy on us all and may he strengthen our hands to rip apart these terrorists...

The picture says it all...i cannot imagine the pain and suffering of those who lose their loved ones without any reason...how many families will become destitute and will be forced to live in a state of misery...what a terrible crime and sin not only to kill innocents but to make the future so hopeless for those left behind.

My prayers are with you and your family and all Pakistanis who have to live through this terrorism...May we find peace soon and may the terrorists face the wrath of Allah in this life and the afterlife...

We have to avenge our innocents...we have to make sure that such a monster never raises its head against...there are countries with terrible issues but whatever the issues and problems...such terrorist actions and bloody causes have no justification and should be crushed with extreme prejudice...

May Allah grant us victory in our Jihad against terrorism perpetrated against our innocents.
Ameen Sum Ameen
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These TTP supporters won't understand it, They are Sitting in UK & doing their Jehad thru their Key Boards...

These people Wont Live in Pakistan, We will

Nice term....."Keyboard Jihad":cheers:

Sitting in their rooms in front of computer screens and throwing crap all over is a way these cowards have chosen to support their stupid cause.
Respected members i for one don't think they are worth our time to be discussed. In my humble opinion "Let Barking Dogs".... It's all to easy to sit behind a keyboard and comment on the misery and struggle of actual human beings especially since the only consequence to you will be a few megabytes of internet allowance.

All these people who feel they have the "self proclaimed" right to govern others and meddle in others affairs, just go out to highlight their own insecurities and feebleness.

This is not the first time some Taliban supporter sitting in England has crawled onto the forum, i remember having a heated discussion with one during the SWAT offensive.

I really am surprised that people with such venom and hate for human beings actually are allowed to live in the west. I am surprised their comments and IP logs are not recorded by their "respective" security services and tabs kept on their alignment.

These are the very same people who are likely to conduct another London Bombing or 911. And who will get the blame (Pakistan), never mind the fact that these loosers may have only been to Pakistan once or twice in their pathetic lives. They still wish to retain the (identity) of (Pakistani) when in England/abroad.

When in Pakistan they become (foreigner) and don't wish to associate with the common Pakistani. I remember i was returning from Nottingham after some training there. When i landed in Islamabad Airport i heard a group of these so called (Brit's of Pakistani Origin)
This country is a joke, F-ing Circus mate... I took great offence to that statement and challenged them on the spot, if it is a circus and a joke then why do you bother coming here?

These same people sit in England, and then call the Gora's Kafir, the same Gora's who give them jobs, free education, health care etc... Why should they give you idiot's any of those facilities, despite the venom these idiot's spew they give them the same services a local Gora Brit would get.

I have had the displeasure of spending a eid or two in England, and see 2/3/4 gen brit's of Pakistani Origin, put Pakistani flags on bumper's of their cars and drive up and down a busy road, block the traffic to do a street bangra and then subsequently arrested by the police for reckless and drunk drive.

The arresting officers and innocent bystanders will look at the Flag and say it's all these Pakistani's, but i say Nay, they are not Pakistani they were not even born in Pakistan they are not registered with Overseas Pakistani Foundation or have POC's. Then how can they be Pakistani?

These youth are rabbles without a cause, they pick and choose sides as they see fit in their twisted albeit impressionable young minds. For some reason most of the young Muslims i have come across in England have always had a problem with the Goora's and their country, etc, etc... If they have such a problem with the Goora's why do they still continue to live there.

These same people comment on decency, chastity, piousness. Yet given the chance they will be the first ones to falter from the right path. Their righteousness is one of a lota (it's base is so weak that it will constantly shift from side to side as dynamic forces is applied).
The only way to describe such people is "Hypocrites"... "Munakiq", and if someone like certain people on this forum defend the actions of the likes of TTP who openly attack, kill and maim innocent women, men, children. Well i hope there is a special place waiting for them in Hell.

I am sorry if i ranted on for a while, i am just sick and tired of idiot's like these thinking they represent us. All they represent is hate, venom to cover up for their own innate insecurities.
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Pretty surprising how UK for some reason attracts all the Jihadi folks. I really wonder why they let them in. UK also needs a nice dose of reality check when it comes to its rather ultra liberal wussy multi-cultural laws.
bcoz most of the Pakistanis that Live in UK have a very 'Chill' life, they get Money in form of Social security, Unemployment Fund & Bla Bla, Na Fikr na Faqa, pase a Rhe han Koi Kam Krna ni Parta, Its very easy for them so say that This all is Done by Agencies, TTP are working for a CAUSE
Phir Inhe Pakistaniat & Islam Yad a Jate ha, aur Chalte ha 'TTP cause' ko Support krne

The Race of TTP must be Exterminated before they Exterminate Us

300 People in 2 Weeks, Whole Pakistan is on a Stand Still, Terror is induced into Hearts & Minds of the People
Pretty surprising how UK for some reason attracts all the Jihadi folks. I really wonder why they let them in. UK also needs a nice dose of reality check when it comes to its rather ultra liberal wussy multi-cultural laws.

A lot of these british desis are dazed and confused - resent the goras, want to be pakistani but don't get accepted, and suffer from an identity crisis.

They end up enrolling in a Salafi mosque or Hizbur Tahrir chapter and get wacked out of their minds.
Special rescue teams from Islamabad arrive Peshawar

PESHAWAR: Special rescue teams from Islamabad have arrived Peshawar for completely demolishment of buildings collapsed due to car bombing in Peshawar Meena bazaar early on Thursday morning, Geo news reported.

According to sources, the rescue efforts including clearing off the debris of the collapsed buildings and recovery of human bodies from rubbles remained underway by late night on Wednesday.

DCO Peshawar Sahabzada Anees monitored rescue efforts all the night long, meanwhile, the dead bodies of two children, martyred in Peshawar bombing, were recovered from collapsed mosque building located nearby on Wednesday night, sources added. - Geo News
Special rescue teams from Islamabad arrive Peshawar

PESHAWAR: Special rescue teams from Islamabad have arrived Peshawar for completely demolishment of buildings collapsed due to car bombing in Peshawar Meena bazaar early on Thursday morning, Geo news reported.

According to sources, the rescue efforts including clearing off the debris of the collapsed buildings and recovery of human bodies from rubbles remained underway by late night on Wednesday.

DCO Peshawar Sahabzada Anees monitored rescue efforts all the night long, meanwhile, the dead bodies of two children, martyred in Peshawar bombing, were recovered from collapsed mosque building located nearby on Wednesday night, sources added. - Geo News

meaning Death Toll will rise :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
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meaning More Death Toll will still rise :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Yeah, was watching morning news in which many family relatives were still standing at the blast site all night long as they could not find their loved ones in the hospital either in the dead ones or injured ones. And as of morning people calling for help & screams were still coming from the rubble.

Plus many critically are still fighting for their lives.
The team mentioned is CDA Fire & Rescue Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team. Inshallah if anyone can be found this team will find them, they are UN Certified and one of the best teams in Pakistan.

Inshallah if victims are trapped they will recover them.
The team mentioned is CDA Fire & Rescue Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team. Inshallah if anyone can be found this team will find them, they are UN Certified and one of the best teams in Pakistan.

Inshallah if victims are trapped they will recover them.

May Allah help them save as many innocents as possible...will not erase the memory but even one person being rescued and united with his family shall at least be some good news.

I wish this was not real but alas it is...alas it is....

I pray that we make TTP pay for the blood of the innocents and make them pay dearly without any hesitation, there can be no mercy towards them or their supporters whether they take oath on the holy book of their innocence...they cannot be given any margin in any form whatsoever...i wish that JI and leaders like Munnawar Hassas are stoned by the people of Pakistan....
Such barbarism!!! What is the fault of these innocent women n children, civilians? I have been crying since yesterday thinking about the sufferings of the innocents and this morning Taimikhan's pics made me cry again on my office table. I cann't help it, my wife has been bemused by my intermittent tears. :cry::cry::cry: When I saw my sons after office, tears rolled out automatically thinking of the maddenning grief felt by the ones who had lost their young faristeys. No word can describe the sorrow I feel for them. My heart bleeds for their suffering. May god (if there's any, after seeing all this bloodshed of innocents for so long, my faith in God has long been gone) give eternal peace to the departed innocent souls and strength and courage to the ones who has lost their loved ones. I am really reaaly so sorry and whole hearted condolence to the ones who can relate to tremendous loss.

@ The one who is still trying to justify these kind of violence: Please rot in hell for loosing your humanity. May be Allah will make you realise after you rot adequately for hundreds of years that this not the path of Islam he wanted you to follow. Be human first you sons-of-devil.
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Very sad. I knew that there was a blast in Peshawar but didn't realize that so many people were killed.

I hope that these blasts won't hamper the will of the Pakistani people. These attacks are actually an act of desperation by the Taliban which has suffered severe losses in recent days thanks to Pakistani Army.

As an Indian whose country has been repeatedly targeted by these barbaric militants, I can understand the pain of Pakistanis.
The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques

lying f ucks just a few weeks ago they suicide car bombed a police station and mosque next door in peshwar was destroyed and they claimed responsibility ! They often threatened shopkeepers and blew up bazaars selling CDs and markets used by women to stop them from shopping in swat and waziristan and admitted to this too !
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