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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

Hmm, May be your agencies are intelligent enough to tell who is the culprit in advance but Indians are not , If i remember after Mumbai attack they said done by muzzahidin group, later they trace the data and said LET is responsible.

In fact , they trace the warning of suspect but in reality its very very hard to tell who is the source in advance.

its not about who is intelligent and who is not. As for the mumbai attacks, it was a surprise as either it was not expected that such kind of an attack will be launched, but sometimes people without knowing start the blame game & the real facts emerge later.

As for us, we are in a state of war, intelligence agencies are monitoring the suspected areas & the mode of communication left for the militants has been reduced by switching of the land line & mobile services to their areas, so the traffic & signals to monitor are reduced & whatever is coming out of that area can be picked up, plus whenever something starts rolling from their side, the chatter between them also increases giving the security agencies a hint that something is about to happen or many times there are moles inside those organizations who may not know the specific target but they can give advance warning that an attack somewhere has been put into action. e.g in the last attack a lot of security forces offices & nearby schools to those offices were emptied within half an hour & large number of troops were deployed as an imminent attack was predicted in that area, at least 4 hours before the actual attack took place, in the end the attack happened just half KM away from the warned target, the actual target happened to be the CIA police station.
Re: Living hell of trapped people

It's like reading about the daily terror attacks in Israel seven years ago, with "Pakistan" replacing "Israel" in the story - only now people are saying "Terrorism isn't jihad -"
Re: Living hell of trapped people

It's like reading about the daily terror attacks in Israel seven years ago, with "Pakistan" replacing "Israel" in the story - only now people are saying "Terrorism isn't jihad -"

Israel has not faced attacks the way we are facing, and this is not the thread of dragging Israel in it.

Israel is a totally different issue so kindly whine about your Israel on the proper thread.
Why don't you guys look at another possibility. I had until now the impression that Pakistani's are best conpiracy theorist who look at all angles of any attack on them. But you guys have let me down. Why didn't any of you remember and see the similarities between Baghdad Bombing and Peshawar Bombing. Both are similar : Designed to cause maximum casualties.

And the fact that Iran is very angry after it's top commandents died in the audacious attack in sistan-baluchistan can't be ignored. Everyone know that if Iran is angry it will have repercusions in the areas of countries it blames. So why don't you guys look from that perspective.

And the arrest of 11 revolutionary guards by FC didn't help the situation. May be both the Baghdad and peshawar Bombing are Iran's revenge for the spilled blood in sistan which it believes is the handywork of Pakistan and US.

You guys should investigate from that perspective. TTP is not involved that I can assure you because if they had to kill innocents then they would have done that already. They always had the chance to do it. Why would they kill innocents when they know that killing womens and childrens will only turn people to support the army in obliterating them????. Besides look at all the attacks done by them so far.

The ratio of dead was always against them. They lost 8 of their members in GHQ while killing only 13 army personnel. Instead if they would have wanted they could have killed thousands of civilians instead of attacks on the security establishments had they wanted to kill innocents. And I am neither a supporter of TTP nor do I want to clear them of any wrong doing. But even in the attack by a 13 old boy in northwest when 45 people died the boy had jumped on an army convoy before blasting himself.

The rest is pakistan's problem so you guys discuss it. I have just provided you the fodder and it is your decision whether to accept it or deny it.

TTP has killed more than 2000 civilians in various attacks across Pakistan.
Also the huge bombings like Marriott were traced to TTP and some planners captured including Qari Ishtiaq etc...

Their aim is to win by terror...in it lies the distinct nature of this beast...they are not averse to but rather are quite fond of killing civilians...this helps spread the terror...after all if they only kill soldiers there will be no fear since the soldiers are our warriors and will only be honored as martyrs and only the prestige of the state will increase....therefore they specifically target civilians with the intent to create enough fear so as to ensure that the ranks are divided and the people plead with the state to negotiate...this is the objective...

That is why they always try to attach something to the target after the bombing, like in Marriott the group responsible said that there were US marines and same was taken up by the press, the minister quoted as having seen the marines denied it altogether...it was rubbish and just an aim to kill maximum civilians and still pretend that target was their proclaimed big Satan...they carried out a bombing in Mosque where many soldiers were martyred while praying...then they say we don't bomb Mosques...how convenient it has become to deny an action and be counted as innocent?

This is the sort of games the TTP shall play...the US marines are fighting the Afghan Taliban mano on mano across the border...if the TTP is such a bunch of heroes who want to go after the US...they can go and fight the US since the border cannot be sealed...but this is not their intent...their game is obvious to all but a few...

The only ones we trust are our Army and agencies and all the evidence and links that have been exposed so far...only TTP and Al Qaeda have been perpetrating these acts...if there is anyone behind them that is not certain...however to tackle any and all scenarios...TTP has to be destroyed from the face of the earth.
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Re: Living hell of trapped people

It's like reading about the daily terror attacks in Israel seven years ago, with "Pakistan" replacing "Israel" in the story - only now people are saying "Terrorism isn't jihad -"

Are you responding in the right thread? But it's a good one. "Pakistan" replacing "Israel" part, to some extent, yeah. :agree:

Israel is a very "legitimate" reason why a very big north american regional power is "relevant" in mostly eurasian affairs. :agree:

When Israel relevance is reduced when all are played out in this episode, Pakistan can offer a new stand for Sam's world relevancy.
After the bomb, devastated Peshawar asks why

A policeman helps an elderly woman as she arrives to search for relatives a day after a deadly car bomb blast at a market in Peshawar on October 29, 2009

PESHAWAR: Frightened Peshawaris lashed out Thursday against the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians in their conservative city, where insecurity is paralysing ordinary life.

A parked car packed with explosives blew up on Wednesday in a narrow street of the Meena market, known locally as the women's bazaar, demolishing shops and killing more than 100 people.

Many of those killed were women hunting for bargains with their children among the plethora of female clothing concessions.
Within seconds, flames tore through the wooden structures of buildings, tightly packed material and clothes shops, engulfing the market in a massive fire that took hours to control.

Bodies were ripped to shreds. Corpses were charred. Faces were unrecognisable and grief was almost palpable across the city of Pashtuns — the same ethnic group that dominates the ranks of the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban.

In 19 days, more than 150 people were wiped out in market-place bombings in Peshawar, turning a love affair for a city felt by millions of Pakistani Pashtuns into fear over a worrying new trend towards mass civilian bombings.

Nasir Khan, 52, and his 22-year-old son Bilal were sitting in their clothing shop when they were killed, plunging their family who had migrated from the tribal hinterland into grief and despair.

‘For the first time I understand what grief is. I don't think I will ever see such grief in my whole life. My father and my brother. Both of them dead. Can somebody tell me what they did wrong?’ said a weeping Aamir Nasir.

Fear of bombs, suicide attacks and the killing of innocent people has become routine in Peshawar, where children's education has been paralysed by shuttered schools while traffic is thinning out and families avoid markets.

Seven attacks in four months have battered the historic old city, which in the past was a tourist attraction and a centuries old trading capital made rich by the silk road snaking east to west.

‘People are now really worried. Living in this city is a disaster,’ downtown shopkeeper Mohammad Amin told AFP.

‘Everyone is worried about the future, his own future, his children's future and about the future of his business. Business is already on the brink of collapse,’ he added.

Peshawar suffers from its location on the edge of a tribal belt thick with Taliban and Al-Qaeda extremists -- terrain branded the most dangerous place in the world by US officials and the incubator of terror plots on the west.

There is an increasing feeling of isolation. Relatives living elsewhere are reluctant to visit. Most foreign airlines no longer fly into the city. Streets and restaurants are no-go areas after dark. The Taliban lurk in the suburbs.

‘Everyone is upset. Police have barricades and checkpoints in every street but even then the Taliban attack inside the city,’ said Arshan Farid, a lawyer at Peshawar high court where lawyers held a mass prayer for the victims.

‘Frankly, the time has come when everyone wants to leave,’ he added.

Market traders and shopkeepers have downed tools for three days' mourning and threatened to destabilise the government with street protests.

‘We are fed up. We have given the government three days to stop this bloodshed and provide us with security, otherwise we will start a protest movement,’ Ghufran Ullah, head of the city traders association, told AFP.

‘We have already announced a three-day mourning. Shutters will be closed to mourn and to protest this bombing,’ he said.

Cinemas are on the verge of collapse. The only theatre in Peshawar has been closed for six years. Schools, snooker clubs and CD shops have been bombed and militants prey on Internet cafes as another easy target.

‘Death is dancing in this city. Every week it strikes in a different shape and nobody is here to stop it. I don't know where to go,’ said bank clerk Saghir Khan, summing up the dilemma for many.

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | After the bomb, devastated Peshawar asks why

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Are you responding in the right thread? But it's a good one. "Pakistan" replacing "Israel" part, to some extent, yeah. :agree:

Israel is a very "legitimate" reason why a very big north american regional power is "relevant" in mostly eurasian affairs. :agree:

When Israel relevance is reduced when all are played out in this episode, Pakistan can offer a new stand for Sam's world relevancy.

Attacks on cafe's, school buses and other civilian targets were never legitimate.

The Palestinians destroyed their own cause by engaging in them.

Granted the Israelis themselves were no saints with the massacres, collective punishment and occupation of Palestinians, but it is important to note that some are only now realizing that deliberate attacks on civilians are never justified.
Attacks on cafe's, school buses and other civilian targets were never legitimate.

The Palestinians destroyed their own cause by engaging in them.

Granted the Israelis themselves were no saints with the massacres, collective punishment and occupation of Palestinians, but it is important to note that some are only now realizing that deliberate attacks on civilians are never justified.

I meant only the part of "Pak replaces Israel", NOT in the original poster's context. ;)
Israel has not faced attacks the way we are facing, and this is not the thread of dragging Israel in it.
Actually, Israel faced exactly these sorts of terrorist attacks.

- kindly whine about your Israel on the proper thread.
Whining? I'm talking about how I can directly relate to and sympathize with the current trauma of Pakistanis.
Granted the Israelis themselves were no saints with the massacres, collective punishment and occupation of Palestinians -
Are you seriously suggesting that had Israelis not been perceived as responsible for "massacres, collective punishment and occupation of Palestinians" they would be regarded by you and others as "saints"? No wonder the Pak Army is keeping reporters away from operations...
Are you seriously suggesting that had Israelis not been perceived as responsible for "massacres, collective punishment and occupation of Palestinians" they would be regarded by you and others as "saints"? No wonder the Pak Army is keeping reporters away from operations...

Pakistan is not 'importing' people from across Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere to 'populate' SW with 'God's chosen people', by stealing and occupying the land of the locals - no comparisons to be made here.
After the TTP denial of the Meena Bazar tragedy, rumors abound in the intelligence and law enforcement community that the Peshawar Bomb yesterday was more of a 'catalyst' event stage managed by Indian RAW to achieve two purposes. a) to respond in kind to the recent Indian Embassy Kabul bombing 'alleged' to ISI and b) to have the onus dawned on TTP and its cronies and fuel already strong public opinion against them.

Has anyone else ran into such information?

If this is indeed true; chances of which are very real; then India should very carefully watch its back in coming weeks. WALAIKUM ASALAAM MANMOHAN SINGH! We will pay your kindness in twice the enthusiasm!
Are you seriously suggesting that had Israelis not been perceived as responsible for "massacres, collective punishment and occupation of Palestinians" they would be regarded by you and others as "saints"? No wonder the Pak Army is keeping reporters away from operations...

A more apt comparison to the Pakistani ops would be any future Israeli security actions (if necessary) against settlers in support of dismantling all settlements in the occupied territories.
After the TTP denial of the Meena Bazar tragedy, rumors abound in the intelligence and law enforcement community that the Peshawar Bomb yesterday was more of a 'catalyst' event stage managed by Indian RAW to achieve two purposes. a) to respond in kind to the recent Indian Embassy Kabul bombing 'alleged' to ISI and b) to have the onus dawned on TTP and its cronies and fuel already strong public opinion against them.

Has anyone else ran into such information?

If this is indeed true; chances of which are very real; then India should very carefully watch its back in coming weeks. WALAIKUM ASALAAM MANMOHAN SINGH! We will pay your kindness in twice the enthusiasm!

Well Sir, there are indications to this possibility also but makes it little bit ambiguous, reason being, below is pasted a news update late into the night around 11.00 pm on the night of 27/10/2009 where the security of Peshawar being updated has been told, meaning the intelligence agencies got tip off to a possible attack the very next day.

"Security on high alert in Peshawar
Updated at: 2303 PST, Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Security on high alert in Peshawar PESHAWAR: Security is on high alert in Peshawar as the local government has erected additional pickets on all the entrances and exits of the city, in milieu of country’s deteriorating peace situation.

Cars are being checked with the help of detective dogs.

Additional security personnel have been deployed at Peshawar’s GT Road, Kohat Road, Chaarsadda, Rang Road, Khyber Road, Saddar and Hayatabad areas.

The extra police personnel have been posted at the pickets to entirely search the vehicles before allowing them to enter Peshawar.

Strict checking is being carried out on all the roads leading to Cantonment limits and cars are searched with bomb-sniffing dogs to ensure safety.

The Police have called upon the citizens to fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies. - Geo News"

Also in one of dawn news reports, also pasted in one of the above posts, some senior intelligence officer has been quoted to have monitored communication of TTP Dera Adam Khel chapter last week in which some spectacular kind of attack is being discussed in the next week or so.

But as we all know from where they are getting the huge quantity of explosives & funding, so it is not much of a difficult task to see who is in the end responsible & supporting these thugs.
A more apt comparison to the Pakistani ops would be any future Israeli security actions (if necessary) against settlers in support of dismantling all settlements in the occupied territories.

Off Topic please stick to topic lol

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