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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

Man I feel sorry for the UK for having the user TTP4Life. How did they even let him in? :undecided: Maybe the UK residents here should report this guy to the British intelligence :lol:

You know more than making me angry, it makes me realize how much deep sh*t we are in. How many Javed's and TTP4Life's do we have in Pakistan? I reckon A LOT. These same people shelter and donate to the TTP cause. You wonder where the funding is coming from? Don't need to worry about funding when you have such supporters in the country itself. That is why this war is the most challenging war that Pakistan has ever faced.
Spot on. I hope guys like them, though I think both the IDs belong to the same user, get apprehended by the British police. Problem with that, though is that Pakistani media will report it as two innocents Pakistani nabbed by the "evil" british police for being muslim. And after few weeks or months of media and political circus and Pakistan's name being tarnished, the outcome will be these religious terrorist zealous being deported to Pakistan. Awesome.
Dear you are right we need to educate people but the Saudi State sponsors hundreds of thousands of Madrassas (so called religious schools) that are the breeding ground for these evil indoctrinated people. Anyone in Pakistan who speaks against these evil people is blown up just like some righteous religious leaders who exposed there evil motives were blown up in suicidal attacks.

Dear according to these evil maniacs Pakistani people even there own family and next of kin are not muslim unless they endorse there evil devious ideology. For them the whole humanity is a fair target. All people of the world who say no to there evil ideology are a fair target for these Taliban maniacs even the infants and women are regarded as a fair target.

I think TTP would have lost support from most Pakistanis by now. Their days should be numbered.

I hope Pakistan parliament passes bill like TADA, though known for its abuses gets the things rolling very fast and would give an opportunity to Pakistani police to arrest some of the crazy Mullah's to get their student lists. That ought to fix the problem fast. As of now, things are happening very slow, every day there is new bomb and very little action is taken by the police.

PA army should concentrate on wiping the Wazirstan resistance and show them you mean business.
I think TTP would have lost support from most Pakistanis by now. Their days should be numbered.

I hope Pakistan parliament passes bill like TADA, though known for its abuses gets the things rolling very fast and would give an opportunity to Pakistani police to arrest some of the crazy Mullah's to get their student lists. That ought to fix the problem fast. As of now, things are happening very slow, every day there is new bomb and very little action is taken by the police.

PA army should concentrate on wiping the Wazirstan resistance and show them you mean business.

we need a comprehensive counter terrorism strategy which should include definition of terrorism, prevention of terrorism, strong intelligence, legislation etc. at the moment i feel we are lacking this strategy. and especially on the legal side, these scums can get released because of the evidence problem. we need better legislation; strong intelligence; trained police; and zero tolerance for all those who commit or abet terrorism whether with word or logistics.
May Allah bless the departed souls. May Allah give us the forbearance to face this enormous loss of life.

Whoever did this carnage, TTP or anybody, deserve a response without mercy.

These series of blasts in public places do not help the TTP cause one bit. They look like the Shia-Sunni carnage of late 90's; apparently orchestrated by our Intel agencies. They stopped, once both the Shia and Sunni parties refused to be drawn into further bloodshed.

look at this TTP terrorist living in U.K. trying to help his rotten brothers' twisted cause in Pakistan. He's blamming ISI and in another post of his he made the same outragous allegation. And check this out, I just heard this reporter in Peshawer, Yousaf Zai (forgot his last name) he was telling Kamran Khan on Geo that couple of days ago, TTP terrorists threw out pamphlets around Peshwar, writtten in Urdu, saying that we (ttp) don't target civilians but only uniform personnal of Pakistan security forces and asked for people's support. And look at this terrorist asshole, living hundreds of miles away from his terrorist brothers, spewing the same lies and propaganda. There is no doubt left in my mind that this guy, javed whatever, is affiliated with ttp, someone living there report this scumbag.
there was a time when everything was blamed on ISI for its dubious role in our politics. but i dont see it convincing that ISI would be doing this.
Just read this entire thread now and very gutted to see these TTP Sympathizers in this forum. One ar** has been banned but can i please, please, please request the mods to ban Javed Bastard? He's going beyond the limits now.

Javed: I have no words for you. You are sitting in the UK and don't realise the pain Pakistanis are going through, specially those who have lost their loved ones. Had your own family members got blown up in these attacks then i am sure you would'nt be saying all this BS, you have said in this thread. I can't believe you support TTP ! Why don't you go join your 'terrorist brothers' in Waziristan? Our Army would be more than happy to send you, along with your brothers to hell.

I don't like getting personal or insulting other people but after reading your posts i can't stop myself from saying that you are a COMPLETE M F***ing BASTARD ! Shame on you !. Sharam sai marjaa, haramzaday.:angry:
The Meena Market bombing was the ultimate in depravity. So many innocent lives taken. May Allah give their souls peace and bring comfort to their surviving loved ones. It is beyond comprehension how any religious people can commit such crimes. How can anyone who follows the Quran give money to these terrorist groups? This "game" they are playing is just too, too much. I pray that the PA will be remorseless with these killers. It is time that they are sent to Allah for His judgment.
This is the handiwork of terrorist organizations, no question.

I am amazed that people can be so paranoid or utterly foolish as to blame the Pakistani state, or state agencies such as the ISI. That's crazy. As an Indian I have plenty of reasons to distrust the ISI, but I cannot believe that any government organization can have the desire or even courage to massacre its own people. Are you kidding me?

Forget conspiracy theories, which are useful only to dilute common sense. The simplest explanation is often the right one, a variation of Occam's razor. This is the work of the terrorists.
I feel deeply sad and Hurt by such incidents. :cry:

Such attitude towards innocent civilians who are just trying to live their life. Suddenly some Bas****d comes with a bomb and lets hell lose on so many lives. These kind of people belong to no body, are friends of no body, brothers of no body, not from any region or religion.. They are just not human beings... Every effort must be made to eliminate the very last of these heinous beings and the factory that produces them.

My heart goes to families of all affected. Since i have lost people in my family i know how life changes in matter of days. The dead leave us, but the gloom stays for long after they are gone. May god help these families in their worst times..

I seriously hope Pakistan gets the better of all these anti-humanity elements and takes them to their logical end soon..
Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast
Thursday, October 29, 2009
News Desk

RAWALPINDI: The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques. According to a statement of al-Qaeda, they are not involved in the killing of innocent people. According to al-Qaeda sources, the elements, who want to defame Jehad and refugees, are behind the Peshawar bomb blast. The al-Qaeda sources say they would continue Jehad against America and its agents across the world. The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in an email sent to the media also condemned the Peshawar blast and denied its involvement in the Meena Bazaar explosion.

Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast
This is just sickening... seeing this happen every other day...my heartfelt condolences with the families... this can only strengthen the resolve to fight and wipe out terrorism from Pakistani soil.
Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast
Thursday, October 29, 2009
News Desk

RAWALPINDI: The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques. According to a statement of al-Qaeda, they are not involved in the killing of innocent people. According to al-Qaeda sources, the elements, who want to defame Jehad and refugees, are behind the Peshawar bomb blast. The al-Qaeda sources say they would continue Jehad against America and its agents across the world. The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in an email sent to the media also condemned the Peshawar blast and denied its involvement in the Meena Bazaar explosion.

Taliban, al-Qaeda disown blast

Al-Qaeda saying that elements are trying to defame them? :rofl:

Now they are playing this game cleverly. They know civilian killings backfire on them, so they are pretending like they only attack the military. We are not fools, we know who doesn't hesitate to kill innocent civilians. Pakistan will repay you with all the interest by kicking your a$$ in Waziristan :cheers:

I have a question( to the "sympathizers"): Why don't the TTP's blow the American and Other Army in Afghanistan? Why they blow up ordinary civilians in Pakistan?
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