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Teri Maa, Teri Behan, Teri Beti, Altaf Hussain at his best !

The bed fellows of Unionists, Congress and British Raj have no right to label the creators of Pakistan as traitors or terrorists.
If history recalls correctly, Urdu speaking community moved to Pakistan after the creation of Pakistan. These people didn't come in 1947 but rather around 1949 and so forth when the tensions were eased. The Mohajirs of eastern Punjab had to endure the worst of times as the migrated to west Punjab amid making of Pakistan. And whats funny is that these people are now no longer Mohajirs but have integrated with the local populace.
The first part of your post is absolutely correct, and the second one partially. 'Sir' Sikanader Hayat and his Unionist party was left with no choice but to support Pakistan following the results of 1946 provincial assembly elections where Unionists won just 20 seats compared to Muslim League that grabbed 75, and that too when the Punjab's Muslim vote was divided between Muslim League, Union, Khaksar, and Ahrar.

Sikandar Hyatt died way before that sir. You're mistaking Khizar Hyatt for Sikandar Hyatt. Sikandar Hyatt supported Jinnah and was at the Lahore resolution.
If history recalls correctly, Urdu speaking community moved to Pakistan after the creation of Pakistan. These people didn't come in 1947 but rather around 1949 and so forth when the tensions were eased. The Mohajirs of eastern Punjab had to endure the worst of times as the migrated to west Punjab amid making of Pakistan. And whats funny is that these people are now no longer Mohajirs but have integrated with the local populace.
No, your memory or knowledge is not recalling it correctly. There was a mass migration across the border even before August 1947 and it continued till 1956 or so. It is not correct to say that Urdu speakers (this is also incorrect for Muslims migrated from all parts of India where they used to speak native languages other than Urdu) only migrated when the tensions eased up. Moreover, you are forgetting that Delhi was a division of Punjab province then, and composed of territories such as Hissar, Rohtak, Gurgaon, Delhi, Karnal, Ambala, and Simla.

Sikandar Hyatt died way before that sir. You're mistaking Khizar Hyatt for Sikandar Hyatt. Sikandar Hyatt supported Jinnah and was at the Lahore resolution.
Yes, thanks for the correction. It was Khizar Haya Tiwana.
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Yes, thanks for the correction. It was Khizar Haya Tiwana.

Unionist party was founded by Sikandar Hyatt, and he had a soft corner for muslim league, but Khizar Hyatt did not have such feelings. Under Sikandar Hyatt, the muslim league could not compete against Unionists in Punjab. If my fact are right, muslim league only got 3% of total vote in Punjab during its first election against Unionists' under Sir Sikandar.
Dare I ask, in what capacity is AH labeling himself or his party as creator of Pakistan???
We can ask the same thing other way around - How can an LEO label as Traitors - well he didn't, see his briefing again --- as well as Terrorist lable is concerned, then hes an SSP, he says, what evidence tells him

First of all, not every MQM supporter should automatically be considered to be endorsing AH's speeches, because the majority doesn't!

As for AH labelling the Mohajir community as the creators of Pakistan, the ones who deny or challenge it are.....well, they are just confused, seriously. Mohajirs not only created Pakistan, literally, they also sacrificed more then the 2 partitioned countries, combined! Yet today those Mohajirs who exercise their right to support a 'political' entity which they believe to be the only one defending the rights of Karachi, are called traitors and agents of RAW......this is seriously disgusting, more disgusting then anything anybody has said.

And Finally, LEA stands for Law Enforcement Agency, they cannot play the role of a judge or judiciary. LEAs cannot go around holding press conferences or giving out judgements and punishments. and to top it all off, LEAs are just as corrupt and politicised as any other institution of Pakistan barring the Military. So go figure what to do in such a scenario.
First of all, not every MQM supporter should automatically be considered to be endorsing AH's speeches, because the majority doesn't!

As for AH labelling the Mohajir community as the creators of Pakistan, the ones who deny or challenge it are.....well, they are just confused, seriously. Mohajirs not only created Pakistan, literally, they also sacrificed more then the 2 partitioned countries, combined! Yet today those Mohajirs who exercise their right to support a 'political' entity which they believe to be the only one defending the rights of Karachi, are called traitors and agents of RAW......this is seriously disgusting, more disgusting then anything anybody has said.

And Finally, LEA stands for Law Enforcement Agency, they cannot play the role of a judge or judiciary. LEAs cannot go around holding press conferences or giving out judgements and punishments. and to top it all off, LEAs are just as corrupt and politicised as any other institution of Pakistan barring the Military. So go figure what to do in such a scenario.

The "muhajirs" who mostly got killed were east Punjabi muslims, most of whom settled in Lahore and Faisalabad.
So when Imran Khan and his POTI party use vulgar language and discriminate against others its ok? The iq levels of Taliban Khan's supporters are laughable.

Post a proof when IK used vulgar language in public? Don't have one? Don't worry, just keep licking Altaf Hussain's stinking balls.
No, your memory or knowledge is not recalling it correctly. There was a mass migration across the border even before August 1947 and it continued till 1956 or so. It is not correct to say that Urdu speakers (this is also incorrect for Muslims migrated from all parts of India where they used to speak native languages other than Urdu) only migrated when the tensions eased up.
How much of this mass migration happened across sindh in 1947? The hostilities continued till 1948. The people of East Punjab had no time to stay and wait for things to settle as the Sikhs, enraged on the division of Punjab, became blood thristy. Even more urgen situation was for the people living in areas of Gurdaspur and surrounding who were taken completely by surprise when Gurdaspur was handed over to India instead of Pakistan. Almost entirety of East Punjab's mohajirs had crossed the line by the End of 1948. The migration that followed afterwards was in Sindh.
In the March 1947 riots, the Sikhs or Rawalpindi faced ahhihilation and large number of them left the district. Within a few weeks almost the entire Sikh population had migrated from the district. Rioting in Punjab started in first week of December in the district of Hazara. A Holy war was declared on Hindus and Sikhs. Sikh habitations were wiped out, Gurdwaras were desecrated. Rioting in Lahore was started in March 4 1947, it started out as stabbing and small incidents and spread out to become arson and murder. Soon after Muslims in Amritsar (muslims were about 40-50% of population before partition) went rioting, a mob tried to attackGolden Temple and were repulsed with a pitched battle fought between handful of Sikhs under Jathedar Udham Singh Nagoke. Same day muslims of Sharifpura (a suburb of Amristar), stopped a train full of refugees from Pakistan for slaughter. After this incident, Sikhs and Hindus in Amritsar were furious and many innocent muslims had to bear the fury of anger. Soon after Amritsar was empty of Muslims. While total number of casualties were about same on both sides, about 100-150 million refugees were exchanged between both countries. There were large number of atrocities inflicted on women, many were abducted and raped. In village Thoh Khalsa (now in Pakistan), 1000 Sikh and Hindu women jumped into well to save their honor after their menfolks were killed by Muslim mobs. It is estimated that about 1 million Hindus/Sikhs/Muslims were murdered and 10-50 millions were injured. Property lost was in trillion of dollars.
The "muhajirs" who mostly got killed were east Punjabi muslims, most of whom settled in Lahore and Faisalabad.
Yes you are right, a majority of them were Punjabi but a significant number of those 'East Punjabis' included the Urdu speakers from Delhi, Rohtak, Gurgaon etc.

How much of this mass migration happened across sindh in 1947? The hostilities continued till 1948. The people of East Punjab had no time to stay and wait for things to settle as the Sikhs, enraged on the division of Punjab, became blood thristy. Even more urgen situation was for the people living in areas of Gurdaspur and surrounding who were taken completely by surprise when Gurdaspur was handed over to India instead of Pakistan. Almost entirety of East Punjab's mohajirs had crossed the line by the End of 1948. The migration that followed afterwards was in Sindh.
So is true for those living in Delhi, Gurgaon, Hisar etc. You know the first stop of most Punjabi Hindus was Delhi, and those were not ordinary Punjabi Hindus, but agitated Punjabi Hindus hence lots of Urdu speakers in those areas where Punjabi Hindus migrated got killed.
As for people talking !@#$ about Pakistan army; as we speak right now, it isn't your imaginary grandfather who's fighting Taliban in Tirah. It's the army.

Yes you are right, a majority of them were Punjabi but a significant number of those 'East Punjabis' included the Urdu speakers from Delhi, Rohtak, Gurgaon etc.

Yes some Sikh/Hindu gangs from Haryana, Punjab and UP did burn trains bound for Pakistan. And majority of Rohtak, Gurgaon and Delhi "muhajirs" settled in Punjab, where some were given lands. They are called "Ranghar" according to my knowledge and still speak haryanvi. They are mostly settled in Okara and Multan districts of Punjab.
Yes some Sikh/Hindu gangs from Haryana, Punjab and UP did burn trains bound for Pakistan. And majority of Rohtak, Gurgaon and Delhi "muhajirs" settled in Punjab, where some were given lands. They are called "Ranghar" according to my knowledge and still speak haryanvi. They are mostly settled in Okara and Multan districts of Punjab.
Lots of immigrants from Delhi who initially got settled in Punjab eventually moved to Karachi. Therefore you'll hardly find 'Dilli waaley' in Punjab, but in Karachi, they have a significant presence. Though I personally know some Dilli families who got settled in Rawalpindi and remained there until today.
So is true for those living in Delhi, Gurgaon, Hisar etc. You know the first stop of most Punjabi Hindus was Delhi, and those were not ordinary Punjabi Hindus, but agitated Punjabi Hindus hence lots of Urdu speakers in those areas where Punjabi Hindus migrated got killed.
The clashes were not fiercsome between Hindu's and Muslims. The dominant majority of the bloodshed resulted from the clashes between Muslims and Sikhs. Dehli and surrounding were dominated by Hindus rather than Sikhs which was very opposite in the cities of Jalandhar, Ludhiyana,Amartsar, Batala and Pathankot etc where Sikhs either held majority or were the second biggest minority after Hindus.
Justice G.D. Khosla of the Fact Finding Organization setup by Government of India observed: "Sikhs had opposed the partition of India with even greater vigour than Hindus, because they felt that as a community they could only expect disaster in Pakistan, therefore it was against the Sikhs that spearpoint of the Muslim league attack was first aimed.
The holding up of trains and the massacre of all those from the opposite community of the gangs that held them up became the virtual hallmark of partition violence. By 15 August the rail service in the Punjab was seriously disturbed following killings in Lahore station. On 24 August, railtravel was officially declared unsafe throughout east and west Punjab. Guarding refugee trains imposed an additional burdenon the Boundary Force, for, it must be remembered, no transfer of populations was intended to occur. However, 11 Brigade at Jullundur found it necessary by mid-August to allocateone of its six under-strength battalions to fulltime railway guardduty. Moreover, by the end of the month, 70 per cent of the attacks on trains had taken place in areas - including princely states - outside the Boundary Force's authority.

The Sikh political leaders made it clear that, though they had demanded partition, they would not tolerate a division of the Punjab that went against the interests of their community. But there was in fact no possible division of the Punjab that could prevent the division of the Sikhs, and the loss of their rich agricultural land and of numerous shrines they considered sacred. The Sikh leaders made it clear, that they anticipated an exchange of population on both sides of the border between the West and Wast Punjab. Nor did the Sikh leaders hide the fact that they intended to bring this about by violent means. This area of India had provided a substantial and heavily Sikh component to the British armed forces in World War II. Violent attacks on the Muslim population in East Punjab would force them to migrate west, so that the Sikh population in West Punjab would migrate east to replace them and take their lands and property in exchange for what they would lose in the west.

The Sikhs, their leading political organization, the Akali Dal, and its leaders, particularly Master Tara Singh and Giani Kartar Singh, have come in for a very great share of the blame for the mass migrations and violence that occurred in the Punjab. The Sikh started systematic attacks on Muslims in various parts of Punjab. In Eastern Punjab and the adjoining Sikh princely states (particularly Patiala) the violence was marked by the prominent role of Sikh jathas (bands of 20 to 600 men); the police and the army remained rather passive. The rulers of some states of Punjab (Patiala, Kapurthala and others) not only allowed the marauding Sikh bands to use their territories as sanctuaries but also beefed up their strength by encouraging their own state troops to join in the killing sprees.

Sikh groups were far from alone in engaging in acts of violence, massacre, rape, and abduction to force the migration of peoples from one side of the new border to the other. Such acts were carried out extensively also by Muslim groups and gangs in West Punjab who attacked Hindus and Sikhs and, though much less is known about it, by Hindu groups and gangs in East Punjab who, like the Sikh gangs, attacked the Muslim population in East Punjab to compel its movement west.

Partition unleashed untold misery and loss of lives and property as millions of Hindu and Muslim refugees fled either Pakistan or India. The violence in 1947 was exceptionally brutal and large in scale; but the underlying attitudes had long been in the making. Families were torn apart in a population exchange that uprooted more than 14 million people during the months after independence. By one account, over 8 million refugees poured across borders to regions completely foreign to them, whith other accounts state that about 7 million people migrated to Pakistan from India and vice-versa. By another estimate, Partition resulted in the forced movement of 20 million people (Hindus and Sikhs to India and Muslims to Pakistan). Most estimates of the numbers of people who crossed the boundaries between India and Pakistan in 1947 range between 10 and 12 million.

The migrations and the violence were regionally confined. They were not all-India phenomena. Partition brought, by one estimate, five million refugees from east Punjab to west Punjab after the British decided to leave their Indian empire in the hands of the successor states of India and Pakistan. While 5 million people left India for Pakistan, about the same number of people moved in the other direction. By another estimate, 4 million Hindus and Sikhs moved from West to East Punjab and 5 to 6 million Muslims moved from East to West Punjab. In the late 1940s, more than one-quarter of Punjab's population of about 19 million was made up of refugees. Sikhs, caught in the middle of Punjab's new "line," suffered the highest percentage of casualties. Most Sikhs finally settled in India's much-diminished border state of Punjab. Some though the Punjab disturbances were the direct result of Mountbatten's unwisdom in accelerating the date of partition, and that if Punjab had been given time, the terrible massacre of August, September and October could have been avoided
India-Pakistan Partition 1947
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Altaf Hussain Khud India Ka Hai.. India Jakar Unho Nay Kaha Kay Pakistan Banna Bohut Bari Galti Thi.. Haroon Rasheed

1st May 2015

Samaa tv ko bhi hum lapait main lay lain gay- Altaf Hussain threatens Samaa tv On Air

Height of vulgar language
Angrazon ko apni maa behan pesh karnay walay ajj mulk k muhafiz banay bethay hayn:Altaf Hussain

"Media Ki Azadi Hamari Waja Se Ha Warna In Ki Maa Behnen Galiyon Main Khari Hoti Agar Yeh Azadi Sahafat Mangtey"- Altaf Hussain

Aik Dafa RAW Khul Ke Hamara Sath De Aur Humain Aslaha De Phir Inhen Bata Dain Ge"- Altaf Hussain Calling RAW To Help Him

Altaf Hussain Asking Youth To Get Arms And Physical Training

Fareeha Idrees shows unseen pictures of terrorist Jawaid Langra with Altaf Hussain & Saulat Mirza

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The clashes were not fiercsome between Hindu's and Muslims. The dominant majority of the bloodshed resulted from the clashes between Muslims and Sikhs. Dehli and surrounding were dominated by Hindus rather than Sikhs which was very opposite in the cities of Jalandhar, Ludhiyana,Amartsar, Batala and Pathankot etc where Sikhs either held majority or were the second biggest minority after Hindus.

The stories related to the riots took place in the wake of the partition of British India were penned with the blood of Punjabi Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. Whoever is saying otherwise is a prevaricator, a fabulist. The Muslims of Delhi were forced to leave their city when the displaced Sikhs and Hindus from western Punjab arrived in the city, but most of them came to Pakistan via Khokrapar border warding off the bloodshed faced earlier by the Punjabis. You are right in saying that very few Urdu speaking people came to Pakistan in 1947, some came in 1948 but the over whelming majority came in the next three decades. I have met many Punjabis who lost their family members in the partition riots, but one will have to strive real hard to find any such Urdu-speaking family. If all of them (the so-called Urdu-speaking / Muahajirs settled in urban Sindh) were forced to leave then I wonder why almost evey one of them has relatives still living peacefully in India.
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The bed fellows of Unionists, Congress and British Raj have no right to label the creators of Pakistan as traitors or terrorists.

Lol we carved our Punjab into two pieces for Pakistan. You are no more a Muhajir than I am. My grandparents too left their village and all their property in Jallandhar to come to Lahore. The only difference between us is that I dont identity myself as a victim and Muhajir. Pakistan is my home, my country and I am no refugee in it. Once you and your MQM gets out of your refugee victim hood mentality, Karachi will once again become the city of light rather than the city of murders, shutdowns, hartals etc.
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