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Tensions as Paris suburb tries to stop Muslim street prayers

true colour of white christians
bullsh*t with their freedom & human rights
Why you go to their country in the first place and what praying to streets to provoke them have to do with humans rights?! It wasn't the human rights who allowed you to live in their country in the first place and would you accept it if the Germans made beer festival and blocked the street in your country??
Says a national of a country whose citizens die to get job or immigrate in dozens of Muslim countries.
Those places have modern muslims.
Those places have modern muslims.

So do France, "modern" Christians, and not to mention "modern" Hindus should not get heart attack if someone asks for Muslim prayer halls.
Why don't they build more mosques if current are not sufficient

If they don't allow then challenge the decision

I see this as fine!!

Backing off and bowing your head every time they try to curtail legal peaceful prayer is no way to live your life

If no mosques are allowed, rent small prayer halls in localities or let people in an area pray at a particular house in jam'ah. Why create these tensions?

These people are French, none of what you say is allowed, why should they not protest and fight back against unequal treatment against them?

We get it your ahmedi, you have no place in the Muslim world so your worried about losing your place in the west if things go bad.
Being a pussey about everything and bowing your head is not a way to live your life
Mercy pour_lah clarification
Its merci not mercy :angry:
Or that is what i si souveneir :D
Its merci not mercy :angry:
Or that is what i si souveneir :D
I know but I make sure my spelling is always accurate. Even when I speak urdu
Why don't they build more mosques if current are not sufficient

If they don't allow then challenge the decision

I see this as fine!!

Backing off and bowing your head every time they try to curtail legal peaceful prayer is no way to live your life

These people are French, none of what you say is allowed, why should they not protest and fight back against unequal treatment against them?

We get it your ahmedi, you have no place in the Muslim world so your worried about losing your place in the west if things go bad.
Being a pussey about everything and bowing your head is not a way to live your life

It's their country.. Their rules.

true colour of white christians
bullsh*t with their freedom & human rights

their country their rules... if they want to make rules and laws about human rights that align with their culture only... so be it. Nothing says freedom is for all.

Don't like it... go back to your own countries.

First take a lady member from your family outside without a burka in some Muslim countries then we can talk about giving rights to non Muslims , promise

Don't start insulting other people's family members. Or leave the forum.

There is no country that forces burka on anyone.
First take a lady member from your family outside without a burka in some Muslim countries then we can talk about giving rights to non Muslims , promise
You may want to check your nation,s standing on gender equality and general conditions of women before making this comment
(Hint:Its among the bottom five)
No what others are saying is ,if you don't have a place to worship then you pray in your house and not on the street .


Islam is not only about worship. One doesn't become a lesser Muslim by praying at home.
W would you accept it if the Germans made beer festival and blocked the street in your country??

just in case ...you need big streets... if we make beer fesitivals we think big :partay:


all about you claiming white europeans are against muslims and we take human rights only one way...

YES there is the Freedom of religion ..no one denies it... every muslim can pray as much as he want in Europe...

BUT and this is a big BUT...part of HUMAN RIGHTS is to accept that YOUR own Right and freedom ENDS at the point were it bother other citizen!!!

You can pray as much as you want...in a mosque, in a garden, in a forrest...
The moment a other person is effected negative YOU LOOSE the right...
Pray on street and blocking traffic has negative effect on others and you automaticly loose the right...
Pray in a park, garden, forrest next to a street in a quietly peacfull way... no one would even bother you in your pray.. doing it load that has effect on others... you loose your right.

Part of human right is to accept that my personal human right ends at the point were my acting effects other people.

Human right is no one way street... human right is giving and taking respecting others and not only MY MY MY MY MY
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All Pakistani women including ones in my family and extended family have more rights than you can even dream of. If they prefer burka it's none of bharti business.

On a final note, I will not tolerate more posts in which you are being personal. So don't try any similar post again. Thanks.
My intention was to be personal.if you took that personal then I would like to say sorry for that.my point was there are many things which are not allowed in muslim countries to even Muslims so expecting non Muslims will get them is far fetched

It's their country.. Their rules.

their country their rules... if they want to make rules and laws about human rights that align with their culture only... so be it. Nothing says freedom is for all.

Don't like it... go back to your own countries.

Don't start insulting other people's family members. Or leave the forum.

There is no country that forces burka on anyone.
I have not insulted anyone and my intention is not to insult anyone.
And regarding the other part of your post
Are you being serious

You may want to check your nation,s standing on gender equality and general conditions of women before making this comment
(Hint:Its among the bottom five)
I don't deny India has long way to go,but compared to most of the Muslim countries it's much better
That's the problem with Islamists like you which the others complain,you think it's your birth right to do what you want in other countries but you don't want to give even half of the privileges you want to be given to non Muslims in muslim countries.

That's the problem with you hindustva freeks.

Muslims give enough rights to non muslims while you are ready to defend Islamphobia anywhere in the world.
You can pray as much as you want...in a mosque,

Isnt this the whole problem

They have a problem that they have too many worshippers but wont be allowed to build or create mosque space
Just a reminder... When you know little on a subject and how a country, as for now, FRANCE...try to stay as an observer... and keep your biased judgement on a matter to yourself...

Thank you

But here a comparison of your "Logic"

A Christian Pakistani should go back to A Christian country if he can't practice his faith in his OWN country... is that right?

These wanna be white Pakistanis are a disgrace for us Pakistanis too.

When time would come, these white racist frenchies would kick these morons out too despite all their white as$ licking other than normal muslims who are fighting for their rights against bigotry and racism.
It's their country.. Their rules.

Then declare that french muslims are second class citizens and enshrine the bigotry into law...

Mosques are not illegal in france (not yet anyway)
French muslims are franch citizens
They have a right to pray and worship as per the law
There are 5 million plus french muslims and nowhere near enough mosques to cater for them
The french muslims simply want enough space to pray
However the situation is as such that the french are prejudiced against them and won't give them permission to build a mosque to cater for community needs so they have too many worshippers and no space so they spill out into the street

They are protesting this non violently

Now i am completely in agreement with you "their country their rules"
But we should use the system, legal process to our benefit and use all form of protest to further our own needs
I have always said even if you are born here you are not really a citizen, this is time pass, until Europe goes tits up

These wanna be white Pakistanis are a disgrace for us Pakistanis too.

When time would come, these white racist frenchies would kick these morons out too despite all their white as$ licking other than normal muslims who are fighting for their rights against bigotry and racism.

We should be good law abiding citizens but you cant give your loyalty to a country or peoples that dosent accept you

Thats what the "wannabe muslims" regardless of how much *** kissing they do don't get

There were two types of jew in 1930s Germany
1- The type smart enough to realise they had to get out
2- The type who said they were white, liberal, German jews, who had been there for hundreds of years and were loyal to the state

Fat lot of good it did them as they were marched to the ovens

If your being smart you get it!
Use what you can, get what you can, build a nice home in your real home country when these countries get really messed up

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