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Tensions as Paris suburb tries to stop Muslim street prayers

I understand, I read the article. I can see that they've got an issue with mosque shortage and the closure of some prayer room. There are other ways to protest and take the issue up as I said before. The last thing we collectively, or they need is images like this being used to berate Muslims in the West at large. I personally, as a Muslim living in Europe, could do without more incidences of street prayers for whatever reason giving us more negative press.
I'm not supporting Street prayer either... but They have that right to do so and emonstrate for it..; and I will support it if it's peaceful..;like I would for any demonstration..even it's from the Far right...
They are French..therefore full Citizens... Descend has no meaning in it... Leaving you country bc few things are not perfect is just stupid...
As for what happening in France... it's somthing other countries do not have neither understand..;Here Demonstration is normal and healthy... We don't see it as an insurgency or whatever others may think...

So yeah...Muslims of a particular country should seek their freedom of speech or demonstration WHATEVER it's RIGHT OR WRONG... at least that's what we think in France...

We have Chritians demonstration like that too for other subjects making demonstration... it's not like pl ask them to leave the country ...

Well I really wish they would leave and go back to wherever they are more comfortable and free instead of causing trouble here. This isn't Islam, praying in the streets is causing hatred and misgivings and Islam is a religion of ease and simplicity. If no mosques are allowed, rent small prayer halls in localities or let people in an area pray at a particular house in jam'ah. Why create these tensions?

Using prayer to demonstrate is extremely shameful, prayer is an act of worship, not a show of force.
I'm not supporting Street prayer either... but They have that right to do so and emonstrate for it..; and I will support it if it's peaceful..;like I would for any demonstration..even it's from the Far right...

I agree with that, as Muslims though we should be acutely aware of perceptions of us. Non-Muslims in Europe have been given ample reason by some crazed and extreme individuals among us to distrust us all. It's our cause now just to be seen as normal citizens.

Today was Remembrance Day, primarily marking the end of the first world war but also other conflicts. I'd been wearing a poppy on my coat for past few days, I had a long conversation with an older gentleman who spotted me wearing a poppy and was wearing one himself. I spoke with him at length, he had served in the British army in the 60s. He asked for my background, and I told him I was a Pakistani Muslim. I'm sure many such people have only ever heard of poppies and muslims in the context of extremists burning poppies, but a little bit of effort from us goes a long way in changing perceptions.
Well I really wish they would leave and go back to wherever they are more comfortable and free instead of causing trouble here. This isn't Islam, praying in the streets is causing hatred and misgivings and Islam is a religion of ease and simplicity. If no mosques are allowed, rent small prayer halls in localities or let people in an area pray at a particular house in jam'ah. Why create these tensions?

Using prayer to demonstrate is extremely shameful, prayer is an act of worship, not a show of force.

Well we don't think that way in France... and you can't make any place a place for Worship in FRance..; you need smthing from the gov...

As for praying outside..;it' snot common... it happens only few times in how long...
Well we don't think that way in France... and you can't make any place a place for Worship in FRance..; you need smthing from the gov...

As for praying outside..;it' snot common... it happens only few times in how long...

Well I strongly object to using an act of worship as an act of protest and show of force. This defeats the very purpose of religion. And so I stand by my original opinion, if one believes the state is interfering too much in their religion, which I personally believe is wrong, then one should migrate like Islam commands.
I agree with that, as Muslims though we should be acutely aware of perceptions of us. Non-Muslims in Europe have been given ample reason by some crazed and extreme individuals among us to distrust us all. It's our cause now just to be seen as normal citizens.

Today was Remembrance Day, primarily marking the end of the first world war but also other conflicts. I'd been wearing a poppy on my coat for past few days, I had a long conversation with an older gentlemen who spotted me wearing a poppy and was wearing one himself. I spoke with him at length, he had served in the British army in the 60s. He asked for my background, and I told him I was a Pakistani Muslim. I'm sure many such people have only ever heard of poppies and muslims in the context of extremists burning poppies, but a little bit of effort from us goes a long way in changing perceptions.

My Great Grand father and his own father and 2 of his uncles died for France during their wars... Somthing that is not remembered either in their parts... and never his family get a penny from it neither a Thank you...

I understand the logic, and I share it with some extent...but this view could be applied in the other side too... replace Far right/Facist/Racist groups and their demonstration around Europe... and tell me if their behavior is stopped or that their ranks are shriking by their violent disturbance around the continent?

That's why I think... that the good image was already used past in the days in Europe by those first migrants... and the result is known..their silence was seen as a weakness...

I remember words from an old man back in the days... he told me that he did everything to blend in... that he shut up when they asked him to... he worked when they asked him too... he stopped when they asked him too ... he fought for them when they asked him too... and he even gave his sons life when they asked him too... and in the End... that same country didn't let him go back to his native country...bc if he did so..; he would not be able to get his pension... that guy died a long time ago alone in his small appartment, the irony... he died 1 year after his retirement...

In the End, Freedom of speech is a right and whatever reason you are using it, it should be protected even if it's Wrong..; ppl died for it...
Both where brutal when colonizing,so it can't be Europeans where more brutal than Muslims so only Europeans should be held accountable for the past.
Muslims from other countries can complain if they had provided the same privileges to non Muslims in their own countries they left .I am sure you will not find one such person.

The truth is french hate Muslims bro,there us no other way to put it .either the Muslims live in France the way french want or move to any one of the Muslim countries for their Paradise.

Europeans were far brutal. In all continents of the world.

French being racist f*cks can hate Muslims al they want. And you being a hindutva fanatic from India can support them as much as you want. But the thing is French muslims are not sissies as Indian muslims. Don't expect them to give in to French racists. They would get their place of worship no matter what.
Bro you believe it's a religion of peace and they don't ,let's leave it at that .

I know you won't have anything to talk about the incident itself .have you seen any Indian praying on the road to protest lack of space to pray.you have your home to pray .that's the the reason the Muslim countries you are talking about prefer Indians over fellow muslims

Because those Muslim countries does not discriminate. They provide you your required praying spaces. French anti muslim groups are becoming extremists?

Either allow them proper space for praying otherwise stop whinning if they pray on road.
Europeans were far brutal. In all continents of the world.

French being racist f*cks can hate Muslims al they want. And you being a hindutva fanatic from India can support them as much as you want. But the thing is French muslims are not sissies as Indian muslims. Don't expect them to give in to French racists. They would get their place of worship no matter what.
That's the problem with Islamists like you which the others complain,you think it's your birth right to do what you want in other countries but you don't want to give even half of the privileges you want to be given to non Muslims in muslim countries.

Because those Muslim countries does not discriminate. They provide you your required praying spaces. French anti muslim groups are becoming extremists?

Either allow them proper space for praying otherwise stop whinning if they pray on road.
First take a lady member from your family outside without a burka in some Muslim countries then we can talk about giving rights to non Muslims , promise
Excuse me?!! What's wrong with what they did?!! France is a SECULAR country, it recognizes no religion. The town's mayor shouldn't be harassing a religious minority. That type of behavior spits in the face of secularism and the French constitution.

Constitution of France 1958 (rev. 2008) Article 1

"France shall be an indivisible, secular, democratic and social Republic. It shall ensure the equality of all citizens before the law, without distinction of origin, race or religion. It shall respect all beliefs. It shall be organised on a decentralized basis."
Secular country doesn't mean they can spread their filth

and why they hate secularism but they emigrate to secular christian country because of its freedom but they won't change they want that country to change for them

Isn't living among the infidels is haram in the first place??!!

A non Muslim country is not allowing you to build enough mosques? That's their choice. Go back to a Muslim country and pray in peace. Problem solved.

Stop looking for fights everywhere while at the same time enjoying the benefits of that said country.
Exactly when these animals live in the infidel countries and complain despise they are immigrants not like the Christians and Jews in the muslim countries who are natives yet they don't have a right to fix an old church let alone build a new one
First take a lady member from your family outside without a burka in some Muslim countries then we can talk about giving rights to non Muslims , promise

All Pakistani women including ones in my family and extended family have more rights than you can even dream of. If they prefer burka it's none of bharti business.

On a final note, I will not tolerate more posts in which you are being personal. So don't try any similar post again. Thanks.
These are decadent people living hedonistic purposeless lives, they feel embarrassed by signs of modesty and meaning.
. .
My Great Grand father and his own father and 2 of his uncles died for France during their wars... Somthing that is not remembered either in their parts... and never his family get a penny from it neither a Thank you...

I understand the logic, and I share it with some extent...but this view could be applied in the other side too... replace Far right/Facist/Racist groups and their demonstration around Europe... and tell me if their behavior is stopped or that their ranks are shriking by their violent disturbance around the continent?

That's why I think... that the good image was already used past in the days in Europe by those first migrants... and the result is known..their silence was seen as a weakness...

I remember words from an old man back in the days... he told me that he did everything to blend in... that he shut up when they asked him to... he worked when they asked him too... he stopped when they asked him too ... he fought for them when they asked him too... and he even gave his sons life when they asked him too... and in the End... that same country didn't let him go back to his native country...bc if he did so..; he would not be able to get his pension... that guy died a long time ago alone in his small appartment, the irony... he died 1 year after his retirement...

In the End, Freedom of speech is a right and whatever reason you are using it, it should be protected even if it's Wrong..; ppl died for it...
I see where your coming from but I was in Paris last summer and I can see there are problem - lots of problems. But I am firm believer in not provoking people when there is no need to. Flanking a problem is better than knocking heads. The solution is to make yourself better, make your family better and acqure influence. In the job market, in business or better in politics. That is the way forward. Not stupid street demonstrations. If rest of your communty follows suit your people will garner influence and respect. Finally you can only hope that you country of orgin does well. For instance if Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia etc rapidly developed the same people complaning would be lining up to do business and cut deals. North Africa with it's glorious history and the Roman ruins etc has enormous potential. All that is within your reach.

In 1950s North Europeans used to mock Italians and Cypriots were looked at as Third Worlders but today look at them. So things can change. You have enormous potential. Nothing earns respect like success.
I see where your coming from but I was in Paris last summer and I can see there are problem - lots of problems. But I am firm believer in not provoking people when there is no need to. Flanking a problem is better than knocking heads. The solution is to make yourself better, make your family better and acqure influence. In the job market, in business or better in politics. That is the way forward. Not stupid street demonstrations. If rest of your communty follows suit your people will garner influence and respect. Finally you can only hope that you country of orgin does well. For instance if Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia etc rapidly developed the same people complaning would be lining up to do business and cut deals. North Africa with it's glorious history and the Roman ruins etc has enormous potential. All that is within your reach.

In 1950s North Europeans used to mock Italians and Cypriots were looked at as Third Worlders but today look at them. So things can change. You have enormous potential. Nothing earns respect like success.

I understand your view... But Provoking is inside any French... whaever by using Music /poems/movies/cartoons/media etc... it's like that in France... you earn your respect not by playing the dolly weak alike... to gain respect from others...

In France when you want smthing... you fight for it. and the best at this games is the CRIF ( jew organisation)... When they want somthing or are agaisnt you..;be sure that the Prime Minister WILL jump on you... and evrything they may have in power (media, scientic; teacher; layers etc...) it already happened... last year and the year before it... That's just an exemple many others Organisation DO the same, whatever Muslim /Christians/far right... it's a war... that goes for months and months...

I understand that from an outside point of view..; it's difficult to understand the French view on those matters... since it's unique... we may appear calm... but when times come... it's a full war with every tools allowed... even for stupid/little problems...
But no one should be above the law and the Republique..;some push it beyond it and get burned... but for this matter ( street prayer) is far from the limits... it happened in the past, with muslims or not.. ( ppl take it as an illigal demonstration... more than a religious act)

As for N-Africa future... they will not advance that much in the coming decades... We need at least the past 2 generations to disapear...before that it will be locked... and you need at least 2 generations of those sons/daughters of past immigrants to go back in those countries to give it a starting boost... till then it's just decades of consolidaton and cleaning incoming...
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