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Team USA

You dont have a car in US? I cannot fathom it, you live with your parents since being a **** family and all. But you need a car of your own. Ya to akheer mummy daddy ya to akheeer nice kid. And no body's nice :D

Har har har

Back then Corvettes looked like crap! Here's a Corvette from the same year.

Ugh!! No way I was going to buy that instead.
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Actually I'm thinking of a new sub idea for this thread.
It should only be open to people whose country flag is not the US but whose location flag is.

You can then post some experiences along the lines of:

Currently I am in the state of.....(eg NewYork, California)
When I came here I was expecting .....(eg drive by shootings, police everywhere, streets paved with gold, military all over the place)
But the reality is .....(more potholes than gold, not much police, have yet to see an F15 nevermind an F22)
This place is pretty nice because of...
But this place sucks because of...
I'm still here because....(this is optional as it is not our business)......and my chances of going back in about .....years are probably.....%.

You can write more than just the above.

Then most important..at the end you pass it on to somebody else you have seen here with a US flag as the location.
I pass the torch to @VCheng


I'm newer than most of you to the US. I moved here last February, despite having an American father I ran into some trouble getting in. Thankfully the problem is resolved now.

I'm currently in Austin, Texas but when I first I moved to US I went to Cambridge, MA for an education and subsequently to CA. By the time I was done I moved to Texas to start my own company (which was 23rd last month).

I must say that I didn't quite expect to see people this friendly, Americans are generally a warm people, so I didn't quite expect random "Hi, hey, sup" on streets when I first came here. Despite what world might believe Americans are generally not arrogant (there are certainly people out there who are) but from my observation its exact the opposite. You could find Americans quite approachable.

I must say that MA and California both stood up to my expectations. But not the Texas ;) And in a good way. I mean, I didn't expect Texans to be so friendly, you could clearly see everyone loves their Truck ;) And you could even spot cowboys on streets, but if you had the chance to talk to some of these people you'll notice that they're not quite the "rednecks" you expect them to be.

Its quite calm, so far I didn't see any serious incident, no shooting, no nothing, I hope it remains that way. Oh, by the way, I found Americans, or at least Texans quite trusting!! Some won't even lock their cars doors! I have been to places but I didn't observe this behavior at this scale!

Austin is quite nice, I expect it to become next California within 10 to 15 years.
I'm here because I run my business from here!

I'm gonna pass this to @VCheng

By the way, I'm typing this on my phone, and I have quite big thumbs so if there is any problem, soz :P
What's up with FATCA? Is it the reason why alot of Americans are becoming expatriates??
And yet you dont have a car in US? You still a boy then, not a man yet. No car = Not yet a man.
Let me guess this is how stuff works in your head...
Boy (n.): a male without a car
Man (n.): a male with a car
Superman (n): a male with a car and a cape
Spiderman (n): a male with a car and the abilities of a spider

#superficial :D

I am not in high school but I ain't no old man like you either. :whistle:

:lol: lies....cout<<"About to upload a picture of mamba...processing..."<<endl;
Let me guess this is how stuff works in your head...
Boy (n.): a male without a car
Man (n.): a male with a car
Superman (n): a male with a car and a cape
Spiderman (n): a male with a car and the abilities of a spider

#superficial :D

:lol: lies....cout<<"About to upload a picture of mamba...processing..."<<endl;

COCONUT! :smitten:
:smitten::kiss3::smitten:hi there dilli,

Long time no talk!! omgsh how are youuuu??? i have missed you :P

Missed you too ZY! Been busy, boss is milking me for all I'm worth.

How goes life? Everything smooth?

Btw, Hype briefly reappeared yesterday only disappear again.
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