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American Imperialist Soldiers injured published in books - Tough as they Come

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On top of getting life changing injuries The soldiers will suffer PTSD!, (BBC) British bullshIT Corporation did a news report not that long ago on wounded Ukrainians soldiers receiving treatment in a U.S medical facilities gets a new high-tech limbs. He got a robotic arm. Grabbing lifting cups up. Able to do basic movement by this robotic arm.
mechanical metal and plastic prosthetics will never be as good as biological limbs. lol.
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Yes, we are. Your Fiji has anything?
Yes coconut cream
Have worked with one of the Canadian injured ex-military soldiers. He had multiple broken bones and traumatic injuries to his lower body, can barely walk. These guys are complicated, lost and have nothing but darkness in their souls! No matter how much glorified they try to present them! I was speaking to him, he is an atheist who had a messed up childhood, was stabbed 3 times in his life, 2 of which was by his own family. Was fond of horror films since very young age and hence grew up quite twisted! He is an insomniac who gets sleepless nights with hallucinations and horrible dreams. He has injuries due to which he is in constant pain and takes medication. He has to see psychiatrist every week because his thoughts are so twisted! If he misses his medication, he looses his shit! He has depression, anxiety and PTSD, plus no purpose of life whatsoever. Is completely disconnected from his family, lives alone and says that he is asexual, which means he doesn't want any partner either. So he will live as a crippled person, void of any love and will probably die one day alone in his apartment. Unfortunately a lot of them are like that.
Poor guys suffer trauma should switch his anger and don’t blame anyone for bad mistakes if anything shift it towards Neo-con Zionist western leaders in Washington, London, for sending cut Limbs.
Sorry mate, but the world opinion does matter. How people outside views USA does matter.

These imperial soldiers should go back to USA, because if they went to another country in Middle East or Asia, the locals would laugh at them and spit on their faces. :disagree:

Teach who? You can start teaching those imperial losers that its better to stay home than to invade someone's house like the Iraq war mate. :D


The world overwhelmingly views America favorably. US soft power is dominant globally, and US embassy visa wait times are months if not years long in many countries.

Sibling wait times for visas are like 12 years long.
Hundreds of thousands are coming every month to the US-Mexico border.
Yes coconut cream
And am sure it is the best in the world. :enjoy:
And neither of you guys will be able to teach US anything. In the end, it is US who will be doing the teaching. :enjoy:

Wonder ful…

After achieving absolutely nothing you claim victory…

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These imperialist bastards got their punishment. Stop invading other people's lands and causing mischief in them.
Go fvck USA!

Yeah all the lost amputated limbs.


They achieved nothing except enriching defense contractors on war made up of lies
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