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2nd Amendment.

Fish Tacos in Huntington Beach

90% of all modern innovations in engineering.


Super Carriers.

MOIRE Telescope

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced their Membrane Optical Imager for Real-Time Exploitation (MOIRE) program, which will use clever new technologies to deliver a high-resolution telescope into geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). This new eye in the sky will resolve details as small as one meter in size from a vantage point roughly 22,000 miles above the planet’s surface, as both real-time video and still images.

From GEO, a satellite using MOIRE optics could see approximately 40 percent of the Earth’s surface at once and focus on a 10 km-by-10 km area at 1-meter resolution, and provide real-time video at 1 frame per second.

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Americans are generally very friendly.

and Cars... :rolleyes:

Extreme Miniaturization: Seven Devices, One Chip to Navigate without GPS

The U.S. Military relies on the space-based Global Positioning System (GPS) to aid air, land and sea navigation. Like the GPS units in many automobiles today, a simple receiver and some processing power is all that is needed for accurate navigation. But, what if the GPS satellites suddenly became unavailable due to malfunction, enemy action or simple interference, such as driving into a tunnel? Unavailability of GPS would be inconvenient for drivers on the road, but could be disastrous for military missions. DARPA is working to protect against such a scenario, and an emerging solution is much smaller than the navigation instruments in today’s defense systems.

The single chip TIMU prototype contains a six axis IMU (three gyroscopes and three accelerometers) and integrates a highly-accurate master clock into a single miniature system, smaller than the size of a penny. This chip integrates breakthrough devices (clocks, gyroscopes and accelerometers), materials and designs from DARPA’s Micro-Technology for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (Micro-PNT) program.

Three pieces of information are needed to navigate between known points ‘A’ and ‘B’ with precision: orientation, acceleration and time. This new chip integrates state-of-the-art devices that can measure all three simultaneously. This elegant design is accomplished through new fabrication processes in high-quality materials for multi-layered, packaged inertial sensors and a timing unit, all in a tiny 10 cubic millimeter package. Each of the six microfabricated layers of the TIMU is only 50 microns thick, approximately the thickness of a human hair. Each layer has a different function, akin to floors in a building.

No problem. It would be easy simply to push a rapid succession of stuff but I'd rather just pick stuff that is at least mildly interesting.

keep it up, people need to know and be reminded about the contributions Americans did for the humanity.
+Freedom, say anything you want!
No one hears ya sure...
+Good healthcare programs, but not free.
Only for the rich
+Excellent weather year round.
Depends...if you are talking about the whole continent then obviously you will get excellent weather if you keep moving likewise in Asia or Europe...
+Most known cities in the world like New York, and Los Angeles.
Thanks to Hollywood
+Withdrawing from the Middle East in late 2014
Nothing great about having to withdraw when you have financial problems...had they withdrew eagerly with no problem baggage that would be impressive
+World's largest economy.
Every mafia gets that title from looting others :coffee: but it is amazing how all mafias got accumulated on 1 land ....they should take some of Pakistan's politicians too!
+Crime Rate isn't as high as you'd think.
You think? Its not obvious but stats paint a different colour
+Great food!
You think? Their best is imported (American food is the same as European food...common ancestry) + Desi food
+Most Technologically advanced
Double bonus here :tup: :tup: .tup:
+ Best Military(in every respect)
Def if you keep training on other people's land and destroying them so they cant make a military equally as good as yours...but yes...double bonus here too :tup: :tup: :tup:
+Great history
Err... :blink: they repainted some of it...And whats great about civil wars? slavery and more wars? Same thing in Europe and Asia...in fact they brought large scale wars out ...Japan, Vietnam, Africa, Gulf Wars, Middle east unrest, African unrest, Middle Asia unrest...Only thing left is Australia! :blink:
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