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Taliban praise India for resisting Afghan entanglement

thats where india has to ponder the govt of afghanistan is very weak compared to the taliban and the ana wont make a difference where the us forces couldnt defeat them how could they...... once us leaves whenever that is taliban will strike for control thats why the taliban are being brought into talks bcz the us army knows that nato isleaving and they cant stay here forever bcz their is already too much anti sentiment for this war is going on and prolonging it will make things even more difficult then they are and they know that the ana cant do squat against them so they want to bring them to peace where they both get something us want their puppet to be their its a good sensitive area and taliban wont listen to the us thus the problem for india is who too root for
Howsoever weak the current Government may be,India will continue to support it.
India does not recognize the Taliban and there won't be any change in that stance for a very long time.
KABUL: India has done well to resist US calls for greater involvement in Afghanistan, the Taliban said in a rare direct comment about one of the strongest opponents of the hardline militant group that was ousted from power in 2001.

The Taliban also said they won’t let Afghanistan be used as a base against another country, addressing fears in New Delhi that Pakistan-based anti-India militants may become more emboldened if the Taliban return to power.

The Afghan Taliban have longstanding ties to Pakistan and striking a softer tone towards its arch rival India could be a sign of a more independent course.

Direct talks with the United States – which have since been suspended – and an agreement to open a Taliban office in Qatar to conduct formal peace talks have been seen as signs of a more assertive stance.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta this month encouraged India to take a more active role in Afghanistan as most foreign combat troops leave in 2014. The Taliban said Panetta had failed.

“He spent three days in India to transfer the heavy burden to their shoulders, to find an exit, and to flee from Afghanistan,” the group said on its English website.

“Some reliable media sources said that the Indian authorities did not pay heed to (US) demands and showed their reservations, because the Indians know or they should know that the Americans are grinding their own axe.”

There had been no assurance for the Americans, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters on Sunday.

“It shows that India understands the facts,” he said.

India is one of the biggest donors in Afghanistan, spending about $2 billion on projects ranging from the construction of highways to the building of the Afghan parliament. It has also won an iron ore concession in a $11 billion investment.

But New Delhi has avoided involvement in bolstering Afghan security, except for running courses for small groups of Afghan army officers at military institutions in India.

“No doubt that India is a significant country in the region, but is also worth mentioning that they have full information about Afghanistan because they know each other very well in the long history,” the Taliban said.

“They are aware of the Afghan aspirations, creeds and love for freedom. It is totally illogical they should plunge their nation into a calamity just for the American pleasure.”

India backed the Northern Alliance during the civil war and was frozen out of Afghanistan once the Taliban took over in 1996 until their ouster by US forces. It has since developed close ties with Kabul, prompting Pakistani fears of encirclement.

Pakistan has strong traditional links with the Afghan Taliban and other militant groups. Islamabad denies that it uses them as proxies to gain leverage in Afghanistan ahead of any settlement to the war, or in case civil war breaks out after foreign troops leave.

Vikram Sood, a former chief of India’s intelligence agency, said the Taliban statement held an implicit warning for India.

“It’s more a gentle reminder asking India not to mess around in Afghanistan after the Americans leave,” he told Reuters.

Taliban praise India for resisting Afghan entanglement – The Express Tribune

we appreciate bravery of brave Afghans, the Taliban Fighters, who have successfully defeated US/NATO in Afghanistan and proved that its the people who may win any war, not the high tech arms. and Afghanistan has those people who may win any war, Taliban has proved now. but we would like to warn them that the war hasn't ended yet. soon we may have to fight for freedom of those places of Asia who have become slaves of US/West. we now have to prepare ourselves for a bigger war which will aim for freedom of whole Asia, to do justice with Asian poor :tup:

This is 2012, still we got east pakistanis as refugees. Its just India's credit that they are now called bangladeshis.
And what did you exactly gained from this except that at every opportunity, they give you a bloody nose, kinda suits us fine.
It was your choice to accept Afghans as refugees. Now cribbing on net are we ?

omg what not we have done for afghans and now they are singing praises for India...bo ho.
Acute lack of comprehension on the psyche of my post, hence you rant the self delusional cheap banter.....no surprises there.
Allow me to spoon feed, we had the refugees for over 30 years now, many have refused to return to Afghanistan ...their choice.
But since the likes of you are performing somersaults for the little praise, then why not show your compassion by hosting a few thousand......get the drift. !!
From your post, it looks like Taliban giving India the medal and Pakistanis celebrating. :lol:

BTW, lately I've witnessed you have started a transition to the darker side. I wish you well.



Boss thread already running on this topic....:woot:
link it and I will merge it..

cool I found it.. merging... :drag:
I guess India should take that as a warning. We have seen bombings of the Indian consulate in Afghanistan before, so India not getting involved in Afghanistan the way the US wants them to is not because they have any goodwill towards Afghans, but for their selfish reasons. They wouldn't be able to handle the situation if they send Indian troops on Afghan soil, neither would Pakistan let them do anything militarily. We all remember how they supported their proxies Northern Alliance in the 90s despite sharing no border with Afghanistan, & lost out to the Taliban. They'd be foolish to engage in the same activities, when they enjoy little strategic influence inside Afghanistan; & do not any cultural, historical, ethnic links with Afghanistan.
Now that Taliban has praised, India has become the new terrorist state and is responsible for NATO and Pakistani killings....

With that definition .....Pakistan is certified Terrorist state..do you agree

- Hospitals are there so they can continue fighting.
- Roads are there so they can travel easily from point A to point B to accomplish their mission
- Schools are there so they can brainwash new members joining the club.

That's why Pakistan don't want any Hospital, roads and school in Afghanistan....
How can u say taliban are terrorist, they never attacked any govt. and any country, rather they have been bomb brutally by all world, they stood strong and now when taliban almost won the war still they not showing any revenge or threat which is good sign, all world use their power but this power not stand in the way of Allah Almighty's power which showed that everything is in his hand
It is very good sign to set up dialog and communications to remove difference. Our govt. and forces will never want to do that cuz if the problem is solved than how will they get dollars
Americans themselves blind too rather than spending trillions on war they should have spend milions on welfare and get more better response

Check first few post of this thread, Mr. CB4, your country man......he declared Taliban terrorist
Take care of Afghanistan?

We saved your a$$ from Soviet Invasion, We hold the largest number of refugees., we train your armed forces, we have started to give you aid, We stopped War supply lines into your country!!!!!!

I'm afraid you should be asking yourself this question. Why have you allowed and harboured Indian terrorist to enter Balochistan? Why have you allowed like the whole friken world into your country to take your resources and to kill you innocent civilians?

The rise of Afghans will come if they stand on their own feet. We Pakistanis have been through world sanctions, and our still continuing to some sort. Because of you, we have sacrificed our economy and stability in Pakhtunkhwa province and in Balochistan that make up more than 60% of Pakistan.

- That was not a invasion but a invitation of a Afghan govt. to USSR.

- pakistan is responsible for the death of hundred thousands on Afghans.

- pakistan gains lots of military aid, billions of dollars of international aid, US aid etc.

- First u destabilizes their country now claim u give refuge to Afghan refugees.
India for the first time has done the right thing entering Afghanistan would have been disastrous for India and they would have lost lot of soldiers and money in Afghanistan without gaining any thing
- Hospitals are there so they can continue fighting.
- Roads are there so they can travel easily from point A to point B to accomplish their mission
- Schools are there so they can brainwash new members joining the club.

so lets see...
the TTP(Pakistani taliban) are bombing schools and hospitals in Pakistan.....so they are actually saving Pakistan from terrorism propagated by by the Govt and other state institutions(military and ISI included) of Pakistan.....
who the hell cares for what these terrorists have to say..
Yes Taliban are terrorist. Their statement should not be taken as Bold. They are evil in the world.
Afghan civilians are nice people. There is hell difference b/w civilians and Taliban.
But afghan civilian also like to remain in stone age due to mentality.
Some will hate Girls getting education and nurses in the hospital.
Some will remain in stone age even you provide modern facilities.
Same as Their 1 million refugees in Pakistan living in Waziristan, Miran shah.
Only way is to change their Mentality, Ban Burka in Afghanistan and promote modern culture and Promote Science.
Create modern colonies and shopping malls.
These things can change mentality and they will feel one of good country with good living standard in the world.
The rise of Afghans doesn't mean the breakup of Pakistan! you will gain nothing if you continue with this mentality.

Why at first place you allow Indians doing all these stuff, why not take their lead and build the same infrastructure?
a wel off & Independent Afganistan is not in the interest of the ISI, they want Afganistan to be their colony and not their neighbour. I hope that this is not the same mentality of the People of Pakistan, but the mere interest of their inteligence wing.
i have a slight twist to a proverb:
Ulta chor kotwal ko shabaashi de !! lol

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