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Taliban offer prisoner swap, threaten to kill troops


Aug 26, 2007
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PESHAWAR: Taliban militants in Pakistan's northwest Tuesday offered the government a prisoner swap in return for 33 missing soldiers, threatening to kill the men if the proposal is rebuffed.

A Taliban spokesman told AFP that Pakistani authorities should “face the consequences” if they did not agree to the swap, calling for the details to be worked out in talks with tribal elders in Mohmand tribal district.

Security officials say 33 soldiers are still missing since the Taliban attacked a checkpost in a remote part of Mohmand along the Afghan border.

Six soldiers were killed in the attack and their bodies handed over to tribal elders last Thursday, officials said.

Another 25 soldiers strayed into Afghanistan after the clashes, but were handed back to Pakistani officials.

“Thirty-three soldiers are in our custody. We offer the government to exchange them in return of our colleagues,” Qari Ikramullah, a spokesman for Tehreek-e-Taliban in Mohmand, told AFP by telephone.

“We are in a state of war, we have no resources to keep them in our prison. The government should accept this offer or face the consequences,” he said.

“They will have to face death.”

Major Fazal-ur-Rehman, a spokesman for the paramilitary Frontier Corps, confirmed that 33 soldiers were missing but said authorities had received no offer of a swap with the Taliban.

“We have not received any such offer. If we do, then the government will make a decision on the offer,” he added.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Taliban offer prisoner swap, threaten to kill troops
PESHAWAR: Taliban militants in Pakistan's northwest Tuesday offered the government a prisoner swap in return for 33 missing soldiers, threatening to kill the men if the proposal is rebuffed.

A Taliban spokesman told AFP that Pakistani authorities should “face the consequences” if they did not agree to the swap, calling for the details to be worked out in talks with tribal elders in Mohmand tribal district.

Security officials say 33 soldiers are still missing since the Taliban attacked a checkpost in a remote part of Mohmand along the Afghan border
Six soldiers were killed in the attack and their bodies handed over to tribal elders last Thursday, officials said.

Another 25 soldiers strayed into Afghanistan after the clashes, but were handed back to Pakistani officials.

“Thirty-three soldiers are in our custody. We offer the government to exchange them in return of our colleagues,” Qari Ikramullah, a spokesman for Tehreek-e-Taliban in Mohmand, told AFP by telephone.

“We are in a state of war, we have no resources to keep them in our prison. The government should accept this offer or face the consequences,” he said.

“They will have to face death.”

Major Fazal-ur-Rehman, a spokesman for the paramilitary Frontier Corps, confirmed that 33 soldiers were missing but said authorities had received no offer of a swap with the Taliban.

“We have not received any such offer. If we do, then the government will make a decision on the offer,” he added.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Taliban offer prisoner swap, threaten to kill troops

They could probabily kill 33 soldiers but qari ikramullah would certainly released by court on basis of "no evidence".
How long would these impotent courts fooled the nation????
never get black mail from terrorists

start publicly executing the terrorists which Taliban want govt to release and let it be known that 170 million are ready to die but to submit in front of terrorists is no option
Iranians capture them and hang them Pakistan capture them feed them give them medical treatment once they are good to go some how or another mysteriously Talibans ''capture'' Pakistani military personnel and villa exchange how dumb these idiots think we are it is what it look like.
Iranians capture them and hang them Pakistan capture them feed them give them medical treatment once they are good to go some how or another mysteriously Talibans ''capture'' Pakistani military personnel and villa exchange how dumb these idiots think we are it is what it look like.

Because in Iran no Western/US funded NGO/s can carry on their propaganda unlike some here
never get black mail from terrorists

start publicly executing the terrorists which Taliban want govt to release and let it be known that 170 million are ready to die but to submit in front of terrorists is no option

yooo key board warrior would u write the same words if the captured were one of ya family members ? show some respect to soldiers.
They already killed 6

I don't know why the soldiers don't understand that it is better to be killed while fighting, rather then giving themselves up and then get killed rather slaughtered barbarically. Atleast they would have died taking bullets at their chest.

Anyway, they are also human beings, but may have had other thoughts of seeing amnesty from these thugs.

I remember my cousin's unit soldiers who were captured while fighting above the Friendship Tunnel in Dara Adam Khel, they fought till the last bullet and when their bullets finished, they went for hand to hand combat, as my cousin was the unit commander and he was in contact with the JCO till last through mobile phone, and some died and some were captured, what they did was terrible to these captured ones. 2 of them had explosives strapped to their bodies and exploded inside the tunnel, effects of the explosion could be seen for months by people using that tunnel, and i believe their eyes were taken out before they were detonated, similarly, few days later the rest of the soldiers were found dead in an empty container, all being killed mercilessly with eyes taken out, slaughtered some, some even had their heads missing. This is not just one example, we have many many more.

So instead of giving up, better to die with a bullet in the chest or exploding a grenade when these scum bags get near, so that some of them also go to hell, many officers and soldiers by the way now do carry an extra grenade in case such an occasion arises.
yooo key board warrior would u write the same words if the captured were one of ya family members ? show some respect to soldiers.

I am Son of a soldier who has honor of shooting down first two enemy helicopters in Siachen when enemy infiltrated the region

so lay off

we cannot afford to get black mailed from enemy. if today we do what they want tommorow they will blackmail us again.

PS. If my Father would have been amongst the prisoners ....i would have said the same
Because in Iran no Western/US funded NGO/s can carry on their propaganda unlike some here

their is very long list of taliban allies fundos here, not blame just NGOs

Our most problem is that we intentionally avoid to blame the "Holy cows" .

Justice in Pakistan is really blind to see the terrorist.
I don't know why the soldiers don't understand that it is better to be killed while fighting, rather then giving themselves up and then get killed rather slaughtered barbarically. Atleast they would have died taking bullets at their chest.

Anyway, they are also human beings, but may have had other thoughts of seeing amnesty from these thugs.

I remember my cousin's unit soldiers who were captured while fighting above the Friendship Tunnel in Dara Adam Khel, they fought till the last bullet and when their bullets finished, they went for hand to hand combat, as my cousin was the unit commander and he was in contact with the JCO till last through mobile phone, and some died and some were captured, what they did was terrible to these captured ones. 2 of them had explosives strapped to their bodies and exploded inside the tunnel, effects of the explosion could be seen for months by people using that tunnel, and i believe their eyes were taken out before they were detonated, similarly, few days later the rest of the soldiers were found dead in an empty container, all being killed mercilessly with eyes taken out, slaughtered some, some even had their heads missing. This is not just one example, we have many many more.

So instead of giving up, better to die with a bullet in the chest or exploding a grenade when these scum bags get near, so that some of them also go to hell, many officers and soldiers by the way now do carry an extra grenade in case such an occasion arises.

May Allah give the brave men strength to do the right thing. We cant even imagine the pain they had to go through, I cant concentrate while reading the horrors.................... May Allah burn these traitors in the deepest corner of hell with 72 shaitans having their way with these b@$terd$.
Army should honestly execute the taliban prisoners.Cut their balls and ship to Taliban
Let the army do wat it thinks the best.
33 lives are worth saving then some fag dog talibs who will eventually die... f...k u talis
I think Army should give reciprocal response to kill thousand of captured taliban without any trial if 33 soldeir would hurt.
This opportunity should be used to gather intel on mohmand TTP.
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