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Taj Mahal ranked third among top global landmarks

Where are the full rankings? I cannot see how this ranks higher than China's wall or the Giza Pyramids.

Because it's not a simple wall nor is it a few stones stacked together. It is a work of art, a pinnacle of human capability.
Because it's not a simple wall nor is it a few stones stacked together. It is a work of art, a pinnacle of human capability.

Its not really comparable to the others because they were true engineering feats in their respective times. Taj is neither the longest nor tallest. Its contemporary structures were actually more advanced from an engineering POV.

It looks like a mosque and rips off Arab and iranic design traits ,- hardly a first.
The best thing made in India was made by Muslims. Nuff said'. :cheers:

It must really rankle the Pakistanis to know that this symbol of Muslim power in the subcontinent and a monument admired the whole world is now in the control of the baniya Hindu, or worse a lowly shudar. This must be really frustrating to them...
It must really rankle the Pakistanis to know that this symbol of Muslim power in the subcontinent and a monument admired the whole world is now in the control of the baniya Hindu, or worse a lowly shudar. This must be really frustrating to them...

Not really. Architect was from Lahore. It just proves to us that the only good thing about India was due to us. Yawn...
Its not really comparable to the others because they were true engineering feats in their respective times. Taj is neither the longest nor tallest. Its contemporary structures were actually more advanced from an engineering POV.

It looks like a mosque and rips off Arab and iranic design traits ,- hardly a first.

Art is more than the sum of it's parts. 20,000 people taking 22 years is an engineering feat in itself. Like I said, it's more than a simple wall or a stack of bricks.
It must really rankle the Pakistanis to know that this symbol of Muslim power in the subcontinent and a monument admired the whole world is now in the control of the baniya Hindu, or worse a lowly shudar. This must be really frustrating to them...

Funny how u baniyas or shudars... talk crap about muslims... on the other hand shamelessly tout Taj mahal...:lol:
Not really. Architect was from Lahore. It just proves to us that the only good thing about India was due to us. Yawn...

So what if the Architect was from Lahore, Hindustan? Taj Mahal is in Agra, India. :)
i know alot more about taj mahal.... Only very lucky couples survive the curse of taj mahal. Almost all couples i know either divorced or dead after visiting taj mahal.... It was supposed to be symbol of love but its symbol of pain and deaths.... 10000 engineers hands were chopped off.... King himself died there in pain and agony. Many deaths taj mahal has witnessed.... My research have shown that its unlucky and couples rarely get away from the curse.... i have evidences.
Art is more than the sum of it's parts. 20,000 people taking 22 years is an engineering feat in itself. Like I said, it's more than a simple wall or a stack of bricks.

Is it true that the engineers and builds hands were chopped off by shah jahan so they would not build such a beautiful structure again.
Though this is totally off-topic, I can not resist the urge to intervene.

1. The map shown for Maratha empire does not seem to be legitimate. Aurangzeb died in 1707. The Mughal empire had reached its apex during his reign. Only small area along the South Indian coast remained out of direct imperial control. So, the dates and the geographical extent shown on the map are wrong.

2. Marathas were essentially raiders who extracted tribute. They had little interest in establishing a sound administration without which empires can not exist. The map probably shows the greatest extent of their influence, not control. In any case one can not argue about inclusion or exclusion of such an ephemeral entity.

3. The map seems to show Mysore under Maratha influence. I greatly doubt it on account of Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan's valiant defence and expansion of kingdom (by Haider Ali). We know that the English defeated Tipu Sultan and wrested the control of kingdom of Mysore.

Indians like to exaggerate their history and their historical map. It was obvious that it was exaggerated when it contain Mysore For someone who has no knowledge of geography and history, they would look at the map and accept that Maratha kingdom conquer the entire Mysore. But for those of us who know historical geography of India, its an obvious fake map at the first glance.
Indians like to exaggerate their history and their historical map. It was obvious that it was exaggerated when it contain Mysore For someone who has no knowledge of geography and history, they would look at the map and accept that Maratha kingdom conquer the entire Mysore. But for those of us who know historical geography of India, its an obvious fake map at the first glance.

Hyder and tipu were both defeated by the marathas,but thats nothing to celebrate about as this internacine conflict only played into hands of british who succeeded in divide and conquer.

Indians like to exaggerate their history and their historical map. It was obvious that it was exaggerated when it contain Mysore For someone who has no knowledge of geography and history, they would look at the map and accept that Maratha kingdom conquer the entire Mysore. But for those of us who know historical geography of India, its an obvious fake map at the first glance.

Talking about maps,though chinese seem to be masters at it.Forging 19th-17th and what not century maps and claiming territory.First look inwards chum.
I just want to say that me and the family visited the Taj and to be honest words and pictures do not do it justice. It is easily one of the most beautiful, awe inspiring monuments on the planet, in fact there are no words or pictures to describe it. Everyone should go there and soak it in in person, a "Tear drop on the face of time".
The whole Mughal period/architecture inspires me, congrats

if the stupid mughals had not torn down Hindu places of worship in todays Pak, then you could have also earned a lot of tourism dollars.
We do not need man-made tourist attractions because God has blessed Pakistan with natural beauty/tourist attractions from high towering mountains in Gilgit to the deserts of Balochistan.

if the stupid mughals had not torn down Hindu places of worship in todays Pak, then you could have also earned a lot of tourism dollars.
We do not need man-made tourist attractions because God has blessed Pakistan with natural beauty/tourist attractions from high towering mountains in Gilgit to the deserts of Balochistan.
the funding for building was given by Hindus

Didnt know mughals begged their hindu subjects for tht... thanks for enlightening us.. :lol:
The Taj was awasteful monument. We have still not recouped the losses incurred by building the Taj abd probably never will, but we will keep milking it from tourism.

How shamefull...

the thing is , if the stupid mughals had not torn down Hindu places of worship in todays Pak, then you could have also earned a lot of tourism dollars.

There are still temples in Pakistan... but the fact remains tht our country never had a hindu majority or even a big hindu population to begin with...

But you guys would rather eat grass, per your ex PM.

Better than dying of hunger like you guys right mr troll?
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